Program description


Learning target

Graduates have acquired in-depth, wide-ranging engineering, mathematical and scientific knowledge that equips them to undertake scientific work and to act responsibly both professionally and in society. They have a critical awareness of more recent findings in their discipline. 

Graduates can:

  • Analyze problems scientifically and solve them even if they are unusually or incompletely defined and feature competing specifications;
  • Abstract and formulate complex problems in a new or developing area;
  • Apply innovative methods to solving basic research-oriented problems and develop new scientific methods.

Graduates can:

  • Develop concepts and solutions for basic research-oriented, and in some cases unusual, problems, bringing in other disciplines as appropriate;
  • Create and develop new products, processes and methods;
  • Apply their engineering judgment to work with complex, possibly incomplete information, to identify contradictions and deal with them.

Graduates can:

  • Recognize the need for information, find and source information;
  • Plan and execute theoretical and experimental investigations;
  • Critically assess data and draw conclusions from it;
  • Examine and evaluate the use of new and emerging technologies.

Over and above the qualifications gained on the Bachelor’s course, students can:

  • Methodically classify and systematically combine knowledge from different fields, and deal with complexity;
  • Familiarize themselves systematically and speedily with new tasks;
  • Reflect systematically on non-technical impacts of engineering activity and exercise a sense of responsibility in taking them into account in their actions.
  • Devise solutions requiring more detailed methodological competence.

The key qualifications for engineering practice acquired on the Bachelor’s course are augmented during the Master’s course.

By continually switching places of learnings throughout the dual study programme, it is possible for theory and practice to be interlinked. Students reflect theoretically on their individual professional practical experience, and apply the results of their reflection to new forms of practice. They also test theoretical elements of the course in a practical setting, and use their findings as a stimulus for theoretical debate.

Core Qualification

Module M0519: Particle Technology and Solid Matter Process Technology

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Advanced Particle Technology II (L0051) Project-/problem-based Learning 1 1
Advanced Particle Technology II (L0050) Lecture 2 2
Experimental Course Particle Technology (L0430) Practical Course 3 3
Module Responsible Prof. Stefan Heinrich
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Basic knowledge of solids processes and particle technology
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Knowledge After completion of the module the students will be able to describe and explain processes for solids processing in detail based on microprocesses on the particle level.
Skills Students are able to choose process steps and apparatuses for the focused treatment of solids depending on the specific characteristics. They furthermore are able to adapt these processes and to simulate them.
Personal Competence
Social Competence Students are able to present results from small teamwork projects in an oral presentation and to discuss their knowledge with scientific researchers.
Autonomy Students are able to analyze and solve problems regarding solid particles independently or in small groups.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Written elaboration fünf Berichte (pro Versuch ein Bericht) à 5-10 Seiten
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 minutes
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Materials Science: Specialisation Nano and Hybrid Materials: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0051: Advanced Particle Technology II
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Heinrich
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0050: Advanced Particle Technology II
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Heinrich
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe
  • Exercise in form of "Project based Learning"
  • Agglomeration, particle size enlargement
  • advanced particle size reduction
  • Advanced theorie of fluid/particle flows
  • CFD-methods for the simulation of disperse fluid/solid flows, Euler/Euler methids, Descrete Particle Modeling
  • Treatment of simulation problems with distributed properties, solution of population balances


Schubert, H.; Heidenreich, E.; Liepe, F.; Neeße, T.: Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik. Deutscher Verlag für die Grundstoffindustrie, Leipzig, 1990.

Stieß, M.: Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik I und II. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1992.

Course L0430: Experimental Course Particle Technology
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Heinrich
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe
  • Fluidization
  • Agglomeration
  • Granulation
  • Drying
  • Determination of mechanical properties of agglomerats


Schubert, H.; Heidenreich, E.; Liepe, F.; Neeße, T.: Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik. Deutscher Verlag für die Grundstoffindustrie, Leipzig, 1990.

Stieß, M.: Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik I und II. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1992.

Module M0523: Business & Management

Module Responsible Prof. Matthias Meyer
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge None
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
  • Students are able to find their way around selected special areas of management within the scope of business management.
  • Students are able to explain basic theories, categories, and models in selected special areas of business management.
  • Students are able to interrelate technical and management knowledge.

  • Students are able to apply basic methods in selected areas of business management.
  • Students are able to explain and give reasons for decision proposals on practical issues in areas of business management.

Personal Competence
Social Competence
  • Students are able to communicate in small interdisciplinary groups and to jointly develop solutions for complex problems

  • Students are capable of acquiring necessary knowledge independently by means of research and preparation of material.

Workload in Hours Depends on choice of courses
Credit points 6
Information regarding lectures and courses can be found in the corresponding module handbook published separately.

Module M0541: Process and Plant Engineering II

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Process and Plant Engineering II (L0097) Lecture 2 4
Process and Plant Engineering II (L0098) Recitation Section (large) 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

unit operation of thermal and mechanical separation

chemical reactor engineering

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

students can:

-present process control concepts of apparatus and complex process plants

- classifyprocess models and model equations

- explain  numerical methods and their use in simulation tasks

- explain the solving strategy  of flowsheet simulation

- explain, present and discuss projects phases within the planning of processes

- present and explain the critical path method


students are capable of:

- formulation of targets of process control concepts and the translation into industrial practice

- design and evaluation of process control concepts and structures

- analyse the model structure ans parameters from the process simulation

- optimization of calculation sequence with respect to flowsheet simulation

Personal Competence
Social Competence

students are capable of:

  • develop solutions in heterogeneous small groups

students are capable of:

  • taping new knowledge on a special subject by literature research
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 Min.
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0097: Process and Plant Engineering II
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Mirko Skiborowski, Dr. Thomas Waluga
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  1. Process optimization
    Application areas
    Formulation of constrained optimization
    Solving strategy
    Classes of optimization tasks
  2. Process control
    Typical control functions of equipment and apparatus in process engineering
    Structures of control systems
    Plantwide control
  3. Process Modeling
    Process models (steady state and dynamic behaviour)
    Degrees of freedom
    Examples from industrial practice
  4. Process simulation
    Structured approach
    Numerical methods
    Solution methods
    Examples for experimental validation in industrial practice
    Application of flowsheet simulation
  5. Plant design and construction
    Industrial project implementation
    Project execution: Applied aspects in industrial use
    critical path method

Literatur (Planung und Bau von Produktionsanlagen): 

G. Barnecker, Planung und Bau verfahrenstechnischer Anlagen, Springer Verlag, 2001

F.P. Helmus, Anlagenplanung, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2003

E. Klapp, Apparate- und Anlagentechnik, Springer -Verlag,  Berlin, 1980

P. Rinza, Projektmanagement: Planung, Überwachung und Steuerung von technischen

und nichttechnischen Vorhaben, Düsseldorf,VDI-Verlag, 1994

K. Sattler, W. Kasper, Verfahrentechnische Anlagen, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2000

G.H. Vogel, Verfahrensentwicklung, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2002

K.H. Weber, Inbetriebnahme verfahrenstechnischer Anlagen, VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1996

E. Wegener, Montagegerechte Anlagenplanung, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2003

Course L0098: Process and Plant Engineering II
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Mirko Skiborowski, Dr. Thomas Waluga
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0540: Transport Processes

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Multiphase Flows (L0104) Lecture 2 2
Reactor Design Using Local Transport Processes (L0105) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 2
Heat & Mass Transfer in Process Engineering (L0103) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Michael Schlüter
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge All lectures from the undergraduate studies, especially mathematics, chemistry, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat- and mass transfer.
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to:

  • describe transport processes in single- and multiphase flows and they know the analogy between heat- and mass transfer as well as the limits of this analogy.
  • explain the main transport laws and their application as well as the limits of application.
  • describe how transport coefficients for heat- and mass transfer can be derived experimentally.
  • compare different multiphase reactors like trickle bed reactors, pipe reactors, stirring tanks and bubble column reactors.
  • are known. The Students are able to perform mass and energy balances for different kind of reactors. Further more the industrial application of multiphase reactors for heat- and mass transfer are known.

The students are able to:

  • optimize multiphase reactors by using mass- and energy balances,
  • use transport processes for the design of technical processes,
  • to choose a multiphase reactor for a specific application.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to discuss in international teams in english and develop an approach under pressure of time.


Students are able to define independently tasks, to solve the problem "design of a multiphase reactor". The knowledge that s necessary is worked out by the students themselves on the basis of the existing knowledge from the lecture. The students are able to decide by themselves what kind of equation and model is applicable to their certain problem. They are able to organize their own team and to define priorities for different tasks.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 15 min Presentation + 90 min multiple choice written examen
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Solar Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0104: Multiphase Flows
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Michael Schlüter
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
  • Interfaces in MPF (boundary layers, surfactants)
  • Hydrodynamics & pressure drop in Film Flows
  • Hydrodynamics & pressure drop in Gas-Liquid Pipe Flows
  • Hydrodynamics & pressure drop in Bubbly Flows
  • Mass Transfer in Film Flows
  • Mass Transfer in Gas-Liquid Pipe Flows
  • Mass Transfer in Bubbly Flows
  • Reactive mass Transfer in Multiphase Flows
  • Film Flow: Application Trickle Bed Reactors
  • Pipe Flow: Application Turbular Reactors
  • Bubbly Flow: Application Bubble Column Reactors

Brauer, H.: Grundlagen der Einphasen- und Mehrphasenströmungen. Verlag Sauerländer, Aarau, Frankfurt (M), 1971.
Clift, R.; Grace, J.R.; Weber, M.E.: Bubbles, Drops and Particles, Academic Press, New York, 1978.
Fan, L.-S.; Tsuchiya, K.: Bubble Wake Dynamics in Liquids and Liquid-Solid Suspensions, Butterworth-Heinemann Series in Chemical Engineering, Boston, USA, 1990.
Hewitt, G.F.; Delhaye, J.M.; Zuber, N. (Ed.): Multiphase Science and Technology. Hemisphere Publishing Corp, Vol. 1/1982 bis Vol. 6/1992.
Kolev, N.I.: Multiphase flow dynamics. Springer, Vol. 1 and 2, 2002.
Levy, S.: Two-Phase Flow in Complex Systems. Verlag John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 1999.
Crowe, C.T.: Multiphase Flows with Droplets and Particles. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla, 1998.

Course L0105: Reactor Design Using Local Transport Processes
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Michael Schlüter
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

In this Problem-Based Learning unit the students have to design a multiphase reactor for a fast chemical reaction concerning optimal hydrodynamic conditions of the multiphase flow. 

The four students in each team have to:

  • collect and discuss material properties and equations for design from the literature,
  • calculate the optimal hydrodynamic design,
  • check the plausibility of the results critically,
  • write an exposé with the results.

This exposé will be used as basis for the discussion within the oral group examen of each team.

Literature see actual literature list in StudIP with recent published papers
Course L0103: Heat & Mass Transfer in Process Engineering
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Michael Schlüter
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
  • Introduction - Transport Processes in Chemical Engineering
  • Molecular Heat- and Mass Transfer: Applications of Fourier's and Fick's Law
  • Convective Heat and Mass Transfer: Applications in Process Engineering
  • Unsteady State Transport Processes: Cooling & Drying
  • Transport at fluidic Interfaces: Two Film, Penetration, Surface Renewal
  • Transport Laws & Balance Equations  with turbulence, sinks and sources
  • Experimental Determination of Transport Coefficients
  • Design and Scale Up of Reactors for Heat- and Mass Transfer
  • Reactive Mass Transfer 
  • Processes with Phase Changes – Evaporization and Condensation 
  • Radiative Heat Transfer - Fundamentals
  • Radiative Heat Transfer - Solar Energy

  1. Baehr, Stephan: Heat and Mass Transfer, Wiley 2002.
  2. Bird, Stewart, Lightfood: Transport Phenomena, Springer, 2000.
  3. John H. Lienhard: A Heat Transfer Textbook,  Phlogiston Press, Cambridge Massachusetts, 2008.
  4. Myers: Analytical Methods in Conduction Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill, 1971.
  5. Incropera, De Witt: Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, Wiley, 2002.
  6. Beek, Muttzall: Transport Phenomena, Wiley, 1983.
  7. Crank: The Mathematics of Diffusion, Oxford, 1995. 
  8. Madhusudana: Thermal Contact Conductance, Springer, 1996.
  9. Treybal: Mass-Transfer-Operation, McGraw-Hill, 1987.

Module M0542: Fluid Mechanics in Process Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Applications of Fluid Mechanics in Process Engineering (L0106) Recitation Section (large) 2 2
Fluid Mechanics II (L0001) Lecture 2 4
Module Responsible Prof. Michael Schlüter
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Mathematics I-III
  • Fundamentals in Fluid Mechanics
  • Technical Thermodynamics I-II
  • Heat- and Mass Transfer
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students are able to describe different applications of fluid mechanics in Process Engineering, Bioprocess Engineering, Energy- and Environmental Process Engineering and Renewable Energies. They are able to use the fundamentals of fluid mechanics for calculations of certain engineering problems. The students are able to estimate if a problem can be solved with an analytical solution and what kind of alternative possibilities are available (e.g. self-similarity in an example of free jets, empirical solutions in an example with the Forchheimer equation, numerical methods in an example of Large Eddy Simulation.


Students are able to use the governing equations of Fluid Dynamics for the design of technical processes. Especially they are able to formulate momentum and mass balances to optimize the hydrodynamics of technical processes. They are able to transform a verbal formulated message into an abstract formal procedure.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to discuss a given problem in small groups and to develop an approach.


Students are able to define independently tasks for problems related to fluid mechanics. They are able to work out the knowledge that is necessary to solve the problem by themselves on the basis of the existing knowledge from the lecture.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 180 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0106: Applications of Fluid Mechanics in Process Engineering
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Michael Schlüter
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content The Exercise-Lecture will bridge the gap between the theoretical content from the lecture and practical calculations. For this aim a special exercise is calculated at the blackboard that shows how the theoretical knowledge from the lecture can be used to solve real problems in Process Engineering.
  1. Brauer, H.: Grundlagen der Einphasen- und Mehrphasenströmungen. Verlag Sauerländer, Aarau, Frankfurt (M), 1971.
  2. Brauer, H.; Mewes, D.: Stoffaustausch einschließlich chemischer Reaktion. Frankfurt: Sauerländer 1972.
  3. Crowe, C. T.: Engineering fluid mechanics. Wiley, New York, 2009.
  4. Durst, F.: Strömungsmechanik: Einführung in die Theorie der Strömungen von Fluiden. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006.
  5. Fox, R.W.; et al.: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. J. Wiley & Sons, 1994.
  6. Herwig, H.: Strömungsmechanik: Eine Einführung in die Physik und die mathematische Modellierung von Strömungen. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2006.
  7. Herwig, H.: Strömungsmechanik: Einführung in die Physik von technischen Strömungen: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag / GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden, 2008.
  8. Kuhlmann, H.C.:  Strömungsmechanik. München, Pearson Studium, 2007
  9. Oertl, H.: Strömungsmechanik: Grundlagen, Grundgleichungen, Lösungsmethoden, Softwarebeispiele. Vieweg+ Teubner / GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden, 2009.
  10. Schade, H.; Kunz, E.: Strömungslehre. Verlag de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 2007.
  11. Truckenbrodt, E.: Fluidmechanik 1: Grundlagen und elementare Strömungsvorgänge dichtebeständiger Fluide. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008.
  12. Schlichting, H. : Grenzschicht-Theorie. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006.
  13. van Dyke, M.: An Album of Fluid Motion. The Parabolic Press, Stanford California, 1882.  
  14. White, F.: Fluid Mechanics, Mcgraw-Hill, ISBN-10: 0071311211, ISBN-13: 978-0071311212, 2011.
Course L0001: Fluid Mechanics II
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Michael Schlüter
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  • Differential equations for momentum-, heat and mass transfer   
  • Examples for simplifications of the Navier-Stokes Equations 
  • Unsteady momentum transfer
  • Free shear layer, turbulence and free jets
  • Flow around particles - Solids Process Engineering
  • Coupling of momentum and heat transfer - Thermal Process Engineering
  • Rheology – Bioprocess Engineering
  • Coupling of momentum- and mass transfer – Reactive mixing, Chemical Process Engineering 
  • Flow threw porous structures - heterogeneous catalysis
  • Pumps and turbines - Energy- and Environmental Process Engineering 
  • Wind- and Wave-Turbines - Renewable Energy
  • Introduction into Computational Fluid Dynamics

  1. Brauer, H.: Grundlagen der Einphasen- und Mehrphasenströmungen. Verlag Sauerländer, Aarau, Frankfurt (M), 1971.
  2. Brauer, H.; Mewes, D.: Stoffaustausch einschließlich chemischer Reaktion. Frankfurt: Sauerländer 1972.
  3. Crowe, C. T.: Engineering fluid mechanics. Wiley, New York, 2009.
  4. Durst, F.: Strömungsmechanik: Einführung in die Theorie der Strömungen von Fluiden. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006.
  5. Fox, R.W.; et al.: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. J. Wiley & Sons, 1994.
  6. Herwig, H.: Strömungsmechanik: Eine Einführung in die Physik und die mathematische Modellierung von Strömungen. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2006.
  7. Herwig, H.: Strömungsmechanik: Einführung in die Physik von technischen Strömungen: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag / GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden, 2008.
  8. Kuhlmann, H.C.:  Strömungsmechanik. München, Pearson Studium, 2007
  9. Oertl, H.: Strömungsmechanik: Grundlagen, Grundgleichungen, Lösungsmethoden, Softwarebeispiele. Vieweg+ Teubner / GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden, 2009.
  10. Schade, H.; Kunz, E.: Strömungslehre. Verlag de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 2007.
  11. Truckenbrodt, E.: Fluidmechanik 1: Grundlagen und elementare Strömungsvorgänge dichtebeständiger Fluide. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008.
  12. Schlichting, H. : Grenzschicht-Theorie. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006.
  13. van Dyke, M.: An Album of Fluid Motion. The Parabolic Press, Stanford California, 1882.  

Module M1759: Linking theory and practice (dual study program, Master's degree)

Module Responsible Dr. Henning Haschke
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Successful completion of practical modules as part of the dual Bachelor’s course
  • Module "interlinking theory and practice as part of the dual Master’s course"
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Dual students …

… can describe and classify selected classic and current theories, concepts and methods 

  • related to project management and
  • change and transformation management

... and apply them to specific situations, processes and plans in a personal, professional context.


Dual students …

  • ... anticipate typical difficulties, positive and negative effects, as well as success and failure factors in the engineering sector, evaluate them and consider promising strategies and courses of action.
  • … develop specialised technical and conceptual skills to solve complex tasks and problems in their professional field of activity/work.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

Dual students …

  • … can responsibly lead interdisciplinary teams within the framework of complex tasks and problems.
  • … engage in sector-specific and cross-sectoral discussions with experts, stakeholders and staff, representing their approaches, points of view and work results.

Dual students …

  • … define, reflect and evaluate goals and measures for complex application-oriented projects and change processes.
  • … shape their professional area of responsibility independently and sustainably.
  • … take responsibility for their actions and for the results of their work.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written elaboration
Examination duration and scale Studienbegleitende und semesterübergreifende Dokumentation: Die Leistungspunkte für das Modul werden durch die Anfertigung eines digitalen Lern- und Entwicklungsberichtes (E-Portfolio) erworben. Dabei handelt es sich um eine fortlaufende Dokumentation und Reflexion der Lernerfahrungen und der Kompetenzentwicklung im Bereich der Personalen Kompetenz.
Course L2890: Responsible Project Management in Engineering (for Dual Study Program)
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Dr. Henning Haschke, Heiko Sieben
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe
  • Theories and methods of project management
  • Innovation management
  • Agile project management
  • Fundamentals of classic and agile methods
  • Hybrid use of classic and agile methods  
  • Roles, perspectives and stakeholders throughout the project
  • Initiating and coordinating complex engineering projects
  • Principles of moderation, team management, team leadership, conflict management
  • Communication structures: in-house, cross-company
  • Public information policy
  • Promoting commitment and empowerment
  • Sharing experience with specialists and managers from the engineering sector
  • Documenting and reflecting on learning experiences


Course L2891: Responsible Change and Transformation Management in Engineering (for Dual Study Program)
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Dr. Henning Haschke, Heiko Sieben
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe
  • Basic concepts, opportunities and limits of organisational change 
  • Models and methods of organisational design and development
  • Strategic orientation and change, and their short-, medium- and long-term consequences for individuals, organisations and society as a whole
  • Roles, perspectives and stakeholders in change processes
  • Initiating and coordinating change measures in engineering
  • Phase models of organisational change (Lewin, Kotter, etc.) 
  • Change-oriented information policy and dealing with resistance and uncertainty 
  • Promoting commitment and empowerment
  • Successfully handling change and transformation: personally, as an employee, as a manager (personal, professional, organisational)
  • Company-level and globally (systemic)
  • Sharing experience with specialists and managers from the engineering sector
  • Documenting and reflecting on learning experiences
Literature Seminarapparat

Module M1756: Practical module 1 (dual study program, Master's degree)

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Practical term 1 (dual study program, Master's degree) (L2887) 0 10
Module Responsible Dr. Henning Haschke
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Successful completion of a compatible dual B.Sc. at TU Hamburg or comparable practical work experience and competences in the area of interlinking theory and practice
  • Course D from the module on interlinking theory and practice as part of the dual Master’s course
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Dual students …

  • … combine their knowledge of facts, principles, theories and methods gained from previous study content with acquired practical knowledge - in particular their knowledge of practical professional procedures and approaches, in the current field of activity in engineering. 
  • … have a critical understanding of the practical applications of their engineering subject.

Dual students …

  • … apply technical theoretical knowledge to complex, interdisciplinary problems within the company, and evaluate the associated work processes and results, taking into account different possible courses of action.
  • … implement the university’s application recommendations with regard to their current tasks. 
  • … develop solutions as well as procedures and approaches in their field of activity and area of responsibility.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

Dual students …

  • … work responsibly in project teams within their working area and proactively deal with problems within their team. 
  • … represent complex engineering viewpoints, facts, problems and solution approaches in discussions with internal and external stakeholders.

Dual students …

  • … define goals for their own learning and working processes as engineers.
  • … reflect on learning and work processes in their area of responsibility.
  • … reflect on the relevance of subject modules specialisations and specialisation for work as an engineer, and also implement the university’s application recommendations and the associated challenges to positively transfer knowledge between theory and practice.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 300, Study Time in Lecture 0
Credit points 10
Course achievement None
Examination Written elaboration
Examination duration and scale Documentation accompanying studies and across semesters: Module credit points are earned by completing a digital learning and development report (e-portfolio). This documents and reflects individual learning experiences and skills development relating to interlinking theory and practice, as well as professional practice. In addition, the partner company provides proof to the dual@TUHH Coordination Office that the dual student has completed the practical phase.
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Computer Science: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Data Science: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Energy Systems: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Aircraft Systems Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Information and Communication Systems: Core Qualification: Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Logistics, Infrastructure and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Aeronautics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Materials Science and Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Materials Science: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering and Management: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Biomedical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Microelectronics and Microsystems: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Product Development, Materials and Production: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L2887: Practical term 1 (dual study program, Master's degree)
Hrs/wk 0
CP 10
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 300, Study Time in Lecture 0
Lecturer Dr. Henning Haschke
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

Company onboarding process

  • Assigning a professional field of activity as an engineer (B.Sc.) and associated fields of work
  • Establishing responsibilities and authorisation of the dual student within the company as an engineer (B.Sc.)
  • Working independently in a team and on selected projects - across departments and, if applicable, across companies
  • Scheduling the current practical module with a clear correlation to work structures 
  • Scheduling the examination phase/subsequent study semester

Operational knowledge and skills

  • Company-specific: Responsibility as an engineer (B.Sc.) in their own area of work, coordinating team and project work, dealing with complex contexts and unsolved problems, developing and implementing innovative solutions
  • Subject specialisation (corresponding to the chosen course [M.Sc.]) in the field of activity
  • Systemic skills
  • Implementing the university’s application recommendations (theory-practice transfer) in corresponding work and task areas across the company 

Sharing/reflecting on learning

  • Creating an e-portfolio
  • Importance of course contents (M.Sc.) when working as an engineer
  • Importance of development and innovation when working as an engineer
  • Studierendenhandbuch
  • Betriebliche Dokumente
  • Hochschulseitige Handlungsempfehlungen zum Theorie-Praxis-Transfer

Module M0895: Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Chemical Reaction Engineering (Advanced Topics) (L0222) Lecture 2 2
Chemical Reaction Engineering (Advanced Topics) (L0245) Recitation Section (large) 2 2
Experimental Course Chemical Engineering (Advanced Topics) (L0287) Practical Course 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Raimund Horn
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Content of the bachelor-lecture "basics of chemical reaction engineering".
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After completition of the module, students are able to:

- identify differences between ideal and non-ideal rectors,

- infer fundamental differences in kinetic models for catalyzed reactions,

- name modelling algorithms for non-ideal reactors.


After successfull completition of the module the students are able to

-evaluate properties of non-ideal reactors

-compare kinetic modells of heterogeneous-catalyzed reactions and develop measuring techniques thereof 

-choose instruments for temperature, pressure- concentration and mass-flow measurements regarding process conditions

-develop a concept for design of experiments

Personal Competence
Social Competence The students are able to analyze scientific challenges and elaborate suitable solutions in small groups. Moreover they are able to document these approaches according to scientific guidelines.

After successful completition of the lab-course the students have a strong ability to organize themselfes in small groups to solve issues in chemical reaction engineering. The students can discuss their subject related knowledge among each other and with their teachers.


The students are able to obtain further information for experimental planning and assess their relevance autonomously.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0222: Chemical Reaction Engineering (Advanced Topics)
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Raimund Horn
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

1. Real reactors (residence time distribution E(t), F(t)-curve, measurement of E(t) or F(t), residence time distribution of ideal reactors, modeling of real reactors, segregated flow model, tanks in series model, dispersion model, compartment models)

2. Heterogeneous catalysis (what is a catalyst, operation principle of a catalyst, volcano plot, homogeneous catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis, biocatalysis, physisorption and chemisorption, turn-over frequency (TOF), Sabatier's principle, Bronstedt-Evans-Polyani-relationship, Adsorption isotherms of single and multi-component systems, kinetic models of heterogeneous catalytic reactions, Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics, Eley-Rideal kinetics, power law rate equations, kinetic measurements on heterogeneously catalyzed reactions in the laboratory , microkinetic modeling, catalyst characterization)

3. Diffusion in heterogeneous catalysis (diffusion regimes, Knudsen-diffusion, molecular diffusion, surface diffusion, single-file diffusion, reference systems, Stefan-Maxwell-Equations, Fick's law, pore effectiveness factor, impact of diffusion limitations in heterogeneous catalysis, Damköhler-relation, mass- and energy balance of heterogeneous catalytic reactors)

4. Laboratory measurements in heterogeneous catalysis (temperature, pressure, concentration, mass flow controllers, laboratory reactors, experimental design)


1. Vorlesungsfolien R. Horn

2. Skript zur Vorlesung F. Keil

3. M. Baerns, A. Behr, A. Brehm, J. Gmehling, H. Hofmann, U. Onken, A. Renken, Technische Chemie, Wiley-VCH

4. G. Emig, E. Klemm, Technische Chemie, Springer

5. A. Behr, D. W. Agar, J. Jörissen, Einführung in die Technische Chemie 

6. E. Müller-Erlwein, Chemische Reaktionstechnik 2012, 2. Auflage, Teubner Verlag

7. J. Hagen, Chemiereaktoren: Auslegung und Simulation, 2004, Wiley-VCH

8. H. S. Fogler, Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Prentice Hall B

9. H. S. Fogler, Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Prentice Hall

10. O. Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 1998 

11. L. D. Schmidt, The Engineering of Chemical Reactions, Oxford Univ. Press, 2009

12. J. B. Butt, Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Design, 2000, Marcel Dekker

13. R. Aris, Elementary Chemical Reactor Analysis, Dover Pubn. Inc., 2000

14. M. E. Davis, R. J. Davis, Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering, McGraw Hill 15. G. F. Froment, K. B. Bischoff, J. De Wilde, Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design, John Wiley & Sons, 2010                                                        

16. A. Jess, P. Wasserscheid, Chemical Technology  An Integrated Textbook, WILEY-VCH

17. C. G. Hill, An Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics & Reactor Design, John Wiley & Sons

Course L0245: Chemical Reaction Engineering (Advanced Topics)
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Raimund Horn, Dr. Oliver Korup
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

1. Real reactors (residence time distribution E(t), F(t)-curve, measurement of E(t) or F(t), residence time distribution of ideal reactors, modeling of real reactors, segregated flow model, tanks in series model, dispersion model, compartment models)

2. Heterogeneous catalysis (what is a catalyst, operation principle of a catalyst, volcano plot, homogeneous catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis, biocatalysis, physisorption and chemisorption, turn-over frequency (TOF), Sabatier's principle, Bronstedt-Evans-Polyani-relationship, Adsorption isotherms of single and multi-component systems, kinetic models of heterogeneous catalytic reactions, Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetics, Eley-Rideal kinetics, power law rate equations, kinetic measurements on heterogeneously catalyzed reactions in the laboratory , microkinetic modeling, catalyst characterization)

3. Diffusion in heterogeneous catalysis (diffusion regimes, Knudsen-diffusion, molecular diffusion, surface diffusion, single-file diffusion, reference systems, Stefan-Maxwell-Equations, Fick's law, pore effectiveness factor, impact of diffusion limitations in heterogeneous catalysis, Damköhler-relation, mass- and energy balance of heterogeneous catalytic reactors)

4. Laboratory measurements in heterogeneous catalysis (temperature, pressure, concentration, mass flow controllers, laboratory reactors, experimental design)


1. Vorlesungsfolien R. Horn

2. Skript zur Vorlesung F. Keil

3. M. Baerns, A. Behr, A. Brehm, J. Gmehling, H. Hofmann, U. Onken, A. Renken, Technische Chemie, Wiley-VCH

4. G. Emig, E. Klemm, Technische Chemie, Springer

5. A. Behr, D. W. Agar, J. Jörissen, Einführung in die Technische Chemie 

6. E. Müller-Erlwein, Chemische Reaktionstechnik 2012, 2. Auflage, Teubner Verlag

7. J. Hagen, Chemiereaktoren: Auslegung und Simulation, 2004, Wiley-VCH

8. H. S. Fogler, Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Prentice Hall B

9. H. S. Fogler, Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Prentice Hall

10. O. Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 1998 

11. L. D. Schmidt, The Engineering of Chemical Reactions, Oxford Univ. Press, 2009

12. J. B. Butt, Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Design, 2000, Marcel Dekker

13. R. Aris, Elementary Chemical Reactor Analysis, Dover Pubn. Inc., 2000

14. M. E. Davis, R. J. Davis, Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering, McGraw Hill 15. G. F. Froment, K. B. Bischoff, J. De Wilde, Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design, John Wiley & Sons, 2010                                                        

16. A. Jess, P. Wasserscheid, Chemical Technology  An Integrated Textbook, WILEY-VCH

17. C. G. Hill, An Introduction to Chemical Engineering Kinetics & Reactor Design, John Wiley & Sons

Course L0287: Experimental Course Chemical Engineering (Advanced Topics)
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Raimund Horn
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe

Execution and evaluation of several experiments in chemical reaction engineering.

* Calculation of error propagation and error analysis
* Steady state Wicke-Kallenbach measurements of diffusivities in a catalyst pellet
* Interaction of reaction and diffusion in a catalyst particle, dissociation of methanol on zinc oxide
* Mass transfer in gas/liquid system
* Stability of a CSTR (hydrolysis of acetic anhydride)


Skript zur Vorlesung, als Buch in der TU-Bibliothek


Levenspiel, O.: Chemical reaction engineering; John Wiley & Sons, New York, 3. Ed., 1999 VTM 309(LB)

Smith, J. M.: Chemical Engineering Kinetics, McGraw Hill, New York, 1981.

Hill, C.: Chemical Engineering Kinetics & Reactor Design, John Wiley, New York, 1977.

Fogler, H. S. : Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering , Prentice Hall, 2006

M. Baerns, A. Behr, A. Brehm, J. Gmehling, H. Hofmann, U. Onken, A. Renken: Technische Chemie, VCH , 2006

G. F. Froment, K. B. Bischoff: Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design, Wiley, 1990

Module M0896: Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Bioreactor Design and Operation (L1034) Lecture 2 2
Bioreactors and Biosystems Engineering (L1037) Project-/problem-based Learning 1 2
Biosystems Engineering (L1036) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Ralf Pörtner
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Knowledge of bioprocess engineering and process engineering at bachelor level

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After completion of this module, participants will be able to:

  • differentiate between different kinds of bioreactors and describe their key features
  • identify and characterize the peripheral and control systems of bioreactors
  • depict integrated biosystems (bioprocesses including up- and downstream processing)
  • name different sterilization methods and evaluate those in terms of different applications
  • recall and define the advanced methods of modern systems-biological approaches
  • connect the multiple "omics"-methods and evaluate their application for biological questions
  • recall the fundamentals of modeling and simulation of biological networks and biotechnological processes and to discuss their methods
  • assess and apply methods and theories of genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics in order to quantify and optimize biological processes at molecular and process levels.


After completion of this module, participants will be able to:

  • describe different process control strategies for bioreactors and chose them after analysis of characteristics of a given bioprocess
  • plan and construct a bioreactor system including peripherals from lab to pilot plant scale
  • adapt a present bioreactor system to a new process and optimize it
  • develop concepts for integration of bioreactors into bioproduction processes
  • combine the different modeling methods into an overall modeling approach, to apply these methods to specific problems and to evaluate the achieved results critically
  • connect all process components of biotechnological processes for a holistic system view.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

After completion of this module, participants will be able to debate technical questions in small teams to enhance the ability to take position to their own opinions and increase their capacity for teamwork. 

The students can reflect their specific knowledge orally and discuss it with other students and teachers.


