Re­com. TermModule Name (German)Modul Name (English)InstituteC/EC (1)CM/
OM (2)
GradeExami­nation Form(3)CP (4)Course Name (German)Course Name (English)Course Form
Language (6)SWS (7)Sem.
Core qualification     Compulsory Courses: 36 LP    Optional Courses: 12 LP        
1 Computer Aided Design and Computation Computer Aided Design and Computation M-16 C CM Yes Kl 6
Computer Aided Design and Computation Computer Aided Design and Computation VL EN 2 1
Computer Aided Design and Computation Computer Aided Design and Computation UE EN 2 1
1 International Business International Business W-3 C CM Yes Kl 6
Business-to-Business Marketing Business-to-Business Marketing VL EN 2 1
Interkulturelles Management und Kommunikation Intercultural Management and Communication VL EN 2 1
Internationales Management International Management VL EN 2 1
1 Technischer Ergänzungskurs Kernfächer für IMPIPM (laut FSPO) Technical Complementary Course Core Studies for IMPIPM (according to Subject Specific Regulations) M-17 EC CM Yes lt. FSPO 6
2 Rapid Production Rapid Production G-2 C CM Yes Kl 6
Rapid Production Rapid Production VL EN 2 2
Rapid Production Rapid Production SE EN 2 2
3 Projektarbeit Internationales Produktionsmanagement Research Project International Production Management not defined C CM Yes PA lt. FSPO 12
3 3D Printing Labor 3D Printing Laboratory G-2 EC CM No SA 6
3D Printing Labor 3D Printing Laboratory PR EN 3 3
3 Lasersysteme und Metallische Konstruktionswerkstoffe Laser Systems and Metallic Materials G-2 EC CM Yes SA 6
Lasersystem- und -prozesstechnik Laser Systems and Process Technologies VL EN 2 3
Metallische Konstruktionswerkstoffe Structural Metallic Materials VL EN 2 3
1-3 Nichttechnische Ergänzungskurse im Master Nontechnical Elective Complementary Courses for Master 0-TUHH C OM 6 Selection out of Catalogue
Specialisation Management    Compulsory Courses: 0 LP    Optional Courses: 24 LP        
1 Produktplanung Product Planning W-7 EC CM Yes Kl 6
Produktplanung Product Planning POL EN 3 1
Produktplanung Seminar Product Planning Seminar POL EN 2 1
1 Technologiemanagement Technology Management W-7 EC CM Yes Kl 6
Technologiemanagement Technology Management POL EN 3 1
Technologiemanagement Seminar Technology Management Seminar POL EN 2 1
1 Umweltschutz und -management Environmental Protection and Management B-2 EC CM Yes Kl 6
Integrierter Umweltschutz Integrated Pollution Control VL EN 2 1
Sicherheits-, Gesundheits- und Umweltmanagement Health, Safety and Environmental Management VL EN 2 1
Sicherheits-, Gesundheits- und Umweltmanagement Health, Safety and Environmental Management UE EN 1 1
1-2 Ausgewählte Themen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre (IPM) Selected Topics of Business Administration (IPM) W-9 EC CM No Kl 6
Investition und Finanzierung (IPM) Corporate Finance VL EN 2 1
Methodenbasiertes Projektmanagement Project Management Methods VL EN 1 2
Personalmanagement und Organisationsentwicklung (IPM) Human Resource Management and Organization Design (IPM) VL EN 2 2
1-2 Ausgewählte Themen des internationalen Managements Selected Topics of International Management M-17 EC OM 6
No SA 2 Innovation Debates Innovation Debates POL EN 2 1
No Kl 4 Rechnungswesen Accounting VL EN 2 1
Rechnungswesen Accounting EN 2 1
No HA 2 Forschungsseminar für Fortgeschrittene Advanced Research Seminar SE EN 2 2
2 International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG W-9 EC CM Yes SA 6
International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG International Production Management and Enterprise Resource Planning: CERMEDES AG SE EN 2 2
2 Internationale Logistik und Verkehrssysteme Internationale Logistics and Transport Systems W-8 EC CM Yes Kl 6
Gütermobilität, Logistik, Verkehr Mobility of Goods, Logistics, Traffic VL EN 2 2
Internationale Logistik und Verkehrssysteme International Logistics and Transport Systems POL EN 3 2
2 Modul Marketing (Vertrieb und Services / Innovationsmarketing) Module Marketing (Sales and Services / Innovation Marketing) W-3 EC CM Yes Kl 6
Modul Marketing (Innovation Marketing / Sales and Services) Module Marketing (Innovation Marketing / Sales and Services) POL EN 5 2
2 Quantitative Forschungsmethoden Quantitative Research Methods W-9 EC CM Yes PA 6
Quantitative Forschungsmethoden Quantitative Research Methods PS EN 3 2
2 Technology Entrepreneurship Technology Entrepreneuship W-11 EC CM Yes SA 6
Creation of Business Opportunities Creation of Business Opportunities POL EN 3 2
Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship VL EN 2 2
2 Volkswirtschaftslehre und Außenwirtschaftslehre Economics W-4 EC CM Yes Kl 6
Außenwirtschaftslehre International Economics VL EN 2 2
Konzepte der Volkswirtschaftstheorie und -politik Main Theoretical and Political Concepts VL EN 2 2
3 Corporate Entrepreneurship & Growth Corporate Entrepreneurship & Growth W-11 EC CM Yes PA 6
Entrepreneurial Finance Entrepreneurial Finance SE EN 2 3
Intrapreneurship Intrapreneuship SE EN 3 3
3 Führung, Organisation und Personalmanagement Management, Organization and Human Resource Management W-9 EC CM Yes Kl 6
Führung, Organisation und Personalmanagement Management, Organization and Human Resource Management VL EN 2 3
Führung, Organisation und Personalmanagement Management, Organization and Human Resource Management SE EN 2 3
Specialisation Production Technology    Compulsory Courses: 0 LP    Optional Courses: 18 LP        
1 Angewandte Statistik für Ingenieure Applied Statistics M-3 EC CM Yes Kl 6
Angewandte Statistik für Ingenieure Applied Statistics VL DE/EN 2 1
Angewandte Statistik für Ingenieure Applied Statistics DE/EN 1 1
Angewandte Statistik für Ingenieure Applied Statistics POL DE/EN 2 1
1-2 Ausgewählte Themen der Produktionstechnik Selected Topics of Production Technology M-17 EC OM 6
Yes Kl 3 Aufbau und Eigenschaften der Verbundwerkstoffe Structure and Properties of Composites VL EN 2 1
Yes MdlP 3 Ermüdung und Schadenstoleranz Fatigue & Damage Tolerance VL EN 2 1
Yes Kl 3 Fügen von Polymer-Metall Leichtbaustrukturen Joining of Polymer-Metal Lightweight Structures VL EN 2 1
Fügen von Polymer-Metall Leichtbaustrukturen Joining of Polymer-Metal Lightweight Structures PR EN 1 1
Yes MdlP 3 Leichtbaupraktikum Lightweight Design Practical Course POL DE 3 2
Yes Kl 3 Metallische Werkstoffe für Luftfahrtanwendungen Metallic Materials for Aircraft Applications VL EN 2 2
Yes Kl 4 Zuverlässigkeit in der Maschinendynamik Reliability in Engineering Dynamics VL EN 2 2
Zuverlässigkeit in der Maschinendynamik Reliability in Engineering Dynamics UE EN 1 2
1-2 Grenzflächen und grenzflächenbestimmte Materialien Interfaces and interface-dominated Materials M-22 EC CM Yes Kl 6
Die hierarchischen Materialien der Natur Nature's Hierarchical Materials VL EN 2 1
Grenzflächen Interfaces VL DE/EN 2 2
2 Boundary-Elemente-Methoden Boundary Element Methods M-16 EC CM Yes MdlP 6
Boundary-Elemente-Methoden Boundary Element Methods VL EN 2 2
Boundary-Elemente-Methoden Boundary Element Methods EN 2 2
2 High-Order FEM High-Order FEM M-10 EC CM Yes Kl 6
High-Order FEM High-Order FEM VL EN 3 2
High-Order FEM High-Order FEM EN 1 2
2 Mechanische Eigenschaften Mechanical Properties M-9 EC CM Yes Kl 6
Mechanisches Verhalten spröder Materialien Mechanical Behaviour of Brittle Materials VL DE/EN 2 2
Theorie der Versetzungsplastizität Dislocation Theory of Plasticity VL DE/EN 2 2
3 Intelligente Autonome Agenten und kognitive Robotik Intelligent Autonomous Agents and Cognitive Robotics E-16 EC CM Yes Kl 6
Intelligente Autonome Agenten und kognitive Robotik Intelligent Autonomous Agents and Cognitive Robotics VL EN 2 3
Intelligente Autonome Agenten und kognitive Robotik Intelligent Autonomous Agents and Cognitive Robotics UE EN 2 3
3 Prozessautomatisierungstechnik Industrial Process Automation E-1 EC CM Yes Kl 6
Prozessautomatisierungstechnik Industrial Process Automation VL EN 2 3
Prozessautomatisierungstechnik Industrial Process Automation UE EN 2 3
3 Robotik Robotics M-24 EC CM Yes Kl 6
Robotik: Modellierung und Regelung Robotics: Modelling and Control VL EN 3 3
Robotik: Modellierung und Regelung Robotics: Modelling and Control UE EN 2 3
Thesis     Compulsory Courses: 30 LP    Optional Courses: 0 LP        
4 Masterarbeit Master Thesis not defined C CM Yes lt. FSPO 30

1C=Compulsory, EC=Elective Compulsory

2CM=Compulsory Defined Module, OM=Optional Defined Module

3Re=Presentation, Kl=Written exam, MdlP=Oral exam, SA=Written elaboration, Kl=Written exam, lt. FSPO=according to Subject Specific Regulations, HA=Homework, MdlP=Oral exam, SA=Written elaboration, PA=Project, PA lt. FSPO=Project (accord. to Subject Specific Regulations)

4CP=Credit Points

5VL=Lecture, SE=Seminar, UE=Recitation Section (small), POL=Problem-based Learning, PR=Laboratory Course, PS=Project Seminar, HÜ=Recitation Section (large)

6DE=German, EN=English, DE/EN=German and English

7SWS=Contact hours