Program description


Climate change, high energy and resource consumption, disruption of ecosystems and a steadily growing world population are the challenges that humanity is already facing today. What the world of tomorrow will look like thus depends decisively on what solutions we find in dealing with these developments.

The degree programme "Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate" addresses precisely these issues. By combining specialist knowledge with technical and communication skills, we train engineers who think in an interdisciplinary and solution-oriented way. The focus is on "green" technologies for a sustainable, climate and resource-friendly energy and water supply.

In the first three semesters, the focus is on learning the basics of mathematics, mechanics, chemistry, computer science, thermodynamics as well as meteorology and climate. In the further course, the study programme is then expanded to include basic engineering subjects and the topics of regenerative energies as well as water supply and treatment. From the fourth semester onwards, you can choose a subject focus according to your personal interests. You can choose from the four specialisations "Energy Systems", "Water", "Bioresource Technology" or "Energy Technology".

And of course you can also start a Master's programme. The specialisations of the Bachelor's programme are compiled and coordinated in such a way that you are optimally prepared for a further Master's programme and a seamless transition to subsequent Master's programmes at TU Hamburg is made possible.

The study programme "Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate" offers an engineering education in the energy-water-climate nexus that is unique in Germany. To this end, the study programme combines the competences of energy technology, process technology and sustainable supply and disposal engineering with natural science disciplines.
With the Bachelor's degree, you acquire your first academic degree that qualifies you for a profession and you become an engineer. You can already start your professional life.

Career prospects

The study programme Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate trains engineers for whom there will be a high demand today and in the future. The spectrum of employers ranges from engineering and planning offices, energy suppliers and water supply and disposal companies to industrial companies and public authorities, but also research institutions.

Learning target

The bachelor's degree programme Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate is designed to prepare students both for a professional activity and for a relevant consecutive master's degree programme. The basic methodological knowledge required for this is acquired during the study programme. The learning objectives of the degree programme are achieved through an interplay of basic and advanced modules from mechanical engineering, process engineering, hydraulic engineering and renewable energies.
Through the participation of professional engineers from industry in lectures, through experimental laboratory practicals and the exchange with lecturers from the University of Hamburg in the field of climate and meteorology, the students are able to develop a realistic relationship to the diverse professional field of climate, environmental, water and energy technology during their studies. This significantly increases the graduates' later career opportunities and enables them to help shape our world of tomorrow.
Graduates will be able to responsibly and competently perform an engineering job in various fields of activity in green and future-oriented technologies. In addition, they acquire the necessary scientific knowledge for a subsequent, in-depth Master's degree, which can be studied consecutively based on the chosen specialisation.
The knowledge acquired during the study programme enables graduates to understand the phenomena occurring in the subject areas of green technologies and related disciplines. They have understood the basic principles of climate, urban water management, conventional and renewable energy systems, with particular reference to sustainability and environmental protection. Knowledge is constituted by facts, principles and theories and is acquired in the Bachelor's degree programme Green Technologies in the following areas:
- Graduates are able to reproduce basic knowledge in the scientific and engineering fields of mathematics, chemistry, mechanics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, computer science, electrical engineering, control engineering and heat and mass transfer.
- Graduates are able to outline and discuss fundamental methods and procedures for solving or approximating iterative decision and optimisation problems, such as differentiation, gradient-based procedures, testing hypotheses, as well as their analysis in terms of complexity, convergence and goodness.
- Through further specialised knowledge of the subject area (energy systems, water, bioresource technology or energy technology), they can further deepen their learned content with a focus on climate and environmental impact and develop procedures for solving environmental issues.
- Graduates are able to describe the construction, operation and organisation of conventional and regenerative energy plants and their components, including the control concepts used in the process. They are able to recognise the challenges of the energetically and economically optimised operation of energy plants, taking into account the additional criteria of resource conservation, sustainability, environmental compatibility and economic efficiency.
- Graduates will be able to investigate suitable technical alternatives in their professional life in order to minimise the environmental and social footprint of their engineering work and effectively support the energy transition.
- Graduates will be able to gain knowledge and skills beyond engineering for their profession through non-technical events.
The ability to apply learned knowledge to solve specific problems is supported in many ways in the Bachelor's degree programme Green Technologies:
- Graduates are able to master relevant, specialised methods and tools, to assess their predictability and complexity and to implement them using suitable programming tools from current practice.

