1. Specializations of the study course IMPMEM are divided into two sections. Students have to choose one specialization of the first section (“I Management”) and one specialization of the second section ("II Materials", "II Mechatronics" or "II Product Development and Production").
2. NIT students cannot choose from the first section ("I Management"), they choose instead two specializations from the second section ("II Materials", "II Mechatronics" or "II Product Development and Production").
3. Students who already had the module “Vibration Theory (GES)” in their bachelor study course are not allowed to enroll for the module mentioned above.

Information regarding the lectures are available in the TUHH modul manuals as well as in the course catalogue.

Course Work
Re­com. Term Module Name (German / English) Language Module­Responsability Institute C/EC (1) CM/
OM (2)
CP (4) Grade Exami­nation Form(3)
Compulsory Course Work Type Bonus (in %)
Core Qualification   Compulsory Courses: 42 LP    Optional Courses: 12 LP   
1 Computer Aided Design and Computation / Computer Aided Design and Computation EN Dr. Lippert M-16 C CM
6 Y KL
1 Robotik / Robotics EN Prof. Weltin M-24 C CM
6 Y KL
1 Marketing und Kommunikation / Marketing and Communication EN Prof. Lüthje W-3 EC CM
1-2 Ausgewählte Themen des Mechanical Engineering and Management (Alternative A: 12 LP) / Selected Topics of Mechanical Engineering and Management (Alternative A: 12 CP) DE / EN Prof. Krause M-17 EC OM
12 Selection out of Catalogue below
1-2 Ausgewählte Themen des Mechanical Engineering and Management (Alternative B: 6 LP) / Selected Topics of Mechanical Engineering and Management (Alternative B: 6 CP) DE / EN Prof. Krause M-17 EC OM
6 Selection out of Catalogue below
2 Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunde / Fibre-polymer-composites EN Prof. Fiedler M-11 C CM
6 Y KL
2 Industriepraktikum MEM / Internship MEM Prof. Krause M-17 EC CM
6 N SA lt. FPrO
3 Studienarbeit IMPMEM / Research Project IMPMEM Dozenten des Studiengangs SD-M C CM
12 Y STA
1-3 Betrieb & Management / Business & Management DE / EN Prof. Meyer W-1 C OM
6 Selection out of seperatly published Catalogue
1-3 Nichttechnische Angebote im Master / Non-technical Courses for Master DE / EN Richter 0-TUHH C OM
6 Selection out of seperatly published Catalogue
Specialisation Management   Compulsory Courses: 0 LP    Optional Courses: 18 LP   
1 Technologiemanagement / Technology Management EN Prof. Herstatt W-7 EC CM
6 Y KL
2 Gütermobilität und Logistiksysteme / Mobility of Goods and Logistics Systems EN Prof. Flämig W-8 EC CM
6 Y KL
Y EX 0
Y ÜA 0
2 International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG / International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG EN Prof. Ringle W-9 EC CM
6 Y SA
Y SA 0
Y RE 0
2 Marketing (Vertrieb und Services / Innovationsmarketing) / Marketing (Sales and Services / Innovation Marketing) EN Prof. Lüthje W-3 EC CM
2 Quantitative Forschungsmethoden / Quantitative Research Methods EN Prof. Ringle W-9 EC CM
6 Y SA
2 Technology Entrepreneurship / Technology Entrepreneuship EN Prof. Ihl W-11 EC CM
2 Volkswirtschaftslehre und Außenwirtschaftslehre / Economics EN Prof. Fischer W-4 EC CM
6 Y KL
Y ÜA 5
3 Angewandte Statistik für Ingenieure / Applied Statistics DE / EN Prof. Morlock M-3 EC CM
6 Y KL
Y SA 0
3 Corporate Entrepreneurship & Growth / Corporate Entrepreneurship & Growth EN Prof. Ihl W-11 EC CM
Y GD 20
3 Führung, Organisation und Personalmanagement / Management, Organization and Human Resource Management EN Prof. Ringle W-9 EC CM
6 Y SA
Y RE 20
3 Produktplanung / Product Planning EN Prof. Herstatt W-7 EC CM
6 Y KL
Specialisation Mechatronics   Compulsory Courses: 0 LP    Optional Courses: 18 LP   
1 Technische Schwingungslehre / Vibration Theory DE / EN Prof. Hoffmann M-14 EC CM
6 Y KL
2 Nichtlineare Dynamik / Nonlinear Dynamics DE / EN Prof. Hoffmann M-14 EC CM
6 Y KL
3 3D Computer Vision / 3D Computer Vision EN Prof. Grigat E-2 EC CM
6 Y KL
3 Digitale Signalverarbeitung und Digitale Filter / Digital Signal Processing and Digital Filters EN Prof. Bauch E-8 EC CM
6 Y KL
3 Mikrosystemtechnik / Microsystem Engineering EN Prof. Kasper E-7 EC CM
6 Y KL
N RE 10
3 Mixed-signal Schaltungsentwurf / Mixed-signal Circuit Design (lt. letzter PO CMOS-Nanoelektronik mit Praktikum) EN Prof. Kuhl E-9 EC CM
6 Y KL
3 Prozessautomatisierungstechnik / Industrial Process Automation EN Prof. Schlaefer E-1 EC CM
6 Y KL
N ÜA 10
3 Theorie und Entwurf regelungstechnischer Systeme / Control Systems Theory and Design EN Prof. Werner E-14 EC CM
6 Y KL
Specialisation Product Development and Production   Compulsory Courses: 0 LP    Optional Courses: 18 LP   
2 Additive Production / AdditiveProduction EN Prof. Emmelmann T-2 EC CM
6 Y KL
2 Boundary-Elemente-Methoden / Boundary Element Methods EN Prof. von Estorff M-16 EC CM
6 Y KL
N MT 20
2 High-Order FEM / High-Order FEM EN Prof. Düster M-10 EC CM
6 Y KL
N RE 10
3 3D Printing Labor / 3D Printing Laboratory EN Prof. Emmelmann T-2 EC CM
6 N SA
3 Lasersysteme und Metallische Konstruktionswerkstoffe / Laser Systems and Metallic Materials EN Prof. Emmelmann T-2 EC CM
6 Y KL
Specialisation Materials   Compulsory Courses: 0 LP    Optional Courses: 18 LP   
1 Kontinuumsmechanik / Continuum Mechanics DE Prof. Cyron M-15 EC CM
6 Y KL
2 Mechanische Eigenschaften / Mechanical Properties DE / EN Dr. Lilleodden M-9 EC CM
6 Y KL
2 Verarbeitung von Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunde / Processing of fibre-polymer-composites DE / EN Prof. Fiedler M-11 EC CM
6 Y KL
3 Werkstoffmodellierung / Material Modeling DE Prof. Cyron M-15 EC CM
6 Y KL
Thesis   Compulsory Courses: 30 LP    Optional Courses: 0 LP   
4 Masterarbeit / Master Thesis Professoren der TUHH 0-TUHH C CM
30 Y AB