After completion of this module, participants will be able to solve a technical problem in teams of approx. 8-12 persons independently including a presentation of the results.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Bioenergy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L1034: Bioreactor Design and Operation
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Pörtner, Dr. Johannes Möller
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Design of bioreactors and peripheries:

  • reactor types and geometry
  • materials and surface treatment
  • agitation system design
  • insertion of stirrer
  • sealings
  • fittings and valves
  • peripherals
  • materials
  • standardization
  • demonstration in laboratory and pilot plant

Sterile operation:

  • theory of sterilisation processes
  • different sterilisation methods
  • sterilisation of reactor and probes
  • industrial sterile test, automated sterilisation
  • introduction of biological material
  • autoclaves
  • continuous sterilisation of fluids
  • deep bed filters, tangential flow filters
  • demonstration and practice in pilot plant

Instrumentation and control:

  • temperature control and heat exchange 
  • dissolved oxygen control and mass transfer 
  • aeration and mixing 
  • used gassing units and gassing strategies
  • control of agitation and power input 
  • pH and reactor volume, foaming, membrane gassing

Bioreactor selection and scale-up:

  • selection criteria
  • scale-up and scale-down
  • reactors for mammalian cell culture

Integrated biosystem:

  • interactions and integration of microorganisms, bioreactor and downstream processing
  • Miniplant technologies 

Team work with presentation:

  • Operation mode of selected bioprocesses (e.g. fundamentals of batch, fed-batch and continuous cultivation)

  • Storhas, Winfried, Bioreaktoren und periphere Einrichtungen, Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1994
  • Chmiel, Horst, Bioprozeßtechnik; Springer 2011
  • Krahe, Martin, Biochemical Engineering, Ullmann‘s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry
  • Pauline M. Doran, Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Second Edition, Academic Press, 2013
  • Other lecture materials to be distributed  
Course L1037: Bioreactors and Biosystems Engineering
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Pörtner, Dr. Johannes Möller
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Introduction to Biosystems Engineering (Exercise)

Experimental basis and methods for biosystems analysis

  • Introduction to genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics
  • More detailed treatment of metabolomics
  • Determination of in-vivo kinetics
  • Techniques for rapid sampling
  • Quenching and extraction
  • Analytical methods for determination of metabolite concentrations

Analysis, modelling and simulation of biological networks

  • Metabolic flux analysis
  • Introduction
  • Isotope labelling
  • Elementary flux modes
  • Mechanistic and structural network models
  • Regulatory networks
  • Systems analysis
  • Structural network analysis
  • Linear and non-linear dynamic systems
  • Sensitivity analysis (metabolic control analysis)

Modelling and simulation for bioprocess engineering

  • Modelling of bioreactors
  • Dynamic behaviour of bioprocesses 

Selected projects for biosystems engineering

  • Miniaturisation of bioreaction systems
  • Miniplant technology for the integration of biosynthesis and downstream processin
  • Technical and economic overall assessment of bioproduction processes

E. Klipp et al. Systems Biology in Practice, Wiley-VCH, 2006

R. Dohrn: Miniplant-Technik, Wiley-VCH, 2006

G.N. Stephanopoulos et. al.: Metabolic Engineering, Academic Press, 1998

I.J. Dunn et. al.: Biological Reaction Engineering, Wiley-VCH, 2003

Lecture materials to be distributed

Course L1036: Biosystems Engineering
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Johannes Gescher
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Introduction to Biosystems Engineering

Experimental basis and methods for biosystems analysis

  • Introduction to genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics
  • More detailed treatment of metabolomics
  • Determination of in-vivo kinetics
  • Techniques for rapid sampling
  • Quenching and extraction
  • Analytical methods for determination of metabolite concentrations

Analysis, modelling and simulation of biological networks

  • Metabolic flux analysis
  • Introduction
  • Isotope labelling
  • Elementary flux modes
  • Mechanistic and structural network models
  • Regulatory networks
  • Systems analysis
  • Structural network analysis
  • Linear and non-linear dynamic systems
  • Sensitivity analysis (metabolic control analysis)

Modelling and simulation for bioprocess engineering

  • Modelling of bioreactors
  • Dynamic behaviour of bioprocesses 

Selected projects for biosystems engineering

  • Miniaturisation of bioreaction systems
  • Miniplant technology for the integration of biosynthesis and downstream processin
  • Technical and economic overall assessment of bioproduction processes


E. Klipp et al. Systems Biology in Practice, Wiley-VCH, 2006

R. Dohrn: Miniplant-Technik, Wiley-VCH, 2006

G.N. Stephanopoulos et. al.: Metabolic Engineering, Academic Press, 1998

I.J. Dunn et. al.: Biological Reaction Engineering, Wiley-VCH, 2003

Lecture materials to be distributed

Module M1757: Practical module 2 (dual study program, Master's degree)

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Practical term 2 (dual study program, Master's degree) (L2888) 0 10
Module Responsible Dr. Henning Haschke
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Successful completion of practical module 1 as part of the dual Master’s course
  • course D from the module on interlinking theory and practice as part of the dual Master’s course
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Dual students …

  • … combine their knowledge of facts, principles, theories and methods gained from previous study content with acquired practical knowledge - in particular their knowledge of practical professional procedures and approaches, in the current field of activity in engineering. 
  • … have a critical understanding of the practical applications of their engineering subject.

Dual students …

  • … apply technical theoretical knowledge to complex, interdisciplinary problems within the company, and evaluate the associated work processes and results, taking into account different possible courses of action.
  • … implement the university’s application recommendations with regard to their current tasks. 
  • … develop (new) solutions as well as procedures and approaches in their field of activity and area of responsibility - including in the case of frequently changing requirements (systemic skills).
Personal Competence
Social Competence

Dual students …

  • … work responsibly in cross-departmental and interdisciplinary project teams and proactively deal with problems within their team. 
  • … represent complex engineering viewpoints, facts, problems and solution approaches in discussions with internal and external stakeholders and develop these further together.

Dual students …

  • … define goals for their own learning and working processes as engineers.
  • … reflect on learning and work processes in their area of responsibility.
  • … reflect on the relevance of subject modules specialisations and specialisation for work as an engineer, and also implement the university’s application recommendations and the associated challenges to positively transfer knowledge between theory and practice.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 300, Study Time in Lecture 0
Credit points 10
Course achievement None
Examination Written elaboration
Examination duration and scale Documentation accompanying studies and across semesters: Module credit points are earned by completing a digital learning and development report (e-portfolio). This documents and reflects individual learning experiences and skills development relating to interlinking theory and practice, as well as professional practice. In addition, the partner company provides proof to the dual@TUHH Coordination Office that the dual student has completed the practical phase.
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Computer Science: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Data Science: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Energy Systems: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Aircraft Systems Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Information and Communication Systems: Core Qualification: Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Logistics, Infrastructure and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Aeronautics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Materials Science and Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Materials Science: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering and Management: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Biomedical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Microelectronics and Microsystems: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Product Development, Materials and Production: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L2888: Practical term 2 (dual study program, Master's degree)
Hrs/wk 0
CP 10
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 300, Study Time in Lecture 0
Lecturer Dr. Henning Haschke
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

Company onboarding process

  • Assigning a professional field of activity as an engineer (B.Sc.) and associated fields of work
  • Establishing responsibilities and authorisation of the dual student within the company as an engineer (B.Sc.)
  • Taking personal responsibility within a team and on selected projects - across departments and, if applicable, across companies
  • Scheduling the current practical module with a clear correlation to work structures 
  • Scheduling the examination phase/subsequent study semester

Operational knowledge and skills

  • Company-specific: Responsibility as an engineer (B.Sc.) in their own area of work, coordinating team and project work, dealing with complex contexts and unsolved problems, developing and implementing innovative solutions
  • Subject specialisation (corresponding to the chosen course [M.Sc.]) in the field of activity
  • Systemic skills
  • Implementing the university’s application recommendations (theory-practice transfer) in corresponding work and task areas across the company 

Sharing/reflecting on learning

  • Updating their e-portfolio
  • Importance of course contents (M.Sc.) when working as an engineer
  • Importance of development and innovation when working as an engineer 
  • Studierendenhandbuch
  • Betriebliche Dokumente
  • Hochschulseitige Anwendungsempfehlungen zum Theorie-Praxis-Transfer

Module M0904: Process Design Project

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Process Design Project (L1050) Projection Course 6 6
Module Responsible Dozenten des SD V
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Particle Technology and Solid Process Engineering  
  • Transport Processes  
  • Process- and Plant Design II  
  • Fluid Mechanics for Process Engineering 
  • Chemical Reaction Engineering  
  • Bioprocess- and Biosystems-Engineering 
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After the students passed the project course successfully they know:

  • how a team is working together so solve a complex task in process engineering
  • what kind of tools are necessary to design a process
  • what kind of drawbacks and difficulties are coming up by designing a process

After passing the Module successfully the students are able to:

  • utilize tools for process design for a specific given process engineering task,
  • choose and connect apparatusses for a complete process,
  •   collecting all relevant data for an economical and ecological evaluation,
  • optimization of calculation sequence with respect to flowsheet simulation.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to discuss in international teams in english and develop an approach under pressure of time.


Students are able to define independently tasks, to get new knowledge from existing knowledge as well as to find ways to use the knowledge in practice. They are able to organize their own team and to define priorities.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale .
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L1050: Process Design Project
Typ Projection Course
Hrs/wk 6
CP 6
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Lecturer Dozenten des SD V
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe

In the Process Design Project the students have to design in teams an energy or process engineering plant by calculating and designing single plant components. The calculation of costs as well as the process safety is another important aspect of this course. Furthermore the approval procedures have to be taken into account.


Module M1758: Practical module 3 (dual study program, Master's degree)

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Practical term 3 (dual study program, Master's degree) (L2889) 0 10
Module Responsible Dr. Henning Haschke
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Successful completion of practical module 2 as part of the dual Master’s course
  • course E from the module on interlinking theory and practice as part of the dual Master’s course
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Dual students …

  • … combine their comprehensive and specialised engineering knowledge acquired from previous study contents with the strategy-oriented practical knowledge gained from their current field of work and area of responsibility. 
  • … have a critical understanding of the practical applications of their engineering subject, as well as related fields when implementing innovations.


Dual students …

  • … apply specialised and conceptual skills to solve complex, sometimes interdisciplinary problems within the company, and evaluate the associated work processes and results, taking into account different possible courses of action.
  • … implement the university’s application recommendations with regard to their current tasks. 
  • … develop new solutions as well as procedures and approaches to implement operational projects and assignments - even when facing frequently changing requirements and unpredictable changes (systemic skills).
  • … can use academic methods to develop new ideas and procedures for operational problems and issues, and to assess these with regard to their usability.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

Dual students …

  • … work responsibly in cross-departmental and interdisciplinary project teams and proactively deal with problems within their team. 
  • … can promote the professional development of others in a targeted manner.
  • … represent complex and interdisciplinary engineering viewpoints, facts, problems and solution approaches in discussions with internal and external stakeholders and develop these further together.

Dual students …

  • … reflect on learning and work processes in their area of responsibility.
  • … define goals for new application-oriented tasks, projects and innovation plans while reflecting on potential effects on the company and the public. 
  • … reflect on the relevance of areas of specialisation and research for work as an engineer, and also implement the university’s application recommendations and the associated challenges to positively transfer knowledge between theory and practice.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 300, Study Time in Lecture 0
Credit points 10
Course achievement None
Examination Written elaboration
Examination duration and scale Documentation accompanying studies and across semesters: Module credit points are earned by completing a digital learning and development report (e-portfolio). This documents and reflects individual learning experiences and skills development relating to interlinking theory and practice, as well as professional practice. In addition, the partner company provides proof to the dual@TUHH Coordination Office that the dual student has completed the practical phase.
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Computer Science: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Data Science: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Energy Systems: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Aircraft Systems Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Information and Communication Systems: Core Qualification: Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Logistics, Infrastructure and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Aeronautics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Materials Science and Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Materials Science: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering and Management: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Biomedical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Microelectronics and Microsystems: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Product Development, Materials and Production: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L2889: Practical term 3 (dual study program, Master's degree)
Hrs/wk 0
CP 10
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 300, Study Time in Lecture 0
Lecturer Dr. Henning Haschke
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

Company onboarding process

  • Assigning a future professional field of activity as an engineer (M.Sc.) and associated fields of work
  • Extending responsibilities and authorisation of the dual student within the company up to the intended first assignment after completing their studies 
  • Working responsibly in a team; project responsibility within own area - as well as across divisions and companies if necessary
  • Scheduling the final practical module with a clear correlation to work structures 
  • Internal agreement on a potential topic or innovation project for the Master’s dissertation
  • Planning the Master’s dissertation within the company in cooperation with TU Hamburg  
  • Scheduling the examination phase/subsequent study semester

Operational knowledge and skills

  • Company-specific: dealing with change, project and team development, responsibility as an engineer in their future field of work (M.Sc.), dealing with complex contexts, frequent and unpredictable changes, developing and implementing innovative solutions
  • Specialising in one field of work (final dissertation)
  • Systemic skills
  • Implementing the university’s application recommendations (theory-practice transfer) in corresponding work and task areas across the company 

Sharing/reflecting on learning

  • E-portfolio
  • Relevance of study content and personal specialisation when working as an engineer
  • Relevance of research and innovation when working as an engineer
  • Studierendenhandbuch
  • betriebliche Dokumente
  • Hochschulseitige Anwendungsempfehlungen zum Theorie-Praxis-Transfer

Specialization Process Engineering

Module M0513: System Aspects of Renewable Energies

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Fuel Cells, Batteries, and Gas Storage: New Materials for Energy Production and Storage (L0021) Lecture 2 2
Energy Trading (L0019) Lecture 1 1
Energy Trading (L0020) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Deep Geothermal Energy (L0025) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Module: Technical Thermodynamics I

Module: Technical Thermodynamics II

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Knowledge Students are able to describe the processes in energy trading and the design of energy markets and can critically evaluate them in relation to current subject specific problems. Furthermore, they are able to explain the basics of thermodynamics of electrochemical energy conversion in fuel cells and can establish and explain the relationship to different types of fuel cells and their respective structure. Students can compare this technology with other energy storage options. In addition, students can give an overview of the procedure and the energetic involvement of deep geothermal energy.


Students can apply the learned knowledge of storage systems for excessive energy to explain for various energy systems different approaches to ensure a secure energy supply. In particular, they can plan and calculate domestic, commercial and industrial heating equipment using energy storage systems in an energy-efficient way and can assess them in relation to complex power systems. In this context, students can assess the potential and limits of geothermal power plants and explain their operating mode.

Furthermore, the students are able to explain the procedures and strategies for marketing of energy and apply it in the context of other modules on renewable energy projects. In this context they can unassistedly carry out analysis and evaluations of energie markets and energy trades. 

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to discuss issues in the thematic fields in the renewable energy sector addressed within the module.


Students can independently exploit sources , acquire the particular knowledge about the subject area and transform it to new questions.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 3 hours written exam
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Aircraft Systems Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Aeronautics: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Course L0021: Fuel Cells, Batteries, and Gas Storage: New Materials for Energy Production and Storage
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Michael Fröba
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  1. Introduction to electrochemical energy conversion
  2. Function and structure of electrolyte
  3. Low-temperature fuel cell
    • Types
    • Thermodynamics of the PEM fuel cell
    • Cooling and humidification strategy
  4. High-temperature fuel cell
    • The MCFC
    • The SOFC
    • Integration Strategies and partial reforming
  5. Fuels
    • Supply of fuel
    • Reforming of natural gas and biogas
    • Reforming of liquid hydrocarbons
  6. Energetic Integration and control of fuel cell systems

  • Hamann, C.; Vielstich, W.: Elektrochemie 3. Aufl.; Weinheim: Wiley - VCH, 2003

Course L0019: Energy Trading
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Robert Gersdorf
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  • Basic concepts and tradable products in energy markets
  • Primary energy markets
  • Electricity Markets
  • European Emissions Trading Scheme
  • Influence of renewable energy
  • Real options
  • Risk management

Within the exercise the various tasks are actively discussed and applied to various cases of application.

Course L0020: Energy Trading
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Robert Gersdorf
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0025: Deep Geothermal Energy
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Ben Norden
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  1. Introduction to the deep geothermal use
  2. Geological Basics I
  3. Geological Basics II
  4. Geology and thermal aspects
  5. Rock Physical Aspects
  6. Geochemical aspects
  7. Exploration of deep geothermal reservoirs
  8. Drilling technologies, piping and expansion
  9. Borehole Geophysics
  10. Underground system characterization and reservoir engineering
  11. Microbiology and Upper-day system components
  12. Adapted investment concepts, cost and environmental aspect
  • Dipippo, R.: Geothermal Power Plants: Principles, Applications, Case Studies and Environmental Impact. Butterworth Heinemann; 3rd revised edition. (29. Mai 2012)
  • Edenhofer et al. (eds): Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation; Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, 2012.
  • Kaltschmitt et al. (eds): Erneuerbare Energien: Systemtechnik, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Umweltaspekte. Springer, 5. Aufl. 2013.
  • Kaltschmitt et al. (eds): Energie aus Erdwärme. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag; Auflage: 1999 (3. September 2001)
  • Huenges, E. (ed.): Geothermal Energy Systems: Exploration, Development, and Utilization. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA; Auflage: 1. Auflage (19. April 2010)

Module M0874: Wastewater Systems

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Biological Wastewater Treatment (L0517) Lecture 2 2
Biological Wastewater Treatment (L3122) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Advanced Wastewater Treatment (L0357) Lecture 2 2
Advanced Wastewater Treatment (L0358) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Knowledge of wastewater management and the key processes involved in wastewater treatment.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to outline key areas of the full range of treatment systems in waste water management, as well as their mutual dependence for sustainable water protection. They can describe relevant economic, environmental and social factors.


Students are able to pre-design and explain the available wastewater treatment processes and the scope of their application in municipal and for some industrial treatment plants.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Social skills are not targeted in this module.


Students are in a position to work on a subject and to organize their work flow independently. They can also present on this subject.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Structural Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Geotechnical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Coastal Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water Quality and Water Engineering: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Compulsory
Course L0517: Biological Wastewater Treatment
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Joachim Behrendt
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe

Charaterisation of Wastewater
Metobolism of Microorganisms
Kinetic of mirobiotic processes
Calculation of bioreactor for wastewater treatment
Concepts of Wastewater treatment
Design of WWTP
Excursion to a WWTP
Biofim Reactors
Anaerobic Wastewater and sldge treatment
resources oriented sanitation technology
Future challenges of wastewater treatment


Gujer, Willi
Siedlungswasserwirtschaft : mit 84 Tabellen
ISBN: 3540343296 (Gb.) URL: URL:
Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2007
Henze, Mogens
Wastewater treatment : biological and chemical processes
ISBN: 3540422285 (Pp.)
Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2002
Imhoff, Karl (Imhoff, Klaus R.;)
Taschenbuch der Stadtentwässerung : mit 10 Tafeln
ISBN: 3486263331 ((Gb.))
München [u.a.] : Oldenbourg, 1999
Lange, Jörg (Otterpohl, Ralf; Steger-Hartmann, Thomas;)
Abwasser : Handbuch zu einer zukunftsfähigen Wasserwirtschaft
ISBN: 3980350215 (kart.) URL:
Donaueschingen-Pfohren : Mall-Beton-Verl., 2000
Mudrack, Klaus (Kunst, Sabine;)
Biologie der Abwasserreinigung : 18 Tabellen
ISBN: 382741427X URL:
Heidelberg [u.a.] : Spektrum, Akad. Verl., 2003
Tchobanoglous, George (Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., ;)
Wastewater engineering : treatment and reuse
ISBN: 0070418780 (alk. paper) ISBN: 0071122508 (ISE (*pbk))
Boston [u.a.] : McGraw-Hill, 2003
Henze, Mogens
Activated sludge models ASM1, ASM2, ASM2d and ASM3
ISBN: 1900222248
London : IWA Publ., 2002
Kunz, Peter
Vieweg, 1992
Bauhaus-Universität., Arbeitsgruppe Weiterbildendes Studium Wasser und Umwelt (Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall, ;)
Abwasserbehandlung : Gewässerbelastung, Bemessungsgrundlagen, Mechanische Verfahren, Biologische Verfahren, Reststoffe aus der Abwasserbehandlung, Kleinkläranlagen
ISBN: 3860682725 URL: URL:
Weimar : Universitätsverl, 2006
Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall
Hennef : DWA, 2004
Wiesmann, Udo (Choi, In Su; Dombrowski, Eva-Maria;)
Fundamentals of biological wastewater treatment
ISBN: 3527312196 (Gb.) URL:
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH, 2007

Course L3122: Biological Wastewater Treatment
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Joachim Behrendt
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0357: Advanced Wastewater Treatment
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Joachim Behrendt
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Survey on advanced wastewater treatment

reuse of reclaimed municipal wastewater



Depth filtration

Membrane Processes

Activated carbon adsorption


"Advanced Oxidation Processes"



Metcalf & Eddy, Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, McGraw-Hill, Boston 2003

Wassertechnologie, H.H. Hahn, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1987

Membranverfahren: Grundlagen der Modul- und Anlagenauslegung, T. Melin und R. Rautenbach, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2007

Trinkwasserdesinfektion: Grundlagen, Verfahren, Anlagen, Geräte, Mikrobiologie, Chlorung, Ozonung, UV-Bestrahlung, Membranfiltration, Qualitätssicherung, W. Roeske, Oldenbourg-Verlag, München 2006

Organische Problemstoffe in Abwässern, H. Gulyas, GFEU, Hamburg 2003
Course L0358: Advanced Wastewater Treatment
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Joachim Behrendt
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Aggregate organic compounds (sum parameters)

Industrial wastewater

Processes for industrial wastewater treatment



Activated carbon adsorption

Recalcitrant organic compounds


Metcalf & Eddy, Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, McGraw-Hill, Boston 2003

Wassertechnologie, H.H. Hahn, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1987

Membranverfahren: Grundlagen der Modul- und Anlagenauslegung, T. Melin und R. Rautenbach, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2007

Trinkwasserdesinfektion: Grundlagen, Verfahren, Anlagen, Geräte, Mikrobiologie, Chlorung, Ozonung, UV-Bestrahlung, Membranfiltration, Qualitätssicherung, W. Roeske, Oldenbourg-Verlag, München 2006

Organische Problemstoffe in Abwässern, H. Gulyas, GFEU, Hamburg 2003

Module M0617: High Pressure Chemical Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
High pressure plant and vessel design (L1278) Lecture 2 2
Industrial Processes Under High Pressure (L0116) Lecture 2 2
Advanced Separation Processes (L0094) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Dr. Monika Johannsen
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Fundamentals of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Fluid Process Engineering, Thermal Separation Processes, Thermodynamics, Heterogeneous Equilibria

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After a successful completion of this module, students can:

  • explain the influence of pressure on the properties of compounds, phase equilibria, and production processes,
  • describe the thermodynamic fundamentals of separation processes with supercritical fluids,
  • exemplify models for the description of solid extraction and countercurrent extraction,
  • discuss parameters for optimization of processes with supercritical fluids.


After successful completion of this module, students are able to:

  • compare separation processes with supercritical fluids and conventional solvents,
  • assess the application potential of high-pressure processes at a given separation task,
  • include high pressure methods in a given multistep industrial application,
  • estimate economics of high-pressure processes in terms of investment and operating costs,
  • perform an experiment with a high pressure apparatus under guidance,
  • evaluate experimental results,
  • prepare an experimental protocol.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

After successful completion of this module, students are able to:

  • present a scientific topic from an original publication in teams of 2 and defend the contents together.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes 15 % Presentation
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L1278: High pressure plant and vessel design
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Hans Häring
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe
  1. Basic laws and certification standards
  2. Basics for calculations of pressurized vessels
  3. Stress hypothesis
  4. Selection of materials and fabrication processes
  5. vessels with thin walls
  6. vessels with thick walls
  7. Safety installations
  8. Safety analysis


    - subsea technology (manned and unmanned vessels)
    - steam vessels
    - heat exchangers
    - LPG, LEG transport vessels
Literature Apparate und Armaturen in der chemischen Hochdrucktechnik, Springer Verlag
Spain and Paauwe: High Pressure Technology, Vol. I und II, M. Dekker Verlag
AD-Merkblätter, Heumanns Verlag
Bertucco; Vetter: High Pressure Process Technology, Elsevier Verlag
Sherman; Stadtmuller: Experimental Techniques in High-Pressure Research, Wiley & Sons Verlag
Klapp: Apparate- und Anlagentechnik, Springer Verlag
Course L0116: Industrial Processes Under High Pressure
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Carsten Zetzl
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Content Part I : Physical Chemistry and Thermodynamics

1.      Introduction: Overview, achieving high pressure, range of parameters.

2.       Influence of pressure on properties of fluids: P,v,T-behaviour, enthalpy, internal energy,     entropy, heat capacity, viscosity, thermal conductivity, diffusion coefficients, interfacial tension.

3.      Influence of pressure on heterogeneous equilibria: Phenomenology of phase equilibria

4.      Overview on calculation methods for (high pressure) phase equilibria).
Influence of pressure on transport processes, heat and mass transfer.

Part II : High Pressure Processes

5.      Separation processes at elevated pressures: Absorption, adsorption (pressure swing adsorption), distillation (distillation of air), condensation (liquefaction of gases)

6.      Supercritical fluids as solvents: Gas extraction, cleaning, solvents in reacting systems, dyeing, impregnation, particle formation (formulation)

7.      Reactions at elevated pressures. Influence of elevated pressure on biochemical systems: Resistance against pressure

Part III :  Industrial production

8.      Reaction : Haber-Bosch-process, methanol-synthesis, polymerizations; Hydrations, pyrolysis, hydrocracking; Wet air oxidation, supercritical water oxidation (SCWO)

9.      Separation : Linde Process, De-Caffeination, Petrol and Bio-Refinery

10.  Industrial High Pressure Applications in Biofuel and Biodiesel Production

11.  Sterilization and Enzyme Catalysis

12.  Solids handling in high pressure processes, feeding and removal of solids, transport within the reactor.

13.   Supercritical fluids for materials processing.

14.  Cost Engineering

Learning Outcomes:  

After a successful completion of this module, the student should be able to

-         understand of the influences of pressure on properties of compounds, phase equilibria, and production processes.

-         Apply high pressure approches in the complex process design tasks

-         Estimate Efficiency of high pressure alternatives with respect to investment and operational costs

Performance Record:

1.  Presence  (28 h)

2. Oral presentation of original scientific article (15 min) with written summary

3. Written examination and Case study 

    ( 2+3 : 32 h Workload)


60 hours total



Script: High Pressure Chemical Engineering.
G. Brunner: Gas Extraction. An Introduction to Fundamentals of Supercritical Fluids and the Application to Separation Processes. Steinkopff, Darmstadt, Springer, New York, 1994.

Course L0094: Advanced Separation Processes
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Monika Johannsen
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • Introduction/Overview on Properties of Supercritical Fluids (SCF)and their Application in Gas Extraction Processes
  • Solubility of Compounds in Supercritical Fluids and Phase Equilibrium with SCF
  • Extraction from Solid Substrates: Fundamentals, Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer
  • Extraction from Solid Substrates: Applications and Processes (including Supercritical Water)
  • Countercurrent Multistage Extraction: Fundamentals and Methods, Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer
  • Countercurrent Multistage Extraction: Applications and Processes
  • Solvent Cycle, Methods for Precipitation
  • Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC): Fundamentals and Application
  • Simulated Moving Bed Chromatography (SMB)
  • Membrane Separation of Gases at High Pressures
  • Separation by Reactions in Supercritical Fluids (Enzymes)

G. Brunner: Gas Extraction. An Introduction to Fundamentals of Supercritical Fluids and the Application to Separation Processes. Steinkopff, Darmstadt, Springer, New York, 1994.

Module M0875: Nexus Engineering - Water, Soil, Food and Energy

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Ecological Town Design - Water, Energy, Soil and Food Nexus (L1229) Seminar 2 2
Water & Wastewater Systems in a Global Context (L0939) Lecture 2 4
Module Responsible Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge of the global situation with rising poverty, soil degradation, migration to cities, lack of water resources and sanitation

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students can describe the facets of the global water situation. Students can judge the enormous potential of the implementation of synergistic systems in Water, Soil, Food and Energy supply.


Students are able to design ecological settlements for different geographic and socio-economic conditions for the main climates around the world.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to develop a specific topic in a team and to work out milestones according to a given plan.


Students are in a position to work on a subject and to organize their work flow independently. They can also present on this subject.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale During the course of the semester, the students work towards mile stones. The work includes presentations and papers. Detailed information can be found at the beginning of the smester in the StudIP course module handbook.
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Course L1229: Ecological Town Design - Water, Energy, Soil and Food Nexus
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • Participants Workshop: Design of the most attractive productive Town
  • Keynote lecture and video
  • The limits of Urbanization / Green Cities
  • The tragedy of the Rural: Soil degradation, agro chemical toxification, migration to cities
  • Global Ecovillage Network: Upsides and Downsides around the World
  • Visit of an Ecovillage
  • Participants Workshop: Resources for thriving rural areas, Short presentations by participants, video competion
  • TUHH Rural Development Toolbox
  • Integrated New Town Development
  • Participants workshop: Design of New Towns: Northern, Arid and Tropical cases
  • Outreach: Participants campaign
  • City with the Rural: Resilience, quality of live and productive biodiversity

  • Ralf Otterpohl 2013: Gründer-Gruppen als Lebensentwurf: "Synergistische Wertschöpfung in erweiterten Kleinstadt- und Dorfstrukturen", in „Regionales Zukunftsmanagement Band 7: Existenzgründung unter regionalökonomischer Perspektive, Pabst Publisher, Lengerich
  • (Miracle Water Village, India, Integrated Rainwater Harvesting, Water Efficiency, Reforestation and Sanitation)
  • TEDx New Town Ralf Otterpohl:
Course L0939: Water & Wastewater Systems in a Global Context
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

  • Keynote lecture and video
  • Water & Soil: Water availability as a consequence of healthy soils
  • Water and it’s utilization, Integrated Urban Water Management
  • Water & Energy, lecture and panel discussion pro and con for a specific big dam project
  • Rainwater Harvesting on Catchment level, Holistic Planned Grazing, Multi-Use-Reforestation
  • Sanitation and Reuse of water, nutrients and soil conditioners, Conventional and Innovative Approaches
  • Why are there excreta in water? Public Health, Awareness Campaigns
  • Rehearsal session, Q&A

  • Montgomery, David R. 2007: Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations, University of California Press
  • Liu, John D.: (Integrated regeneration of the Loess Plateau, China, and sites in Ethiopia and Rwanda)
  • (Miracle Water Village, India, Integrated Rainwater Harvesting, Water Efficiency, Reforestation and Sanitation)

Module M0636: Cell and Tissue Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Fundamentals of Cell and Tissue Engineering (L0355) Lecture 2 3
Bioprocess Engineering for Medical Applications (L0356) Lecture 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Ralf Pörtner
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Knowledge of bioprocess engineering and process engineering at bachelor level

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After successful completion of the module the students 

- know the basic principles of cell and tissue culture

- know the relevant metabolic and physiological properties of animal and human cells

- are able to explain and describe the basic underlying principles of bioreactors for cell and tissue cultures, in contrast to microbial fermentations

- are able to explain the essential steps (unit operations) in downstream

- are able to explain, analyze and describe the kinetic relationships and significant litigation strategies for cell culture reactors


The students are able

- to analyze and perform mathematical modeling to cellular metabolism at a higher level

- are able to to develop process control strategies for cell culture systems

Personal Competence
Social Competence

After completion of this module, participants will be able to debate technical questions in small teams to enhance the ability to take position to their own opinions and increase their capacity for teamwork. 

The students can reflect their specific knowledge orally and discuss it with other students and teachers.


After completion of this module, participants will be able to solve a technical problem in teams of approx. 8-12 persons independently including a presentation of the results.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0355: Fundamentals of Cell and Tissue Engineering
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Pörtner
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Content Overview of cell culture technology and tissue engineering (cell culture product manufacturing, complexity of protein therapeutics, examples of tissue engineering) (Pörtner, Zeng) Fundamentals of cell biology for process engineering (cells: source, composition and structure. interactions with environment, growth and death - cell cycle, protein glycolysation) (Pörtner) Cell physiology for process engineering (Overview of central metabolism, genomics etc.) (Zeng) Medium design (impact of media on the overall cell culture process, basic components of culture medium, serum and protein-free media) (Pörtner) Stochiometry and kinetics of cell growth and product formation (growth of mammalian cells, quantitative description of cell growth & product formation, kinetics of growth)


Butler, M (2004) Animal Cell Culture Technology - The basics, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press

Ozturk SS, Hu WS (eds) (2006) Cell Culture Technology For Pharmaceutical and Cell-Based Therapies. Taylor & Francis Group, New York

Eibl, R.; D. Eibl; R. Pörtner; G. Catapano and P. Czermak: Cell and Tissue Reaction Engineering, Springer (2008). ISBN 978-3-540-68175-5

Pörtner R (ed) (2013) Animal Cell Biotechnology - Methods and Protocols. Humana Press

Course L0356: Bioprocess Engineering for Medical Applications
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Pörtner
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Content Requirements for cell culture processess, shear effects, microcarrier technology Reactor systems for mammalian cell culture (production systems) (design, layout, scale-up: suspension reactors (stirrer, aeration, cell retention), fixed bed, fluidized bed (carrier), hollow fiber reactors (membranes), dialysis reactors, Reactor systems for Tissue Engineering, Prozess strategies (batch, fed-batch, continuous, perfusion, mathematical modelling), control (oxygen, substrate etc.) • Downstream


Butler, M (2004) Animal Cell Culture Technology - The basics, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press

Ozturk SS, Hu WS (eds) (2006) Cell Culture Technology For Pharmaceutical and Cell-Based Therapies. Taylor & Francis Group, New York

Eibl, R.; D. Eibl; R. Pörtner; G. Catapano and P. Czermak: Cell and Tissue Reaction Engineering, Springer (2008). ISBN 978-3-540-68175-5

Pörtner R (ed) (2013) Animal Cell Biotechnology - Methods and Protocols. Humana Press

Module M0914: Technical Microbiology

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Applied Molecular Biology (L0877) Lecture 2 3
Technical Microbiology (L0999) Lecture 2 2
Technical Microbiology (L1000) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Johannes Gescher
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Bachelor with basic knowledge in microbiology and genetics

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After successfully finishing this module, students are able

  • to give an overview of genetic processes in the cell
  • to explain the application of industrial relevant biocatalysts
  • to explain and prove genetic differences between pro- and eukaryotes


After successfully finishing this module, students are able

  • to explain and use advanced molecularbiological methods
  • to recognize problems in interdisciplinary fields 

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to

  • write protocols and PBL-summaries in teams
  • to lead and advise members within a PBL-unit in a group
  • develop and distribute work assignments for given problems


Students are able to

  • search information for a given problem by themselves
  • prepare summaries of their search results for the team
  • make themselves familiar with new topics

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 60 min exam
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0877: Applied Molecular Biology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Johannes Gescher
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Lecture and PBL

- Methods in genetics / molecular cloning

- Industrial relevance of microbes and their biocatalysts

- Biotransformation at extreme conditions

- Genomics

- Protein engineering techniques

- Synthetic biology


Relevante Literatur wird im Kurs zur Verfügung gestellt.