- Graduates are able to understand and further analyse climate processes, describe facilities and processes in the field of green technologies, balance energy systems and identify technical as well as economic relationships between conventional and renewable energy technologies.
- Graduates can identify and describe environmental impacts in general and develop control strategies of environmental pollution from industrial plants. This is also based on experience from related fields of measurement technology and process and environmental engineering.
- Graduates have the ability to identify the objectives of an engineering project, a green technology operation or society for a balanced and sustainable coverage of energy, water and resource needs and to responsibly prioritise in finding the optimal solution approach.
- Graduates are able to present the approach and results of their work in writing and explain them orally. They have mastered presentation techniques and have practised technical communication.
- Graduates are able to independently plan and conduct experiments and interpret the results.
- Graduates are able to apply measurement, control and regulation technology or constructive methods.
- Graduates have the ability to develop designs for processes, machines and apparatus according to specified requirements.
Social competence
Social competence includes the individual ability and willingness to work together with others in a goal-oriented manner, to understand the interests of others, to communicate and to help shape the working and living environment.
- Graduates can organise themselves in a professionally homogeneous team, work out a solution, take on specific subtasks and responsibly deliver partial results, and reflect on their own contribution.
- Graduates are able to discuss their scientific work results interactively and interdisciplinarily, to present them in front of the plenum and to defend them.
- Graduates are able to communicate about the contents and problems of energy and environmental technology with experts and laypersons.
Personal competences include not only the competence to act independently, but also to further develop one's own ability to act.  
- Graduates can independently explore a narrowly defined sub-area of green technologies and summarise the results in detail in a presentation using common presentation techniques or in an essay of several pages. Critical analysis and not mere memorisation is required.
- Graduates are able to realistically assess their existing competences and work on deficits independently.
- Graduates are able to organise and carry out projects independently.
- Graduates are able to work independently on subject-specific sub-projects in a Bachelor's thesis using what they have learned during their studies.
- Graduates are able to independently obtain necessary information from suitable literature sources and to assess their quality.
- Graduates are able to evaluate technical problems in a larger social context and assess the non-technical effects of engineering activities.

Program structure

The curriculum of the Bachelor's degree programme Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate, which was designed as an undergraduate degree programme, consists mainly of compulsory courses. Elective options are provided for in the supplementary courses of the non-technical area.
In the first three semesters, the focus is on learning basic knowledge in the areas of mathematics, mechanics, chemistry, computer science, thermodynamics as well as meteorology and climate. Furthermore, the topics and applications of green technologies are taught in a module strand "Green Technologies" in the first, third and fifth semesters.
In the further course, the study programme is then expanded to include basic engineering subjects and the topics of regenerative energies as well as water supply and treatment. From the fourth semester onwards, you can choose a subject focus according to your personal interests. You can choose from the four specialisations "Energy Systems", "Water", "Bioresource Technology" or "Energy Technology".
Structure of the degree programme:
- Mathematical-scientific basics (five modules)
- Fundamentals of engineering (ten modules)
- Green Technologies: Fundamentals of Climate and Environmental Engineering (three modules)
- Engineering Applications in Water and Energy (three modules).
- Electives in the specialisations "Energy Systems", "Water", "Bioresource Technology" or "Energy Technology" (five modules)
The following content from the non-technical area is added:
- One module on business administration
- Further supplementary courses from the non-technical compulsory elective catalogue (one module)
The scope of the Bachelor's programme in Energy and Environmental Engineering thus comprises 28 modules. These are divided into 26 subject modules and two non-technical supplementary modules. The programme is based on a broad mathematical-physical and scientific foundation. It also ensures that the theoretical basic knowledge is deepened and applied in the subjects of green technologies and engineering applications. In addition, the Bachelor's thesis is the module that concludes the degree programme.

Core Qualification

Graduates have acquired a basic knowledge of the natural sciences and engineering in the fields of mathematics, climate and meteorology, chemistry, mechanics and thermodynamics and materials science. It enables them to understand the phenomena occurring in energy technology, environmental technology and related disciplines. They have understood the basic principles of urban water management and conventional and renewable energy pulse transport processes, with particular reference to sustainability. They are familiar with measurement, control and regulation technology and design methods. Furthermore, the students have gained a comprehensive knowledge in the field of green technologies.
Graduates are able to
- identify, abstract, formulate and holistically solve technical problems in a fundamentally oriented manner;
- penetrate, analyse and evaluate processes and methods of their discipline on a systems engineering basis;
- select and apply appropriate methods of analysis, modelling, simulation and optimisation;
- conduct literature research and use databases and other sources of information for their work;
- plan and conduct experiments independently and interpret the results;
- successfully complete a Master's degree in green technologies with in the field of process engineering, mechanical engineering or civil engineering.
Graduates can responsibly and competently carry out an engineering activity in various fields of activity of climate, environmental and resource-saving technologies and and become the right to carry the professional title of "Engineer" along the lines of the engineering regulations of the German Federal Lands (IngG).

Module M0850: Mathematics I

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Mathematics I (L2970) Lecture 4 4
Mathematics I (L2971) Recitation Section (large) 2 2
Mathematics I (L2972) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Anusch Taraz
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

School mathematics

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
  • Students can name the basic concepts in analysis and linear algebra. They are able to explain them using appropriate examples.
  • Students can discuss logical connections between these concepts.  They are capable of illustrating these connections with the help of examples.
  • They know proof strategies and can reproduce them.

  • Students can model problems in analysis and linear algebra with the help of the concepts studied in this course. Moreover, they are capable of solving them by applying established methods.
  • Students are able to discover and verify further logical connections between the concepts studied in the course.
  • For a given problem, the students can develop and execute a suitable approach, and are able to critically evaluate the results.

Personal Competence
Social Competence
  • Students are able to work together in teams. They are capable to use mathematics as a common language.
  • In doing so, they can communicate new concepts according to the needs of their cooperating partners. Moreover, they can design examples to check and deepen the understanding of their peers.