Selected Topics of Mechanical Engineering and Management (Alternative A: 12 CP)

Course Name (German / English) Course Form
Language (6) SWS (7) Sem.
CP (4) Grade Exami­nation Form(3) Additional information
Ermüdung und Schadenstoleranz / Fatigue & Damage Tolerance VL EN 2 WiSe
3 Y MP
Forschungsseminar für Fortgeschrittene / Advanced Research Seminar SE EN 2 WiSe/SoSe
2 Y SA
Interkulturelles Management und Kommunikation (MEM) / Intercultural Management and Communication (MEM) VL EN 2 WiSe
2 Y SA
Internationales Recht für Ingenieure / International Law for Engineers VL EN 2 WiSe
2 Y KL
Internationales Recht für Ingenieure / International Law for Engineers SE EN 2 SoSe
2 Y SA
Investition und Finanzierung / Corporate Finance VL EN 2 WiSe
2 Y KL
Leichtbaupraktikum / Lightweight Design Practical Course PBL DE/EN 3 SoSe
3 Y MP
Methodenbasiertes Projektmanagement / Project Management Methods VL EN 1 SoSe
2 Y KL
Personalmanagement und Organisationsentwicklung / Human Resource Management and Organization Design VL EN 2 SoSe
2 Y KL
Rechnungswesen / Accounting VL EN 2 WiSe
2 Y SA
Rechnungswesen / Accounting EN 2 WiSe
2 Y SA
Strukturmechanik von Faserverbunden / Structural Mechanics of Fibre Reinforced Composites VL EN 2 WiSe
3 Y MP

Selected Topics of Mechanical Engineering and Management (Alternative B: 6 CP)

Course Name (German / English) Course Form
Language (6) SWS (7) Sem.
CP (4) Grade Exami­nation Form(3) Additional information
Ermüdung und Schadenstoleranz / Fatigue & Damage Tolerance VL EN 2 WiSe
3 Y MP
Forschungsseminar für Fortgeschrittene / Advanced Research Seminar SE EN 2 WiSe/SoSe
2 Y SA
Interkulturelles Management und Kommunikation (MEM) / Intercultural Management and Communication (MEM) VL EN 2 WiSe
2 Y SA
Internationales Recht für Ingenieure / International Law for Engineers VL EN 2 WiSe
2 Y KL
Internationales Recht für Ingenieure / International Law for Engineers SE EN 2 SoSe
2 Y SA
Investition und Finanzierung / Corporate Finance VL EN 2 WiSe
2 Y KL
Leichtbaupraktikum / Lightweight Design Practical Course PBL DE/EN 3 SoSe
3 Y MP
Methodenbasiertes Projektmanagement / Project Management Methods VL EN 1 SoSe
2 Y KL
Personalmanagement und Organisationsentwicklung / Human Resource Management and Organization Design VL EN 2 SoSe
2 Y KL
Rechnungswesen / Accounting VL EN 2 WiSe
2 Y SA
Rechnungswesen / Accounting EN 2 WiSe
2 Y SA
Strukturmechanik von Faserverbunden / Structural Mechanics of Fibre Reinforced Composites VL EN 2 WiSe
3 Y MP

1C=Compulsory, EC=Elective Compulsory

2CM=Compulsory Defined Module, OM=Optional Defined Module

3KL=Written exam, MT=Midterm, SA=Written elaboration, FFA=Subject theoretical and practical work, FFST=Subject theoretical and practical work, MP=Oral exam, RE=Presentation, GD=Group discussion, STA=Study work, AB=Thesis, ÜA=Excercises, SA lt. FPrO=Written elaboration (accord. to Internship Regulations), EX=Participation in excursions

4CP=Credit Points

5VL=Lecture, SE=Seminar, GÜ=Recitation Section (small), PBL=Project-/problem-based Learning, PR=Practical Course, PS=Project Seminar, HÜ=Recitation Section (large), IV=Integrated Lecture

6DE=German, EN=English, DE/EN=German and English

7SWS=Contact hours