Grundwissen in Molekularbiologie, Genetik, Mikrobiologie und Biotechnologie erforderlich.

Lehrbuch: Brock - Mikrobiologie / Microbiology (Madigan et al.)

Course L0999: Technical Microbiology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Johannes Gescher
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • History of microbiology and biotechnology
  • Enzymes
  • Molecular biology
  • Fermentation
  • Downstream Processing
  • Industrial microbiological processes
  • Technical enzyme application
  • Biological Waste Water treatment 

Microbiology,  2013, Madigan, M., Martinko, J. M., Stahl, D. A., Clark, D. P. (eds.), formerly „Brock“, Pearson

Industrielle Mikrobiologie, 2012, Sahm, H., Antranikian, G., Stahmann, K.-P., Takors, R. (eds.) Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo. 

Angewandte Mikrobiologie, 2005, Antranikian, G. (ed.), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo.

Course L1000: Technical Microbiology
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Johannes Gescher
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0714: Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Numerical Treatment of Ordinary Differential Equations (L0576) Lecture 2 3
Numerical Treatment of Ordinary Differential Equations (L0582) Recitation Section (small) 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Daniel Ruprecht
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Mathematik I, II, III for Engineers (German or English) or Analysis & Linear Algebra I + II plus Analysis III for Technomathematiker.
  • Basic knowledge of MATLAB, Python or a similar programming language.
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to

  • name numerical methods for the solution of ordinary differential equations and explain their core ideas,
  • formulate convergence statements for the taught numerical methods (including the necessary assumptions about the solved problem),
  • explain aspects regarding the practical realisation of a method,
  • select the appropriate numerical method for specific problems, implement the numerical algorithms efficiently and interpret the numerical results.

Students are able to

  • implement, apply and compare numerical methods for the solution of ordinary differential equations,
  • explain the convergence behaviour of numerical methods, taking into consideration the solved problem and selected algorithm,
  • develop a suitable solution approach for a given problem, if necessary by combining multiple algorithms, realise this approach and critically evaluate results.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to

  • work together in heterogeneous teams (i.e., teams from different study programs and with different background knowledge), explain theoretical foundations and support each other with practical aspects regarding the implementation of algorithms.

Students are capable

  • to assess whether the provided theoretical and practical excercises are better solved individually or in a team and
  • to assess their individual progress and, if necessary, to ask questions and seek help.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Computer Science: Specialisation III. Mathematics: Elective Compulsory
Data Science: Specialisation I. Mathematics: Elective Compulsory
Data Science: Specialisation IV. Special Focus Area: Elective Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Specialisation Control and Power Systems Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Energy Systems: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Aircraft Systems Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Interdisciplinary Mathematics: Specialisation II. Numerical - Modelling Training: Compulsory
Aeronautics: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation I. Mathematics: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0576: Numerical Treatment of Ordinary Differential Equations
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Daniel Ruprecht
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe

Numerical methods for Initial Value Problems

  • single step methods
  • multistep methods
  • stiff problems
  • differential algebraic equations (DAE) of index 1

Numerical methods for Boundary Value Problems

  • multiple shooting method
  • difference methods
  • E. Hairer, S. Noersett, G. Wanner: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I: Nonstiff Problems.
  • E. Hairer, G. Wanner: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II: Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems.
  • D. Griffiths, D. Higham: Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations.
Course L0582: Numerical Treatment of Ordinary Differential Equations
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Daniel Ruprecht
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1033: Special Areas of Process Engineering and Bioprocess Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Bioeconomy (L2797) Lecture 2 2
Chemical Kinetics (L0508) Lecture 2 2
Solid Matter Process Technology for Biomass (L0052) Lecture 2 3
Solid Matter Process in Chemical Industry (L2021) Lecture 2 2
Optics for Engineers (L2437) Lecture 3 3
Optics for Engineers (L2438) Project-/problem-based Learning 3 3
Polymer Reaction Engineering (L1244) Lecture 2 2
Safety of Chemical Reactions (L1321) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Michael Schlüter
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge The students should have passed the Bachelor modules "Process Engineering" successfully.
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to find their way around selected special areas of Process Engineering within the scope of Process Engineering.
Students are able to explain technical dependencies and models in selected special areas of Process Engineering.


Students are able to apply basic methods in selected areas of process engineering.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students can chose independently, in which field the want to deepen their knowledge and skills through the election of courses.

Workload in Hours Depends on choice of courses
Credit points 6
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L2797: Bioeconomy
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Examination Form Klausur
Examination duration and scale 60 min
Lecturer Prof. Garabed Antranikian
Language EN
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

Bioeconomy is the production, utilization and conservation of biological resources, including related knowledge, science, technology, and innovation, to provide information products, processes, and services across all economic sectors aiming towards a sustainable biobased technology. In this course the significance of various topics including the production and processing of biomass, economics, logistic as well as management will be discussed. Technologies aiming at the production of renewable biological resources and the conversion of these resources and waste streams into value-added products, such as food, feed, bio-based products (textiles, bioplastics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals) and bioenergy will be presented. Biological tools including microorganisms and enzymes will be introduced. This approach with a focus on chemical and process engineering will provide a smooth transition from crude oil-based industry to Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy taking into consideration the environmental issues. This sustainable use of renewable resources for industrial purposes will ensure environmental protection and a long-term balance of social and economic gains.

Course L0508: Chemical Kinetics
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Examination Form Klausur
Examination duration and scale 120 Minuten
Lecturer Prof. Raimund Horn
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

- Micro kinetics, formal kinetics, molecularity, reaction order, integrated rate laws

- Complex reactions, reversible reactions, consecutive reactions, parallel reactions, approximation methods: steady-state, pseudo-first order, numerical solution of rate equations , example : Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction

- Experimental methods of kinetics, integral approach, differential approach, initial rate method, method of half-life, relaxation methods

- Collision theory, Maxwell velocity distribution, collision numbers, line of centers model

- Transition state theory, partition functions of atoms and molecules, examples, calculating reaction equilibria on the basis of molecular data only, heats of reaction, calculating rates of reaction by means of statistical thermodynamics

- Kinetics of heterogeneous reactions, peculiarities of heterogeneous reactions, mean-field approximation, Langmuir adsorption isotherm, reaction mechanisms, Langmuir-Hinshelwood Mechanism, Eley-Rideal Mechanism, steady-state approximation, quasi-equilibrium approximation, most abundant reaction intermediate (MARI), reaction order, apparent activation energy, example: CO oxidation, transition state theory of surface reactions, Sabatier´s principle, sticking coefficient, parameter fitting

- Explosions, cold flames


J. I. Steinfeld, J. S. Francisco, W. L . Hase: Chemical Kinetics & Dynamics, Prentice Hall

K. J. Laidler: Chemical Kinetics, Harper & Row Publishers

R. K. Masel. Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis , Wiley

I. Chorkendorff,, J. W. Niemantsverdriet: Concepts of modern Catalysis and Kinetics, Wiley

Course L0052: Solid Matter Process Technology for Biomass
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Examination Form Klausur
Examination duration and scale 60 min
Lecturer Prof. Werner Sitzmann
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content The industrial application of unit operations as part of process engineering is explained by actual examples of solid biomass processes. Size reduction, transportation and dosing, drying and agglomeration of renewable resources are described as important unit operations when producing solid fuels and bioethanol, producing and refining edible oils, when making Btl - and WPC - products. Aspects of explosion protection and plant design complete the lecture.

Kaltschmitt M., Hartmann H. (Hrsg.): Energie aus Bioamsse, Springer Verlag, 2001, ISBN 3-540-64853-4

Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz, Schriftenreihe Nachwachsende Rohstoffe,

Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V.

Bockisch M.: Nahrungsfette und -öle, Ulmer Verlag, 1993, ISBN 380000158175

Course L2021: Solid Matter Process in Chemical Industry
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Examination Form Schriftliche Ausarbeitung
Examination duration and scale 12 Seiten
Lecturer Prof. Frank Kleine Jäger
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Course L2437: Optics for Engineers
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Examination Form Fachtheoretisch-fachpraktische Arbeit
Examination duration and scale Vorstellung eines eigenen Optikentwurfs mit anschließender Diskussion, 10 Minuten Vorstellung + maximal 20 Minuten Diskussion
Lecturer Prof. Thorsten Kern
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
  • Basic values for optical systems and lighting technology
  • Spectrum, black-bodies, color-perception
  • Light-Sources und their characterization
  • Photometrics
  • Ray-Optics
  • Matrix-Optics
  • Stops, Pupils and Windows
  • Light-field Technology
  • Introduction to Wave-Optics
  • Introduction to Holography
Course L2438: Optics for Engineers
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Examination Form Fachtheoretisch-fachpraktische Arbeit
Examination duration and scale Vorstellung eines eigenen Optikentwurfs mit anschließender Diskussion, 10 Minuten Vorstellung + maximal 20 Minuten Diskussion
Lecturer Prof. Thorsten Kern
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L1244: Polymer Reaction Engineering
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Examination Form Schriftliche Ausarbeitung
Examination duration and scale 1 Stunde
Lecturer Prof. Hans-Ulrich Moritz
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

Introduction into polymer reaction engineering, free and controlled radical polymerization, coordination polymerization of olefins, ionic “living” polymerization, step polymerization (polyaddition, polycondensation), copolymerization, emulsion polymerization, specific challenges of the industrial implementation of polymerization reactions (viscosity increase, heat removal, scale-up, reactor safety, modelling of polymerization reactions and reactors), key competitive factors in polymer industry in Germany, EU and worldwide.


W. Keim: Kunststoffe - Synthese, Herstellungsverfahren, Apparaturen, 1. Auflage, Wiley-VCH, 2006

T. Meyer, J. Keurentjes: Handbook of Polymer Reaction Engineering, 2 Vol., 1. Ed., Wiley-VCH, 2005

A. Echte: Handbuch der technischen Polymerchemie, 1. Auflage, VCH-Verlagsgesellschaft, 1993

G. Odian: Principles of Polymerization, 4. Ed., Wiley-Interscience, 2004

J. Asua: Polymer Reaction Engineering, 1. Ed., Blackwell Publishing, 2007

Course L1321: Safety of Chemical Reactions
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Examination Form Klausur
Examination duration and scale
Lecturer Dr. Marko Hoffmann
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

Module M0721: Air Conditioning

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Air Conditioning (L0594) Lecture 3 5
Air Conditioning (L0595) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Arne Speerforck
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Technical Thermodynamics I, II, Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students know the different kinds of air conditioning systems for buildings and mobile applications and how these systems are controlled. They are familiar with the change of state of humid air and are able to draw the state changes in a h1+x,x-diagram. They are able to calculate the minimum airflow needed for hygienic conditions in rooms and can choose suitable filters. They know the basic flow pattern in rooms and are able to calculate the air velocity in rooms with the help of simple methods. They know the principles  to calculate an air duct network. They know the different possibilities to produce cold and are able to draw these processes into suitable thermodynamic diagrams. They know the criteria for the assessment of refrigerants.


Students are able to configure air condition systems for buildings and mobile applications.  They are able to calculate an air duct network and have the ability to perform simple planning tasks, regarding natural heat sources and heat sinks. They can transfer research knowledge into practice. They are able to perform scientific work in the field of air conditioning.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

In lectures and exercises, the students can use many examples and experiments to discuss in small groups in a goal-oriented manner, develop a solution and present it. Within the exercises, the students can independently develop further questions and work out targeted solutions.



Students are able to define tasks independently, to develop the necessary knowledge themselves based on the knowledge they have received, and to use suitable means for implementation. In the exercises, the students discuss the methods taught in the lectures using complex tasks and critically analyze the results.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 60 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Energy Systems: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Energy Systems: Specialisation Marine Engineering: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Aviation Systems: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0594: Air Conditioning
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 5
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 108, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Arne Speerforck, Prof. Gerhard Schmitz
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

1. Overview

1.1 Kinds of air conditioning systems

1.2 Ventilating

1.3 Function of an air condition system

2. Thermodynamic processes

2.1 Psychrometric chart

2.2 Mixer preheater, heater

2.3 Cooler

2.4 Humidifier

2.5 Air conditioning process in a Psychrometric chart

2.6 Desiccant assisted air conditioning

3. Calculation of heating and cooling loads

3.1 Heating loads

3.2 Cooling loads

3.3 Calculation of inner cooling load

3.4 Calculation of outer cooling load

4. Ventilating systems

4.1 Fresh air demand

4.2 Air flow in rooms

4.3 Calculation of duct systems

4.4 Fans

4.5 Filters

5. Refrigeration systems

5.1. compression chillers

5.2Absorption chillers

  • Schmitz, G.: Klimaanlagen, Skript zur Vorlesung
  • VDI Wärmeatlas, 11. Auflage, Springer Verlag, Düsseldorf 2013
  • Herwig, H.; Moschallski, A.: Wärmeübertragung, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009
  • Recknagel, H.;  Sprenger, E.; Schrammek, E.-R.: Taschenbuch für Heizung- und Klimatechnik 2013/2014, 76. Auflage, Deutscher Industrieverlag, 2013

Course L0595: Air Conditioning
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Arne Speerforck, Prof. Gerhard Schmitz
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1702: Process Imaging

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Process Imaging (L2723) Lecture 3 3
Process Imaging (L2724) Project-/problem-based Learning 3 3
Module Responsible Prof. Alexander Penn
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge No special prerequisites needed
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Content: The module focuses primarily on discussing established imaging techniques including (a) optical and infrared imaging, (b) magnetic resonance imaging, (c) X-ray imaging and tomography, and (d) ultrasound imaging but also covers a range of more recent imaging modalities. The students will learn:

  1. what these imaging techniques can measure (such as sample density or concentration, material transport, chemical composition, temperature),
  2. how the measurements work (physical measurement principles, hardware requirements, image reconstruction), and
  3. how to determine the most suited imaging methods for a given problem.

Learning goals: After the successful completion of the course, the students shall:

  1. understand the physical principles and practical aspects of the most common imaging methods,
  2. be able to assess the pros and cons of these methods with regard to cost, complexity, expected contrasts, spatial and temporal resolution, and based on this assessment
  3. be able to identify the most suited imaging modality for any specific engineering challenge in the field of chemical and bioprocess engineering.

Personal Competence
Social Competence In the problem-based interactive course, students work in small teams and set up two process imaging systems and use these systems to measure relevant process parameters in different chemical and bioprocess engineering applications. The teamwork will foster interpersonal communication skills.
Autonomy Students are guided to work in self-motivation due to the challenge-based character of this module. A final presentation improves presentation skills.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation C - Bioeconomic Process Engineering, Focus Energy and Bioprocess Technology: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Computer Science: Specialisation II: Intelligence Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Information and Communication Systems: Specialisation Communication Systems, Focus Signal Processing: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Robotics and Computer Science: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Course L2723: Process Imaging
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Alexander Penn
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Wang, M. (2015). Industrial Tomography. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing. 

Available as e-book in the library of TUHH:

Course L2724: Process Imaging
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Alexander Penn, Dr. Stefan Benders
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Content: The module focuses primarily on discussing established imaging techniques including (a) optical and infrared imaging, (b) magnetic resonance imaging, (c) X-ray imaging and tomography, and (d) ultrasound imaging and also covers a range of more recent imaging modalities. The students will learn:

  1. what these imaging techniques can measure (such as sample density or concentration, material transport, chemical composition, temperature),
  2. how the measurements work (physical measurement principles, hardware requirements, image reconstruction), and
  3. how to determine the most suited imaging methods for a given problem.

Learning goals: After the successful completion of the course, the students shall:

  1. understand the physical principles and practical aspects of the most common imaging methods,
  2. be able to assess the pros and cons of these methods with regard to cost, complexity, expected contrasts, spatial and temporal resolution, and based on this assessment
  3. be able to identify the most suited imaging modality for any specific engineering challenge in the field of chemical and bioprocess engineering.

Wang, M. (2015). Industrial Tomography. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing. 

Available as e-book in the library of TUHH:

Module M0749: Waste Treatment and Solid Matter Process Technology

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Solid Matter Process Technology for Biomass (L0052) Lecture 2 2
Thermal Waste Treatment (L0320) Lecture 2 2
Thermal Waste Treatment (L1177) Recitation Section (large) 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basics of

  • thermo dynamics
  • fluid dynamics
  • chemistry
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students can name, describe current issue and problems in the field of thermal waste treatment and particle process engineering and contemplate them in the context of their field. 

The industrial application of unit operations as part of process engineering is explained by actual examples of waste incineration technologies and solid biomass processes. Compostion, particle sizes, transportation and dosing, drying and agglomeration of renewable resources and wastes are described as important unit operations when producing solid fuels and bioethanol, producing and refining edible oils, electricity , heat and mineral recyclables.


The students are able to select suitable processes for the treatment of wastes or raw material with respect to their characteristics and the process aims. They can evaluate the efforts and costs for processes and select economically feasible treatment concepts.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students can

  • respectfully work together as a team and discuss technical tasks
  • participate in subject-specific and interdisciplinary discussions,
  • develop cooperated solutions 
  •  promote the scientific development and accept professional constructive criticism.

Students can independently tap knowledge of the subject area and transform it to new questions. They are capable, in consultation with supervisors, to assess their learning level and define further steps on this basis. Furthermore, they can define targets for new application-or research-oriented duties in accordance with the potential social, economic and cultural impact.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Bioenergy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Course L0052: Solid Matter Process Technology for Biomass
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Werner Sitzmann
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content The industrial application of unit operations as part of process engineering is explained by actual examples of solid biomass processes. Size reduction, transportation and dosing, drying and agglomeration of renewable resources are described as important unit operations when producing solid fuels and bioethanol, producing and refining edible oils, when making Btl - and WPC - products. Aspects of explosion protection and plant design complete the lecture.

Kaltschmitt M., Hartmann H. (Hrsg.): Energie aus Bioamsse, Springer Verlag, 2001, ISBN 3-540-64853-4

Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz, Schriftenreihe Nachwachsende Rohstoffe,

Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V.

Bockisch M.: Nahrungsfette und -öle, Ulmer Verlag, 1993, ISBN 380000158175

Course L0320: Thermal Waste Treatment
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • Introduction, actual state-of-the-art of waste incineration, aims. legal background, reaction principals
  • basics of incineration processes: waste composition, calorific value, calculation of air demand and flue gas composition 
  • Incineration techniques: grate firing, ash transfer, boiler
  • Flue gas cleaning: Volume, composition, legal frame work and emission limits, dry treatment, scrubber, de-nox techniques, dioxin elimination, Mercury elimination
  • Ash treatment: Mass, quality, treatment concepts, recycling, disposal

Thomé-Kozmiensky, K. J. (Hrsg.): Thermische Abfallbehandlung Bande 1-7. EF-Verlag für Energie- und Umwelttechnik, Berlin, 196 - 2013.

Course L1177: Thermal Waste Treatment
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0952: Industrial Bioprocess Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Biotechnical Processes (L1065) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 3
Development of bioprocess engineering processes in industrial practice (L1172) Seminar 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Ralf Pörtner
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Knowledge of bioprocess engineering and process engineering at bachelor level

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After successful completion of the module    

  • the students can outline the current status of research on the specific topics discussed
  • the students can explain the basic underlying principles of the respective biotechnological production processes

After successful completion of the module students are able to

  • analyzing and evaluate current research approaches
  • Lay-out biotechnological production processes basically
Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to work together as a team with several students to solve given tasks and discuss their results in the plenary and to defend them.


After completion of this module, participants will be able to solve a technical problem in teams of approx. 8-12 persons independently including a presentation of the results.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Presentation
Examination duration and scale oral presentation + discussion (45 min) + Written report (10 pages)
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation C - Bioeconomic Process Engineering, Focus Energy and Bioprocess Technology: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L1065: Biotechnical Processes
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Wilfried Blümke
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe

This course gives an overview of the most important biotechnological production processes. In addition to the individual methods and their specific requirements, general aspects of industrial reality are also addressed, such as:
• Asset Lifecycle
• Digitization in the bioprocess industry
• Basic principles of industrial bioprocess development
• Sustainability aspects in the development of bioprocess engineering processes


Chmiel H (ed). Bioprozesstechnik, Springer 2011, ISBN: 978-3-8274-2476-1

Bailey, James and David F. Ollis: Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals. ‑2nd ed.; New York: McGraw Hill, 1986. 

Becker, Th. et al. (2008) Biotechnology. Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.

Doran, Pauline M.: Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Academic Press, 2003

Hass, V. und R. Pörtner: Praxis der Bioprozesstechnik. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag (2011), 2. Auflage

Krahe M (2003) Biochemical Engineering. Ullmann´s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.

Schuler, M.L. / Kargi, F.: Bioprocess Engineering - Basic concepts

Course L1172: Development of bioprocess engineering processes in industrial practice
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Stephan Freyer
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe

This course gives an insight into the methodology used in the development of industrial biotechnology processes. Important aspects of this are, for example, the development of the fermentation and the work-up steps for the respective target molecule, the integration of the partial steps into an overall process, and the cost-effectiveness of the process.


Chmiel H (ed). Bioprozesstechnik, Springer 2011, ISBN: 978-3-8274-2476-1 [Titel anhand dieser ISBN in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen]

Bailey, James and David F. Ollis: Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals. ‑2nd ed.; New York: McGraw Hill, 1986.

Becker, Th. et al. (2008) Biotechnology. Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.

Doran, Pauline M.: Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Academic Press, 2003

Hass, V. und R. Pörtner: Praxis der Bioprozesstechnik. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag (2011), 2. Auflage

Krahe M (2003) Biochemical Engineering. Ullmann´s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.

Schuler, M.L. / Kargi, F.: Bioprocess Engineering - Basic concepts

Module M0898: Heterogeneous Catalysis

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Analysis and Design of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactors (L0223) Lecture 2 2
Modern Methods in Heterogeneous Catalysis (L0533) Lecture 2 2
Modern Methods in Heterogeneous Catalysis (L0534) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Raimund Horn
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Content of the bachelor-modules "process technology", as well as particle technology, fluidmechanics in process-technology and transport processes.
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Knowledge The students are able to apply their knowledge to explain industrial catalytic processes as well as indicate different synthesis routes of established catalyst systems. They are capable to outline dis-/advantages of supported and full-catalysts with respect to their application. Students are able to identify anayltical tools for specific catalytic applications.
Skills After successfull completition of the module, students are able to use their knowledge to identify suitable analytical tools for specific catalytic applications and to explain their choice. Moreover the students are able to choose and formulate suitable reactor systems for the current synthesis process. Students can apply their knowldege discretely to develop and conduct experiments. They are able to appraise achieved results into a more general context and draw conclusions out of them.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to plan, prepare, conduct and document experiments according to scientific guidelines in small groups.

The students can discuss their subject related knowledge among each other and with their teachers.


The students are able to obtain further information for experimental planning and assess their relevance autonomously.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Presentation
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0223: Analysis and Design of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactors
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Raimund Horn
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

1. Material- and Energybalance of the two-dimensionsal zweidimensionalen pseudo-homogeneous reactor model

2. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (Euler, Runge-Kutta, solvers for stiff problems, step controlled solvers)

3. Reactor design with one-dimensional models (ethane cracker, catalyst deactivation, tubular reactor with deactivating catalyst, moving bed reactor with regenerating catalyst, riser reactor, fluidized bed reactor)

4. Partial differential equations (classification, numerical solution Lösung, finite difference method, method of lines)

5. Examples of reactor design (isothermal tubular reactor with axial dispersion, dehydrogenation of ethyl benzene, wrong-way behaviour)

6. Boundary value problems (numerical solution, shooting method, concentration- and temperature profiles in a catalyst pellet, multiphase reactors, trickle bed reactor)


1. Lecture notes R. Horn

2. Lecture notes F. Keil

3.  G. F. Froment, K. B. Bischoff, J. De Wilde, Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design, John Wiley & Sons, 2010

4. R. Aris, Elementary Chemical Reactor Analysis, Dover Pubn. Inc., 2000

Course L0533: Modern Methods in Heterogeneous Catalysis
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Raimund Horn
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Heterogeneous Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering are inextricably linked. About 90% of all chemical intermediates and consumer products (fuels, plastics, fertilizers etc.) are produced with the aid of catalysts. Most of them, in particular large scale products, are produced by heterogeneous catalysis viz. gaseous or liquid reactants react on solid catalysts. In multiphase reactors gases, liquids and a solid catalyst are present.

Heterogeneous catalysis plays also a key role in any future energy scenario (fuel cells, electrocatalytic splitting of water) and in environmental engineering (automotive catalysis, photocatalyic abatement of water pollutants).

Heterogeneous catalysis is an interdisciplinary science requiring knowledge of different scientific disciplines such as

  • Materials Science (synthesis and characterization of solid catalysts)
  • Physics (structure and electronic properties of solids, defects)
  • Physical Chemistry (thermodynamics, reaction mechanisms, chemical kinetics, adsorption, desorption, spectroscopy, surface chemistry, theory)
  • Reaction Engineering (catalytic reactors, mass- and heat transport in catalytic reactors, multi-scale modeling, application of heterogeneous catalysis)
The class „Modern Methods in Heterogeneous Catalysis“ will deal with the above listed aspects of heterogeneous catalysis beyond the material presented in the normal curriculum of chemical reaction engineering classes. In the corresponding laboratory will have the opportunity to apply their aquired theoretical knowledge by synthesizing a solid catalyst, characterizing it with a variety of modern instrumental methods (e.g. BET, chemisorption, pore analysis, XRD, Raman-Spectroscopy, Electron Microscopy) and measuring its kinetics. Class and laboratory „Modern Methods in Heterogeneous Catalysis“ in combination with the lecture „Analysis and Design of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactors“ will give interested students the opportunity to specialize in this vibrant, multifaceted and application oriented field of research.

  • J.M. Thomas, W.J. Thomas: Principles and Practice of Heterogeneous Catalysis, VCH
  • I. Chorkendorff, J. W. Niemantsverdriet, Concepts of Modern Catalysis and Kinetics, WILEY-VCH
  • B.C. Gates: Catalytic Chemistry, John Wiley
  • R.A. van Santen, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, J.A. Moulijn, B.A. Averill (Eds.): Catalysis: an integrated approach, Elsevier
  • D.P. Woodruff, T.A. Delchar: Modern Techniques of Surface Science, Cambridge Univ. Press
  • J.W. Niemantsverdriet: Spectrocopy in Catalysis, VCH
  • F. Delannay (Ed.): Characterization of heterogeneous catalysts, Marcel Dekker
  • C.H. Bartholomew, R.J. Farrauto: Fundamentals of Industrial Catalytic Processes (2nd Ed.),Wiley

Course L0534: Modern Methods in Heterogeneous Catalysis
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Raimund Horn
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0906: Numerical Simulation and Lagrangian Transport

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Lagrangian transport in turbulent flows (L2301) Lecture 2 3
Computational Fluid Dynamics - Exercises in OpenFoam (L1375) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Process Engineering (L1052) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Michael Schlüter
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Mathematics I-IV
  • Basic knowledge in Fluid Mechanics
  • Basic knowledge in chemical thermodynamics
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After successful completion of the module the students are able to

  • explain the the basic principles of statistical thermodynamics (ensembles, simple systems) 
  • describe the main approaches in classical Molecular Modeling (Monte Carlo, Molecular Dynamics) in various ensembles
  • discuss examples of computer programs in detail,
  • evaluate the application of numerical simulations,
  • list the possible start and boundary conditions for a numerical simulation.

The students are able to:

  • set up computer programs for solving simple problems by Monte Carlo or molecular dynamics,
  • solve problems by molecular modeling,
  • set up a numerical grid,
  • perform a simple numerical simulation with OpenFoam,
  • evaluate the result of a numerical simulation.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to

  • develop joint solutions in mixed teams and present them in front of the other students,
  • to collaborate in a team and to reflect their own contribution toward it.


The students are able to:

  • evaluate their learning progress and to define the following steps of learning on that basis,
  • evaluate possible consequences for their profession.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Oral exam
Examination duration and scale 30 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Simulation Technology: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L2301: Lagrangian transport in turbulent flows
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Yan Jin
Language EN
Cycle SoSe


- Common variables and terms for characterizing turbulence (energy spectra, energy cascade, etc.)

- An overview of Lagrange analysis methods and experiments in fluid mechanics

- Critical examination of the concept of turbulence and turbulent structures.

-Calculation of the transport of ideal fluid elements and associated analysis methods (absolute and relative diffusion, Lagrangian Coherent Structures, etc.)

- Implementation of a Runge-Kutta 4th-order in Matlab

- Introduction to particle integration using ODE solver from Matlab

- Problems from turbulence research

- Application analytical methods with Matlab.


- 14 units a 2x45 min. 

- 10 units lecture

- 4 Units Matlab Exercise- Go through the exercises Matlab, Peer2Peer? Explain solutions to your colleague

Learning goals:

Students receive very specific, in-depth knowledge from modern turbulence research and transport analysis. → Knowledge

The students learn to classify the acquired knowledge, they study approaches to further develop the knowledge themselves and to relate different data sources to each other. → Knowledge, skills

The students are trained in the personal competence to independently delve into and research a scientific topic. → Independence

Matlab exercises in small groups during the lecture and guided Peer2Peer discussion rounds train communication skills in complex situations. The mixture of precise language and intuitive understanding is learnt. → Knowledge, social competence

Required knowledge:

Fluid mechanics 1 and 2 advantageous

Programming knowledge advantageous


Bakunin, Oleg G. (2008): Turbulence and Diffusion. Scaling Versus Equations. Berlin [u. a.]: Springer Verlag.

Bourgoin, Mickaël; Ouellette, Nicholas T.; Xu, Haitao; Berg, Jacob; Bodenschatz, Eberhard (2006): The role of pair dispersion in turbulent flow. In: Science (New York, N.Y.) 311 (5762), S. 835-838. DOI: 10.1126/science.1121726.

Davidson, P. A. (2015): Turbulence. An introduction for scientists and engineers. Second edition. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.

Graff, L. S.; Guttu, S.; LaCasce, J. H. (2015): Relative Dispersion in the Atmosphere from Reanalysis Winds. In: J. Atmos. Sci. 72 (7), S. 2769-2785. DOI: 10.1175/JAS-D-14-0225.1.

Grigoriev, Roman (2011): Transport and Mixing in Laminar Flows. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

Haller, George (2015): Lagrangian Coherent Structures. In: Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 47 (1), S. 137-162. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-fluid-010313-141322.

Kameke, A. von; Huhn, F.; Fernández-García, G.; Muñuzuri, A. P.; Pérez-Muñuzuri, V. (2010): Propagation of a chemical wave front in a quasi-two-dimensional superdiffusive flow. In: Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 81 (6 Pt 2), S. 66211. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.81.066211.

Kameke, A. von; Huhn, F.; Fernández-García, G.; Muñuzuri, A. P.; Pérez-Muñuzuri, V. (2011): Double cascade turbulence and Richardson dispersion in a horizontal fluid flow induced by Faraday waves. In: Physical review letters 107 (7), S. 74502. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.074502.

Kameke, A.v.; Kastens, S.; Rüttinger, S.; Herres-Pawlis, S.; Schlüter, M. (2019): How coherent structures dominate the residence time in a bubble wake: An experimental example. In: Chemical Engineering Science 207, S. 317-326. DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2019.06.033.

Klages, Rainer; Radons, Günter; Sokolov, Igor M. (2008): Anomalous Transport: Wiley.

LaCasce, J. H. (2008): Statistics from Lagrangian observations. In: Progress in Oceanography 77 (1), S. 1-29. DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2008.02.002.

Neufeld, Zoltán; Hernández-García, Emilio (2009): Chemical and Biological Processes in Fluid Flows: PUBLISHED BY IMPERIAL COLLEGE PRESS AND DISTRIBUTED BY WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING CO.

Onu, K.; Huhn, F.; Haller, G. (2015): LCS Tool: A computational platform for Lagrangian coherent structures. In: Journal of Computational Science 7, S. 26-36. DOI: 10.1016/j.jocs.2014.12.002.

Ouellette, Nicholas T.; Xu, Haitao; Bourgoin, Mickaël; Bodenschatz, Eberhard (2006): An experimental study of turbulent relative dispersion models. In: New J. Phys. 8 (6), S. 109. DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/8/6/109.

Pope, Stephen B. (2000): Turbulent Flows. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rivera, M. K.; Ecke, R. E. (2005): Pair dispersion and doubling time statistics in two-dimensional turbulence. In: Physical review letters 95 (19), S. 194503. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.194503.

Vallis, Geoffrey K. (2010): Atmospheric and oceanic fluid dynamics. Fundamentals and large-scale circulation. 5. printing. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.

Course L1375: Computational Fluid Dynamics - Exercises in OpenFoam
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Michael Schlüter
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • generation of numerical grids with a common grid generator
  • selection of models and boundary conditions
  • basic numerical simulation with OpenFoam within the TUHH CIP-Pool

Literature OpenFoam Tutorials (StudIP)
Course L1052: Computational Fluid Dynamics in Process Engineering
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Michael Schlüter
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • Introduction into partial differential equations
  • Basic equations
  • Boundary conditions and grids
  • Numerical methods
  • Finite difference method
  • Finite volume method
  • Time discretisation and stability
  • Population balance
  • Multiphase Systems
  • Modeling of Turbulent Flows
  • Exercises: Stability Analysis 
  • Exercises: Example on CFD - analytically/numerically 

Paschedag A.R.: CFD in der Verfahrenstechnik: Allgemeine Grundlagen und mehrphasige Anwendungen, Wiley-VCH, 2004 ISBN 3-527-30994-2.

Ferziger, J.H.; Peric, M.: Numerische Strömungsmechanik. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2008, ISBN: 3540675868.