  • Students are capable of checking their understanding of complex concepts on their own. They can specify open questions precisely and know where to get help in solving them.
  • Students have developed sufficient persistence to be able to work for longer periods in a goal-oriented manner on hard problems.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 128, Study Time in Lecture 112
Credit points 8
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes 10 % Excercises
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Core Qualification: Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Digital Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Integrated Building Technology: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L2970: Mathematics I
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 4
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 64, Study Time in Lecture 56
Lecturer Prof. Anusch Taraz
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Mathematical Foundations:

sets, statements, induction, mappings, trigonometry

Analysis: Foundations of differential calculus in one variable

  • natural and real numbers
  • convergence of sequences and series
  • continuous and differentiable functions
  • mean value theorems
  • Taylor series
  • calculus
  • error analysis
  • fixpoint iteration

Linear Algebra: Foundations of linear algebra in Rn

  • vectors: rules, linear combinations, inner and cross product, lines and planes
  • systems of linear equations: Gauß elimination, linear mappings, matrix multiplication, inverse matrices, determinants 
  • orthogonal projection in R^n, Gram-Schmidt-Orthonormalization

  • T. Arens u.a. : Mathematik, Springer Spektrum, Heidelberg 2015
  • W. Mackens, H. Voß: Mathematik I für Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften, HECO-Verlag, Alsdorf 1994
  • W. Mackens, H. Voß: Aufgaben und Lösungen zur Mathematik I für Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften, HECO-Verlag, Alsdorf 1994
  • G. Strang: Lineare Algebra, Springer-Verlag, 2003
  • G. und S. Teschl: Mathematik für Informatiker, Band 1, Springer-Verlag, 2013
Course L2971: Mathematics I
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Anusch Taraz, Dr. Dennis Clemens, Dr. Simon Campese
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L2972: Mathematics I
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Anusch Taraz
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0577: Non-technical Courses for Bachelors

Module Responsible Dagmar Richter
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge None
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The Non-technical Academic Programms (NTA)

imparts skills that, in view of the TUHH’s training profile, professional engineering studies require but are not able to cover fully. Self-reliance, self-management, collaboration and professional and personnel management competences. The department implements these training objectives in its teaching architecture, in its teaching and learning arrangements, in teaching areas and by means of teaching offerings in which students can qualify by opting for specific competences and a competence level at the Bachelor’s or Master’s level. The teaching offerings are pooled in two different catalogues for nontechnical complementary courses.

The Learning Architecture

consists of a cross-disciplinarily study offering. The centrally designed teaching offering ensures that courses in the nontechnical academic programms follow the specific profiling of TUHH degree courses.

The learning architecture demands and trains independent educational planning as regards the individual development of competences. It also provides orientation knowledge in the form of “profiles”

The subjects that can be studied in parallel throughout the student’s entire study program - if need be, it can be studied in one to two semesters. In view of the adaptation problems that individuals commonly face in their first semesters after making the transition from school to university and in order to encourage individually planned semesters abroad, there is no obligation to study these subjects in one or two specific semesters during the course of studies.

Teaching and Learning Arrangements

provide for students, separated into B.Sc. and M.Sc., to learn with and from each other across semesters. The challenge of dealing with interdisciplinarity and a variety of stages of learning in courses are part of the learning architecture and are deliberately encouraged in specific courses.

Fields of Teaching

are based on research findings from the academic disciplines cultural studies, social studies, arts, historical studies, migration studies, communication studies and sustainability research, and from engineering didactics. In addition, from the winter semester 2014/15 students on all Bachelor’s courses will have the opportunity to learn about business management and start-ups in a goal-oriented way.

The fields of teaching are augmented by soft skills offers and a foreign language offer. Here, the focus is on encouraging goal-oriented communication skills, e.g. the skills required by outgoing engineers in international and intercultural situations.

The Competence Level

of the courses offered in this area is different as regards the basic training objective in the Bachelor’s and Master’s fields. These differences are reflected in the practical examples used, in content topics that refer to different professional application contexts, and in the higher scientific and theoretical level of abstraction in the B.Sc.

This is also reflected in the different quality of soft skills, which relate to the different team positions and different group leadership functions of Bachelor’s and Master’s graduates in their future working life.

Specialized Competence (Knowledge)

Students can

  • locate selected specialized areas with the relevant non-technical mother discipline,
  • outline basic theories, categories, terminology, models, concepts or artistic techniques in the disciplines represented in the learning area,
  • different specialist disciplines relate to their own discipline and differentiate it as well as make connections, 
  • sketch the basic outlines of how scientific disciplines, paradigms, models, instruments, methods and forms of representation in the specialized sciences are subject to individual and socio-cultural interpretation and historicity,
  • Can communicate in a foreign language in a manner appropriate to the subject.

Professional Competence (Skills)

In selected sub-areas students can

  • apply basic methods of the said scientific disciplines,
  • auestion a specific technical phenomena, models, theories from the viewpoint of another, aforementioned specialist discipline,
  • to handle simple questions in aforementioned scientific disciplines in a sucsessful manner,
  • justify their decisions on forms of organization and application in practical questions in contexts that go beyond the technical relationship to the subject.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

Personal Competences (Social Skills)

Students will be able

  • to learn to collaborate in different manner,
  • to present and analyze problems in the abovementioned fields in a partner or group situation in a manner appropriate to the addressees,
  • to express themselves competently, in a culturally appropriate and gender-sensitive manner in the language of the country (as far as this study-focus would be chosen), 
  • to explain nontechnical items to auditorium with technical background knowledge.


