Information regarding the lectures are available in the TUHH modul manuals as well as in the course catalogue.

Course Work
Re­com. Term Module Name (German / English) Language Module­Responsability Institute C/EC (1) CM/
OM (2)
CP (4) Grade Exami­nation Form(3)
Compulsory Course Work Type Bonus (in %)
Core Qualification   Compulsory Courses: 168 LP    Optional Courses: 0 LP   
1 Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik / Basics of Electrical Engineering DE Prof. Kern M-4 C CM
1 Grundlagen der Werkstoffwissenschaften / Fundamentals of Materials Science DE Prof. Weißmüller M-22 C CM
6 Y KL
1 Informatik für Ingenieur*innen - Einführung & Überblick / Computer Science for Engineers - Introduction and Overview DE / EN Prof. Fey E-13 C CM
6 Y KL
N TE 10
1 Mathematik I / Mathematics I DE Prof. Taraz E-10 C CM
8 Y KL
Y ÜA 10
1 Technische Mechanik I (Stereostatik) / Engineering Mechanics I (Stereostatics) DE Prof. Kriegesmann M-24 C CM
6 Y KL
2 Grundlagen der Konstruktionslehre / Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Design DE Prof. Krause M-17 C CM
6 Y KL
2 Mathematik II / Mathematics II DE Prof. Taraz E-10 C CM
8 Y KL
Y ÜA 10
2 Technische Mechanik II (Elastostatik) / Engineering Mechanics II (Elastostatics) DE Prof. Cyron M-15 C CM
6 Y KL
2 Technische Thermodynamik I / Technical Thermodynamics I DE Prof. Speerforck M-21 C CM
6 Y KL
3 Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre / Foundations of Management DE Prof. Ihl W-11 C CM
3 Mathematik III / Mathematics III DE Prof. Lindner 0-UNIHH-M C CM
8 Y KL
3 Technische Mechanik III (Dynamik) / Engineering Mechanics III (Dynamics) DE Prof. Seifried M-13 C CM
6 Y KL
N MT 20
3-4 Hydrostatik und Linienriss / Hydrostatics and Body Plan DE Prof. Krüger M-6 C CM
6 Y KL
3-4 Konstruktionslehre Gestalten / Mechanical Engineering: Design DE Prof. Krause M-17 C CM
6 Y KL
Y SA 0
Y SA 0
Y SA 0
Y SA 0
3-4 Vertiefte Konstruktionslehre / Advanced Mechanical Engineering Design DE Prof. Krause M-17 C CM
6 Y KL
4 Mathematik IV / Mathematics IV DE Prof. Lindner 0-UNIHH-M C CM
6 Y KL
4 Numerische Mechanik / Computational Mechanics DE Prof. Seifried M-13 C CM
6 Y KL
N MT 15
N ÜA 5
4 Strömungsmechanik / Fluid Dynamics DE / EN Prof. Rung M-8 C CM
6 Y KL
5 Grundlagen der Konstruktion und Strukturanalyse von Schiffen / Fundamentals of Ship Structural Design and Analysis DE Prof. Ehlers M-10 C CM
8 Y KL
5 Numerische Methoden der Thermofluiddynamik I / Computational Fluid Dynamics I DE Prof. Rung M-8 C CM
6 Y KL
5 Schiffs-Antriebstechnik / Marine Propulsion DE Prof. Wirz M-12 C CM
6 Y KL
5 Widerstand und Propulsion / Resistance and Propulsion DE Prof. Krüger M-6 C CM
6 Y KL
5-6 Konstruktion und Fertigung von Schiffen / Structural Design and Construction of Ships DE Prof. Ehlers M-10 C CM
9 Y KL
5-6 Stochastik und Schiffsdynamik / Stochastics and Ship Dynamics DE Prof. Abdel-Maksoud M-8 C CM
7 Y KL
6 Entwerfen von Schiffen / Ship Design DE Prof. Krüger M-6 C CM
6 Y KL
1-6 Nichttechnische Angebote im Bachelor / Non-technical Courses for Bachelors DE / EN Richter 0-TUHH C OM
6 Selection out of seperatly published Catalogue
Thesis   Compulsory Courses: 12 LP    Optional Courses: 0 LP   
6 Bachelorarbeit / Bachelor Thesis Professoren der TUHH 0-TUHH C CM
12 Y AB

1C=Compulsory, EC=Elective Compulsory

2CM=Compulsory Defined Module, OM=Optional Defined Module

3MT=Midterm, KL=Written exam, SA=Written elaboration, FFA=Subject theoretical and practical work, FFST=Subject theoretical and practical work, MP=Oral exam, RE=Presentation, ÜA=Excercises, AB=Thesis, TE=Attestation

4CP=Credit Points

5VL=Lecture, SE=Seminar, GÜ=Recitation Section (small), PBL=Project-/problem-based Learning, PS=Project Seminar, HÜ=Recitation Section (large), IV=Integrated Lecture

6DE=German, EN=English, DE/EN=German and English

7SWS=Contact hours