Ferziger, J.H.; Peric, M.: Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics. Springer, 2002, ISBN 3-540-42074-6

Module M0657: Computational Fluid Dynamics II

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Computational Fluid Dynamics II (L0237) Lecture 2 3
Computational Fluid Dynamics II (L0421) Recitation Section (large) 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Thomas Rung
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Students should have sound knowledge of engineering mathematics (series expansions, internal & vector calculus), and be familiar with the foundations of partial/ordinary differential equations. They should also be familiar with engineering fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. Basic knowledge of numerical analysis or computational fluid dynamics is of advantage but not necessary.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students will acquire a deeper knowledge of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and can translate general principles of thermo-/fluid engineering into discrete algorithms on the basis of finite volume methods. They are familiar with the similarities and differences between different discretisation and approximation concepts for investigating coupled systems of non-linear, convective partial differential equations (PDE) on structured and unstructured grids. Students have the required background knowledge to develop, code and apply  modelling concepts to numerically describe turbulent and multiphase flow. They establish a thorough understanding of details of the theoretical background of complex CFD algorithms and the parameters used to control and adjust the execution of CFD procedures.


The students are able choose and apply appropriate finite volume (FV) approximation concepts and flow physics models that integrate the governing thermofluid dynamic PDEs in space and time. They can apply/optimise FV concepts to/for fluid dynamic applications. They acquire the ability to code computational algorithms dedicated to unstructured grid arrangements, apply these codes for parameter investigations and supplement interfaces to extract simulation data for an engineering analysis. They are able to judge different solution strategies.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to discuss problems, present the results of their own analysis, and jointly develop, implement and report on solution strategies that address given technical reference problems in a team.


The students can independently analyse numerical methods to solving fluid engineering problems. They are able to critically analyse own results as well as external data with regards to the plausibility and reliability.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Oral exam
Examination duration and scale 0.5h-0.75h
Assignment for the Following Curricula Energy Systems: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0237: Computational Fluid Dynamics II
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Thomas Rung
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe
Content Computational Modelling of complex single- and multiphase flows using higher-order approximations for unstructured grids and mehsless particle-based methods.

Vorlesungsmanuskript und Übungsunterlagen

J.H. Ferziger, M. Peric:
Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics,

Course L0421: Computational Fluid Dynamics II
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Thomas Rung
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1737: Power-to-X Process

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Power-to-X process (L2805) Lecture 2 2
Power-to-X process (L2806) Recitation Section (large) 1 2
Practical aspects of energy conversion (L2807) Practical Course 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Jakob Albert
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Basic knowledge from the Bachelor's degree course in process engineering
  • Chemical reaction engineering
  • Process and plant engineering
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students can:

  • explain the energy transition in Germany,
  • give an overview of the versatile application possibilities of power-to-X processes,
  • evaluate different power-to-X concepts with regard to their technical challenges and social benefits.

The students are able to:

  • develop concepts for the technical implementation of power-to-X processes,
  • evaluate practical aspects of energy conversion to platform chemicals using laboratory experiments,
  • apply the acquired knowledge to various engineering-relevant power-to-X processes.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students:

  • are able to independently discuss approaches to solutions and problems in the field of the energy transition in Germany in an interdisciplinary small group,
  • are able to work together in small groups on subject-specific tasks,
  • are able to work out the practical aspects of energy conversion to platform chemicals on the basis of laboratory experiments, carry out and evaluate the analytics of the products and precisely summarise the results of the experiments in a protocol.

The students

  • are able to independently obtain extensive literature on the topic and to gain knowledge from it,
  • are able to independently solve tasks on the topic and assess their learning status based on the feedback given,
  • are able to independently conduct experimental studies on the topic.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Oral exam
Examination duration and scale 30 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L2805: Power-to-X process
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Jakob Albert
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  • Regenerative surplus energy
  • Electrolysis
  • CO2 sources for Power-to-X
  • Power-to-heat
  • Power-to-Power
  • Power-to-gas (SNG)
  • Power-to-Syngas
  • Power-to-Methanol
  • Power-to-Fuels
  • Power-to-ammonia
  • LOHC (Liquid organic hydrogen carrier)
  • Economic and ecological comparison of different concepts
  1. A. Jess, P. Wasserscheid, „Chemical Technology“, Wiley VCH, 2013
  2. H. Watter, „Regenerative Energiesysteme“, Springer, 2015
Course L2806: Power-to-X process
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Daniel Niehaus
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

In exercise, the contents of the lecture are further deepened and transferred into practical application. This is done using example tasks from practice, which are made available to the students. The students are to solve these tasks independently or in groups with the help of the lecture material. The solution is then discussed with students under scientific guidance, with parts of the task being presented on the blackboard.

  1. A. Jess, P. Wasserscheid, „Chemical Technology“, Wiley VCH, 2013
  2. H. Watter, „Regenerative Energiesysteme“, Springer, 2015
Course L2807: Practical aspects of energy conversion
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Maximilian Poller
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

In the laboratory practical course, practical experiments on power-to-X processes are carried out. The challenges for the technical implementation of power-to-x processes are made clear to the students. The associated analysis of the test samples is also part of the laboratory practical course and is carried out and evaluated by the students themselves. The results are precisely summarised and scientifically presented in an experimental protocol.

  1. A. Jess, P. Wasserscheid, „Chemical Technology“, Wiley VCH, 2013
  2. H. Watter, „Regenerative Energiesysteme“, Springer, 2015

Module M1777: Introduction to model-based industrial process development for biopharmaceuticals

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Design and Scale up of aerated bioreactors for biopharmaceutical products (L2922) Seminar 2 3
Insights into biopharmaceutical production (L2921) Seminar 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Michael Schlüter
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

All lectures from the undergraduate studies, especially mathematics, chemistry, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat- and mass transfer, transport processes

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students will be able to:

  • describe and evaluate pharmaceutical processes from a process engineering perspective.
  • name and use the essential models for process development
  • describe and evaluate bioreactors for pharmaceutical processes, especially gassed stirred tank reactors.
  • describe various pharmaceutical processes and contrast their modes of operation and essential characteristics.

Students will be able to:

  • Describe, optimize and design biopharmaceutical processes using models,
  • Describe, optimize and design gassed stirred reactors as a typical type of apparatus. 
Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to discuss in international teams in english and develop an approach under pressure of time.


Students are able to independently define tasks for working on the overall problem of "Modeling a process for biopharmaceutical production". The knowledge required for this is acquired by the students themselves, building on the knowledge imparted in the lecture, and they decide which equations and models from the lecture are to be used for implementation. They can organize themselves in a team and assign priorities for subtasks.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Oral exam
Examination duration and scale 20 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L2922: Design and Scale up of aerated bioreactors for biopharmaceutical products
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Jürgen Fitschen, Dr. Thomas Wucherpfennig
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • Introduction to aerated stirred tank reactors and alternative reactor concepts
  • Mixing and mass transfer performance (example with M-STAR)
  • Energy dissipation rates and shear stress 
  • Gas holdup and bubble size distribution
  • Experimental methods for the characterization of aerated stirred tank reactors
  • Common design and scale up concepts
  • Concept of compartments
  • Design and scale up assisted by Computational Fluid Dynamics 
Course L2921: Insights into biopharmaceutical production
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Jürgen Fitschen, Dr. Thomas Wucherpfennig
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • Introduction to biopharma including biopharmaceutical products (e.g. vaccine)
  • Biopharma market
  • Clinical studies
  • Quality of products
  • Drug substance process development (cell therapy)
  • Drug product development 
  • Insilico process development (equipment, process, digital twin) 
  • Scale-up, transfer and production of biopharmaceutical products 
  • Regulatory topics and market authorization
  • Biopharma lab & production planning
  • Data, handling, statistics, Experiment Planning (DOE)
  • Capacity modeling, Software “Bio-G”

Module M1954: Process Simulation and Process Safety

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
CAPE with Computer Exercises (L1039) Integrated Lecture 3 4
Methods of Process Safety and Dangerous Substances (L1040) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

thermal separation processes

heat and mass transport processes

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

students can:

- outline types of simulation tools

- describe principles of flowsheet  and equation oriented simulation tools

- describe the setting of flowsheet simulation tools

- explain the main differences between steady state and dynamic simulations

- present the fundamentals of toxicology and hazardous materials

- explain the main methods of safety engineering

- present the importance of safety analysis with respect to plant design

- describe the definitions within the legal accident insurance

accident insurance


students can:

- conduct steady state and dynamic simulations

- evaluate simulation results and transform them in the practice

- choose and combine suitable simulation models into a production plant

- evaluate the achieved simulation results regarding practical importance
- evaluate the results of many experimental methods regarding safety aspects

- review, compare and  use results of safety considerations for a plant design

Personal Competence
Social Competence

students are able to:

- work together in teams in order to simulate process elements  and develop an integral process

- develop in teams a safety concept for a process and present it to the audience


students are able to

- act responsible with respect to environment and needs of the society

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale Exam 90 minutes and written report
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L1039: CAPE with Computer Exercises
Typ Integrated Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 78, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

I. Introduction

       1. Fundamentals of steady state process simulation

       1.1. Classes of simulation tools
       1.2. Sequential-modularer approach
       1.3. Operating mode of ASPEN PLUS
       2. Introduction in ASPEN PLUS
       2.1. GUI
       2.2. Estimation methods of physical properties
       2.3. Aspen tools (z.B. Designspecification)
       2.4. Convergence methods

II. Exercices using ASPEN PLUS and ACM

            Performance and constraints of ASPEN PLUS
            ASPEN datenbank using
            Estimation methods of physical properties

            Application of model databank, process synthesis

            Design specifications

            Sensitivity analysis
            Optimization tasks
            Industrial cases


- G. Fieg: Lecture notes
Seider, W.D.; Seader, J.D.; Lewin, D.R.: Product and Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis,
  and Evaluation; Hoboken, J. Wiley & Sons, 2010

Course L1040: Methods of Process Safety and Dangerous Substances
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Mirko Skiborowski, Dr. Thomas Waluga
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Bender, H.: Sicherer Umgang mit Gefahrstoffen; Weinheim (2005)
Bender, H.: Das Gefahrstoffbuch. Sicherer Umgang mit Gefahrstoffen in der Praxis; Weinheim (2002)
Birett, K.: Umgang mit Gefahrstoffen; Heidelberg (2011)
Birgersson, B.; Sterner, O.; Zimerson, E.: Chemie und Gesundheit; Weinheim (1988)

O. Antelmann, Diss. an der TU Berlin, 2001

R. Dittmeyer, W. Keim, G. Kreysa, A. Oberholz, Chemische Technik, Prozesse und Produkte, Band 1

    Methodische Grundlagen, VCH, 2004-2006, S. 719

H. Pohle, Chemische Industrie, Umweltschutz, Arbeitsschutz, Anlagensicherheit, VCH, Weinheim, 1991

J. Steinbach, Chemische Sicherheitstechnik, VCH, Weinheim, 1995

G. Suter, Identifikation sicherheitskritischer Prozesse, P&A Kompendium, 2004

Module M1709: Applied optimization in energy and process engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Applied optimization in energy and process engineering (L2693) Integrated Lecture 2 3
Applied optimization in energy and process engineering (L2695) Recitation Section (small) 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Fundamentals in the field of mathematical modeling and numerical mathematics, as well as a basic understanding of process engineering processes.

In particular the contents of the module Process and Plant Engineering II

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The module provides a general introduction to the basics of applied mathematical optimization and deals with application areas on different scales from the identification of kinetic models, to the optimal design of unit operations and the optimization of entire (sub)processes, as well as production planning. In addition to the basic classification and formulation of optimization problems, different solution approaches are discussed and tested during the exercises. Besides deterministic gradient-based methods, metaheuristics such as evolutionary and genetic algorithms and their application are discussed as well.

• Introduction to Applied Optimization

• Formulation of optimization problems

• Linear Optimization

• Nonlinear Optimization

• Mixed-integer (non)linear optimization

• Multi-objective optimization

• Global optimization


After successful participation in the module "Applied Optimization in Energy and Process Engineering", students are able to formulate the different types of optimization problems and to select appropriate solution methods in suitable software such as Matlab and GAMS and to develop improved solution strategies. Furthermore, students will be able to interpret and critically examine the results accordingly.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are capable of:

•develop solutions in heterogeneous small groups

Students are capable of:

•taping new knowledge on a special subject by literature research
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Oral exam
Examination duration and scale 35 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Energy Systems: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Energy and Resources: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Bioenergy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Wind Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L2693: Applied optimization in energy and process engineering
Typ Integrated Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe

The lecture offers a general introduction to the basics and possibilities of applied mathematical optimization and deals with application areas on different scales from kinetics identification, optimal design of unit operations to the optimization of entire (sub)processes, and production planning. In addition to the basic classification and formulation of optimization problems, different solution approaches are discussed. Besides deterministic gradient-based methods, metaheuristics such as evolutionary and genetic algorithms and their application are discussed as well.

- Introduction to Applied Optimization

- Formulation of optimization problems

- Linear Optimization

- Nonlinear Optimization

- Mixed-integer (non)linear optimization

- Multi-objective optimization

- Global optimization


Weicker, K., Evolutionäre Algortihmen, Springer, 2015

Edgar, T. F., Himmelblau D. M., Lasdon, L. S., Optimization of Chemical Processes, McGraw Hill, 2001

Biegler, L. Nonlinear Programming - Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications to Chemical Processes, 2010

Kallrath, J. Gemischt-ganzzahlige Optimierung: Modellierung in der Praxis, Vieweg, 2002

Course L2695: Applied optimization in energy and process engineering
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0633: Industrial Process Automation

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Industrial Process Automation (L0344) Lecture 2 3
Industrial Process Automation (L0345) Recitation Section (small) 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Alexander Schlaefer
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

mathematics and optimization methods
principles of automata 
principles of algorithms and data structures
programming skills

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students can evaluate and assess discrete event systems. They can evaluate properties of processes and explain methods for process analysis. The students can compare methods for process modelling and select an appropriate method for actual problems. They can discuss scheduling methods in the context of actual problems and give a detailed explanation of advantages and disadvantages of different programming methods. The students can relate process automation to methods from robotics and sensor systems as well as to recent topics like 'cyberphysical systems' and 'industry 4.0'.


The students are able to develop and model processes and evaluate them accordingly. This involves taking into account optimal scheduling, understanding algorithmic complexity, and implementation using PLCs.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students can independently define work processes within their groups, distribute tasks within the group and develop solutions collaboratively.


The students are able to assess their level of knowledge and to document their work results adequately.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
No 10 % Excercises
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 minutes
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Computer Science: Specialisation II: Intelligence Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Specialisation Control and Power Systems Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Aircraft Systems Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Mechatronics: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Product Development and Production: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering and Management: Specialisation Mechatronics: Elective Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Robotics and Computer Science: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0344: Industrial Process Automation
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Alexander Schlaefer
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

- foundations of problem solving and system modeling, discrete event systems
- properties of processes, modeling using automata and Petri-nets
- design considerations for processes (mutex, deadlock avoidance, liveness)
- optimal scheduling for processes
- optimal decisions when planning manufacturing systems, decisions under uncertainty
- software design and software architectures for automation, PLCs


J. Lunze: „Automatisierungstechnik“, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2012
Reisig: Petrinetze: Modellierungstechnik, Analysemethoden, Fallstudien; Vieweg+Teubner 2010
Hrúz, Zhou: Modeling and Control of Discrete-event Dynamic Systems; Springer 2007
Li, Zhou: Deadlock Resolution in Automated Manufacturing Systems, Springer 2009
Pinedo: Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing and Services, Springer 2009

Course L0345: Industrial Process Automation
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Alexander Schlaefer
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0900: Examples in Solid Process Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Fluidization Technology (L0431) Lecture 2 2
Practical Course Fluidization Technology (L1369) Practical Course 1 1
Technical Applications of Particle Technology (L0955) Lecture 2 2
Exercises in Fluidization Technology (L1372) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Stefan Heinrich
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Knowledge from the module particle technology
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Knowledge After completion of the module the students will be able to describe based on examples the assembly of solids engineering processes consisting of multiple apparatuses and subprocesses. They are able to describe the coaction and interrelation of subprocesses.
Skills Students are able to analyze tasks in the field of solids process engineering and to combine suitable subprocesses in a process chain.
Personal Competence
Social Competence Students are able to discuss technical problems in a scientific manner.
Autonomy Students are able to acquire scientific knowledge independently and discuss technical problems in a scientific manner.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Written elaboration drei Berichte (pro Versuch ein Bericht) à 5-10 Seiten
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 minutes
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical and Bio process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Bioenergy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0431: Fluidization Technology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Heinrich
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Introduction: definition, fluidization regimes, comparison with other types of gas/solids reactors
Typical fluidized bed applications
Fluidmechanical principle
Local fluid mechanics of gas/solid fluidization
Fast fluidization (circulating fluidized bed)
Solids mixing in fluidized beds
Application of fluidized beds to granulation and drying processes


Kunii, D.; Levenspiel, O.: Fluidization Engineering. Butterworth Heinemann, Boston, 1991.

Course L1369: Practical Course Fluidization Technology
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Heinrich
Language EN
Cycle WiSe


  • Determination of the minimum fluidization velocity
  • heat transfer
  • granulation
  • drying


Kunii, D.; Levenspiel, O.: Fluidization Engineering. Butterworth Heinemann, Boston, 1991.

Course L0955: Technical Applications of Particle Technology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Werner Sitzmann
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content Unit operations like mixing, separation, agglomeration and size reduction are discussed concerning their technical applicability from the perspective of the practician. Machines and apparatuses are presented, their designs and modes of action are explained and their application in production processes for chemicals, food and feed and in recycling processes are illustrated.
Literature Stieß M: Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik I und II, Springer - Verlag, 1997
Course L1372: Exercises in Fluidization Technology
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Heinrich
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Exercises and calculation examples for the lecture Fluidization Technology


Kunii, D.; Levenspiel, O.: Fluidization Engineering. Butterworth Heinemann, Boston, 1991.

Module M0949: Rural Development and Resources Oriented Sanitation for different Climate Zones

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Rural Development and Resources Oriented Sanitation for different Climate Zones (L0942) Seminar 2 3
Rural Development and Resources Oriented Sanitation for different Climate Zones (L0941) Lecture 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge of the global situation with rising poverty, soil degradation, lack of water resources and sanitation

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students can describe resources oriented wastewater systems mainly based on source control in detail. They can comment on techniques designed for reuse of water, nutrients and soil conditioners.

Students are able to discuss a wide range of proven approaches in Rural Development from and for many regions of the world.


Students are able to design low-tech/low-cost sanitation, rural water supply, rainwater harvesting systems, measures for the rehabilitation of top soil quality combined with food and water security. Students can consult on the basics of soil building through “Holisitc Planned Grazing” as developed by Allan Savory.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to develop a specific topic in a team and to work out milestones according to a given plan.


Students are in a position to work on a subject and to organize their work flow independently. They can also present on this subject.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale During the course of the semester, the students work towards mile stones. The work includes presentations and papers. Detailed information will be provided at the beginning of the smester.
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment and Climate: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water Quality and Water Engineering: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Course L0942: Rural Development and Resources Oriented Sanitation for different Climate Zones
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

  • Central part of this module is a group work on a subtopic of the lectures. The focus of these projects will be based on an interview with a target audience, practitioners or scientists.
  • The group work is divided into several Milestones and Assignments. The outcome will be presented in a final presentation at the end of the semester.

  • J. Lange, R. Otterpohl 2000: Abwasser - Handbuch zu einer zukunftsfähigen Abwasserwirtschaft. Mallbeton Verlag (TUHH Bibliothek)
  • Winblad, Uno and Simpson-Hébert, Mayling 2004: Ecological Sanitation, EcoSanRes, Sweden (free download)
  • Schober, Sabine: WTO/TUHH Award winning Terra Preta Toilet Design:
Course L0941: Rural Development and Resources Oriented Sanitation for different Climate Zones
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
  • Living Soil - THE key element of Rural Development
  • Participatory Approaches
  • Rainwater Harvesting
  • Ecological Sanitation Principles and practical examples
  • Permaculture Principles of Rural Development
  • Performance and Resilience of Organic Small Farms
  • Going Further: The TUHH Toolbox for Rural Development
  • EMAS Technologies, Low cost drinking water supply

  • Miracle Water Village, India, Integrated Rainwater Harvesting, Water Efficiency, Reforestation and Sanitation:
  • Montgomery, David R. 2007: Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations, University of California Press

Module M0973: Biocatalysis

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology (L1158) Lecture 2 3
Technical Biocatalysis (L1157) Lecture 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Andreas Liese
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Knowledge of bioprocess engineering and process engineering at bachelor level

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After successful completion of this course, students will be able to

  • reflect a broad knowledge about enzymes and their applications in academia and industry
  • have an overview of relevant biotransformations und name the general definitions

After successful completion of this course, students will be able to

  • understand the fundamentals of biocatalysis and enzyme processes and transfer this to new tasks
  • know the several enzyme reactors and the important parameters of enzyme processes
  • use their gained knowledge about the realisation of processes. Transfer this to new tasks
  • analyse and discuss special tasks of processes in plenum and give solutions
  • communicate and discuss in English
Personal Competence
Social Competence

After completion of this module, participants will be able to debate technical and biocatalytical questions in small teams to enhance the ability to take position to their own opinions and increase their capacity for teamwork. 


After completion of this module, participants will be able to solve a technical problem independently including a presentation of the results.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical and Bio process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L1158: Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Andreas Liese
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

1. Introduction: Impact and potential of enzyme-catalysed processes in biotechnology.

2. History of microbial and enzymatic biotransformations.

3. Chirality - definition & measurement

4. Basic biochemical reactions, structure and function of enzymes.

5. Biocatalytic retrosynthesis of asymmetric molecules

6. Enzyme kinetics: mechanisms, calculations, multisubstrate reactions.

7. Reactors for biotransformations.

  • K. Faber: Biotransformations in Organic Chemistry, Springer, 5th Ed., 2004
  • A. Liese, K. Seelbach, C. Wandrey: Industrial Biotransformations, Wiley-VCH, 2006
  • R. B. Silverman: The Organic Chemistry of Enzyme-Catalysed Reactions, Academic Press, 2000
  • K. Buchholz, V. Kasche, U. Bornscheuer: Biocatalysts and Enzyme Technology. VCH, 2005.
  • R. D. Schmidt: Pocket Guide to Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Woley-VCH, 2003
Course L1157: Technical Biocatalysis
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Andreas Liese
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

1. Introduction

2. Production and Down Stream Processing of Biocatalysts

3. Analytics (offline/online)

4. Reaction Engineering & Process Control

  • Definitions
  • Reactors
  • Membrane Processes
  • Immobilization

5. Process Optimization

  • Simplex / DOE / GA

6. Examples of Industrial Processes

  • food / feed
  • fine chemicals

7. Non-Aqueous Solvents as Reaction Media

  • ionic liquids
  • scCO2
  • solvent free
  •  A. Liese, K. Seelbach, C. Wandrey: Industrial Biotransformations, Wiley-VCH, 2006
  •  H. Chmiel: Bioprozeßtechnik, Elsevier, 2005
  •  K. Buchholz, V. Kasche, U. Bornscheuer: Biocatalysts and Enzyme Technology, VCH, 2005
  •  R. D. Schmidt: Pocket Guide to Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Woley-VCH, 2003

Module M1017: Food Technology

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Food Technology (L1216) Lecture 2 3
Experimental Course: Brewing Technology (L1242) Practical Course 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Stefan Heinrich
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Basic knowledge of partice technology
  • Separation Technique; Heat and Mass Transfer I
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After successful completion of the module students are able to

  • discuss the material properties of food
  • explain basic of production processes in food engineering
  • describe some selected processes

Students are able to

  • choose and design process chains for the processing of food
  • asses the effect of the single process steps on the material properties of food
Personal Competence
Social Competence Students are enabled to discuss knowledge in a scientific environment.

Students are able to acquire scientific knowledge independently and knowledge in a scientific manner.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Written elaboration 10 - 15 Seiten
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 minutes
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical and Bio process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L1216: Food Technology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Heinrich, Prof. Stefan Palzer
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

1. Material properties: Rheology, Transport coefficients, Measuring devices, Quality aspects

2. Processes at ambient condition, at elevated temperature and pressure

3. energy analysis

4. Selected processes: Seed oil production; Roasted Coffee 


M. Bockisch: Handbuch der Lebensmitteltechnologie , Stuttgart, 1993

R. Eggers: Vorlesungsmanuskript

Course L1242: Experimental Course: Brewing Technology
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Heinrich, Prof. Stefan Palzer
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe

In the frame of the course the basics of fermentation, fluid processing and process engineering will be repeated.

Following all aspects of manufacturing of beer will be explained: selection and processing of raw materials, different liquid and solid unit operations, packaging technology and final quality assurance/sensory evaluation.

The students will perform all unit operations in pilot scale. The objective is that student experience and adopt a holistic view of food manufacturing.


Ludwig Narziss: Abriss der Bierbrauerei, 7. Auflage, Wiley VCH

Module M1778: Special Topics on Fluid Mechanics

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Application of numerical methods in process engineering (L2923) Lecture 2 2
Non invasive measurement techniques for Multiphase Flows (L2924) Lecture 2 2
Non invasive measurement techniques for Multiphase Flows (L2925) Practical Course 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Michael Schlüter
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

All lectures from the undergraduate studies, especially mathematics, chemistry, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat- and mass transfer.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students will be able to:

  • apply numerical simulations to concrete flow problems in process engineering.
  • experimentally analysis of basic parameters in industrial multiphase flows
  • critically assess how reliably numerical methods work and decide which quantities need to be validated with experimental data.

Students are able to:

  • perform numerical simulations in single and multiphase flows especially in technical applications
  • choose and apply experimental methods in multiphase flows especially in industrial aparatuses
Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to discuss in international teams in english and develop an approach under pressure of time.


Students are able to independently define tasks for working on the overall problem "Experimental and numerical analysis of multiphase reactors". The knowledge required for this is acquired by the students themselves, building on the knowledge imparted in the lecture, and they decide which experimental and numerical methods from the lecture and the practical course are to be used for implementation. They can organize themselves in a team and assign priorities for subtasks.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Oral exam
Examination duration and scale 20 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical and Bio process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L2923: Application of numerical methods in process engineering
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Yan Jin, Prof. Michael Schlüter
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe

This lecture introduces a number of significant research topics in fluid mechanics and their up-to-date progresses. Through the lecture, students will learn how to solve real scientific and engineering flow problems using numerical and experimental methods. The lecture helps the students to prepare for their master thesis. The detailed contents include:

  • Wall bounded flows (channel flows; pipe flows; wall roughness)
  • Convection in porous media (multiscale physics; flow instabilities)
  • Flows in turbomachinery (compressor/turbine cascades; wind turbines)
  • Flows in biological and physiological processes (digestion in stomach; respiratory system
  • Interfacial mass transfer of bubbly flows
  • Comparison between experiments and simulation, experimental validation

  • Combustion in engines (optional)

Numerische Strömungsmechanik, Joel H. Ferziger, Milovan Perić  &  Robert L. Street, Springer Vieweg, 2020

Strömungsmechanik, Heinz Herwig & Bastian Schmandt, Springer Vieweg, 2015.

Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow, Christopher E. Brennen, Cambridge University Press, 2005.

OpenFOAM User Guide, version 11, 11th July 2023.

OpenFOAM Programmer’s Guide, Version 3.0.1, 2015

Course L2924: Non invasive measurement techniques for Multiphase Flows
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Felix Kexel
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
  • Flow measurement techniques (Particle Image Velocimetry, Particle Tracking Velocimetry,...)
  • Concentration measurement techniques (Laser Induced Fluorescence, UV/VIS Imaging, …)
  • Measurement of Particle Size Distribution (Bubbles, Droplets, Particles)
  • Measurement techniques for Microflows
  • Measurement techniques for Multiphase flows in industrial application

Raffel, M.; Willert, C.E.; Wereley, S.T.; Kompenhans, J.: Particle Image Velocimetry, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg (2007), ISBN 978-3-642-43166-1, DOI:

Schlüter, M. (2011). Lokale Messverfahren für Mehrphasenströmungen. Chemie Ingenieur Technik. 83. (7), 1084-1095.

Course L2925: Non invasive measurement techniques for Multiphase Flows
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Felix Kexel
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Exemplary measurements in the laboratory of the Institute of Multiphase Flows:

  • Flow measurements(Particle Image Velocimetry, Particle Tracking Velocimetry,...)
  • Concentration measurements (Laser Induced Fluorescence, UV/VIS Imaging, …)
  • Particle Size Distribution measurements (Bubbles, Droplets, Particles)
  • Measurements in microflows

Raffel, M.; Willert, C.E.; Wereley, S.T.; Kompenhans, J.: Particle Image Velocimetry, Springer Berlin, Heidelberg (2007), ISBN 978-3-642-43166-1, DOI:

Schlüter, M. (2011). Lokale Messverfahren für Mehrphasenströmungen. Chemie Ingenieur Technik. 83. (7), 1084-1095.

Module M0537: Applied Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Properties for Industrial Applications

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Applied Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Properties for Industrial Applications (L0100) Lecture 4 3
Applied Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Properties for Industrial Applications (L0230) Recitation Section (small) 2 3
Module Responsible Dr. Simon Müller
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Thermodynamics III

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students are capable to formulate thermodynamic problems and to specify possible solutions. Furthermore, they can describe the current state of research in thermodynamic property predictions.


The students are capable to apply modern thermodynamic calculation methods to multi-component mixtures and relevant biological systems. They can calculate phase equilibria and partition coefficients by applying equations of state, gE models, and COSMO-RS methods. They can provide a comparison and a critical assessment of these methods with regard to their industrial relevance. The students are capable to use the software COSMOtherm and relevant property tools of ASPEN and to write short programs for the specific calculation of different thermodynamic properties. They can judge and evaluate the results from thermodynamic calculations/predictions for industrial processes.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are capable to develop and discuss solutions in small groups; further they can translate these solutions into calculation algorithms. 


Students can rank the field of “Applied Thermodynamics” within the scientific and social context.  They are capable to define research projects within the field of thermodynamic data calculation.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Written elaboration
Examination Oral exam
Examination duration and scale 1 Stunde Gruppenprüfung
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical and Bio process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0100: Applied Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Properties for Industrial Applications
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 4
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 34, Study Time in Lecture 56
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Dohrn
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

  • Phase equilibria in multicomponent systems
  • Partioning in biorelevant systems
  • Calculation of phase equilibria in colloidal systems: UNIFAC, COSMO-RS (exercises in computer pool)
  • Calculation of partitioning coefficients in biological membranes: COSMO-RS (exercises in computer pool)
  • Application of equations of state (vapour pressure, phase equilibria, etc.) (exercises in computer pool) 
  • Intermolecular forces, interaction Potenitials
  • Introduction in statistical thermodynamics
Course L0230: Applied Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Properties for Industrial Applications
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Simon Müller
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

exercises in computer pool, see lecture description for more details

Literature -

Module M0801: Water Resources and -Supply

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Chemistry of Drinking Water Treatment (L0311) Lecture 2 1
Chemistry of Drinking Water Treatment (L0312) Recitation Section (large) 1 2
Water Resource Management (L0402) Lecture 2 2
Water Resource Management (L0403) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Mathias Ernst
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Knowledge of water management and the key processes involved in water treatment.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students will be able to outline key areas of conflict in water management, as well as their mutual dependence for sustainable water supply. They will understand relevant economic, environmental and social factors. Students will be able to explain and outline the organisational structures of water companies. They will be able to explain the available water treatment processes and the scope of their application.


Students will be able to assess complex problems in drinking water production and establish solutions involving water management and technical measures. They will be able to assess the evaluation methods that can be used for this. Students will be able to carry out chemical calculations for selected treatment processes and apply generally accepted technical rules and standards to these processes.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Working in a diverse group of specialists, students will be able to develop and document complex solutions for the management and treatment of drinking water. They will be able to take an appropriate professional position, for example representing user interests. They will be able to develop joint solutions in teams of diverse experts and present these solutions to others.


Students will be in a position to work on a subject independently and present on this subject.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 60 min (chemistry) + presentation
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Structural Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Geotechnical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Coastal Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Technical Complementary Course: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Course L0311: Chemistry of Drinking Water Treatment
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 2, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Klaus Johannsen
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

The topic of this course is water chemistry with respect to drinking water treatment and water distribution

Major topics are solubility of gases, carbonic acid system and calcium carbonate,  blending, softening, redox processes, materials and legal requirements on drinking water treatment. Focus is put on generally accepted rules of technology (DVGW- and DIN-standards).

Special emphasis is put on calculations using realistic analysis data  (e.g. calculation of pH or calcium carbonate dissolution potential) in exercises. Students can get a feedback and gain extra points for exam by solving problems for homework.

Knowledge of drinking water treatment processes is vital for this lecture. Therefore the most important processes are explained coordinated with the course “ Water resources management“ in the beginning of the semester.


MHW (rev. by Crittenden, J. et al.): Water treatment principles and design. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, 2005.

Stumm, W., Morgan, J.J.: Aquatic chemistry. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996.

DVGW (Hrsg.): Wasseraufbereitung - Grundlagen und Verfahren. Oldenbourg Industrie Verlag, München, 2004.

Jensen, J. N.: A Problem Solving Approach to Aquatic Chemistry. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2003.

Course L0312: Chemistry of Drinking Water Treatment
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Klaus Johannsen
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0402: Water Resource Management
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Mathias Ernst
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

The lecture provides comprehensive knowledge on interaction of water ressource management and drinking water supply. Content overview:

  • Current situation of global water resources

-        User and Stakeholder conflicts

-        Wasserressourcenmanagement in urbane Gebieten

-        Rechtliche Aspekte, Organisationsformen Trinkwasserversorgungsunternehmen.

-        Ökobilanzierung, Benchmarking in der Wasserversorgung

  • Aktuelle UN World Water Development Reports
  • Branchenbild der deutschen Wasserwirtschaft, VKU (2011)
  • Aktuelle Artikel wissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften
  • Ppt der Vorlesung
Course L0403: Water Resource Management
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Mathias Ernst
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0662: Numerical Mathematics I

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Numerical Mathematics I (L0417) Lecture 2 3
Numerical Mathematics I (L0418) Recitation Section (small) 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Sabine Le Borne
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Mathematik I + II for Engineering Students (german or english) or Analysis & Linear Algebra I + II for Technomathematicians
  • basic MATLAB/Python knowledge
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to

  • name numerical methods for interpolation, integration, least squares problems, eigenvalue problems, nonlinear root finding problems and to explain their core ideas,
  • repeat convergence statements for the numerical methods,
  • explain aspects for the practical execution of numerical methods with respect to computational and storage complexitx.