Personal Competences (Self-reliance)

Students are able in selected areas

  • to reflect on their own profession and professionalism in the context of real-life fields of application
  • to organize themselves and their own learning processes      
  • to reflect and decide questions in front of a broad education background
  • to communicate a nontechnical item in a competent way in writen form or verbaly
  • to organize themselves as an entrepreneurial subject country (as far as this study-focus would be chosen)      
Workload in Hours Depends on choice of courses
Credit points 6
Information regarding lectures and courses can be found in the corresponding module handbook published separately.

Module M1802: Engineering Mechanics I (Stereostatics)

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Engineering Mechanics I (Statics) (L1001) Lecture 2 3
Engineering Mechanics I (Statics) (L1003) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Engineering Mechanics I (Statics) (L1002) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Benedikt Kriegesmann
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Solid school knowledge in mathematics and physics.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students can

  • describe the axiomatic procedure used in mechanical contexts;
  • explain important steps in model design;
  • present technical knowledge in stereostatics.

The students can

  • explain the important elements of mathematical / mechanical analysis and model formation, and apply it to the context of their own problems;
  • apply basic statical methods to engineering problems;
  • estimate the reach and boundaries of statical methods and extend them to be applicable to wider problem sets.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students can work in groups and support each other to overcome difficulties.


Students are capable of determining their own strengths and weaknesses and to organize their time and learning based on those.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Core Qualification: Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Data Science: Specialisation II. Application: Elective Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Specialisation II. Mathematics & Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Integrated Building Technology: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L1001: Engineering Mechanics I (Statics)
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Benedikt Kriegesmann
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  • Tasks in Mechanics
  • Modelling and model elements
  • Vector calculus for forces and torques
  • Forces and equilibrium in space
  • Constraints and reactions, characterization of constraint systems
  • Planar and spatial truss structures
  • Internal forces and moments for beams and frames
  • Center of mass, volumn, area and line
  • Computation of center of mass by intergals, joint bodies
  • Friction (sliding and sticking)
  • Friction of ropes
Literature K. Magnus, H.H. Müller-Slany: Grundlagen der Technischen Mechanik. 7. Auflage, Teubner (2009).
D. Gross, W. Hauger, J. Schröder, W. Wall: Technische Mechanik 1. 11. Auflage, Springer (2011).
Course L1003: Engineering Mechanics I (Statics)
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Benedikt Kriegesmann
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content Forces and equilibrium
Constraints and reactions
Center of mass
Internal forces and moments for beams
Literature K. Magnus, H.H. Müller-Slany: Grundlagen der Technischen Mechanik. 7. Auflage, Teubner (2009).
D. Gross, W. Hauger, J. Schröder, W. Wall: Technische Mechanik 1. 11. Auflage, Springer (2011).
Course L1002: Engineering Mechanics I (Statics)
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Benedikt Kriegesmann
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content Forces and equilibrium
Constraints and reactions
Center of mass
Internal forces and moments for beams
Literature K. Magnus, H.H. Müller-Slany: Grundlagen der Technischen Mechanik. 7. Auflage, Teubner (2009).
D. Gross, W. Hauger, J. Schröder, W. Wall: Technische Mechanik 1. 11. Auflage, Springer (2011).

Module M0883: General and Inorganic Chemistry

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
General and Inorganic Chemistry (L0824) Lecture 3 3
Fundamentals in Inorganic Chemistry (L0996) Practical Course 3 2
Fundamentals in Inorganic Chemistry (L1941) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Gerrit A. Luinstra
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

High School Chemistry/Physics/calculus, specifically Structure of the atom with electrons, Free energy G, concepts of pH and redox processes, electric circuits (potential and resistance), calculus with logarithms. 

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to handle molecular orbital theory including the octahedral ligand field, qualitatively describe the resulting electron density distribution and structures of molecules (VSEPR); they have developed an idea of molecular interactions in the gas, liquid and solid phases. They are able to describe chemical reactions in the sense of retention of mass and energy, enthalpy and entropy as well as the chemical equilibrium. They can explain the concept of activation energy in conjucture with particle kinetic energy. They have increased knowledge of acid-base concepts, acid-base reactions in water, can perform pH calculations, understand titration as a quantitative analysis.  They can recognize redox processes,  correlate redox potentials to Gibbs energy, handle Nernst theory in describing the concentration dependence of redox potentials, known the concept of overpotential and understand corrosion as a redox reaction (local element).


Students are able to use general and inorganic chemistry for the design of technical processes. Especially they are able to formulate mass and energy balances and by this to optimise technical processes. They are able to perform simple calculations of pH values in regard to an application of acids and bases, and evaluate the course of redox processes (calculation of redoxpotentials). They are able to transform a verbal formulated message into an abstract formal procedure. Students are able to present and discuss their scientific results in plenum. The students are able to document the results of their experiments scientifically. They are able to use scientific citation methods in their reports.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to discuss given tasks in small groups and to develop an approach.

Students are able to carry out experiments in small groups in lab scale and to distribute tasks in the group independently. 


Students are able to define independently tasks, to get new knowledge from existing knowledge as well as to find ways to use the knowledge in practice.

