Information regarding the lectures are available in the TUHH modul manuals as well as in the course catalogue.

Course Work
Re­com. Term Module Name (German / English) Language Module­Responsability Institute C/EC (1) CM/
OM (2)
CP (4) Grade Exami­nation Form(3)
Compulsory Course Work Type Bonus (in %)
Technical Complementary Course Core Studies   Compulsory Courses: 0 LP    Optional Courses: 6 LP   
WT Grundlagen der Regelungstechnik / Introduction to Control Systems DE NN E-14 EC CM
6 Y KL
WT Numerische Mathematik I / Numerical Mathematics I EN Prof. Le Borne E-10 EC CM
6 Y KL
ST Mathematik IV / Mathematics IV DE Prof. Lindner 0-UNIHH-M EC CM
6 Y KL
ST Numerische Mechanik / Computational Mechanics DE Prof. Seifried M-13 EC CM
6 Y KL
N MT 15
N ÜA 5

1C=Compulsory, EC=Elective Compulsory

2CM=Compulsory Defined Module, OM=Optional Defined Module

3MT=Midterm, KL=Written exam, ÜA=Excercises

4CP=Credit Points

5VL=Lecture, GÜ=Recitation Section (small), HÜ=Recitation Section (large), IV=Integrated Lecture

6DE=German, EN=English, DE/EN=German and English

7SWS=Contact hours