Students are able to

  • implement, apply and compare numerical methods using MATLAB/Python,
  • justify the convergence behaviour of numerical methods with respect to the problem and solution algorithm,
  • select and execute a suitable solution approach for a given problem.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to

  • work together in heterogeneously composed teams (i.e., teams from different study programs and background knowledge), explain theoretical foundations and support each other with practical aspects regarding the implementation of algorithms.

Students are capable

  • to assess whether the supporting theoretical and practical excercises are better solved individually or in a team,
  • to assess their individual progess and, if necessary, to ask questions and seek help.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 minutes
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Computer Science: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Biomedical Engineering: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Biomechanics: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Aircraft Systems Engineering: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Mechatronics: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Advanced Materials: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Data Science: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Data Science: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Engineering Science: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Mechatronics: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Technical Complementary Course Core Studies: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0417: Numerical Mathematics I
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Sabine Le Borne
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
  1. Finite precision arithmetic, error analysis, conditioning and stability
  2. Linear systems of equations: LU and Cholesky factorization, condition
  3. Interpolation: polynomial, spline and trigonometric interpolation
  4. Nonlinear equations: fixed point iteration, root finding algorithms, Newton's method
  5. Linear and nonlinear least squares problems: normal equations, Gram Schmidt and Householder orthogonalization, singular value decomposition, regularizatio, Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt methods
  6. Eigenvalue problems: power iteration, inverse iteration, QR algorithm
  7. Numerical differentiation
  8. Numerical integration: Newton-Cotes rules, error estimates, Gauss quadrature, adaptive quadrature
  • Gander/Gander/Kwok: Scientific Computing: An introduction using Maple and MATLAB, Springer (2014)
  • Stoer/Bulirsch: Numerische Mathematik 1, Springer
  • Dahmen, Reusken: Numerik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler, Springer

Course L0418: Numerical Mathematics I
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Sabine Le Borne, Dr. Jens-Peter Zemke
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0975: Industrial Bioprocesses in Practice

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Industrial biotechnology in Chemical Industriy (L2276) Seminar 2 3
Practice in bioprocess engineering (L2275) Seminar 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Andreas Liese
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Knowledge of bioprocess engineering and process engineering at bachelor level

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After successful completion of the module    

  • the students can outline the current status of research on the specific topics discussed
  • the students can explain the basic underlying principles of the respective industrial biotransformations

After successful completion of the module students are able to

  • analyze and evaluate current research approaches
  • plan industrial biotransformations basically
Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to work together as a team with several students to solve given tasks and discuss their results in the plenary and to defend them.


The students are able independently to present the results of their subtasks in a presentation

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Presentation
Examination duration and scale each seminar 15 min lecture and 15 min discussion
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation C - Bioeconomic Process Engineering, Focus Energy and Bioprocess Technology: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation C - Bioeconomic Process Engineering, Focus Management and Controlling: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L2276: Industrial biotechnology in Chemical Industriy
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Stephan Freyer
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

This course gives an insight into the applications, processes, structures and boundary conditions in industrial practice. Various concrete applications of the technology, markets and other questions that will significantly influence the plant and process design will be shown.


Chmiel H (ed). Bioprozesstechnik, Springer 2011, ISBN: 978-3-8274-2476-1 [Titel anhand dieser ISBN in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen]

Bailey, James and David F. Ollis: Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals. ‑2nd ed.; New York: McGraw Hill, 1986.

Becker, Th. et al. (2008) Biotechnology. Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.

Doran, Pauline M.: Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Academic Press, 2003

Hass, V. und R. Pörtner: Praxis der Bioprozesstechnik. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag (2011), 2. Auflage

Krahe M (2003) Biochemical Engineering. Ullmann´s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.

Schuler, M.L. / Kargi, F.: Bioprocess Engineering - Basic concepts

Course L2275: Practice in bioprocess engineering
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Wilfried Blümke
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content Content of this course is a concrete insight into the principles, processes and structures of an industrial biotechnology company. In addition to practical illustrative examples, aspects beyond the actual process engineering area are also addressed, such as e.g. Sustainability and engineering.


Chmiel H (ed). Bioprozesstechnik, Springer 2011, ISBN: 978-3-8274-2476-1 [Titel anhand dieser ISBN in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen]

Bailey, James and David F. Ollis: Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals. ‑2nd ed.; New York: McGraw Hill, 1986.

Becker, Th. et al. (2008) Biotechnology. Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.

Doran, Pauline M.: Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Academic Press, 2003

Hass, V. und R. Pörtner: Praxis der Bioprozesstechnik. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag (2011), 2. Auflage

Krahe M (2003) Biochemical Engineering. Ullmann´s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.

Schuler, M.L. / Kargi, F.: Bioprocess Engineering - Basic concepts

Module M0802: Membrane Technology

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Membrane Technology (L0399) Lecture 2 3
Membrane Technology (L0400) Recitation Section (small) 1 2
Membrane Technology (L0401) Practical Course 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Mathias Ernst
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge of water chemistry. Knowledge of the core processes involved in water, gas and steam treatment

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students will be able to rank the technical applications of industrially important membrane processes. They will be able to explain the different driving forces behind existing membrane separation processes. Students will be able to name materials used in membrane filtration and their advantages and disadvantages. Students will be able to explain the key differences in the use of membranes in water, other liquid media, gases and in liquid/gas mixtures.


Students will be able to prepare mathematical equations for material transport in porous and solution-diffusion membranes and calculate key parameters in the membrane separation process. They will be able to handle technical membrane processes using available boundary data and provide recommendations for the sequence of different treatment processes. Through their own experiments, students will be able to classify the separation efficiency, filtration characteristics and application of different membrane materials. Students will be able to characterise the formation of the fouling layer in different waters and apply technical measures to control this. 

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students will be able to work in diverse teams on tasks in the field of membrane technology. They will be able to make decisions within their group on laboratory experiments to be undertaken jointly and present these to others. 


Students will be in a position to solve homework on the topic of membrane technology independently. They will be capable of finding creative solutions to technical questions.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Technical Complementary Course: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water Quality and Water Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Course L0399: Membrane Technology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Mathias Ernst
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

The lecture on membrane technology supply provides students with a broad understanding of existing membrane treatment processes, encompassing pressure driven membrane processes, membrane application in electrodialyis, pervaporation as well as membrane distillation. The lectures main focus is the industrial production of drinking water like particle separation or desalination; however gas separation processes as well as specific wastewater oriented applications such as membrane bioreactor systems will be discussed as well.

Initially, basics in low pressure and high pressure membrane applications are presented (microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis). Students learn about essential water quality parameter, transport equations and key parameter for pore membrane as well as solution diffusion membrane systems. The lecture sets a specific focus on fouling and scaling issues and provides knowledge on methods how to tackle with these phenomena in real water treatment application. A further part of the lecture deals with the character and manufacturing of different membrane materials and the characterization of membrane material by simple methods and advanced analysis.

The functions, advantages and drawbacks of different membrane housings and modules are explained. Students learn how an industrial membrane application is designed in the succession of treatment steps like pre-treatment, water conditioning, membrane integration and post-treatment of water. Besides theory, the students will be provided with knowledge on membrane demo-site examples and insights in industrial practice. 

  • T. Melin, R. Rautenbach: Membranverfahren: Grundlagen der Modul- und Anlagenauslegung (2., erweiterte Auflage), Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2004.
  • Marcel Mulder, Basic Principles of Membrane Technology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands
  • Richard W. Baker, Membrane Technology and Applications, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2004
Course L0400: Membrane Technology
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Mathias Ernst
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0401: Membrane Technology
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Mathias Ernst
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1796: Magnetic resonance in engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Fundamentals of Magnetic Resonance (L2968) Lecture 3 3
Magnetic Resonance in Engineering (L2969) Project-/problem-based Learning 3 3
Module Responsible Dr. Stefan Benders
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

No special previous knowledge is necessary.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

This module covers the fundamentals of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and their applications in engineering disciplines. The module consists of a classical lecture complemented by a problem-based learning course that includes practical hands-on experience on magnetic resonance devices. The module will be held in English.


After the successful completion of the course the students shall:

  1. Understand the physical principles and practical aspects of magnetic resonance in engineering.
  2. Know how to safely operate NMR and MRI systems.
  3. Know how to run standard experimental sequences and how to implement more advanced sequence protocols.
  4. Have an overview of the current capabilities and limits of the MR technique
Personal Competence
Social Competence

In the problem-based course Magnetic Resonance in Engineering, the students will obtain hands-on experience on how to operate NMR spectrometers and high-field and low-field MRI systems. The course will cover safety aspects, pulse sequence design, spectral image analysis, and image reconstruction. The students will work in small groups on practical tasks on different NMR and MRI systems located at the campus of TUHH.


Through the practical character of the PBL course, the student shall improve their communication skills.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale 120 Minutes
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation C - Bioeconomic Process Engineering, Focus Energy and Bioprocess Technology: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical and Bio process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Materials Science and Engineering: Specialisation Engineering Materials: Elective Compulsory
Materials Science: Specialisation Engineering Materials: Elective Compulsory
Materials Science: Specialisation Nano and Hybrid Materials: Elective Compulsory
Biomedical Engineering: Specialisation Implants and Endoprostheses: Elective Compulsory
Biomedical Engineering: Specialisation Artificial Organs and Regenerative Medicine: Elective Compulsory
Biomedical Engineering: Specialisation Medical Technology and Control Theory: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L2968: Fundamentals of Magnetic Resonance
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Dr. Stefan Benders
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

This lecture covers the fundamentals magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). It focuses on the following topics:

  1. The fundamentals of magnetic resonance: magnetism, magnetic fields, radiofrequency, spin, relaxation
  2. Hardware for magnetic resonance: magnets (high-field and low-field), radiofrequency coil design, magnetic field gradients
  3. NMR-Spectroscopy: chemical shift, J-Coupling, 2D NMR, solid-state, MAS
  4. Relaxometry: single-sided NMR, contrasts,
  5. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): gradients, coils, k-space, imaging sequences, ultrafast Imaging, parallel imaging, velocimetry, CEST
  6. Hyperpolarization techniques: DNP, p-H2, optical pumping with Xe
  7. Applications of magnetic resonance in chemical engineering
  8. Applications of magnetic resonance in material science and engineering
  9. Applications of magnetic resonance in biomedical engineering    

Stapf, S., & Han, S. (2006). NMR imaging in chemical engineering. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. ISBN: 978-3-527-60719-8

Blümich B., (2003) NMR imaging of materials. Oxford University Press, Online- ISBN: 9780191709524 , doi:

Brown R. W., Cheng Y. N., Haacke E. M., Thompson M. R., Venkatesan R., (2014) Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical Principles and Sequence Design, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., doi: 10.1002/9781118633953

Haber-Pohlmeier, Sabina, Bernhard Blumich, and Luisa Ciobanu, (2022) Magnetic Resonance Microscopy: Instrumentation and Applications in Engineering, Life Science, and Energy Research. John Wiley & Sons

Course L2969: Magnetic Resonance in Engineering
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Dr. Stefan Benders
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

In this course, the theoretical basics of magnetic resonance spectroscopy and magnetic resonance tomography are supplemented with practical experiments on the respective devices. The practical handling and operation of the equipment will be learned. 


Stapf, S., & Han, S. (2006). NMR imaging in chemical engineering. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. ISBN: 978-3-527-60719-8 

Blümich B., (2003) NMR imaging of materials. Oxford University Press, Online- ISBN: 9780191709524, doi:

Brown R. W., Cheng Y. N., Haacke E. M., Thompson M. R., Venkatesan R., (2014) Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical Principles and Sequence Design, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., doi: 10.1002/9781118633953

Module M0658: Innovative CFD Approaches

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Application of Innovative CFD Methods in Research and Development (L0239) Lecture 2 3
Application of Innovative CFD Methods in Research and Development (L1685) Recitation Section (small) 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Thomas Rung
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Students should have sound knowledge of engineering mathematics (series expansions, internal & vector calculus), and be familiar with the foundations of partial/ordinary differential equations. They are expected to be familiar with engineering fluid mechanics. Basic knowledge of numerical analysis or computational fluid dynamics, e.g. acquired in previous CFD courses, is of advantage but not necessary.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students will acquire a deeper knowledge of recent trends in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), i.e. finite volume, smoothed particle hydrodynamics and lattice Boltzmann approaches, and can relate recent innovations with present challenges in computational fluid mechanics. They are familiar with the similarities and differences between different Eulerian and Lagrangian discretisation and approximation concepts for investigating on the basis of continuum and kinetic theories. Students have the required knowledge to develop, explain, code and apply numerical models concepts to approximate multiphase and multifield problems with grid and particle based methods, respectively. Students know the fundamentals of simulation based PDE constraint optimisation.


The students are able choose and apply appropriate discretisation concepts and flow physics models. They acquire the ability to code computational algorithms dedicated to finite volumes on unstructured grids & particle-based discretisations & structured lattice Boltzmann arrangements, apply these codes for parameter investigations and supplement interfaces to extract simulation data for an engineering analysis. They are able to sophisticatedly judge different solution strategies.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to discuss problems, present the results of their own analysis, and jointly develop, implement and report on solution strategies that address given technical reference problems in a team. They to lead team sessions and present solutions to experts.


The students can independently analyse innovative methods to solving fluid engineering problems. They are able to critically analyse own results as well as external data with regards to the plausibility and reliability. Students are able to structure and perform a simulation-based investigation.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes 20 % Written elaboration
Examination Oral exam
Examination duration and scale 30 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Energy Systems: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Ship and Offshore Technology: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Simulation Technology: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0239: Application of Innovative CFD Methods in Research and Development
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Thomas Rung
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe

Computational Optimisation, Parallel Computing, Efficient CFD-Procedures   for GPU Archtiectures, Alternative Approximations (Lattice-Boltzmann Methods, Particle Methods), Fluid/Structure-Interaction, Modelling of Hybrid Continua

Literature Vorlesungsmaterialien /lecture notes
Course L1685: Application of Innovative CFD Methods in Research and Development
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Thomas Rung
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0742: Thermal Energy Systems

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Thermal Engergy Systems (L0023) Lecture 3 5
Thermal Engergy Systems (L0024) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Arne Speerforck
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Technical Thermodynamics I, II, Fluid Dynamics, Heat Transfer
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students know the different energy conversion stages and the difference between efficiency and annual efficiency. They have increased knowledge in heat and mass transfer, especially in regard to buildings and mobile applications. They are familiar with German energy saving code and other technical relevant rules. They know to differ different heating systems in the domestic and industrial area and how to control such heating systems. They are able to model a furnace and to calculate the transient temperatures in a furnace. They have the basic knowledge of emission formations in the flames of small burners  and how to conduct the flue gases into the atmosphere. They are able to model thermodynamic systems with object oriented languages.


Students are able to calculate the heating demand for different heating systems and to choose the suitable components. They are able to calculate a pipeline network and have the ability to perform simple planning tasks, regarding solar energy. They can write Modelica programs and can transfer research knowledge into practice. They are able to perform scientific work in the field of thermal engineering.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

In lectures and exercises, the students can use many examples and experiments to discuss in small groups in a goal-oriented manner, develop a solution and present it. Within the exercises, the students can independently develop further questions and work out targeted solutions.


Students are able to define tasks independently, to develop the necessary knowledge themselves based on the knowledge they have received, and to use suitable means for implementation. In the exercises, the students discuss the methods taught in the lectures using complex tasks and critically analyze the results.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 60 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Energy Systems: Specialisation Energy Systems: Compulsory
Energy Systems: Specialisation Marine Engineering: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Product Development, Materials and Production: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0023: Thermal Engergy Systems
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 5
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 108, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Gerhard Schmitz, Prof. Arne Speerforck
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

1. Introduction

2. Fundamentals of Thermal Engineering 2.1 Heat Conduction 2.2 Convection 2.3 Radiation 2.4 Heat transition 2.5 Combustion parameters 2.6 Electrical heating 2.7 Water vapor transport

3. Heating Systems 3.1 Warm water heating systems 3.2 Warm water supply 3.3 piping calculation 3.4 boilers, heat pumps, solar collectors 3.5 Air heating systems 3.6 radiative heating systems

4. Thermal traetment systems 4.1 Industrial furnaces 4.2 Melting furnaces 4.3 Drying plants 4.4 Emission control 4.5 Chimney calculation 4.6 Energy measuring

5. Laws and standards 5.1 Buildings 5.2 Industrial plants

  • Schmitz, G.: Klimaanlagen, Skript zur Vorlesung
  • VDI Wärmeatlas, 11. Auflage, Springer Verlag, Düsseldorf 2013
  • Herwig, H.; Moschallski, A.: Wärmeübertragung, Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, Wiesbaden 2009
  • Recknagel, H.;  Sprenger, E.; Schrammek, E.-R.: Taschenbuch für Heizung- und Klimatechnik 2013/2014, 76. Auflage, Deutscher Industrieverlag, 2013
Course L0024: Thermal Engergy Systems
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Arne Speerforck
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1955: Process Intensification in Process Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Process Intensification in Process Engineering (L1978) Lecture 2 2
Process Intensification in Process Engineering (L1715) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 4
Module Responsible Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Process and Plant Engineering 1

Process and Plant Engineering 2

Basics in Process Engineering

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Students are able to evaluate hybrid processes
Students are able to evaluate processes with regard to their suitability as hybrid processes and to interpret them accordingly.
Personal Competence
Social Competence
Students are able to apply the principles of project management for small groups.
Students are able to acquire and discuss specialized knowledge about hybrid processes.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale Project report incl. PM-documents and Midterm
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical and Bio process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L1978: Process Intensification in Process Engineering
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Thomas Waluga, Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Introduction to integrated and hybrid processes in chemical and biotechnological process engineering; advantages and disadvantages, process windows, differentiation criteria;

Process synthesis and process modeling

Process examples from industry and research: reactive distillation, dividing wall columns, reactive dividing wall columns, SHOP and MerOX, centrifuges, membrane-supported processes


- H. Schmidt-Traub; Integrated Reaction and Separation Operations: Modelling and Experimental Validation; Springer 2006
- K. Sundmacher, A. Kienle, A. Seidel-Morgenstern; Integrated Chemical Processes: Synthesis, Operation, Analysis, and Control; Wiley-VCH 2005
- Mexandre C. Dimian (Ed); Integrated Design and Simulation of Chemical Processes; in Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Volume 13, Pages 1-698 (2003)

Course L1715: Process Intensification in Process Engineering
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Thomas Waluga, Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1736: Industrial Homogeneous Catalysis

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Homogeneous catalysis in application (L2804) Practical Course 1 2
Industrial homogeneous catalysis (L2802) Lecture 2 2
Industrial homogeneous catalysis (L2803) Recitation Section (large) 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Jakob Albert
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Basic knowledge from the Bachelor's degree course in process engineering
  • Chemical reaction engineering
  • Process and plant engineering
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students can:

  • explain the principle of homogeneous catalysis,
  • give an overview of the versatile applications of homogeneous catalysis in industry
  • evaluate different homogeneously catalysed reactions with regard to their technical challenges and economic significance.

The students are able to

  • develop concepts for the technical implementation of homogeneously catalysed reactions,
  • evaluate practical aspects of homogeneous catalysis using laboratory experiments,
  • apply the acquired knowledge to different homogeneously catalysed reactions.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students:

  • are able to work out the practical aspects of homogeneous catalysis on the basis of laboratory experiments, to carry out and evaluate the analytics of the products and to precisely summarise the results of the experiments in a protocol.
  • are able to independently discuss approaches to solutions and problems in the field of homogeneous catalysis in an interdisciplinary small group,
  • are able to work together in small groups on subject-specific tasks,
    Translated with (free version)

The students

  • are able to independently obtain extensive literature on the topic and to gain knowledge from it,
  • are able to independently solve tasks on the topic and assess their learning status based on the feedback given,
  • are able to independently conduct experimental studies on the topic.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Oral exam
Examination duration and scale 30 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Technical Complementary Course: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L2804: Homogeneous catalysis in application
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Jakob Albert
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

In the laboratory practical course, practical experiments are carried out with reference to industrial application of homogeneous catalysis. The hurdles to the technical implementation of homogeneously catalysed reactions are made clear to the students. The associated analysis of the experimental samples is also part of the laboratory practical course and is carried out and evaluated by the students themselves. The results are precisely summarised and scientifically presented in an experimental protocol.

  1. A. Jess, P. Wasserscheid, „Chemical Technology“, Wiley VCH, 2013
  2. A. Behr, „Angewandte homogene Katalyse“, Wiley-VCH, 2008
Course L2802: Industrial homogeneous catalysis
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Maximilian Poller
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
  • Introduction to homogeneous catalysis
  • Elementary steps of catalysis
  • Homogeneous transition metal catalysis
  • Hydroformylation
  • Wacker process
  • Monsanto process
  • Shell higher olefin process (SHOP)
  • Extractive-oxidative desulphurisation (ECODS)
  • Phase transfer catalysis
  • Liquid-liquid two-phase catalysis
  • Catalyst recycling
  • Reactor concepts
  1. A. Jess, P. Wasserscheid, „Chemical Technology“, Wiley VCH, 2013
  2. A. Behr, „Angewandte homogene Katalyse“, Wiley-VCH, 2008
Course L2803: Industrial homogeneous catalysis
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Samrin Shaikh, Dr. Maximilian Poller
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

In this exercise the contents of the lecture are further deepened and transferred into practical application. This is done using example tasks from practice, which are made available to the students. The students are to solve these tasks independently or in groups with the help of the lecture material. The solution is then discussed with students under scientific guidance, with parts of the task being presented on the blackboard.

  1. A. Jess, P. Wasserscheid, „Chemical Technology“, Wiley VCH, 2013
  2. A. Behr, „Angewandte homogene Katalyse“, Wiley-VCH, 2008

Module M0899: Synthesis and Design of Industrial Processes

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Synthesis and Design of Industrial Facilities (L1048) Lecture 1 2
Industrial Plant Design and Economics (L1977) Project-/problem-based Learning 3 4
Module Responsible Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

process and plant engineering I and II

thermal separation processes

heat and mass transport processes

CAPE (absolut necessarily!)

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

students can:

- reproduce the main elements of design of industrial processes

- give an overview and explain the phases of design

- describe and explain energy, mass balances, cost estimation methods and economic evaluation of invest projects

- justify  and discuss process control concepts and fundamentals of process optimization


students are capable of:

-conduction and evaluation of design of unit operations

- combination of unit operation to a complex process plant

- use of cost estimation methods for the prediction of production costs

- carry out the pfd-diagram

Personal Competence
Social Competence

students are able to discuss and develop in groups the design of an industrial process


students are able to reflect the consequences of their professional activity

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale Engineering Handbook and oral exam (20 min)
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical and Bio process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L1048: Synthesis and Design of Industrial Facilities
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Mirko Skiborowski, Dr. Thomas Waluga
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Presentation of the task
Introduction to design and analysis of a chemical processing plant (example chemical processing plants)
Discussion of the process, preparation of process flow diagram
Calculation of material balance
Calculation of energy balance
Designing/Sizing of the equipment
Capital cost estimation
Production cost estimation
Process control & HAZOP Study
Lecture 11 = Process optimization
Lecture 12 = Final Project Presentation


Richard Turton; Analysis, Synthesis and Design of Chemical Processes:International Edition

Harry Silla; Chemical Process Engineering: Design And Economics

Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering, Volume 6, Second Edition: Chemical Engineering Design

Lorenz T. Biegler;Systematic Methods of Chemical Process Design

Max S. Peters, Klaus Timmerhaus; Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers

James Douglas; Conceptual Design of Chemical Processes

Robin Smith; Chemical Process: Design and Integration

Warren D. Seider; Process design principles, synthesis analysis and evaluation

Course L1977: Industrial Plant Design and Economics
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 3
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 78, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Mirko Skiborowski, Dr. Thomas Waluga
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Creation of a flowsheet for an industrial process

Calculation of the mass and energy balance

Calculation of investment and manufacturing costs

Possibilities of process intensification

Comparison of conventional and intensified processes


Richard Turton; Analysis, Synthesis and Design of Chemical Processes:International Edition

Harry Silla; Chemical Process Engineering: Design And Economics

Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering, Volume 6, Second Edition: Chemical Engineering Design

Lorenz T. Biegler;Systematic Methods of Chemical Process Design

Max S. Peters, Klaus Timmerhaus; Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers

James Douglas; Conceptual Design of Chemical Processes

Robin Smith; Chemical Process: Design and Integration

Warren D. Seider; Process design principles, synthesis analysis and evaluation

Module M1354: Advanced Fuels

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Second generation biofuels and electricity based fuels (L2414) Lecture 2 2
Carbon dioxide as an economic determinant in the mobility sector (L1926) Lecture 1 1
Mobility and climate protection (L2416) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Sustainability aspects and regulatory framework (L2415) Lecture 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Bachelor degree in Process Engineering, Bioprocess Engineering or Energy- and Environmental Engineering

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Within the module, students learn about different provision pathways for the production of advanced fuels (biofuels like e.g. alcohol-to-jet; electricity-based fuels like e.g. power-to-liquid). The different processes chains are explained and the regulatory framework for sustainable fuel production is examined. This includes, for example, the requirements of the Renewable Energies Directive II and the conditions and aspects for a market ramp-up of these fuels. For the holistic assessment of the various fuel options, they are also examined under environmental and economic factors.


After successfully participating, the students are able to solve simulation and application tasks of renewable energy technology:

  • Module-spanning solutions for the design and presentation of fuel production processes resp. the fuel provision chains
  • Comprehensive analysis of various fuel production options in technical, ecological and economic terms

Through active discussions of the various topics within the lectures and exercises of the module, the students improve their understanding and application of the theoretical foundations and are thus able to transfer the learned to the practice.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students can discuss scientific tasks in a subject-specific and interdisciplinary way and develop joint solutions.


The students are able to access independent sources about the questions to be addressed and to acquire the necessary knowledge. They are able to assess their respective learning situation concretely in consultation with their supervisor and to define further questions and solutions. 

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes 20 % Written elaboration Details werden in der ersten Veranstaltung bekannt gegeben.
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation C - Bioeconomic Process Engineering, Focus Energy and Bioprocess Technology: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical and Bio process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Energy Systems: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Energy and Resources: Elective Compulsory
Aircraft Systems Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Logistics, Infrastructure and Mobility: Specialisation Production and Logistics: Elective Compulsory
Logistics, Infrastructure and Mobility: Specialisation Infrastructure and Mobility: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Wind Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Solar Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Bioenergy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L2414: Second generation biofuels and electricity based fuels
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe
  • General overview of various power-based fuels and their process paths, including power-to-liquid process (Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, methanol synthesis), power-to-gas (Sabatier process)
  • Origin, production and use of these fuels
  • Vorlesungsskript
Course L1926: Carbon dioxide as an economic determinant in the mobility sector
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Karsten Wilbrand
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe
  • General overview of various advanced biofuels and their process pathways (including gas-to-liquid, HEFA and Alcohol-to-Jet processes)
  • Origin, production and use of these fuels

  • Babu, V.: Biofuels Production. Beverly, Mass: Scrivener [u.a.], 2013
  • Olsson, L.: Biofuels. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007
  • William, L. L.: Distillation Design and Control Using Aspen Simulation; ISBN-10: 0-471-77888-5
  • Perry, R.; Green, R.: Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Edition, McGraw Hill Professional, 20
  • Sinnot, R. K.: Chemical Engineering Design, Elsevier, 2014
  • Kaltschmitt, M.; Neuling, U. (Ed.): Biokerosene - Status and Prospects; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2018

Course L2416: Mobility and climate protection
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Benedikt Buchspies, Dr. Karsten Wilbrand
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe

Application of the acquired theoretical knowledge from the respective lectures on the basis of concrete tasks from practice

  • Design and simulation of sub-processes of production processes in Aspen Plus ®
  • Ecological and economic analysis of fuel supply paths
  • Classification of case studies into applicable regulations
  • Skriptum zur Vorlesung
  • Aspen Plus® - Aspen Plus User Guide
Course L2415: Sustainability aspects and regulatory framework
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Benedikt Buchspies
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe

Holistic examination of the different fuel paths with the following main topics, among others:

  • Consideration of the environmental impact of the various alternative fuels
  • Economic consideration of the different alternative fuels
  • Regulatory framework for alternative fuels
  • Certification of alternative fuels
  • Market introduction models of alternative fuels
  • European Commission - Joint Research Center (2010): International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook - General guide for Life Cycle Assessment - Detailed guidance. Joint Research Center (JRC) Institut for Environment and Sustainability, Luxembourg
  • Richtlinie (EU) 2018/2001 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 11. Dezember 2018 zur Förderung der Nutzung von Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen

Module M0905: Research Project Process Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Research Project in Process Engineering (L1051) Project-/problem-based Learning 6 6
Module Responsible Dozenten des SD V
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Advanced state of knowledge in the master program of Process Engineering

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students know current research topics oft institutes engaged in their specialization. They can name the fundamental scientific methods used for doing related reserach.


Students are capable of completing a small, independent sub-project of currently ongoing research projects in the institutes engaged in their specialization. Students can justify and explain their approach for problem solving, they can draw conclusions from their results, and then can find new ways and methods for their work. Students are capable of comparing and assessing alterantive approaches with their own with regard to given criteria.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to discuss their work progress with research assistants of the supervising institute. They are capable of presenting their results in front of a professional audience.


Based on their competences gained so far students are capable of defining meaningful tasks within ongoing research project for themselves. They are able to develop the necessary understanding  and problem solving methods.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Study work
Examination duration and scale According to General Regulations
Assignment for the Following Curricula Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L1051: Research Project in Process Engineering
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 6
CP 6
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Lecturer Dozenten des SD V
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

Working on current research topics of the chosen specialisation.

Research projects can be carried out at the institutes of process engineering, in industry or abroad. It is always necessary to have a university lecturer from the school of Process Engineering as a supervisor, who must be determined before the research project begins.


Aktuelle Literatur zu Forschungsthemen aus der gewählten Vertiefungsrichtung. 

Current literature on research topics of the chosen specialization.

Module M0822: Process Modeling in Water Technology

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Process Modelling of Wastewater Treatment (L0522) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 3
Process Modeling in Drinking Water Treatment (L0314) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 3
Module Responsible Dr. Klaus Johannsen
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Knowledge of the most important processes in drinking water and waste water treatment. 

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to explain selected processes of drinking water and waste water treatment in detail. They are able to explain basics as well as possibilities and limitations of dynamic modeling.


Students are able to use the most important features Modelica offers. They are able to transpose selected processes in drinking water and waste water treatment into a mathematical model in Modelica with respect to equilibrium, kinetics and mass balances. They are able to set up and apply models and assess their possibilities and limitations.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to solve problems and document solutions in a group with members of different technical background. They are able to give appropriate feedback and can work constructively with feedback concerning their work.


Students are able to define a problem, gain the required knowledge and set up a model.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Oral exam
Examination duration and scale 30 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Technical Complementary Course: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water Quality and Water Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Course L0522: Process Modelling of Wastewater Treatment
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Joachim Behrendt
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe

Mass and energy balances

Tracer modelling

Activated Sludge Model

Wastewater Treatment Plant Modelling (continously and SBR)

Sludge Treatment (ADM, aerobic autothermal)

Biofilm Modelling


Henze, Mogens (Seminar on Activated Sludge Modelling, ; Kollekolle Seminar on Activated Sludge Modelling, ;)
Activated sludge modelling : processes in theory and practice ; selected proceedings of the 5th Kollekolle Seminar on Activated Sludge Modelling, held in Kollekolle, Denmark, 10 - 12 September 2001
ISBN: 1843394146
[London] : IWA Publ., 2002
Henze, Mogens
Activated sludge models ASM1, ASM2, ASM2d and ASM3
ISBN: 1900222248
London : IWA Publ., 2002
Henze, Mogens
Wastewater treatment : biological and chemical processes
ISBN: 3540422285 (Pp.)
Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2002
Wiesmann, Udo (Choi, In Su; Dombrowski, Eva-Maria;)
Fundamentals of biological wastewater treatment
ISBN: 3527312196 (Gb.) URL:
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH, 2007

Course L0314: Process Modeling in Drinking Water Treatment
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Klaus Johannsen
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

In this course selected drinking water treatment processes (e.g. aeration or activated carbon adsorption) are modeled dynamically using the programming language Modelica,  that is increasingly used in industry.  In this course OpenModelica is used, an free access frontend of the programming language Modelica.

In the beginning of the course  the use of OpenModelica is explainded by means of simple examples. Together required elements and structure of the model are developed. The implementation in OpenModelica and the application of the model is done individually or in groups respectively. Students get feedback and can gain extra points for the exam. 



OpenModelica - Modelica Tutorial:

OpenModelica - Users Guide:

Peter Fritzson: Principles of Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation with Modelica 2.1,Wiley-IEEE Press, ISBN 0-471-471631.

MHW (rev. by Crittenden, J. et al.): Water treatment principles and design. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, 2005.

Stumm, W., Morgan, J.J.: Aquatic chemistry. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996.

DVGW (Hrsg.): Wasseraufbereitung - Grundlagen und Verfahren. Oldenbourg Industrie Verlag, München, 2004.

Module M1966: Mathematical Image Processing

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Mathematical Image Processing (L0991) Lecture 3 4
Mathematical Image Processing (L0992) Recitation Section (small) 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Marko Lindner
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Analysis: partial derivatives, gradient, directional derivative
  • Linear Algebra: eigenvalues, least squares solution of a linear system
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to 

  • characterize and compare diffusion equations
  • explain elementary methods of image processing
  • explain methods of image segmentation and registration
  • sketch and interrelate basic concepts of functional analysis 

Students are able to 

  • implement and apply elementary methods of image processing  
  • explain and apply modern methods of image processing
Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to work together in heterogeneously composed teams (i.e., teams from different study programs and background knowledge) and to explain theoretical foundations.