Students are able to apply their knowledge to plan, prepare and conduct experiments. Students are able to independently judge their own knowledge and to acquire missing knowledge that is required to fulfill their tasks.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 82, Study Time in Lecture 98
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 minutes
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0824: General and Inorganic Chemistry
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Gerrit A. Luinstra
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

This elementary course in chemistry comprises the following four topics, i) molecular orbital theory applied to compounds with bonds between s-, p- and d-block elements (octahedral field only), Description of molecular interactions in the gas, liquid and solid phase, (semi) conductivity on account of the formation of band structures, ii) describing chemical reactions in the sense of retention of mass and energy, enthalpy and entropy, chemical equilibrium, concepts of activation energy in conjucture with particle kinetic energy iii) acid-base concepts, acid-base reactions in water, pH calculation, quantitative analysis (titration) iv), redox processes in water, redox potential, Nernst theory describing the concentration dependence of redox potentials, overpotential, corrosion (local elments).


Chemie für Ingenieure, Guido Kickelbick, ISBN 978-3-8273-7267-3

Chemie, Charles Mortimer (Deutsch und Englisch verfügbar)

Course L0996: Fundamentals in Inorganic Chemistry
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 3
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 18, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Gerrit A. Luinstra
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

This laboratory course comprises the following four topics, i) atomic structure and application of spectroscopic methods, introduction of analytic methods ii) chemical reactions (qualitative analysis), bonding types, reaction types, reaction equations  iii) acid-base concepts, acid-base reactions in water, buffer solution, quantitative analysis (titration) iv), redox processes in water, redox potential, Nernst theory describing the concentration dependence of redox potentials, galvanic elements and electrolysis.

Prior to every experiement, a seminar takes place in small groups (12-15 students). The students participate orally. Team work and cooperation are forwarded because the experiments in the lab and the writing of the reports is conducted in groups of three or four students. Additionally, acedemic writing conveyed (documentation of experiment results in lab journals, literature citations in reports).


Chemie für Ingenieure, Guido Kickelbick, ISBN 978-3-8273-7267-3

Chemie, Charles Mortimer (Deutsch und Englisch verfügbar)

Analytische und anorganische Chemie, Jander/Blasius

Maßanalyse, Jander/Jahr

Course L1941: Fundamentals in Inorganic Chemistry
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Gerrit A. Luinstra
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

This course has 4 major parts: i) decribing molecules and solids of the s-, p- and d-elements of the periodic table in terms of orbital theory (only octahedral field), interactions between molecules in all phases; ii) description of chemical reactions in context of concentrations, mass and energy balance (enthalpy and entropy), kinetics and concepts of activation energy; iii) acid-base concepts according to Lewis and Brönsted, pH measurement and calculations, titration; iv) redox reactions in water, redox potential and Nernst equation, overpotentials and local elements in the matter of corrosion. 


Chemie für Ingenieure, Guido Kickelbick, ISBN 978-3-8273-7267-3<br />Chemie, Charles Mortimer (Deutsch und Englisch verfügbar)<br /></p> 

Module M1692: Computer Science for Engineers - Introduction and Overview

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Computer Science for Engineers - Introduction and Overview (L2685) Lecture 3 3
Computer Science for Engineers - Introduction and Overview (L2686) Recitation Section (small) 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Görschwin Fey
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Elementary knowledge of programming as taught in the "Introduction to Programming" bridge course or school.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The module provides prospective engineers with an overview of computer science as a discipline and of the fundamentals of programming. The aim is to facilitate the exchange between engineers and computer scientists and to show possibilities and limitations of programmable systems.

Basic knowledge is learned about

  • approaches for estimating runtime and memory requirements
  • computer architecture
  • automata theory
  • simple data structures like lists and fields
  • sorting algorithms
  • programming
  • modeling for software
  • unit testing testing and debugging

Basic programming skills are learned. Students can

  • describe basic components of a computer
  • select appropriate data structures for a problem solution
  • design and implement simple programs
  • apply unit testing
  • estimate the runtime and memory requirements of simple algorithms
Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to develop and communicate computer science solutions in small multidisciplinary project teams.


Students can independently create small programs to solve simple problems and validate their correctness.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
No 10 % Attestation Testate finden semesterbegleitend statt.
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Core Qualification: Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Integrated Building Technology: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L2685: Computer Science for Engineers - Introduction and Overview
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Görschwin Fey
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe
  • Informatik
    • Helmut Herold, Bruno Lurz, Jürgen Wohlrab, Matthias Hopf: Grundlagen der Informatik, 3. Auflage, 816 Seiten, Pearson Studium, 2017.
  • C++
    • Bjarne Stroustrup, Einführung in die Programmierung mit C++, 479 Seiten, Pearson Studium, 2010.
      --> in der englischen Version bereits eine neuere Auflage!
    • Jürgen Wolf : Grundkurs C++: C++-Programmierung verständlich erklärt, Rheinwerk Computing, 3. Auflage, 2016.
Course L2686: Computer Science for Engineers - Introduction and Overview
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Görschwin Fey
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1711: Green Technologies I

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Introduction Green Technologies (L2727) Seminar 2 2
Meteorology and Climate Systems - Introduction (L2726) Lecture 2 2
Meteorology and Climate Systems - Introduction (L2829) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge


Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to describe and critically evaluate current environmental and climate problems, especially in Hamburg. Furthermore, they are able to find and process suitable approaches to solutions.  The students can compare learned technologies in the field of climate and environmental protection, develop and take a standpoint on them and defend it in discussions.