  • Students are capable of checking their understanding of complex concepts on their own. They can specify open questions precisely and know where to get help in solving them.
  • Students have developed sufficient persistence to be able to work for longer periods in a goal-oriented manner on hard problems.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 20 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Computer Science: Specialisation III. Mathematics: Elective Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Specialisation III. Mathematics: Elective Compulsory
Interdisciplinary Mathematics: Specialisation Computational Methods in Biomedical Imaging: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation I. Mathematics: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Robotics and Computer Science: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0991: Mathematical Image Processing
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 78, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Marko Lindner
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe
  • basic methods of image processing
  • smoothing filters
  • the diffusion / heat equation
  • variational formulations in image processing
  • edge detection
  • de-convolution
  • inpainting
  • image segmentation
  • image registration
Literature Bredies/Lorenz: Mathematische Bildverarbeitung
Course L0992: Mathematical Image Processing
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Marko Lindner
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0545: Separation Technologies for Life Sciences

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Chromatographic Separation Processes (L0093) Lecture 2 2
Unit Operations for Bio-Related Systems (L0112) Lecture 2 2
Unit Operations for Bio-Related Systems (L0113) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 2
Module Responsible Dr. Pavel Gurikov
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Fundamentals of Chemistry, Fluid Process Engineering, Thermal Separation Processes, Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Bioprocess Engineering

Basic knowledge in thermodynamics and in unit operations related to thermal separation processes

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

On completion of the module, students are able to present an overview of the basic thermal process technology operations that are used, in particular, in the separation and purification of biochemically manufactured products. Students can describe chromatographic separation techniques and classic and new basic operations in thermal process technology and their areas of use. In their choice of separation operation students are able to take the specific properties and limitations of biomolecules into consideration. Using different phase diagrams they can explain the principle behind the basic operation and its suitability for bioseparation problems.


On completion of the module, students are able to assess the separation processes for bio- and pharmaceutical products that have been dealt with for their suitability for a specific separation problem. They can use simulation software to establish the productivity and economic efficiency of bioseparation processes. In small groups they are able to jointly design a downstream process and to present their findings in plenary and summarize them in a joint report.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able in small heterogeneous groups to jointly devise a solution to a technical problem by using project management methods such as keeping minutes and sharing tasks and information.


Students are able to prepare for a group assignment by working their way into a given problem on their own. They can procure the necessary information from suitable literature sources and assess its quality themselves. They are also capable of independently preparing the information gained in a way that all participants can understand (by means of reports, minutes, and presentations).

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Presentation
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 minutes; theoretical questions and calculations
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0093: Chromatographic Separation Processes
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Monika Johannsen
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
  • Introduction: overview, history of chromatography, LC (HPLC), GC, SFC
  • Fundamentals of linear (analytical) chromatography, retention time/factor, separation factor, peak resolution, band broadening, Van-Deemter equation
  • Fundamentals of nonlinear chromatography, discontinuous and continuous preparative chromatography (annular, true moving bed - TMB, simulated moving bed - SMB)
  • Adsorption equilibrium: experimental determination of adsorption isotherms and modeling
  • Equipment for chromatography, production and characterization of chromatographic adsorbents
  • Method development, scale up methods, process design, modeling of chromatographic processes, economic aspects
  • Applications: e.g. normal phase chromatography, reversed phase chromatography, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, chiral chromatography, bioaffinity chromatography, ion exchange chromatography
  • Schmidt-Traub, H.: Preparative Chromatography of Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Agents. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH (2005) - eBook
  • Carta, G.: Protein chromatography: process development and scale-up. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH (2010)
  • Guiochon, G.; Lin, B.: Modeling for Preparative Chromatography. Amsterdam: Elsevier (2003)
  • Hagel, L.: Handbook of process chromatography: development, manufacturing, validation and economics. London ;Burlington, MA Academic (2008) - eBook

Course L0112: Unit Operations for Bio-Related Systems
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Pavel Gurikov
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content Contents:
  • Introduction: overview about the separation process in biotechnology and pharmacy
  • Handling of multicomponent systems
  • Adsorption of biologic molecules
  • Crystallization of biologic molecules
  • Reactive extraction
  • Aqueous two-phase systems
  • Micellar systems: micellar extraction and micellar chromatographie
  • Electrophoresis
  •  Choice of the separation process for the specific systems
Learning Outcomes:
  • Basic knowledge of separation processes for biotechnological and pharmaceutical processes
  • Identification of specific features and limitations in bio-related systems
  • Proof of economical value of the process


"Handbook of Bioseparations", Ed. S. Ahuja

"Bioseparations Engineering" M. R. Ladish

Course L0113: Unit Operations for Bio-Related Systems
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Pavel Gurikov
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M2006: Waste Treatment and Recycling

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Planning of waste treatment plants (L3267) Project-/problem-based Learning 3 3
Recycling technologies and thermal waste treatment (L3265) Lecture 2 2
Recycling technologies and thermal waste treatment (L3266) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Basics of thermo dynamics
  • Basics of fluid dynamics
  • fluid dynamics chemistry
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students can name, describe current issue and problems in the field of waste treatment (mechanical, chemical and thermal) and contemplate them in the context of their field. 

The industrial application of unit operations as part of process engineering is explained by actual examples of waste  technologies . Compostion, particle sizes, transportation and dosing of wastes are described as important unit operations .

Students will be able to design and  design waste treatment technology equipment.


The students are able to select suitable processes for the treatment of wastes or raw material with respect to their characteristics and the process aims. They can evaluate the efforts and costs for processes and select economically feasible treatment concepts.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students can

  • respectfully work together as a team and discuss technical tasks
  • participate in subject-specific and interdisciplinary discussions,
  • develop cooperated solutions 
  •  promote the scientific development and accept professional constructive criticism.

Students can independently tap knowledge of the subject area and transform it to new questions. They are capable, in consultation with supervisors, to assess their learning level and define further steps on this basis. Furthermore, they can define targets for new application-or research-oriented duties in accordance with the potential social, economic and cultural impact.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical and Bio process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Energy and Resources: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Bioenergy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Course L3267: Planning of waste treatment plants
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Rüdiger Siechau
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

The focus is on getting to know the organization and practice of waste management companies. Topics such as planning, financing and logistics will be discussed and there will be an excursion (waste incineration plant, vehicle fleet and collection systems / containers).

Project based learning: You will be given a task to work on independently in groups of 4 to 6 students. All tools and data needed for the project work will be discussed in the lecture "Recycling Technologies and Thermal Waste Treatment". Course documents can be downloaded from StudIP. Communication during the project work also takes place via StudIP.

  • Einführung in die Abfallwirtschaft; Martin Kranert, Klaus Cord-Landwehr (Hrsg.); Vieweg + Teubner Verlag; 2010 
  • PowerPoint Präsentationen in Stud IP
Course L3265: Recycling technologies and thermal waste treatment
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
  • Introduction, actual state-of-the-art of waste incineration, aims. legal background, reaction principals
  • basics of incineration processes: waste composition, calorific value, calculation of air demand and flue gas composition 
  • Incineration techniques: grate firing, ash transfer, boiler
  • Flue gas cleaning: Volume, composition, legal frame work and emission limits, dry treatment, scrubber, de-nox techniques, dioxin elimination, Mercury elimination
  • Ash treatment: Mass, quality, treatment concepts, recycling, disposal

Thomé-Kozmiensky, K. J. (Hrsg.): Thermische Abfallbehandlung Bande 1-7. EF-Verlag für Energie- und Umwelttechnik, Berlin, 196 - 2013.

Course L3266: Recycling technologies and thermal waste treatment
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M2033: Subsurface Processes

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Modeling of Subsurface Processes (L2731) Recitation Section (small) 3 3
Subsurface Solute Transport (L2728) Lecture 2 2
Subsurface Solute Transport (L2729) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Nima Shokri
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basic Mathematics, Hydrology

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Upon completion of this module, the students will understand the mechanisms controlling solute transport in soil and natural porous media and will be able to work with the equations that govern the fate and transport of solutes in porous media. Analytical, numerical and experimental tools and techniques will be used in this module.

Skills In addition to the physical insights, the students will be exposed to analytical, experimental and numerical tools and techniques in this module. This provides them with an excellent opportunity to improve their skills on multiple fronts which will be useful in their future career.
Personal Competence
Social Competence Teamwork & problem solving
Autonomy The students will be involved in writing individual reports and presentation. This will contribute to the students’ ability and willingness to work independently and responsibly.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale Report
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Structural Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Geotechnical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Coastal Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Computational Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Technical Complementary Course: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Course L2731: Modeling of Subsurface Processes
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Dr. Milad Aminzadeh
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Basic usage and background of chosen computer software to calculate flow and transport in the saturated and unsaturated zone and to analyze field data like pumping test data

Course L2728: Subsurface Solute Transport
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Nima Shokri
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Basic physical properties of soil: Definition and quantification; Liquid flow in soils (Darcy’s law); Solute transport in soils; Practical analysis to measure dispersion coefficient in soil under different boundary conditions; Advanced topics (e.g. Application of Artificial Intelligence to predict soil salinization)


- Environmental Soil Physics, by Daniel Hillel

- Soil Physics, Sixth Edition, by William A. Jury and Robert Horton

Course L2729: Subsurface Solute Transport
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Hannes Nevermann
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M2019: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control - Theory and Application

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control - Theory and Application (L3283) Lecture 3 6
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control - Theory and Application (L3284) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Timm Faulwasser
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basisc of control engineering (stability, simple control designs), state space models in control, differential equations.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Static and dynamic optimization methods, optimal control and numerical solution methods, design and implementation of model predictive control schemes in sampled-data fashion, dissipativity notions for optimal control.


The students are able to formulate and to solve problems of operation and control of technical systems on their own. The students are able to understand and to analyze the interplay of problem formulation and efficiency aspects of numerical solutions and to deduce problem-specific formulations. They know how to apply and to implement optimization methods to practical problems. Furthermore, the students can tackle complex problems of predictive control by means of abstraction, they are able to document their results in written form.  The students are able to design predictive controllers for nonlinear systems and to validate them by means of simulation.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Interaction in interdisciplinary teams, meeting of project deadlines.


Compare to Fachkopentenz (Fertigkeiten)

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 200, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 9
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
No 20 % Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination Oral exam
Examination duration and scale 40 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Electrical Engineering: Specialisation Control and Power Systems Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L3283: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control - Theory and Application
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 6
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 138, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Timm Faulwasser
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Course L3284: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control - Theory and Application
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Timm Faulwasser
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Specialization Chemical Process Engineering

Module M0617: High Pressure Chemical Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
High pressure plant and vessel design (L1278) Lecture 2 2
Industrial Processes Under High Pressure (L0116) Lecture 2 2
Advanced Separation Processes (L0094) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Dr. Monika Johannsen
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Fundamentals of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Fluid Process Engineering, Thermal Separation Processes, Thermodynamics, Heterogeneous Equilibria

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After a successful completion of this module, students can:

  • explain the influence of pressure on the properties of compounds, phase equilibria, and production processes,
  • describe the thermodynamic fundamentals of separation processes with supercritical fluids,
  • exemplify models for the description of solid extraction and countercurrent extraction,
  • discuss parameters for optimization of processes with supercritical fluids.


After successful completion of this module, students are able to:

  • compare separation processes with supercritical fluids and conventional solvents,
  • assess the application potential of high-pressure processes at a given separation task,
  • include high pressure methods in a given multistep industrial application,
  • estimate economics of high-pressure processes in terms of investment and operating costs,
  • perform an experiment with a high pressure apparatus under guidance,
  • evaluate experimental results,
  • prepare an experimental protocol.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

After successful completion of this module, students are able to:

  • present a scientific topic from an original publication in teams of 2 and defend the contents together.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes 15 % Presentation
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L1278: High pressure plant and vessel design
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Hans Häring
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe
  1. Basic laws and certification standards
  2. Basics for calculations of pressurized vessels
  3. Stress hypothesis
  4. Selection of materials and fabrication processes
  5. vessels with thin walls
  6. vessels with thick walls
  7. Safety installations
  8. Safety analysis


    - subsea technology (manned and unmanned vessels)
    - steam vessels
    - heat exchangers
    - LPG, LEG transport vessels
Literature Apparate und Armaturen in der chemischen Hochdrucktechnik, Springer Verlag
Spain and Paauwe: High Pressure Technology, Vol. I und II, M. Dekker Verlag
AD-Merkblätter, Heumanns Verlag
Bertucco; Vetter: High Pressure Process Technology, Elsevier Verlag
Sherman; Stadtmuller: Experimental Techniques in High-Pressure Research, Wiley & Sons Verlag
Klapp: Apparate- und Anlagentechnik, Springer Verlag
Course L0116: Industrial Processes Under High Pressure
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Carsten Zetzl
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Content Part I : Physical Chemistry and Thermodynamics

1.      Introduction: Overview, achieving high pressure, range of parameters.

2.       Influence of pressure on properties of fluids: P,v,T-behaviour, enthalpy, internal energy,     entropy, heat capacity, viscosity, thermal conductivity, diffusion coefficients, interfacial tension.

3.      Influence of pressure on heterogeneous equilibria: Phenomenology of phase equilibria

4.      Overview on calculation methods for (high pressure) phase equilibria).
Influence of pressure on transport processes, heat and mass transfer.

Part II : High Pressure Processes

5.      Separation processes at elevated pressures: Absorption, adsorption (pressure swing adsorption), distillation (distillation of air), condensation (liquefaction of gases)

6.      Supercritical fluids as solvents: Gas extraction, cleaning, solvents in reacting systems, dyeing, impregnation, particle formation (formulation)

7.      Reactions at elevated pressures. Influence of elevated pressure on biochemical systems: Resistance against pressure

Part III :  Industrial production

8.      Reaction : Haber-Bosch-process, methanol-synthesis, polymerizations; Hydrations, pyrolysis, hydrocracking; Wet air oxidation, supercritical water oxidation (SCWO)

9.      Separation : Linde Process, De-Caffeination, Petrol and Bio-Refinery

10.  Industrial High Pressure Applications in Biofuel and Biodiesel Production

11.  Sterilization and Enzyme Catalysis

12.  Solids handling in high pressure processes, feeding and removal of solids, transport within the reactor.

13.   Supercritical fluids for materials processing.

14.  Cost Engineering

Learning Outcomes:  

After a successful completion of this module, the student should be able to

-         understand of the influences of pressure on properties of compounds, phase equilibria, and production processes.

-         Apply high pressure approches in the complex process design tasks

-         Estimate Efficiency of high pressure alternatives with respect to investment and operational costs

Performance Record:

1.  Presence  (28 h)

2. Oral presentation of original scientific article (15 min) with written summary

3. Written examination and Case study 

    ( 2+3 : 32 h Workload)


60 hours total



Script: High Pressure Chemical Engineering.
G. Brunner: Gas Extraction. An Introduction to Fundamentals of Supercritical Fluids and the Application to Separation Processes. Steinkopff, Darmstadt, Springer, New York, 1994.

Course L0094: Advanced Separation Processes
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Monika Johannsen
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • Introduction/Overview on Properties of Supercritical Fluids (SCF)and their Application in Gas Extraction Processes
  • Solubility of Compounds in Supercritical Fluids and Phase Equilibrium with SCF
  • Extraction from Solid Substrates: Fundamentals, Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer
  • Extraction from Solid Substrates: Applications and Processes (including Supercritical Water)
  • Countercurrent Multistage Extraction: Fundamentals and Methods, Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer
  • Countercurrent Multistage Extraction: Applications and Processes
  • Solvent Cycle, Methods for Precipitation
  • Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC): Fundamentals and Application
  • Simulated Moving Bed Chromatography (SMB)
  • Membrane Separation of Gases at High Pressures
  • Separation by Reactions in Supercritical Fluids (Enzymes)

G. Brunner: Gas Extraction. An Introduction to Fundamentals of Supercritical Fluids and the Application to Separation Processes. Steinkopff, Darmstadt, Springer, New York, 1994.

Module M1702: Process Imaging

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Process Imaging (L2723) Lecture 3 3
Process Imaging (L2724) Project-/problem-based Learning 3 3
Module Responsible Prof. Alexander Penn
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge No special prerequisites needed
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Content: The module focuses primarily on discussing established imaging techniques including (a) optical and infrared imaging, (b) magnetic resonance imaging, (c) X-ray imaging and tomography, and (d) ultrasound imaging but also covers a range of more recent imaging modalities. The students will learn:

  1. what these imaging techniques can measure (such as sample density or concentration, material transport, chemical composition, temperature),
  2. how the measurements work (physical measurement principles, hardware requirements, image reconstruction), and
  3. how to determine the most suited imaging methods for a given problem.

Learning goals: After the successful completion of the course, the students shall:

  1. understand the physical principles and practical aspects of the most common imaging methods,
  2. be able to assess the pros and cons of these methods with regard to cost, complexity, expected contrasts, spatial and temporal resolution, and based on this assessment
  3. be able to identify the most suited imaging modality for any specific engineering challenge in the field of chemical and bioprocess engineering.

Personal Competence
Social Competence In the problem-based interactive course, students work in small teams and set up two process imaging systems and use these systems to measure relevant process parameters in different chemical and bioprocess engineering applications. The teamwork will foster interpersonal communication skills.
Autonomy Students are guided to work in self-motivation due to the challenge-based character of this module. A final presentation improves presentation skills.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation C - Bioeconomic Process Engineering, Focus Energy and Bioprocess Technology: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Computer Science: Specialisation II: Intelligence Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Information and Communication Systems: Specialisation Communication Systems, Focus Signal Processing: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Robotics and Computer Science: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Course L2723: Process Imaging
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Alexander Penn
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Wang, M. (2015). Industrial Tomography. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing. 

Available as e-book in the library of TUHH:

Course L2724: Process Imaging
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Alexander Penn, Dr. Stefan Benders
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Content: The module focuses primarily on discussing established imaging techniques including (a) optical and infrared imaging, (b) magnetic resonance imaging, (c) X-ray imaging and tomography, and (d) ultrasound imaging and also covers a range of more recent imaging modalities. The students will learn:

  1. what these imaging techniques can measure (such as sample density or concentration, material transport, chemical composition, temperature),
  2. how the measurements work (physical measurement principles, hardware requirements, image reconstruction), and
  3. how to determine the most suited imaging methods for a given problem.

Learning goals: After the successful completion of the course, the students shall:

  1. understand the physical principles and practical aspects of the most common imaging methods,
  2. be able to assess the pros and cons of these methods with regard to cost, complexity, expected contrasts, spatial and temporal resolution, and based on this assessment
  3. be able to identify the most suited imaging modality for any specific engineering challenge in the field of chemical and bioprocess engineering.

Wang, M. (2015). Industrial Tomography. Cambridge, UK: Woodhead Publishing. 

Available as e-book in the library of TUHH:

Module M0714: Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Numerical Treatment of Ordinary Differential Equations (L0576) Lecture 2 3
Numerical Treatment of Ordinary Differential Equations (L0582) Recitation Section (small) 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Daniel Ruprecht
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Mathematik I, II, III for Engineers (German or English) or Analysis & Linear Algebra I + II plus Analysis III for Technomathematiker.
  • Basic knowledge of MATLAB, Python or a similar programming language.
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to

  • name numerical methods for the solution of ordinary differential equations and explain their core ideas,
  • formulate convergence statements for the taught numerical methods (including the necessary assumptions about the solved problem),
  • explain aspects regarding the practical realisation of a method,
  • select the appropriate numerical method for specific problems, implement the numerical algorithms efficiently and interpret the numerical results.

Students are able to

  • implement, apply and compare numerical methods for the solution of ordinary differential equations,
  • explain the convergence behaviour of numerical methods, taking into consideration the solved problem and selected algorithm,
  • develop a suitable solution approach for a given problem, if necessary by combining multiple algorithms, realise this approach and critically evaluate results.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to

  • work together in heterogeneous teams (i.e., teams from different study programs and with different background knowledge), explain theoretical foundations and support each other with practical aspects regarding the implementation of algorithms.

Students are capable

  • to assess whether the provided theoretical and practical excercises are better solved individually or in a team and
  • to assess their individual progress and, if necessary, to ask questions and seek help.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Computer Science: Specialisation III. Mathematics: Elective Compulsory
Data Science: Specialisation I. Mathematics: Elective Compulsory
Data Science: Specialisation IV. Special Focus Area: Elective Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Specialisation Control and Power Systems Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Energy Systems: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Aircraft Systems Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Interdisciplinary Mathematics: Specialisation II. Numerical - Modelling Training: Compulsory
Aeronautics: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation I. Mathematics: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0576: Numerical Treatment of Ordinary Differential Equations
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Daniel Ruprecht
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe

Numerical methods for Initial Value Problems

  • single step methods
  • multistep methods
  • stiff problems
  • differential algebraic equations (DAE) of index 1

Numerical methods for Boundary Value Problems

  • multiple shooting method
  • difference methods
  • E. Hairer, S. Noersett, G. Wanner: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I: Nonstiff Problems.
  • E. Hairer, G. Wanner: Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II: Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems.
  • D. Griffiths, D. Higham: Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations.
Course L0582: Numerical Treatment of Ordinary Differential Equations
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Daniel Ruprecht
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0952: Industrial Bioprocess Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Biotechnical Processes (L1065) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 3
Development of bioprocess engineering processes in industrial practice (L1172) Seminar 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Ralf Pörtner
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Knowledge of bioprocess engineering and process engineering at bachelor level

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After successful completion of the module    

  • the students can outline the current status of research on the specific topics discussed
  • the students can explain the basic underlying principles of the respective biotechnological production processes

After successful completion of the module students are able to

  • analyzing and evaluate current research approaches
  • Lay-out biotechnological production processes basically
Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to work together as a team with several students to solve given tasks and discuss their results in the plenary and to defend them.


After completion of this module, participants will be able to solve a technical problem in teams of approx. 8-12 persons independently including a presentation of the results.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Presentation
Examination duration and scale oral presentation + discussion (45 min) + Written report (10 pages)
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation C - Bioeconomic Process Engineering, Focus Energy and Bioprocess Technology: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L1065: Biotechnical Processes
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Wilfried Blümke
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe

This course gives an overview of the most important biotechnological production processes. In addition to the individual methods and their specific requirements, general aspects of industrial reality are also addressed, such as:
• Asset Lifecycle
• Digitization in the bioprocess industry
• Basic principles of industrial bioprocess development
• Sustainability aspects in the development of bioprocess engineering processes


Chmiel H (ed). Bioprozesstechnik, Springer 2011, ISBN: 978-3-8274-2476-1

Bailey, James and David F. Ollis: Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals. ‑2nd ed.; New York: McGraw Hill, 1986. 

Becker, Th. et al. (2008) Biotechnology. Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.

Doran, Pauline M.: Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Academic Press, 2003

Hass, V. und R. Pörtner: Praxis der Bioprozesstechnik. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag (2011), 2. Auflage

Krahe M (2003) Biochemical Engineering. Ullmann´s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.

Schuler, M.L. / Kargi, F.: Bioprocess Engineering - Basic concepts

Course L1172: Development of bioprocess engineering processes in industrial practice
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Stephan Freyer
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe

This course gives an insight into the methodology used in the development of industrial biotechnology processes. Important aspects of this are, for example, the development of the fermentation and the work-up steps for the respective target molecule, the integration of the partial steps into an overall process, and the cost-effectiveness of the process.


Chmiel H (ed). Bioprozesstechnik, Springer 2011, ISBN: 978-3-8274-2476-1 [Titel anhand dieser ISBN in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen]

Bailey, James and David F. Ollis: Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals. ‑2nd ed.; New York: McGraw Hill, 1986.

Becker, Th. et al. (2008) Biotechnology. Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.

Doran, Pauline M.: Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Academic Press, 2003

Hass, V. und R. Pörtner: Praxis der Bioprozesstechnik. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag (2011), 2. Auflage

Krahe M (2003) Biochemical Engineering. Ullmann´s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.

Schuler, M.L. / Kargi, F.: Bioprocess Engineering - Basic concepts

Module M0749: Waste Treatment and Solid Matter Process Technology

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Solid Matter Process Technology for Biomass (L0052) Lecture 2 2
Thermal Waste Treatment (L0320) Lecture 2 2
Thermal Waste Treatment (L1177) Recitation Section (large) 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basics of

  • thermo dynamics
  • fluid dynamics
  • chemistry
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students can name, describe current issue and problems in the field of thermal waste treatment and particle process engineering and contemplate them in the context of their field. 

The industrial application of unit operations as part of process engineering is explained by actual examples of waste incineration technologies and solid biomass processes. Compostion, particle sizes, transportation and dosing, drying and agglomeration of renewable resources and wastes are described as important unit operations when producing solid fuels and bioethanol, producing and refining edible oils, electricity , heat and mineral recyclables.


The students are able to select suitable processes for the treatment of wastes or raw material with respect to their characteristics and the process aims. They can evaluate the efforts and costs for processes and select economically feasible treatment concepts.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students can

  • respectfully work together as a team and discuss technical tasks
  • participate in subject-specific and interdisciplinary discussions,
  • develop cooperated solutions 
  •  promote the scientific development and accept professional constructive criticism.

Students can independently tap knowledge of the subject area and transform it to new questions. They are capable, in consultation with supervisors, to assess their learning level and define further steps on this basis. Furthermore, they can define targets for new application-or research-oriented duties in accordance with the potential social, economic and cultural impact.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Bioenergy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Course L0052: Solid Matter Process Technology for Biomass
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Werner Sitzmann
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content The industrial application of unit operations as part of process engineering is explained by actual examples of solid biomass processes. Size reduction, transportation and dosing, drying and agglomeration of renewable resources are described as important unit operations when producing solid fuels and bioethanol, producing and refining edible oils, when making Btl - and WPC - products. Aspects of explosion protection and plant design complete the lecture.

Kaltschmitt M., Hartmann H. (Hrsg.): Energie aus Bioamsse, Springer Verlag, 2001, ISBN 3-540-64853-4

Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz, Schriftenreihe Nachwachsende Rohstoffe,

Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V.

Bockisch M.: Nahrungsfette und -öle, Ulmer Verlag, 1993, ISBN 380000158175

Course L0320: Thermal Waste Treatment
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • Introduction, actual state-of-the-art of waste incineration, aims. legal background, reaction principals
  • basics of incineration processes: waste composition, calorific value, calculation of air demand and flue gas composition 
  • Incineration techniques: grate firing, ash transfer, boiler
  • Flue gas cleaning: Volume, composition, legal frame work and emission limits, dry treatment, scrubber, de-nox techniques, dioxin elimination, Mercury elimination
  • Ash treatment: Mass, quality, treatment concepts, recycling, disposal

Thomé-Kozmiensky, K. J. (Hrsg.): Thermische Abfallbehandlung Bande 1-7. EF-Verlag für Energie- und Umwelttechnik, Berlin, 196 - 2013.

Course L1177: Thermal Waste Treatment
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0898: Heterogeneous Catalysis

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Analysis and Design of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactors (L0223) Lecture 2 2
Modern Methods in Heterogeneous Catalysis (L0533) Lecture 2 2
Modern Methods in Heterogeneous Catalysis (L0534) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Raimund Horn
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Content of the bachelor-modules "process technology", as well as particle technology, fluidmechanics in process-technology and transport processes.
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Knowledge The students are able to apply their knowledge to explain industrial catalytic processes as well as indicate different synthesis routes of established catalyst systems. They are capable to outline dis-/advantages of supported and full-catalysts with respect to their application. Students are able to identify anayltical tools for specific catalytic applications.
Skills After successfull completition of the module, students are able to use their knowledge to identify suitable analytical tools for specific catalytic applications and to explain their choice. Moreover the students are able to choose and formulate suitable reactor systems for the current synthesis process. Students can apply their knowldege discretely to develop and conduct experiments. They are able to appraise achieved results into a more general context and draw conclusions out of them.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to plan, prepare, conduct and document experiments according to scientific guidelines in small groups.

The students can discuss their subject related knowledge among each other and with their teachers.


The students are able to obtain further information for experimental planning and assess their relevance autonomously.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Presentation
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0223: Analysis and Design of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactors
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Raimund Horn
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

1. Material- and Energybalance of the two-dimensionsal zweidimensionalen pseudo-homogeneous reactor model

2. Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations (Euler, Runge-Kutta, solvers for stiff problems, step controlled solvers)

3. Reactor design with one-dimensional models (ethane cracker, catalyst deactivation, tubular reactor with deactivating catalyst, moving bed reactor with regenerating catalyst, riser reactor, fluidized bed reactor)

4. Partial differential equations (classification, numerical solution Lösung, finite difference method, method of lines)

5. Examples of reactor design (isothermal tubular reactor with axial dispersion, dehydrogenation of ethyl benzene, wrong-way behaviour)

6. Boundary value problems (numerical solution, shooting method, concentration- and temperature profiles in a catalyst pellet, multiphase reactors, trickle bed reactor)


1. Lecture notes R. Horn

2. Lecture notes F. Keil

3.  G. F. Froment, K. B. Bischoff, J. De Wilde, Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design, John Wiley & Sons, 2010

4. R. Aris, Elementary Chemical Reactor Analysis, Dover Pubn. Inc., 2000

Course L0533: Modern Methods in Heterogeneous Catalysis
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Raimund Horn
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Heterogeneous Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering are inextricably linked. About 90% of all chemical intermediates and consumer products (fuels, plastics, fertilizers etc.) are produced with the aid of catalysts. Most of them, in particular large scale products, are produced by heterogeneous catalysis viz. gaseous or liquid reactants react on solid catalysts. In multiphase reactors gases, liquids and a solid catalyst are present.

Heterogeneous catalysis plays also a key role in any future energy scenario (fuel cells, electrocatalytic splitting of water) and in environmental engineering (automotive catalysis, photocatalyic abatement of water pollutants).

Heterogeneous catalysis is an interdisciplinary science requiring knowledge of different scientific disciplines such as

  • Materials Science (synthesis and characterization of solid catalysts)
  • Physics (structure and electronic properties of solids, defects)
  • Physical Chemistry (thermodynamics, reaction mechanisms, chemical kinetics, adsorption, desorption, spectroscopy, surface chemistry, theory)
  • Reaction Engineering (catalytic reactors, mass- and heat transport in catalytic reactors, multi-scale modeling, application of heterogeneous catalysis)
The class „Modern Methods in Heterogeneous Catalysis“ will deal with the above listed aspects of heterogeneous catalysis beyond the material presented in the normal curriculum of chemical reaction engineering classes. In the corresponding laboratory will have the opportunity to apply their aquired theoretical knowledge by synthesizing a solid catalyst, characterizing it with a variety of modern instrumental methods (e.g. BET, chemisorption, pore analysis, XRD, Raman-Spectroscopy, Electron Microscopy) and measuring its kinetics. Class and laboratory „Modern Methods in Heterogeneous Catalysis“ in combination with the lecture „Analysis and Design of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactors“ will give interested students the opportunity to specialize in this vibrant, multifaceted and application oriented field of research.

  • J.M. Thomas, W.J. Thomas: Principles and Practice of Heterogeneous Catalysis, VCH
  • I. Chorkendorff, J. W. Niemantsverdriet, Concepts of Modern Catalysis and Kinetics, WILEY-VCH
  • B.C. Gates: Catalytic Chemistry, John Wiley
  • R.A. van Santen, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, J.A. Moulijn, B.A. Averill (Eds.): Catalysis: an integrated approach, Elsevier
  • D.P. Woodruff, T.A. Delchar: Modern Techniques of Surface Science, Cambridge Univ. Press
  • J.W. Niemantsverdriet: Spectrocopy in Catalysis, VCH
  • F. Delannay (Ed.): Characterization of heterogeneous catalysts, Marcel Dekker
  • C.H. Bartholomew, R.J. Farrauto: Fundamentals of Industrial Catalytic Processes (2nd Ed.),Wiley

Course L0534: Modern Methods in Heterogeneous Catalysis
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Raimund Horn
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0906: Numerical Simulation and Lagrangian Transport

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Lagrangian transport in turbulent flows (L2301) Lecture 2 3
Computational Fluid Dynamics - Exercises in OpenFoam (L1375) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Computational Fluid Dynamics in Process Engineering (L1052) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Michael Schlüter
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Mathematics I-IV
  • Basic knowledge in Fluid Mechanics
  • Basic knowledge in chemical thermodynamics
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After successful completion of the module the students are able to

  • explain the the basic principles of statistical thermodynamics (ensembles, simple systems) 
  • describe the main approaches in classical Molecular Modeling (Monte Carlo, Molecular Dynamics) in various ensembles
  • discuss examples of computer programs in detail,
  • evaluate the application of numerical simulations,
  • list the possible start and boundary conditions for a numerical simulation.

The students are able to:

  • set up computer programs for solving simple problems by Monte Carlo or molecular dynamics,
  • solve problems by molecular modeling,
  • set up a numerical grid,
  • perform a simple numerical simulation with OpenFoam,
  • evaluate the result of a numerical simulation.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to

  • develop joint solutions in mixed teams and present them in front of the other students,
  • to collaborate in a team and to reflect their own contribution toward it.


The students are able to:

  • evaluate their learning progress and to define the following steps of learning on that basis,
  • evaluate possible consequences for their profession.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Oral exam
Examination duration and scale 30 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Simulation Technology: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L2301: Lagrangian transport in turbulent flows
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Yan Jin
Language EN
Cycle SoSe


- Common variables and terms for characterizing turbulence (energy spectra, energy cascade, etc.)

- An overview of Lagrange analysis methods and experiments in fluid mechanics

- Critical examination of the concept of turbulence and turbulent structures.

-Calculation of the transport of ideal fluid elements and associated analysis methods (absolute and relative diffusion, Lagrangian Coherent Structures, etc.)

- Implementation of a Runge-Kutta 4th-order in Matlab

- Introduction to particle integration using ODE solver from Matlab

- Problems from turbulence research

- Application analytical methods with Matlab.


- 14 units a 2x45 min. 

- 10 units lecture

- 4 Units Matlab Exercise- Go through the exercises Matlab, Peer2Peer? Explain solutions to your colleague

Learning goals:

Students receive very specific, in-depth knowledge from modern turbulence research and transport analysis. → Knowledge

The students learn to classify the acquired knowledge, they study approaches to further develop the knowledge themselves and to relate different data sources to each other. → Knowledge, skills

The students are trained in the personal competence to independently delve into and research a scientific topic. → Independence

Matlab exercises in small groups during the lecture and guided Peer2Peer discussion rounds train communication skills in complex situations. The mixture of precise language and intuitive understanding is learnt. → Knowledge, social competence

Required knowledge:

Fluid mechanics 1 and 2 advantageous

Programming knowledge advantageous


Bakunin, Oleg G. (2008): Turbulence and Diffusion. Scaling Versus Equations. Berlin [u. a.]: Springer Verlag.

Bourgoin, Mickaël; Ouellette, Nicholas T.; Xu, Haitao; Berg, Jacob; Bodenschatz, Eberhard (2006): The role of pair dispersion in turbulent flow. In: Science (New York, N.Y.) 311 (5762), S. 835-838. DOI: 10.1126/science.1121726.