In addition, students can give an overview of the basics of meterology and climate.


The students are able to apply the knowledge they have acquired on sustainable technologies in the area of the environmentally and climate-friendly water, energy and climate nexus in order to explain solution approaches for a supply-secure provision.

Furthermore, the students are able to explain the procedures and basics on the topics of climate and meterology and apply them to renewable energy projects in the context of other modules.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students can

  • work together in a team of about 3-5 people,
  • discuss tasks on the topics of environmental, resource and climate protection in a subject-specific manner and develop joint solutions,
  • present their own work results to fellow students and
  • assess the performance of fellow students in comparison to their own performance and deal with feedback on their own performance.



The students are able to independently access sources about the question to be worked on. They are able to assess their respective learning status in consultation with supervisors and, on this basis, define further questions and the work steps necessary to solve them.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Presentation
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 60 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Course L2727: Introduction Green Technologies
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt, Dr. Marvin Scherzinger
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  • Preliminary discussion of the seminar
  • Interesting presentations by people responsible for climate and environmental protection in Hamburg, keyword: Green Port of Hamburg
  • Handing out of topics and tasks from the area of the seminar topic (green port of Hamburg) to individual students / groups of students (depending on the number of participating students
  • Presentation of the task / the topic to be worked on with PPT presentation or poster presentation of the results

Eigenständiges Literaturstudium in der Bibliothek und aus anderen Quellen.

Course L2726: Meteorology and Climate Systems - Introduction
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Raphaela Vogel, Prof. Stefan Bühler
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

The Earth's energy balance
Conservation of energy, radiation, greenhouse effect, radiation balance, radiative forcing
Local climate
Energy balance at the surface, canopy effects (vegetation, city, ...), topography effects, evaporation, role of the pedosphere
The water cycle
Reservoirs of water, Clausius-Clapeyron, hydrological sensitivity, extreme precipitation
The vertical structure of the atmosphere
Hydrostatics, stability, spheres and pauses, radiative-convective equilibrium
Life cycle of a cloud, from water vapour to precipitation
A windy planet
Pressure gradient force, Coriolis force, global wind system, turbulence and log. wind profile Wind profile
Climate sensitivity
Forcing-response approach, climate sensitivity, methods of determination, current knowledge
High and low pressure areas, air masses and fronts, instabilities
Fast feedbacks in climate
Water vapour, temperature gradient, ice albedo, clouds
Weather and climate modelling
Discretisation and num. Solution, parametrisation, data assimilation, boundary conditions, ensemble predictions, chaos, parallel computers
Carbon cycle and earth history
Reservoirs of carbon, fossil fuels, earth ages, Urey reaction
Weather extremes
Rain, wind and heat - meteorological basics, statistical description & climate trends
Ice and sea level
Is the sea level rising? Role of ice in Earth's history, snowballs and greenhouses, Milankovitch cycles
The view from space

Literature Folien aus Vorlesung
Course L2829: Meteorology and Climate Systems - Introduction
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Raphaela Vogel, Prof. Stefan Bühler
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

The Earth's energy balance
Conservation of energy, radiation, greenhouse effect, radiation balance, radiative forcing
Local climate
Energy balance at the surface, canopy effects (vegetation, city, ...), topography effects, evaporation, role of the pedosphere
The water cycle
Reservoirs of water, Clausius-Clapeyron, hydrological sensitivity, extreme precipitation
The vertical structure of the atmosphere
Hydrostatics, stability, spheres and pauses, radiative-convective equilibrium
Life cycle of a cloud, from water vapour to precipitation
A windy planet
Pressure gradient force, Coriolis force, global wind system, turbulence and log. wind profile Wind profile
Climate sensitivity
Forcing-response approach, climate sensitivity, methods of determination, current knowledge
High and low pressure areas, air masses and fronts, instabilities
Fast feedbacks in climate
Water vapour, temperature gradient, ice albedo, clouds
Weather and climate modelling
Discretisation and num. Solution, parametrisation, data assimilation, boundary conditions, ensemble predictions, chaos, parallel computers
Carbon cycle and earth history
Reservoirs of carbon, fossil fuels, earth ages, Urey reaction
Weather extremes
Rain, wind and heat - meteorological basics, statistical description & climate trends
Ice and sea level
Is the sea level rising? Role of ice in Earth's history, snowballs and greenhouses, Milankovitch cycles
The view from space

Literature Folien aus Übung

Module M0888: Organic Chemistry

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Organic Chemistry (L0831) Lecture 2 2
Organic Chemistry (L0832) Practical Course 2 2
Organic Chemistry (L3184) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Nina Schützenmeister
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge High School Chemistry and/or lecture "general and inorganic chemistry"
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are familiar with basic concepts of organic chemistry. They are able to classify organic molecules and to identify functional groups and to describe the respective synthesis routes. Fundamental reaction mechanisms like nucleophilic substitution, eliminations, additions and aromatic substitution can be described. Students are capable to describe in general modern reaction mechanisms.