Davidson, P. A. (2015): Turbulence. An introduction for scientists and engineers. Second edition. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.

Graff, L. S.; Guttu, S.; LaCasce, J. H. (2015): Relative Dispersion in the Atmosphere from Reanalysis Winds. In: J. Atmos. Sci. 72 (7), S. 2769-2785. DOI: 10.1175/JAS-D-14-0225.1.

Grigoriev, Roman (2011): Transport and Mixing in Laminar Flows. Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

Haller, George (2015): Lagrangian Coherent Structures. In: Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 47 (1), S. 137-162. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-fluid-010313-141322.

Kameke, A. von; Huhn, F.; Fernández-García, G.; Muñuzuri, A. P.; Pérez-Muñuzuri, V. (2010): Propagation of a chemical wave front in a quasi-two-dimensional superdiffusive flow. In: Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics 81 (6 Pt 2), S. 66211. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.81.066211.

Kameke, A. von; Huhn, F.; Fernández-García, G.; Muñuzuri, A. P.; Pérez-Muñuzuri, V. (2011): Double cascade turbulence and Richardson dispersion in a horizontal fluid flow induced by Faraday waves. In: Physical review letters 107 (7), S. 74502. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.074502.

Kameke, A.v.; Kastens, S.; Rüttinger, S.; Herres-Pawlis, S.; Schlüter, M. (2019): How coherent structures dominate the residence time in a bubble wake: An experimental example. In: Chemical Engineering Science 207, S. 317-326. DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2019.06.033.

Klages, Rainer; Radons, Günter; Sokolov, Igor M. (2008): Anomalous Transport: Wiley.

LaCasce, J. H. (2008): Statistics from Lagrangian observations. In: Progress in Oceanography 77 (1), S. 1-29. DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2008.02.002.

Neufeld, Zoltán; Hernández-García, Emilio (2009): Chemical and Biological Processes in Fluid Flows: PUBLISHED BY IMPERIAL COLLEGE PRESS AND DISTRIBUTED BY WORLD SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING CO.

Onu, K.; Huhn, F.; Haller, G. (2015): LCS Tool: A computational platform for Lagrangian coherent structures. In: Journal of Computational Science 7, S. 26-36. DOI: 10.1016/j.jocs.2014.12.002.

Ouellette, Nicholas T.; Xu, Haitao; Bourgoin, Mickaël; Bodenschatz, Eberhard (2006): An experimental study of turbulent relative dispersion models. In: New J. Phys. 8 (6), S. 109. DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/8/6/109.

Pope, Stephen B. (2000): Turbulent Flows. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rivera, M. K.; Ecke, R. E. (2005): Pair dispersion and doubling time statistics in two-dimensional turbulence. In: Physical review letters 95 (19), S. 194503. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.194503.

Vallis, Geoffrey K. (2010): Atmospheric and oceanic fluid dynamics. Fundamentals and large-scale circulation. 5. printing. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press.

Course L1375: Computational Fluid Dynamics - Exercises in OpenFoam
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Michael Schlüter
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • generation of numerical grids with a common grid generator
  • selection of models and boundary conditions
  • basic numerical simulation with OpenFoam within the TUHH CIP-Pool

Literature OpenFoam Tutorials (StudIP)
Course L1052: Computational Fluid Dynamics in Process Engineering
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Michael Schlüter
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • Introduction into partial differential equations
  • Basic equations
  • Boundary conditions and grids
  • Numerical methods
  • Finite difference method
  • Finite volume method
  • Time discretisation and stability
  • Population balance
  • Multiphase Systems
  • Modeling of Turbulent Flows
  • Exercises: Stability Analysis 
  • Exercises: Example on CFD - analytically/numerically 

Paschedag A.R.: CFD in der Verfahrenstechnik: Allgemeine Grundlagen und mehrphasige Anwendungen, Wiley-VCH, 2004 ISBN 3-527-30994-2.

Ferziger, J.H.; Peric, M.: Numerische Strömungsmechanik. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2008, ISBN: 3540675868.

Ferziger, J.H.; Peric, M.: Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics. Springer, 2002, ISBN 3-540-42074-6

Module M1709: Applied optimization in energy and process engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Applied optimization in energy and process engineering (L2693) Integrated Lecture 2 3
Applied optimization in energy and process engineering (L2695) Recitation Section (small) 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Fundamentals in the field of mathematical modeling and numerical mathematics, as well as a basic understanding of process engineering processes.

In particular the contents of the module Process and Plant Engineering II

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The module provides a general introduction to the basics of applied mathematical optimization and deals with application areas on different scales from the identification of kinetic models, to the optimal design of unit operations and the optimization of entire (sub)processes, as well as production planning. In addition to the basic classification and formulation of optimization problems, different solution approaches are discussed and tested during the exercises. Besides deterministic gradient-based methods, metaheuristics such as evolutionary and genetic algorithms and their application are discussed as well.

• Introduction to Applied Optimization

• Formulation of optimization problems

• Linear Optimization

• Nonlinear Optimization

• Mixed-integer (non)linear optimization

• Multi-objective optimization

• Global optimization


After successful participation in the module "Applied Optimization in Energy and Process Engineering", students are able to formulate the different types of optimization problems and to select appropriate solution methods in suitable software such as Matlab and GAMS and to develop improved solution strategies. Furthermore, students will be able to interpret and critically examine the results accordingly.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are capable of:

•develop solutions in heterogeneous small groups

Students are capable of:

•taping new knowledge on a special subject by literature research
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Oral exam
Examination duration and scale 35 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Energy Systems: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Energy and Resources: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Bioenergy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Wind Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L2693: Applied optimization in energy and process engineering
Typ Integrated Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe

The lecture offers a general introduction to the basics and possibilities of applied mathematical optimization and deals with application areas on different scales from kinetics identification, optimal design of unit operations to the optimization of entire (sub)processes, and production planning. In addition to the basic classification and formulation of optimization problems, different solution approaches are discussed. Besides deterministic gradient-based methods, metaheuristics such as evolutionary and genetic algorithms and their application are discussed as well.

- Introduction to Applied Optimization

- Formulation of optimization problems

- Linear Optimization

- Nonlinear Optimization

- Mixed-integer (non)linear optimization

- Multi-objective optimization

- Global optimization


Weicker, K., Evolutionäre Algortihmen, Springer, 2015

Edgar, T. F., Himmelblau D. M., Lasdon, L. S., Optimization of Chemical Processes, McGraw Hill, 2001

Biegler, L. Nonlinear Programming - Concepts, Algorithms, and Applications to Chemical Processes, 2010

Kallrath, J. Gemischt-ganzzahlige Optimierung: Modellierung in der Praxis, Vieweg, 2002

Course L2695: Applied optimization in energy and process engineering
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1737: Power-to-X Process

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Power-to-X process (L2805) Lecture 2 2
Power-to-X process (L2806) Recitation Section (large) 1 2
Practical aspects of energy conversion (L2807) Practical Course 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Jakob Albert
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Basic knowledge from the Bachelor's degree course in process engineering
  • Chemical reaction engineering
  • Process and plant engineering
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students can:

  • explain the energy transition in Germany,
  • give an overview of the versatile application possibilities of power-to-X processes,
  • evaluate different power-to-X concepts with regard to their technical challenges and social benefits.

The students are able to:

  • develop concepts for the technical implementation of power-to-X processes,
  • evaluate practical aspects of energy conversion to platform chemicals using laboratory experiments,
  • apply the acquired knowledge to various engineering-relevant power-to-X processes.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students:

  • are able to independently discuss approaches to solutions and problems in the field of the energy transition in Germany in an interdisciplinary small group,
  • are able to work together in small groups on subject-specific tasks,
  • are able to work out the practical aspects of energy conversion to platform chemicals on the basis of laboratory experiments, carry out and evaluate the analytics of the products and precisely summarise the results of the experiments in a protocol.

The students

  • are able to independently obtain extensive literature on the topic and to gain knowledge from it,
  • are able to independently solve tasks on the topic and assess their learning status based on the feedback given,
  • are able to independently conduct experimental studies on the topic.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Oral exam
Examination duration and scale 30 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L2805: Power-to-X process
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Jakob Albert
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  • Regenerative surplus energy
  • Electrolysis
  • CO2 sources for Power-to-X
  • Power-to-heat
  • Power-to-Power
  • Power-to-gas (SNG)
  • Power-to-Syngas
  • Power-to-Methanol
  • Power-to-Fuels
  • Power-to-ammonia
  • LOHC (Liquid organic hydrogen carrier)
  • Economic and ecological comparison of different concepts
  1. A. Jess, P. Wasserscheid, „Chemical Technology“, Wiley VCH, 2013
  2. H. Watter, „Regenerative Energiesysteme“, Springer, 2015
Course L2806: Power-to-X process
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Daniel Niehaus
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

In exercise, the contents of the lecture are further deepened and transferred into practical application. This is done using example tasks from practice, which are made available to the students. The students are to solve these tasks independently or in groups with the help of the lecture material. The solution is then discussed with students under scientific guidance, with parts of the task being presented on the blackboard.

  1. A. Jess, P. Wasserscheid, „Chemical Technology“, Wiley VCH, 2013
  2. H. Watter, „Regenerative Energiesysteme“, Springer, 2015
Course L2807: Practical aspects of energy conversion
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Maximilian Poller
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

In the laboratory practical course, practical experiments on power-to-X processes are carried out. The challenges for the technical implementation of power-to-x processes are made clear to the students. The associated analysis of the test samples is also part of the laboratory practical course and is carried out and evaluated by the students themselves. The results are precisely summarised and scientifically presented in an experimental protocol.

  1. A. Jess, P. Wasserscheid, „Chemical Technology“, Wiley VCH, 2013
  2. H. Watter, „Regenerative Energiesysteme“, Springer, 2015

Module M1954: Process Simulation and Process Safety

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
CAPE with Computer Exercises (L1039) Integrated Lecture 3 4
Methods of Process Safety and Dangerous Substances (L1040) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

thermal separation processes

heat and mass transport processes

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

students can:

- outline types of simulation tools

- describe principles of flowsheet  and equation oriented simulation tools

- describe the setting of flowsheet simulation tools

- explain the main differences between steady state and dynamic simulations

- present the fundamentals of toxicology and hazardous materials

- explain the main methods of safety engineering

- present the importance of safety analysis with respect to plant design

- describe the definitions within the legal accident insurance

accident insurance


students can:

- conduct steady state and dynamic simulations

- evaluate simulation results and transform them in the practice

- choose and combine suitable simulation models into a production plant

- evaluate the achieved simulation results regarding practical importance
- evaluate the results of many experimental methods regarding safety aspects

- review, compare and  use results of safety considerations for a plant design

Personal Competence
Social Competence

students are able to:

- work together in teams in order to simulate process elements  and develop an integral process

- develop in teams a safety concept for a process and present it to the audience


students are able to

- act responsible with respect to environment and needs of the society

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale Exam 90 minutes and written report
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L1039: CAPE with Computer Exercises
Typ Integrated Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 78, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

I. Introduction

       1. Fundamentals of steady state process simulation

       1.1. Classes of simulation tools
       1.2. Sequential-modularer approach
       1.3. Operating mode of ASPEN PLUS
       2. Introduction in ASPEN PLUS
       2.1. GUI
       2.2. Estimation methods of physical properties
       2.3. Aspen tools (z.B. Designspecification)
       2.4. Convergence methods

II. Exercices using ASPEN PLUS and ACM

            Performance and constraints of ASPEN PLUS
            ASPEN datenbank using
            Estimation methods of physical properties

            Application of model databank, process synthesis

            Design specifications

            Sensitivity analysis
            Optimization tasks
            Industrial cases


- G. Fieg: Lecture notes
Seider, W.D.; Seader, J.D.; Lewin, D.R.: Product and Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis,
  and Evaluation; Hoboken, J. Wiley & Sons, 2010

Course L1040: Methods of Process Safety and Dangerous Substances
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Mirko Skiborowski, Dr. Thomas Waluga
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Bender, H.: Sicherer Umgang mit Gefahrstoffen; Weinheim (2005)
Bender, H.: Das Gefahrstoffbuch. Sicherer Umgang mit Gefahrstoffen in der Praxis; Weinheim (2002)
Birett, K.: Umgang mit Gefahrstoffen; Heidelberg (2011)
Birgersson, B.; Sterner, O.; Zimerson, E.: Chemie und Gesundheit; Weinheim (1988)

O. Antelmann, Diss. an der TU Berlin, 2001

R. Dittmeyer, W. Keim, G. Kreysa, A. Oberholz, Chemische Technik, Prozesse und Produkte, Band 1

    Methodische Grundlagen, VCH, 2004-2006, S. 719

H. Pohle, Chemische Industrie, Umweltschutz, Arbeitsschutz, Anlagensicherheit, VCH, Weinheim, 1991

J. Steinbach, Chemische Sicherheitstechnik, VCH, Weinheim, 1995

G. Suter, Identifikation sicherheitskritischer Prozesse, P&A Kompendium, 2004

Module M0633: Industrial Process Automation

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Industrial Process Automation (L0344) Lecture 2 3
Industrial Process Automation (L0345) Recitation Section (small) 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Alexander Schlaefer
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

mathematics and optimization methods
principles of automata 
principles of algorithms and data structures
programming skills

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students can evaluate and assess discrete event systems. They can evaluate properties of processes and explain methods for process analysis. The students can compare methods for process modelling and select an appropriate method for actual problems. They can discuss scheduling methods in the context of actual problems and give a detailed explanation of advantages and disadvantages of different programming methods. The students can relate process automation to methods from robotics and sensor systems as well as to recent topics like 'cyberphysical systems' and 'industry 4.0'.


The students are able to develop and model processes and evaluate them accordingly. This involves taking into account optimal scheduling, understanding algorithmic complexity, and implementation using PLCs.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students can independently define work processes within their groups, distribute tasks within the group and develop solutions collaboratively.


The students are able to assess their level of knowledge and to document their work results adequately.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
No 10 % Excercises
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 minutes
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Computer Science: Specialisation II: Intelligence Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Specialisation Control and Power Systems Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Aircraft Systems Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Mechatronics: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Product Development and Production: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering and Management: Specialisation Mechatronics: Elective Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Robotics and Computer Science: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0344: Industrial Process Automation
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Alexander Schlaefer
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

- foundations of problem solving and system modeling, discrete event systems
- properties of processes, modeling using automata and Petri-nets
- design considerations for processes (mutex, deadlock avoidance, liveness)
- optimal scheduling for processes
- optimal decisions when planning manufacturing systems, decisions under uncertainty
- software design and software architectures for automation, PLCs


J. Lunze: „Automatisierungstechnik“, Oldenbourg Verlag, 2012
Reisig: Petrinetze: Modellierungstechnik, Analysemethoden, Fallstudien; Vieweg+Teubner 2010
Hrúz, Zhou: Modeling and Control of Discrete-event Dynamic Systems; Springer 2007
Li, Zhou: Deadlock Resolution in Automated Manufacturing Systems, Springer 2009
Pinedo: Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing and Services, Springer 2009

Course L0345: Industrial Process Automation
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Alexander Schlaefer
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0899: Synthesis and Design of Industrial Processes

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Synthesis and Design of Industrial Facilities (L1048) Lecture 1 2
Industrial Plant Design and Economics (L1977) Project-/problem-based Learning 3 4
Module Responsible Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

process and plant engineering I and II

thermal separation processes

heat and mass transport processes

CAPE (absolut necessarily!)

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

students can:

- reproduce the main elements of design of industrial processes

- give an overview and explain the phases of design

- describe and explain energy, mass balances, cost estimation methods and economic evaluation of invest projects

- justify  and discuss process control concepts and fundamentals of process optimization


students are capable of:

-conduction and evaluation of design of unit operations

- combination of unit operation to a complex process plant

- use of cost estimation methods for the prediction of production costs

- carry out the pfd-diagram

Personal Competence
Social Competence

students are able to discuss and develop in groups the design of an industrial process


students are able to reflect the consequences of their professional activity

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale Engineering Handbook and oral exam (20 min)
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical and Bio process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L1048: Synthesis and Design of Industrial Facilities
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Mirko Skiborowski, Dr. Thomas Waluga
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Presentation of the task
Introduction to design and analysis of a chemical processing plant (example chemical processing plants)
Discussion of the process, preparation of process flow diagram
Calculation of material balance
Calculation of energy balance
Designing/Sizing of the equipment
Capital cost estimation
Production cost estimation
Process control & HAZOP Study
Lecture 11 = Process optimization
Lecture 12 = Final Project Presentation


Richard Turton; Analysis, Synthesis and Design of Chemical Processes:International Edition

Harry Silla; Chemical Process Engineering: Design And Economics

Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering, Volume 6, Second Edition: Chemical Engineering Design

Lorenz T. Biegler;Systematic Methods of Chemical Process Design

Max S. Peters, Klaus Timmerhaus; Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers

James Douglas; Conceptual Design of Chemical Processes

Robin Smith; Chemical Process: Design and Integration

Warren D. Seider; Process design principles, synthesis analysis and evaluation

Course L1977: Industrial Plant Design and Economics
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 3
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 78, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Mirko Skiborowski, Dr. Thomas Waluga
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Creation of a flowsheet for an industrial process

Calculation of the mass and energy balance

Calculation of investment and manufacturing costs

Possibilities of process intensification

Comparison of conventional and intensified processes


Richard Turton; Analysis, Synthesis and Design of Chemical Processes:International Edition

Harry Silla; Chemical Process Engineering: Design And Economics

Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering, Volume 6, Second Edition: Chemical Engineering Design

Lorenz T. Biegler;Systematic Methods of Chemical Process Design

Max S. Peters, Klaus Timmerhaus; Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers

James Douglas; Conceptual Design of Chemical Processes

Robin Smith; Chemical Process: Design and Integration

Warren D. Seider; Process design principles, synthesis analysis and evaluation

Module M0900: Examples in Solid Process Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Fluidization Technology (L0431) Lecture 2 2
Practical Course Fluidization Technology (L1369) Practical Course 1 1
Technical Applications of Particle Technology (L0955) Lecture 2 2
Exercises in Fluidization Technology (L1372) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Stefan Heinrich
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Knowledge from the module particle technology
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Knowledge After completion of the module the students will be able to describe based on examples the assembly of solids engineering processes consisting of multiple apparatuses and subprocesses. They are able to describe the coaction and interrelation of subprocesses.
Skills Students are able to analyze tasks in the field of solids process engineering and to combine suitable subprocesses in a process chain.
Personal Competence
Social Competence Students are able to discuss technical problems in a scientific manner.
Autonomy Students are able to acquire scientific knowledge independently and discuss technical problems in a scientific manner.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Written elaboration drei Berichte (pro Versuch ein Bericht) à 5-10 Seiten
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 minutes
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical and Bio process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Bioenergy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0431: Fluidization Technology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Heinrich
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Introduction: definition, fluidization regimes, comparison with other types of gas/solids reactors
Typical fluidized bed applications
Fluidmechanical principle
Local fluid mechanics of gas/solid fluidization
Fast fluidization (circulating fluidized bed)
Solids mixing in fluidized beds
Application of fluidized beds to granulation and drying processes


Kunii, D.; Levenspiel, O.: Fluidization Engineering. Butterworth Heinemann, Boston, 1991.

Course L1369: Practical Course Fluidization Technology
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Heinrich
Language EN
Cycle WiSe


  • Determination of the minimum fluidization velocity
  • heat transfer
  • granulation
  • drying


Kunii, D.; Levenspiel, O.: Fluidization Engineering. Butterworth Heinemann, Boston, 1991.

Course L0955: Technical Applications of Particle Technology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Werner Sitzmann
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content Unit operations like mixing, separation, agglomeration and size reduction are discussed concerning their technical applicability from the perspective of the practician. Machines and apparatuses are presented, their designs and modes of action are explained and their application in production processes for chemicals, food and feed and in recycling processes are illustrated.
Literature Stieß M: Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik I und II, Springer - Verlag, 1997
Course L1372: Exercises in Fluidization Technology
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Heinrich
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Exercises and calculation examples for the lecture Fluidization Technology


Kunii, D.; Levenspiel, O.: Fluidization Engineering. Butterworth Heinemann, Boston, 1991.

Module M1033: Special Areas of Process Engineering and Bioprocess Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Bioeconomy (L2797) Lecture 2 2
Chemical Kinetics (L0508) Lecture 2 2
Solid Matter Process Technology for Biomass (L0052) Lecture 2 3
Solid Matter Process in Chemical Industry (L2021) Lecture 2 2
Optics for Engineers (L2437) Lecture 3 3
Optics for Engineers (L2438) Project-/problem-based Learning 3 3
Polymer Reaction Engineering (L1244) Lecture 2 2
Safety of Chemical Reactions (L1321) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Michael Schlüter
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge The students should have passed the Bachelor modules "Process Engineering" successfully.
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to find their way around selected special areas of Process Engineering within the scope of Process Engineering.
Students are able to explain technical dependencies and models in selected special areas of Process Engineering.


Students are able to apply basic methods in selected areas of process engineering.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students can discuss in English in international teams and work out a solution under time pressure.


Students can chose independently, in which field the want to deepen their knowledge and skills through the election of courses.

Workload in Hours Depends on choice of courses
Credit points 6
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L2797: Bioeconomy
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Examination Form Klausur
Examination duration and scale 60 min
Lecturer Prof. Garabed Antranikian
Language EN
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

Bioeconomy is the production, utilization and conservation of biological resources, including related knowledge, science, technology, and innovation, to provide information products, processes, and services across all economic sectors aiming towards a sustainable biobased technology. In this course the significance of various topics including the production and processing of biomass, economics, logistic as well as management will be discussed. Technologies aiming at the production of renewable biological resources and the conversion of these resources and waste streams into value-added products, such as food, feed, bio-based products (textiles, bioplastics, chemicals, pharmaceuticals) and bioenergy will be presented. Biological tools including microorganisms and enzymes will be introduced. This approach with a focus on chemical and process engineering will provide a smooth transition from crude oil-based industry to Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy taking into consideration the environmental issues. This sustainable use of renewable resources for industrial purposes will ensure environmental protection and a long-term balance of social and economic gains.

Course L0508: Chemical Kinetics
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Examination Form Klausur
Examination duration and scale 120 Minuten
Lecturer Prof. Raimund Horn
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

- Micro kinetics, formal kinetics, molecularity, reaction order, integrated rate laws

- Complex reactions, reversible reactions, consecutive reactions, parallel reactions, approximation methods: steady-state, pseudo-first order, numerical solution of rate equations , example : Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction

- Experimental methods of kinetics, integral approach, differential approach, initial rate method, method of half-life, relaxation methods

- Collision theory, Maxwell velocity distribution, collision numbers, line of centers model

- Transition state theory, partition functions of atoms and molecules, examples, calculating reaction equilibria on the basis of molecular data only, heats of reaction, calculating rates of reaction by means of statistical thermodynamics

- Kinetics of heterogeneous reactions, peculiarities of heterogeneous reactions, mean-field approximation, Langmuir adsorption isotherm, reaction mechanisms, Langmuir-Hinshelwood Mechanism, Eley-Rideal Mechanism, steady-state approximation, quasi-equilibrium approximation, most abundant reaction intermediate (MARI), reaction order, apparent activation energy, example: CO oxidation, transition state theory of surface reactions, Sabatier´s principle, sticking coefficient, parameter fitting

- Explosions, cold flames


J. I. Steinfeld, J. S. Francisco, W. L . Hase: Chemical Kinetics & Dynamics, Prentice Hall

K. J. Laidler: Chemical Kinetics, Harper & Row Publishers

R. K. Masel. Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis , Wiley

I. Chorkendorff,, J. W. Niemantsverdriet: Concepts of modern Catalysis and Kinetics, Wiley

Course L0052: Solid Matter Process Technology for Biomass
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Examination Form Klausur
Examination duration and scale 60 min
Lecturer Prof. Werner Sitzmann
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content The industrial application of unit operations as part of process engineering is explained by actual examples of solid biomass processes. Size reduction, transportation and dosing, drying and agglomeration of renewable resources are described as important unit operations when producing solid fuels and bioethanol, producing and refining edible oils, when making Btl - and WPC - products. Aspects of explosion protection and plant design complete the lecture.

Kaltschmitt M., Hartmann H. (Hrsg.): Energie aus Bioamsse, Springer Verlag, 2001, ISBN 3-540-64853-4

Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz, Schriftenreihe Nachwachsende Rohstoffe,

Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V.

Bockisch M.: Nahrungsfette und -öle, Ulmer Verlag, 1993, ISBN 380000158175

Course L2021: Solid Matter Process in Chemical Industry
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Examination Form Schriftliche Ausarbeitung
Examination duration and scale 12 Seiten
Lecturer Prof. Frank Kleine Jäger
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Course L2437: Optics for Engineers
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Examination Form Fachtheoretisch-fachpraktische Arbeit
Examination duration and scale Vorstellung eines eigenen Optikentwurfs mit anschließender Diskussion, 10 Minuten Vorstellung + maximal 20 Minuten Diskussion
Lecturer Prof. Thorsten Kern
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
  • Basic values for optical systems and lighting technology
  • Spectrum, black-bodies, color-perception
  • Light-Sources und their characterization
  • Photometrics
  • Ray-Optics
  • Matrix-Optics
  • Stops, Pupils and Windows
  • Light-field Technology
  • Introduction to Wave-Optics
  • Introduction to Holography
Course L2438: Optics for Engineers
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Examination Form Fachtheoretisch-fachpraktische Arbeit
Examination duration and scale Vorstellung eines eigenen Optikentwurfs mit anschließender Diskussion, 10 Minuten Vorstellung + maximal 20 Minuten Diskussion
Lecturer Prof. Thorsten Kern
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L1244: Polymer Reaction Engineering
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Examination Form Schriftliche Ausarbeitung
Examination duration and scale 1 Stunde
Lecturer Prof. Hans-Ulrich Moritz
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

Introduction into polymer reaction engineering, free and controlled radical polymerization, coordination polymerization of olefins, ionic “living” polymerization, step polymerization (polyaddition, polycondensation), copolymerization, emulsion polymerization, specific challenges of the industrial implementation of polymerization reactions (viscosity increase, heat removal, scale-up, reactor safety, modelling of polymerization reactions and reactors), key competitive factors in polymer industry in Germany, EU and worldwide.


W. Keim: Kunststoffe - Synthese, Herstellungsverfahren, Apparaturen, 1. Auflage, Wiley-VCH, 2006

T. Meyer, J. Keurentjes: Handbook of Polymer Reaction Engineering, 2 Vol., 1. Ed., Wiley-VCH, 2005

A. Echte: Handbuch der technischen Polymerchemie, 1. Auflage, VCH-Verlagsgesellschaft, 1993

G. Odian: Principles of Polymerization, 4. Ed., Wiley-Interscience, 2004

J. Asua: Polymer Reaction Engineering, 1. Ed., Blackwell Publishing, 2007

Course L1321: Safety of Chemical Reactions
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Examination Form Klausur
Examination duration and scale
Lecturer Dr. Marko Hoffmann
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

Module M0905: Research Project Process Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Research Project in Process Engineering (L1051) Project-/problem-based Learning 6 6
Module Responsible Dozenten des SD V
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Advanced state of knowledge in the master program of Process Engineering

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students know current research topics oft institutes engaged in their specialization. They can name the fundamental scientific methods used for doing related reserach.


Students are capable of completing a small, independent sub-project of currently ongoing research projects in the institutes engaged in their specialization. Students can justify and explain their approach for problem solving, they can draw conclusions from their results, and then can find new ways and methods for their work. Students are capable of comparing and assessing alterantive approaches with their own with regard to given criteria.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to discuss their work progress with research assistants of the supervising institute. They are capable of presenting their results in front of a professional audience.


Based on their competences gained so far students are capable of defining meaningful tasks within ongoing research project for themselves. They are able to develop the necessary understanding  and problem solving methods.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Study work
Examination duration and scale According to General Regulations
Assignment for the Following Curricula Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L1051: Research Project in Process Engineering
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 6
CP 6
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Lecturer Dozenten des SD V
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

Working on current research topics of the chosen specialisation.

Research projects can be carried out at the institutes of process engineering, in industry or abroad. It is always necessary to have a university lecturer from the school of Process Engineering as a supervisor, who must be determined before the research project begins.


Aktuelle Literatur zu Forschungsthemen aus der gewählten Vertiefungsrichtung. 

Current literature on research topics of the chosen specialization.

Module M0975: Industrial Bioprocesses in Practice

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Industrial biotechnology in Chemical Industriy (L2276) Seminar 2 3
Practice in bioprocess engineering (L2275) Seminar 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Andreas Liese
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Knowledge of bioprocess engineering and process engineering at bachelor level

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After successful completion of the module    

  • the students can outline the current status of research on the specific topics discussed
  • the students can explain the basic underlying principles of the respective industrial biotransformations

After successful completion of the module students are able to

  • analyze and evaluate current research approaches
  • plan industrial biotransformations basically
Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to work together as a team with several students to solve given tasks and discuss their results in the plenary and to defend them.


The students are able independently to present the results of their subtasks in a presentation

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Presentation
Examination duration and scale each seminar 15 min lecture and 15 min discussion
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation C - Bioeconomic Process Engineering, Focus Energy and Bioprocess Technology: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation C - Bioeconomic Process Engineering, Focus Management and Controlling: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L2276: Industrial biotechnology in Chemical Industriy
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Stephan Freyer
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

This course gives an insight into the applications, processes, structures and boundary conditions in industrial practice. Various concrete applications of the technology, markets and other questions that will significantly influence the plant and process design will be shown.


Chmiel H (ed). Bioprozesstechnik, Springer 2011, ISBN: 978-3-8274-2476-1 [Titel anhand dieser ISBN in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen]

Bailey, James and David F. Ollis: Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals. ‑2nd ed.; New York: McGraw Hill, 1986.

Becker, Th. et al. (2008) Biotechnology. Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.

Doran, Pauline M.: Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Academic Press, 2003

Hass, V. und R. Pörtner: Praxis der Bioprozesstechnik. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag (2011), 2. Auflage

Krahe M (2003) Biochemical Engineering. Ullmann´s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.

Schuler, M.L. / Kargi, F.: Bioprocess Engineering - Basic concepts

Course L2275: Practice in bioprocess engineering
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Wilfried Blümke
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content Content of this course is a concrete insight into the principles, processes and structures of an industrial biotechnology company. In addition to practical illustrative examples, aspects beyond the actual process engineering area are also addressed, such as e.g. Sustainability and engineering.


Chmiel H (ed). Bioprozesstechnik, Springer 2011, ISBN: 978-3-8274-2476-1 [Titel anhand dieser ISBN in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen]

Bailey, James and David F. Ollis: Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals. ‑2nd ed.; New York: McGraw Hill, 1986.

Becker, Th. et al. (2008) Biotechnology. Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.

Doran, Pauline M.: Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Academic Press, 2003

Hass, V. und R. Pörtner: Praxis der Bioprozesstechnik. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag (2011), 2. Auflage

Krahe M (2003) Biochemical Engineering. Ullmann´s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry.

Schuler, M.L. / Kargi, F.: Bioprocess Engineering - Basic concepts

Module M0537: Applied Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Properties for Industrial Applications

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Applied Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Properties for Industrial Applications (L0100) Lecture 4 3
Applied Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Properties for Industrial Applications (L0230) Recitation Section (small) 2 3
Module Responsible Dr. Simon Müller
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Thermodynamics III

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students are capable to formulate thermodynamic problems and to specify possible solutions. Furthermore, they can describe the current state of research in thermodynamic property predictions.


The students are capable to apply modern thermodynamic calculation methods to multi-component mixtures and relevant biological systems. They can calculate phase equilibria and partition coefficients by applying equations of state, gE models, and COSMO-RS methods. They can provide a comparison and a critical assessment of these methods with regard to their industrial relevance. The students are capable to use the software COSMOtherm and relevant property tools of ASPEN and to write short programs for the specific calculation of different thermodynamic properties. They can judge and evaluate the results from thermodynamic calculations/predictions for industrial processes.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are capable to develop and discuss solutions in small groups; further they can translate these solutions into calculation algorithms. 


Students can rank the field of “Applied Thermodynamics” within the scientific and social context.  They are capable to define research projects within the field of thermodynamic data calculation.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Written elaboration
Examination Oral exam
Examination duration and scale 1 Stunde Gruppenprüfung
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical and Bio process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0100: Applied Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Properties for Industrial Applications
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 4
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 34, Study Time in Lecture 56
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Dohrn
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

  • Phase equilibria in multicomponent systems
  • Partioning in biorelevant systems
  • Calculation of phase equilibria in colloidal systems: UNIFAC, COSMO-RS (exercises in computer pool)
  • Calculation of partitioning coefficients in biological membranes: COSMO-RS (exercises in computer pool)
  • Application of equations of state (vapour pressure, phase equilibria, etc.) (exercises in computer pool) 
  • Intermolecular forces, interaction Potenitials
  • Introduction in statistical thermodynamics
Course L0230: Applied Thermodynamics: Thermodynamic Properties for Industrial Applications
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Simon Müller
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

exercises in computer pool, see lecture description for more details

Literature -

Module M1796: Magnetic resonance in engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Fundamentals of Magnetic Resonance (L2968) Lecture 3 3
Magnetic Resonance in Engineering (L2969) Project-/problem-based Learning 3 3
Module Responsible Dr. Stefan Benders
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

No special previous knowledge is necessary.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

This module covers the fundamentals of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and their applications in engineering disciplines. The module consists of a classical lecture complemented by a problem-based learning course that includes practical hands-on experience on magnetic resonance devices. The module will be held in English.


After the successful completion of the course the students shall:

  1. Understand the physical principles and practical aspects of magnetic resonance in engineering.
  2. Know how to safely operate NMR and MRI systems.
  3. Know how to run standard experimental sequences and how to implement more advanced sequence protocols.
  4. Have an overview of the current capabilities and limits of the MR technique
Personal Competence
Social Competence

In the problem-based course Magnetic Resonance in Engineering, the students will obtain hands-on experience on how to operate NMR spectrometers and high-field and low-field MRI systems. The course will cover safety aspects, pulse sequence design, spectral image analysis, and image reconstruction. The students will work in small groups on practical tasks on different NMR and MRI systems located at the campus of TUHH.