Students are able to use basics of organic chemistry for the design of technical processes. Especially they are able to formulate basic routes to synthesize small organic molecules and by this to optimise technical processes in Process Engineering. They are able to transform a verbally formulated message into an abstract formal procedure.

The students are able to document and interpret their working process and results scientifically.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to discuss in small groups and develop an approach for given tasks.


Students are able to get new knowledge from existing knowledge as well as to find ways to use the knowledge in practice.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 minutes
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0831: Organic Chemistry
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Nina Schützenmeister, Robert Meyer
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content The lecture covers basic concepts of organic chemistry. This includes simple carbon compounds, alkanes, alkenes, aromatic compounds, alcohols, phenols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, amines, amides and amino acids. Further, fundamentals of reaction mechanisms will be described. This includes nucleophilic substitution, eliminations, additions and aromatic substitution. Also modern reaction mechanisms will be described.
Literature gängige einführende Werke zur Organischen Chemie. Z.B. „Organische Chemie“ von K.P.C.Vollhart & N.E.Schore, Wiley VCH
Course L0832: Organic Chemistry
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Nina Schützenmeister, Robert Meyer
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

The lecture covers basic concepts of organic chemistry. This includes simple carbon compounds, alkanes, alkenes, aromatic compounds, alcohols, phenols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, amines, amides and amino acids. Further, fundamentals of reaction mechanisms will be described. This includes nucleophilic substitution, eliminations, additions and aromatic substitution. Also modern reaction mechanisms will be described.

Prior to each experiment, an oral colloquium takes place in small groups. In the colloquium are security aspects of the experiments are discussed, as well as the topics of the experiments. Solutions to previously provided questions are answered. In the colloquia the students acquire the skill to express scientific matters orally in a scientifically correct language and to describe theoretical basics.

The students write up a report for every experiment. They receive feedback to their level of scientific writing (citation methods, labeling of graphs, etc.), so that they can improve their competence in this field over the course of the practical course.

Literature gängige einführende Werke zur Organischen Chemie. Z.B. „Organische Chemie“ von K.P.C.Vollhart & N.E.Schore, Wiley VCH
Course L3184: Organic Chemistry
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Nina Schützenmeister, Robert Meyer
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

Module M0851: Mathematics II

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Mathematics II (L2976) Lecture 4 4
Mathematics II (L2977) Recitation Section (large) 2 2
Mathematics II (L2978) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Anusch Taraz
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Mathematics I
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
  • Students can name further concepts in analysis and linear algebra. They are able to explain them using appropriate examples.
  • Students can discuss logical connections between these concepts.  They are capable of illustrating these connections with the help of examples.
  • They know proof strategies and can reproduce them.

  • Students can model problems in analysis and linear algebra with the help of the concepts studied in this course. Moreover, they are capable of solving them by applying established methods.
  • Students are able to discover and verify further logical connections between the concepts studied in the course.
  • For a given problem, the students can develop and execute a suitable approach, and are able to critically evaluate the results.

Personal Competence
Social Competence
  • Students are able to work together in teams. They are capable to use mathematics as a common language.
  • In doing so, they can communicate new concepts according to the needs of their cooperating partners. Moreover, they can design examples to check and deepen the understanding of their peers.

  • Students are capable of checking their understanding of complex concepts on their own. They can specify open questions precisely and know where to get help in solving them.
  • Students have developed sufficient persistence to be able to work for longer periods in a goal-oriented manner on hard problems.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 128, Study Time in Lecture 112
Credit points 8
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes 10 % Excercises
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Core Qualification: Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Digital Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Integrated Building Technology: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L2976: Mathematics II
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 4
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 64, Study Time in Lecture 56
Lecturer Prof. Anusch Taraz
Language DE
Cycle SoSe


  • power series and elementary functions
  • interpolation
  • integration (proper integrals, fundamental theorem, integration rules, improper integrals, parameter dependent integrals
  • applications of integration (volume and surface of bodies of revolution, lines and arc length, line integrals
  • numerical quadrature
  • periodic functions

Linear Algebra: 

  • general vector spaces: subspaces, Euclidean vector spaces
  • linear mappings: basis transformation, orthogonal projection, orthogonal matrices, householder matrices
  • linear regression: normal equations, linear discrete approximation
  • eigenvalues: diagonalising matrices, normal matrices, symmetric and Hermite matrices
  • system of linear differential equations 
  • matrix factorizations: LR-decomposition, QR-decomposition, Schur decomposition, Jordan normal form, singular value decomposition
  • T. Arens u.a. : Mathematik, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg 2009
  • W. Mackens, H. Voß: Mathematik I für Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften, HECO-Verlag, Alsdorf 1994
  • W. Mackens, H. Voß: Aufgaben und Lösungen zur Mathematik I für Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften, HECO-Verlag, Alsdorf 1994
  • G. Strang: Lineare Algebra, Springer-Verlag, 2003 
  • G. und S. Teschl: Mathematik für Informatiker, Band 1, Springer-Verlag, 2013
Course L2977: Mathematics II
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Anusch Taraz
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L2978: Mathematics II
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Anusch Taraz
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0671: Technical Thermodynamics I

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Technical Thermodynamics I (L0437) Lecture 2 4
Technical Thermodynamics I (L0439) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Technical Thermodynamics I (L0441) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Arne Speerforck
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Elementary knowledge in Mathematics and Mechanics
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are familiar with the laws of Thermodynamics. They know the relation of the kinds of energy according to 1st law of Thermodynamics and are aware about the limits of energy conversions according to 2nd law of Thermodynamics. They are able to distinguish between state variables and process variables and know the meaning of different state variables like temperature, enthalpy, entropy and also the meaning of exergy and anergy. They are able to draw the Carnot cycle in a Thermodynamics related diagram. They know the physical difference between an ideal and a real gas and are able to use the related equations of state. They know the meaning of a fundamental state of equation and know the basics of two phase Thermodynamics.