Through the practical character of the PBL course, the student shall improve their communication skills.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale 120 Minutes
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation C - Bioeconomic Process Engineering, Focus Energy and Bioprocess Technology: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical and Bio process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Materials Science and Engineering: Specialisation Engineering Materials: Elective Compulsory
Materials Science: Specialisation Engineering Materials: Elective Compulsory
Materials Science: Specialisation Nano and Hybrid Materials: Elective Compulsory
Biomedical Engineering: Specialisation Implants and Endoprostheses: Elective Compulsory
Biomedical Engineering: Specialisation Artificial Organs and Regenerative Medicine: Elective Compulsory
Biomedical Engineering: Specialisation Medical Technology and Control Theory: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L2968: Fundamentals of Magnetic Resonance
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Dr. Stefan Benders
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

This lecture covers the fundamentals magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). It focuses on the following topics:

  1. The fundamentals of magnetic resonance: magnetism, magnetic fields, radiofrequency, spin, relaxation
  2. Hardware for magnetic resonance: magnets (high-field and low-field), radiofrequency coil design, magnetic field gradients
  3. NMR-Spectroscopy: chemical shift, J-Coupling, 2D NMR, solid-state, MAS
  4. Relaxometry: single-sided NMR, contrasts,
  5. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): gradients, coils, k-space, imaging sequences, ultrafast Imaging, parallel imaging, velocimetry, CEST
  6. Hyperpolarization techniques: DNP, p-H2, optical pumping with Xe
  7. Applications of magnetic resonance in chemical engineering
  8. Applications of magnetic resonance in material science and engineering
  9. Applications of magnetic resonance in biomedical engineering    

Stapf, S., & Han, S. (2006). NMR imaging in chemical engineering. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. ISBN: 978-3-527-60719-8

Blümich B., (2003) NMR imaging of materials. Oxford University Press, Online- ISBN: 9780191709524 , doi:

Brown R. W., Cheng Y. N., Haacke E. M., Thompson M. R., Venkatesan R., (2014) Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical Principles and Sequence Design, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., doi: 10.1002/9781118633953

Haber-Pohlmeier, Sabina, Bernhard Blumich, and Luisa Ciobanu, (2022) Magnetic Resonance Microscopy: Instrumentation and Applications in Engineering, Life Science, and Energy Research. John Wiley & Sons

Course L2969: Magnetic Resonance in Engineering
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Dr. Stefan Benders
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

In this course, the theoretical basics of magnetic resonance spectroscopy and magnetic resonance tomography are supplemented with practical experiments on the respective devices. The practical handling and operation of the equipment will be learned. 


Stapf, S., & Han, S. (2006). NMR imaging in chemical engineering. Weinheim: Wiley-VCH. ISBN: 978-3-527-60719-8 

Blümich B., (2003) NMR imaging of materials. Oxford University Press, Online- ISBN: 9780191709524, doi:

Brown R. W., Cheng Y. N., Haacke E. M., Thompson M. R., Venkatesan R., (2014) Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical Principles and Sequence Design, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., doi: 10.1002/9781118633953

Module M1736: Industrial Homogeneous Catalysis

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Homogeneous catalysis in application (L2804) Practical Course 1 2
Industrial homogeneous catalysis (L2802) Lecture 2 2
Industrial homogeneous catalysis (L2803) Recitation Section (large) 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Jakob Albert
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Basic knowledge from the Bachelor's degree course in process engineering
  • Chemical reaction engineering
  • Process and plant engineering
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students can:

  • explain the principle of homogeneous catalysis,
  • give an overview of the versatile applications of homogeneous catalysis in industry
  • evaluate different homogeneously catalysed reactions with regard to their technical challenges and economic significance.

The students are able to

  • develop concepts for the technical implementation of homogeneously catalysed reactions,
  • evaluate practical aspects of homogeneous catalysis using laboratory experiments,
  • apply the acquired knowledge to different homogeneously catalysed reactions.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students:

  • are able to work out the practical aspects of homogeneous catalysis on the basis of laboratory experiments, to carry out and evaluate the analytics of the products and to precisely summarise the results of the experiments in a protocol.
  • are able to independently discuss approaches to solutions and problems in the field of homogeneous catalysis in an interdisciplinary small group,
  • are able to work together in small groups on subject-specific tasks,
    Translated with (free version)

The students

  • are able to independently obtain extensive literature on the topic and to gain knowledge from it,
  • are able to independently solve tasks on the topic and assess their learning status based on the feedback given,
  • are able to independently conduct experimental studies on the topic.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Oral exam
Examination duration and scale 30 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Technical Complementary Course: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L2804: Homogeneous catalysis in application
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Jakob Albert
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

In the laboratory practical course, practical experiments are carried out with reference to industrial application of homogeneous catalysis. The hurdles to the technical implementation of homogeneously catalysed reactions are made clear to the students. The associated analysis of the experimental samples is also part of the laboratory practical course and is carried out and evaluated by the students themselves. The results are precisely summarised and scientifically presented in an experimental protocol.

  1. A. Jess, P. Wasserscheid, „Chemical Technology“, Wiley VCH, 2013
  2. A. Behr, „Angewandte homogene Katalyse“, Wiley-VCH, 2008
Course L2802: Industrial homogeneous catalysis
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Maximilian Poller
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
  • Introduction to homogeneous catalysis
  • Elementary steps of catalysis
  • Homogeneous transition metal catalysis
  • Hydroformylation
  • Wacker process
  • Monsanto process
  • Shell higher olefin process (SHOP)
  • Extractive-oxidative desulphurisation (ECODS)
  • Phase transfer catalysis
  • Liquid-liquid two-phase catalysis
  • Catalyst recycling
  • Reactor concepts
  1. A. Jess, P. Wasserscheid, „Chemical Technology“, Wiley VCH, 2013
  2. A. Behr, „Angewandte homogene Katalyse“, Wiley-VCH, 2008
Course L2803: Industrial homogeneous catalysis
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Samrin Shaikh, Dr. Maximilian Poller
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

In this exercise the contents of the lecture are further deepened and transferred into practical application. This is done using example tasks from practice, which are made available to the students. The students are to solve these tasks independently or in groups with the help of the lecture material. The solution is then discussed with students under scientific guidance, with parts of the task being presented on the blackboard.

  1. A. Jess, P. Wasserscheid, „Chemical Technology“, Wiley VCH, 2013
  2. A. Behr, „Angewandte homogene Katalyse“, Wiley-VCH, 2008

Module M1955: Process Intensification in Process Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Process Intensification in Process Engineering (L1978) Lecture 2 2
Process Intensification in Process Engineering (L1715) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 4
Module Responsible Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Process and Plant Engineering 1

Process and Plant Engineering 2

Basics in Process Engineering

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Students are able to evaluate hybrid processes
Students are able to evaluate processes with regard to their suitability as hybrid processes and to interpret them accordingly.
Personal Competence
Social Competence
Students are able to apply the principles of project management for small groups.
Students are able to acquire and discuss specialized knowledge about hybrid processes.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale Project report incl. PM-documents and Midterm
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical and Bio process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L1978: Process Intensification in Process Engineering
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Thomas Waluga, Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Introduction to integrated and hybrid processes in chemical and biotechnological process engineering; advantages and disadvantages, process windows, differentiation criteria;

Process synthesis and process modeling

Process examples from industry and research: reactive distillation, dividing wall columns, reactive dividing wall columns, SHOP and MerOX, centrifuges, membrane-supported processes


- H. Schmidt-Traub; Integrated Reaction and Separation Operations: Modelling and Experimental Validation; Springer 2006
- K. Sundmacher, A. Kienle, A. Seidel-Morgenstern; Integrated Chemical Processes: Synthesis, Operation, Analysis, and Control; Wiley-VCH 2005
- Mexandre C. Dimian (Ed); Integrated Design and Simulation of Chemical Processes; in Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, Volume 13, Pages 1-698 (2003)

Course L1715: Process Intensification in Process Engineering
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Thomas Waluga, Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1354: Advanced Fuels

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Second generation biofuels and electricity based fuels (L2414) Lecture 2 2
Carbon dioxide as an economic determinant in the mobility sector (L1926) Lecture 1 1
Mobility and climate protection (L2416) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Sustainability aspects and regulatory framework (L2415) Lecture 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Bachelor degree in Process Engineering, Bioprocess Engineering or Energy- and Environmental Engineering

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Within the module, students learn about different provision pathways for the production of advanced fuels (biofuels like e.g. alcohol-to-jet; electricity-based fuels like e.g. power-to-liquid). The different processes chains are explained and the regulatory framework for sustainable fuel production is examined. This includes, for example, the requirements of the Renewable Energies Directive II and the conditions and aspects for a market ramp-up of these fuels. For the holistic assessment of the various fuel options, they are also examined under environmental and economic factors.


After successfully participating, the students are able to solve simulation and application tasks of renewable energy technology:

  • Module-spanning solutions for the design and presentation of fuel production processes resp. the fuel provision chains
  • Comprehensive analysis of various fuel production options in technical, ecological and economic terms

Through active discussions of the various topics within the lectures and exercises of the module, the students improve their understanding and application of the theoretical foundations and are thus able to transfer the learned to the practice.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students can discuss scientific tasks in a subject-specific and interdisciplinary way and develop joint solutions.


The students are able to access independent sources about the questions to be addressed and to acquire the necessary knowledge. They are able to assess their respective learning situation concretely in consultation with their supervisor and to define further questions and solutions. 

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes 20 % Written elaboration Details werden in der ersten Veranstaltung bekannt gegeben.
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation C - Bioeconomic Process Engineering, Focus Energy and Bioprocess Technology: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical and Bio process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Energy Systems: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Energy and Resources: Elective Compulsory
Aircraft Systems Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Logistics, Infrastructure and Mobility: Specialisation Production and Logistics: Elective Compulsory
Logistics, Infrastructure and Mobility: Specialisation Infrastructure and Mobility: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Wind Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Solar Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Bioenergy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L2414: Second generation biofuels and electricity based fuels
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe
  • General overview of various power-based fuels and their process paths, including power-to-liquid process (Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, methanol synthesis), power-to-gas (Sabatier process)
  • Origin, production and use of these fuels
  • Vorlesungsskript
Course L1926: Carbon dioxide as an economic determinant in the mobility sector
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Karsten Wilbrand
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe
  • General overview of various advanced biofuels and their process pathways (including gas-to-liquid, HEFA and Alcohol-to-Jet processes)
  • Origin, production and use of these fuels

  • Babu, V.: Biofuels Production. Beverly, Mass: Scrivener [u.a.], 2013
  • Olsson, L.: Biofuels. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007
  • William, L. L.: Distillation Design and Control Using Aspen Simulation; ISBN-10: 0-471-77888-5
  • Perry, R.; Green, R.: Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook, 8th Edition, McGraw Hill Professional, 20
  • Sinnot, R. K.: Chemical Engineering Design, Elsevier, 2014
  • Kaltschmitt, M.; Neuling, U. (Ed.): Biokerosene - Status and Prospects; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2018

Course L2416: Mobility and climate protection
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Benedikt Buchspies, Dr. Karsten Wilbrand
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe

Application of the acquired theoretical knowledge from the respective lectures on the basis of concrete tasks from practice

  • Design and simulation of sub-processes of production processes in Aspen Plus ®
  • Ecological and economic analysis of fuel supply paths
  • Classification of case studies into applicable regulations
  • Skriptum zur Vorlesung
  • Aspen Plus® - Aspen Plus User Guide
Course L2415: Sustainability aspects and regulatory framework
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Benedikt Buchspies
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe

Holistic examination of the different fuel paths with the following main topics, among others:

  • Consideration of the environmental impact of the various alternative fuels
  • Economic consideration of the different alternative fuels
  • Regulatory framework for alternative fuels
  • Certification of alternative fuels
  • Market introduction models of alternative fuels
  • European Commission - Joint Research Center (2010): International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook - General guide for Life Cycle Assessment - Detailed guidance. Joint Research Center (JRC) Institut for Environment and Sustainability, Luxembourg
  • Richtlinie (EU) 2018/2001 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 11. Dezember 2018 zur Förderung der Nutzung von Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen

Module M2019: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control - Theory and Application

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control - Theory and Application (L3283) Lecture 3 6
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control - Theory and Application (L3284) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Timm Faulwasser
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basisc of control engineering (stability, simple control designs), state space models in control, differential equations.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Static and dynamic optimization methods, optimal control and numerical solution methods, design and implementation of model predictive control schemes in sampled-data fashion, dissipativity notions for optimal control.


The students are able to formulate and to solve problems of operation and control of technical systems on their own. The students are able to understand and to analyze the interplay of problem formulation and efficiency aspects of numerical solutions and to deduce problem-specific formulations. They know how to apply and to implement optimization methods to practical problems. Furthermore, the students can tackle complex problems of predictive control by means of abstraction, they are able to document their results in written form.  The students are able to design predictive controllers for nonlinear systems and to validate them by means of simulation.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Interaction in interdisciplinary teams, meeting of project deadlines.


Compare to Fachkopentenz (Fertigkeiten)

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 200, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 9
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
No 20 % Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination Oral exam
Examination duration and scale 40 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Electrical Engineering: Specialisation Control and Power Systems Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L3283: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control - Theory and Application
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 6
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 138, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Timm Faulwasser
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Course L3284: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control - Theory and Application
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Timm Faulwasser
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M2006: Waste Treatment and Recycling

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Planning of waste treatment plants (L3267) Project-/problem-based Learning 3 3
Recycling technologies and thermal waste treatment (L3265) Lecture 2 2
Recycling technologies and thermal waste treatment (L3266) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Basics of thermo dynamics
  • Basics of fluid dynamics
  • fluid dynamics chemistry
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students can name, describe current issue and problems in the field of waste treatment (mechanical, chemical and thermal) and contemplate them in the context of their field. 

The industrial application of unit operations as part of process engineering is explained by actual examples of waste  technologies . Compostion, particle sizes, transportation and dosing of wastes are described as important unit operations .

Students will be able to design and  design waste treatment technology equipment.


The students are able to select suitable processes for the treatment of wastes or raw material with respect to their characteristics and the process aims. They can evaluate the efforts and costs for processes and select economically feasible treatment concepts.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students can

  • respectfully work together as a team and discuss technical tasks
  • participate in subject-specific and interdisciplinary discussions,
  • develop cooperated solutions 
  •  promote the scientific development and accept professional constructive criticism.

Students can independently tap knowledge of the subject area and transform it to new questions. They are capable, in consultation with supervisors, to assess their learning level and define further steps on this basis. Furthermore, they can define targets for new application-or research-oriented duties in accordance with the potential social, economic and cultural impact.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical and Bio process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Energy and Resources: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Bioenergy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Course L3267: Planning of waste treatment plants
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Rüdiger Siechau
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

The focus is on getting to know the organization and practice of waste management companies. Topics such as planning, financing and logistics will be discussed and there will be an excursion (waste incineration plant, vehicle fleet and collection systems / containers).

Project based learning: You will be given a task to work on independently in groups of 4 to 6 students. All tools and data needed for the project work will be discussed in the lecture "Recycling Technologies and Thermal Waste Treatment". Course documents can be downloaded from StudIP. Communication during the project work also takes place via StudIP.

  • Einführung in die Abfallwirtschaft; Martin Kranert, Klaus Cord-Landwehr (Hrsg.); Vieweg + Teubner Verlag; 2010 
  • PowerPoint Präsentationen in Stud IP
Course L3265: Recycling technologies and thermal waste treatment
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
  • Introduction, actual state-of-the-art of waste incineration, aims. legal background, reaction principals
  • basics of incineration processes: waste composition, calorific value, calculation of air demand and flue gas composition 
  • Incineration techniques: grate firing, ash transfer, boiler
  • Flue gas cleaning: Volume, composition, legal frame work and emission limits, dry treatment, scrubber, de-nox techniques, dioxin elimination, Mercury elimination
  • Ash treatment: Mass, quality, treatment concepts, recycling, disposal

Thomé-Kozmiensky, K. J. (Hrsg.): Thermische Abfallbehandlung Bande 1-7. EF-Verlag für Energie- und Umwelttechnik, Berlin, 196 - 2013.

Course L3266: Recycling technologies and thermal waste treatment
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Specialization Environmental Process Engineering

Module M0513: System Aspects of Renewable Energies

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Fuel Cells, Batteries, and Gas Storage: New Materials for Energy Production and Storage (L0021) Lecture 2 2
Energy Trading (L0019) Lecture 1 1
Energy Trading (L0020) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Deep Geothermal Energy (L0025) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Module: Technical Thermodynamics I

Module: Technical Thermodynamics II

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Knowledge Students are able to describe the processes in energy trading and the design of energy markets and can critically evaluate them in relation to current subject specific problems. Furthermore, they are able to explain the basics of thermodynamics of electrochemical energy conversion in fuel cells and can establish and explain the relationship to different types of fuel cells and their respective structure. Students can compare this technology with other energy storage options. In addition, students can give an overview of the procedure and the energetic involvement of deep geothermal energy.


Students can apply the learned knowledge of storage systems for excessive energy to explain for various energy systems different approaches to ensure a secure energy supply. In particular, they can plan and calculate domestic, commercial and industrial heating equipment using energy storage systems in an energy-efficient way and can assess them in relation to complex power systems. In this context, students can assess the potential and limits of geothermal power plants and explain their operating mode.

Furthermore, the students are able to explain the procedures and strategies for marketing of energy and apply it in the context of other modules on renewable energy projects. In this context they can unassistedly carry out analysis and evaluations of energie markets and energy trades. 

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to discuss issues in the thematic fields in the renewable energy sector addressed within the module.


Students can independently exploit sources , acquire the particular knowledge about the subject area and transform it to new questions.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 3 hours written exam
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Aircraft Systems Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Aeronautics: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Course L0021: Fuel Cells, Batteries, and Gas Storage: New Materials for Energy Production and Storage
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Michael Fröba
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  1. Introduction to electrochemical energy conversion
  2. Function and structure of electrolyte
  3. Low-temperature fuel cell
    • Types
    • Thermodynamics of the PEM fuel cell
    • Cooling and humidification strategy
  4. High-temperature fuel cell
    • The MCFC
    • The SOFC
    • Integration Strategies and partial reforming
  5. Fuels
    • Supply of fuel
    • Reforming of natural gas and biogas
    • Reforming of liquid hydrocarbons
  6. Energetic Integration and control of fuel cell systems

  • Hamann, C.; Vielstich, W.: Elektrochemie 3. Aufl.; Weinheim: Wiley - VCH, 2003

Course L0019: Energy Trading
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Robert Gersdorf
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  • Basic concepts and tradable products in energy markets
  • Primary energy markets
  • Electricity Markets
  • European Emissions Trading Scheme
  • Influence of renewable energy
  • Real options
  • Risk management

Within the exercise the various tasks are actively discussed and applied to various cases of application.

Course L0020: Energy Trading
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Robert Gersdorf
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0025: Deep Geothermal Energy
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Ben Norden
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  1. Introduction to the deep geothermal use
  2. Geological Basics I
  3. Geological Basics II
  4. Geology and thermal aspects
  5. Rock Physical Aspects
  6. Geochemical aspects
  7. Exploration of deep geothermal reservoirs
  8. Drilling technologies, piping and expansion
  9. Borehole Geophysics
  10. Underground system characterization and reservoir engineering
  11. Microbiology and Upper-day system components
  12. Adapted investment concepts, cost and environmental aspect
  • Dipippo, R.: Geothermal Power Plants: Principles, Applications, Case Studies and Environmental Impact. Butterworth Heinemann; 3rd revised edition. (29. Mai 2012)
  • Edenhofer et al. (eds): Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation; Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, 2012.
  • Kaltschmitt et al. (eds): Erneuerbare Energien: Systemtechnik, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Umweltaspekte. Springer, 5. Aufl. 2013.
  • Kaltschmitt et al. (eds): Energie aus Erdwärme. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag; Auflage: 1999 (3. September 2001)
  • Huenges, E. (ed.): Geothermal Energy Systems: Exploration, Development, and Utilization. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA; Auflage: 1. Auflage (19. April 2010)

Module M0874: Wastewater Systems

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Biological Wastewater Treatment (L0517) Lecture 2 2
Biological Wastewater Treatment (L3122) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Advanced Wastewater Treatment (L0357) Lecture 2 2
Advanced Wastewater Treatment (L0358) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Knowledge of wastewater management and the key processes involved in wastewater treatment.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to outline key areas of the full range of treatment systems in waste water management, as well as their mutual dependence for sustainable water protection. They can describe relevant economic, environmental and social factors.


Students are able to pre-design and explain the available wastewater treatment processes and the scope of their application in municipal and for some industrial treatment plants.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Social skills are not targeted in this module.


Students are in a position to work on a subject and to organize their work flow independently. They can also present on this subject.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Structural Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Geotechnical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Coastal Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water Quality and Water Engineering: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Compulsory
Course L0517: Biological Wastewater Treatment
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Joachim Behrendt
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe

Charaterisation of Wastewater
Metobolism of Microorganisms
Kinetic of mirobiotic processes
Calculation of bioreactor for wastewater treatment
Concepts of Wastewater treatment
Design of WWTP
Excursion to a WWTP
Biofim Reactors
Anaerobic Wastewater and sldge treatment
resources oriented sanitation technology
Future challenges of wastewater treatment


Gujer, Willi
Siedlungswasserwirtschaft : mit 84 Tabellen
ISBN: 3540343296 (Gb.) URL: URL:
Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2007
Henze, Mogens
Wastewater treatment : biological and chemical processes
ISBN: 3540422285 (Pp.)
Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2002
Imhoff, Karl (Imhoff, Klaus R.;)
Taschenbuch der Stadtentwässerung : mit 10 Tafeln
ISBN: 3486263331 ((Gb.))
München [u.a.] : Oldenbourg, 1999
Lange, Jörg (Otterpohl, Ralf; Steger-Hartmann, Thomas;)
Abwasser : Handbuch zu einer zukunftsfähigen Wasserwirtschaft
ISBN: 3980350215 (kart.) URL:
Donaueschingen-Pfohren : Mall-Beton-Verl., 2000
Mudrack, Klaus (Kunst, Sabine;)
Biologie der Abwasserreinigung : 18 Tabellen
ISBN: 382741427X URL:
Heidelberg [u.a.] : Spektrum, Akad. Verl., 2003
Tchobanoglous, George (Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., ;)
Wastewater engineering : treatment and reuse
ISBN: 0070418780 (alk. paper) ISBN: 0071122508 (ISE (*pbk))
Boston [u.a.] : McGraw-Hill, 2003
Henze, Mogens
Activated sludge models ASM1, ASM2, ASM2d and ASM3
ISBN: 1900222248
London : IWA Publ., 2002
Kunz, Peter
Vieweg, 1992
Bauhaus-Universität., Arbeitsgruppe Weiterbildendes Studium Wasser und Umwelt (Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall, ;)
Abwasserbehandlung : Gewässerbelastung, Bemessungsgrundlagen, Mechanische Verfahren, Biologische Verfahren, Reststoffe aus der Abwasserbehandlung, Kleinkläranlagen
ISBN: 3860682725 URL: URL:
Weimar : Universitätsverl, 2006
Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall
Hennef : DWA, 2004
Wiesmann, Udo (Choi, In Su; Dombrowski, Eva-Maria;)
Fundamentals of biological wastewater treatment
ISBN: 3527312196 (Gb.) URL:
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH, 2007

Course L3122: Biological Wastewater Treatment
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Joachim Behrendt
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0357: Advanced Wastewater Treatment
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Joachim Behrendt
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Survey on advanced wastewater treatment

reuse of reclaimed municipal wastewater



Depth filtration

Membrane Processes

Activated carbon adsorption


"Advanced Oxidation Processes"



Metcalf & Eddy, Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, McGraw-Hill, Boston 2003

Wassertechnologie, H.H. Hahn, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1987

Membranverfahren: Grundlagen der Modul- und Anlagenauslegung, T. Melin und R. Rautenbach, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2007

Trinkwasserdesinfektion: Grundlagen, Verfahren, Anlagen, Geräte, Mikrobiologie, Chlorung, Ozonung, UV-Bestrahlung, Membranfiltration, Qualitätssicherung, W. Roeske, Oldenbourg-Verlag, München 2006

Organische Problemstoffe in Abwässern, H. Gulyas, GFEU, Hamburg 2003
Course L0358: Advanced Wastewater Treatment
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Joachim Behrendt
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Aggregate organic compounds (sum parameters)

Industrial wastewater

Processes for industrial wastewater treatment



Activated carbon adsorption

Recalcitrant organic compounds


Metcalf & Eddy, Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, McGraw-Hill, Boston 2003

Wassertechnologie, H.H. Hahn, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1987

Membranverfahren: Grundlagen der Modul- und Anlagenauslegung, T. Melin und R. Rautenbach, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2007

Trinkwasserdesinfektion: Grundlagen, Verfahren, Anlagen, Geräte, Mikrobiologie, Chlorung, Ozonung, UV-Bestrahlung, Membranfiltration, Qualitätssicherung, W. Roeske, Oldenbourg-Verlag, München 2006

Organische Problemstoffe in Abwässern, H. Gulyas, GFEU, Hamburg 2003

Module M0875: Nexus Engineering - Water, Soil, Food and Energy

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Ecological Town Design - Water, Energy, Soil and Food Nexus (L1229) Seminar 2 2
Water & Wastewater Systems in a Global Context (L0939) Lecture 2 4
Module Responsible Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge of the global situation with rising poverty, soil degradation, migration to cities, lack of water resources and sanitation

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students can describe the facets of the global water situation. Students can judge the enormous potential of the implementation of synergistic systems in Water, Soil, Food and Energy supply.


Students are able to design ecological settlements for different geographic and socio-economic conditions for the main climates around the world.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to develop a specific topic in a team and to work out milestones according to a given plan.


Students are in a position to work on a subject and to organize their work flow independently. They can also present on this subject.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale During the course of the semester, the students work towards mile stones. The work includes presentations and papers. Detailed information can be found at the beginning of the smester in the StudIP course module handbook.
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Course L1229: Ecological Town Design - Water, Energy, Soil and Food Nexus
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • Participants Workshop: Design of the most attractive productive Town
  • Keynote lecture and video
  • The limits of Urbanization / Green Cities
  • The tragedy of the Rural: Soil degradation, agro chemical toxification, migration to cities
  • Global Ecovillage Network: Upsides and Downsides around the World
  • Visit of an Ecovillage
  • Participants Workshop: Resources for thriving rural areas, Short presentations by participants, video competion
  • TUHH Rural Development Toolbox
  • Integrated New Town Development
  • Participants workshop: Design of New Towns: Northern, Arid and Tropical cases
  • Outreach: Participants campaign
  • City with the Rural: Resilience, quality of live and productive biodiversity

  • Ralf Otterpohl 2013: Gründer-Gruppen als Lebensentwurf: "Synergistische Wertschöpfung in erweiterten Kleinstadt- und Dorfstrukturen", in „Regionales Zukunftsmanagement Band 7: Existenzgründung unter regionalökonomischer Perspektive, Pabst Publisher, Lengerich
  • (Miracle Water Village, India, Integrated Rainwater Harvesting, Water Efficiency, Reforestation and Sanitation)
  • TEDx New Town Ralf Otterpohl:
Course L0939: Water & Wastewater Systems in a Global Context
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

  • Keynote lecture and video
  • Water & Soil: Water availability as a consequence of healthy soils
  • Water and it’s utilization, Integrated Urban Water Management
  • Water & Energy, lecture and panel discussion pro and con for a specific big dam project
  • Rainwater Harvesting on Catchment level, Holistic Planned Grazing, Multi-Use-Reforestation
  • Sanitation and Reuse of water, nutrients and soil conditioners, Conventional and Innovative Approaches
  • Why are there excreta in water? Public Health, Awareness Campaigns
  • Rehearsal session, Q&A

  • Montgomery, David R. 2007: Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations, University of California Press
  • Liu, John D.: (Integrated regeneration of the Loess Plateau, China, and sites in Ethiopia and Rwanda)
  • (Miracle Water Village, India, Integrated Rainwater Harvesting, Water Efficiency, Reforestation and Sanitation)

Module M0512: Use of Solar Energy

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Energy Meteorology (L0016) Lecture 1 1
Energy Meteorology (L0017) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Collector Technology (L0018) Lecture 2 2
Solar Power Generation (L0015) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge none
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

With the completion of this module, students will be able to deal with technical foundations and current issues and problems in the field of solar energy and explain and evaulate these critically in consideration of the prior curriculum and current subject specific issues. In particular they can professionally describe the processes within a solar cell and explain the specific features of application of solar modules. Furthermore, they can provide an overview of the collector technology in solar thermal systems.


Students can apply the acquired theoretical foundations of exemplary energy systems using solar radiation. In this context, for example they can assess and evaluate potential and constraints of solar energy systems with respect to different geographical assumptions. They are able to dimension solar energy systems in consideration of technical aspects and given assumptions. Using module-comprehensive knowledge students can evalute the economic and ecologic conditions of these systems. They can select calculation methods within the radiation theory for these topics. 

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to discuss issues in the thematic fields in the renewable energy sector addressed within the module.


Students can independently exploit sources and acquire the particular knowledge about the subject area with respect to emphasis fo the lectures. Furthermore, with the assistance of lecturers, they can discrete use calculation methods for analysing and dimensioning solar energy systems. Based on this procedure they can concrete assess their specific learning level and can consequently define the further workflow. 

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes 20 % Written elaboration Ausarbeitung Kollektortechnik
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 180 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Energy Systems: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0016: Energy Meteorology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Volker Matthias, Dr. Beate Geyer
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  • Introduction: radiation source Sun, Astronomical Foundations, Fundamentals of radiation
  • Structure of the atmosphere
  • Properties and laws of radiation
    • Polarization
    • Radiation quantities 
    • Planck's radiation law
    • Wien's displacement law
    • Stefan-Boltzmann law
    • Kirchhoff's law
    • Brightness temperature
    • Absorption, reflection, transmission
  • Radiation balance, global radiation, energy balance
  • Atmospheric extinction
  • Mie and Rayleigh scattering
  • Radiative transfer
  • Optical effects in the atmosphere
  • Calculation of the sun and calculate radiation on inclined surfaces
  • Helmut Kraus: Die Atmosphäre der Erde
  • Hans Häckel: Meteorologie
  • Grant W. Petty: A First Course in Atmosheric Radiation
  • Martin Kaltschmitt, Wolfgang Streicher, Andreas Wiese: Renewable Energy
  • Alexander Löw, Volker Matthias: Skript Optik Strahlung Fernerkundung

Course L0017: Energy Meteorology
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Beate Geyer
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0018: Collector Technology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Agis Papadopoulos
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  • Introduction: Energy demand and application of solar energy.
  • Heat transfer in the solar thermal energy: conduction, convection, radiation.
  • Collectors: Types, structure, efficiency, dimensioning, concentrated systems.
  • Energy storage: Requirements, types.
  • Passive solar energy: components and systems.
  • Solar thermal low temperature systems: collector variants, construction, calculation.
  • Solar thermal high temperature systems: Classification of solar power plants construction.
  • Solar air conditioning.
  • Vorlesungsskript.
  • Kaltschmitt, Streicher und Wiese (Hrsg.). Erneuerbare Energien: Systemtechnik, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Umweltaspekte, 5. Auflage, Springer, 2013.
  • Stieglitz und Heinzel .Thermische Solarenergie: Grundlagen, Technologie, Anwendungen. Springer, 2012.
  • Von Böckh und Wetzel. Wärmeübertragung: Grundlagen und Praxis, Springer, 2011.
  • Baehr und Stephan. Wärme- und Stoffübertragung. Springer, 2009.
  • de Vos. Thermodynamics of solar energy conversion. Wiley-VCH, 2008.
  • Mohr, Svoboda und Unger. Praxis solarthermischer Kraftwerke. Springer, 1999.

Course L0015: Solar Power Generation
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Martin Schlecht, Prof. Alf Mews, Roman Fritsches-Baguhl
Language DE
Cycle SoSe


  1. Introduction
  2. Primary energies and consumption, available solar energy
  3. Physics of the ideal solar cell
  4. Light absorption, PN transition, characteristic sizes of the solar cell, efficiency
  5. Physics of the real solar cell
  6. Charge carrier recombination, characteristic curves, barrier layer recombination, equivalent circuit diagram
  7. Increasing efficiency
  8. Methods for increasing the quantum yield and reducing recombination
  9. Hetero- and tandem structures
  10. Heterojunction, Schottky, electrochemical, MIS and SIS cell, tandem cell
  11. Concentrator cells
  12. Concentrator optics and tracking systems, concentrator cells
  13. Technology and properties: solar cell types, manufacturing, monocrystalline silicon and gallium arsenide, polycrystalline silicon and silicon thin film cells, thin film cells on carriers (amorphous silicon, CIS, electrochemical cells)
  14. Modules
  15. Switches

Concentrating solar power plants:

  1. Introduction
  2. Point focused technologies
  3. Line focused technologies
  4. Design of CSP projects
  • A. Götzberger, B. Voß, J. Knobloch: Sonnenenergie: Photovoltaik, Teubner Studienskripten, Stuttgart, 1995
  • A. Götzberger: Sonnenenergie: Photovoltaik : Physik und Technologie der Solarzelle, Teubner Stuttgart, 1994
  • H.-J. Lewerenz, H. Jungblut: Photovoltaik, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1995
  • A. Götzberger: Photovoltaic solar energy generation, Springer, Berlin, 2005
  • C. Hu, R. M. White: Solar CelIs, Mc Graw HilI, New York, 1983
  • H.-G. Wagemann: Grundlagen der photovoltaischen Energiewandlung: Solarstrahlung, Halbleitereigenschaften und Solarzellenkonzepte, Teubner, Stuttgart, 1994
  • R. J. van Overstraeten, R.P. Mertens: Physics, technology and use of photovoltaics, Adam Hilger Ltd, Bristol and Boston, 1986
  • B. O. Seraphin: Solar energy conversion Topics of applied physics V 01 31, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1995
  • P. Würfel: Physics of Solar cells, Principles and new concepts, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim 2005
  • U. Rindelhardt: Photovoltaische Stromversorgung, Teubner-Reihe Umwelt, Stuttgart 2001
  • V. Quaschning: Regenerative Energiesysteme, Hanser, München, 2003
  • G. Schmitz: Regenerative Energien, Ringvorlesung TU Hamburg-Harburg 1994/95, Institut für Energietechnik

Module M0518: Waste and Energy

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Waste Recycling Technologies (L0047) Lecture 2 2
Waste Recycling Technologies (L0048) Recitation Section (small) 1 2
Waste to Energy (L0049) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 2