Students are able to calculate the internal energy, the enthalpy, the kinetic and the potential energy as well as work and heat for simple change of states and to use this calculations for the Carnot cycle. They are able to calculate state variables for an ideal and for a real gas from measured thermal state variables.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students can discuss in small groups and work out a solution. You can answer comprehension questions about the content that are provided in the lecture with the ClickerOnline tool "TurningPoint" after discussions with other students.


Students can understand the problems posed in tasks physically. They are able to select the methods taught in the lecture and exercise to solve problems and apply them independently to different types of tasks.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Core Qualification: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Digital Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Mechatronics: Elective Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Biomedical Engineering: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Advanced Materials: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Integrated Building Technology: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Traffic Planning and Systems: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation III. Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Traffic Planning and Systems: Elective Compulsory
Course L0437: Technical Thermodynamics I
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Arne Speerforck
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  1. Introduction
  2. Fundamental terms
  3. Thermal Equilibrium and temperature
    3.1 Thermal equation of state
  4. First law
    4.1 Heat and work
    4.2 First law for closed systems
    4.3 First law for open systems
    4.4 Examples
  5. Equations of state and changes of state
    5.1 Changes of state
    5.2 Cycle processes
  6. Second law
    6.1 Carnot process
    6.2 Entropy
    6.3 Examples
    6.4 Exergy
  7. Thermodynamic properties of pure fluids
    7.1 Fundamental equations of Thermodynamics
    7.2 Thermodynamic potentials
    7.3 Calorific state variables for arbritary fluids
    7.4 state equations (van der Waals u.a.)

  • Schmitz, G.: Technische Thermodynamik, TuTech Verlag, Hamburg, 2009
  • Baehr, H.D.; Kabelac, S.: Thermodynamik, 15. Auflage, Springer Verlag, Berlin 2012

  • Potter, M.; Somerton, C.: Thermodynamics for Engineers, Mc GrawHill, 1993

Course L0439: Technical Thermodynamics I
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Arne Speerforck
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0441: Technical Thermodynamics I
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Arne Speerforck
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1803: Engineering Mechanics II (Elastostatics)

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Engineering Mechanics II (Elastostatics) (L0493) Lecture 2 2
Engineering Mechanics II (Elastostatics) (L1691) Recitation Section (large) 2 2
Engineering Mechanics II (Elastostatics) (L0494) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Christian Cyron
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Engineering Mechanics I, Mathematics I (basic knowledge of rigid body mechanics such as balance of linear and angular momentum, basic knowledge of linear algebra like vector-matrix calculus, basic knowledge of analysis such as differential and integral calculus)

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Having accomplished this module, the students know and understand the basic concepts of continuum mechanics and elastostatics, in particular stress, strain, constitutive laws, stretching, bending, torsion, failure analysis, energy methods and stability of structures.


Having accomplished this module, the students are able to
- apply the fundamental concepts of mathematical and mechanical modeling and analysis to problems of their choice
- apply the basic methods of elastostatics to problems of engineering, in particular in the design of mechanical structures
- to educate themselves about more advanced aspects of elastostatics

Personal Competence
Social Competence Ability to communicate complex problems in elastostatics, to work out solution to these problems together with others, and to communicate these solutions.
Autonomy Self-discipline and endurance in tackling independently complex challenges in elastostatics; ability to learn also very abstract knowledge.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Core Qualification: Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Integrated Building Technology: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation III. Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0493: Engineering Mechanics II (Elastostatics)
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Christian Cyron
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

The lecture Engineering Mechanics II introduces the fundamental concepts of stress and strain and explains how these can be used to characterize and compute elastic deformations of mechanical bodies under loading. The focus of the lecture lies on: 

  • basis of continuum mechanics: stress, strain, constitutive laws
  • truss
  • torsion bar
  • beam theory: bending, moment of inertia of area, transverse shear
  • energy methods: Maxwell-Betti reciprocal work theorem, Castigliano's second theorem, theorem of Menabrea
  • strength of materials: maximum principle stress criterion, yield criteria according to Tresca and von Mises
  • stability of mechanical structures: Euler buckling strut
  • Gross, D., Hauger, W., Schröder, J., Wall, W.A.: Technische Mechanik 1, Springer
  • Gross, D., Hauger, W., Schröder, J., Wall, W.A.: Technische Mechanik 2 Elastostatik, Springer

Course L1691: Engineering Mechanics II (Elastostatics)
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Christian Cyron
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0494: Engineering Mechanics II (Elastostatics)
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Christian Cyron
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0608: Basics of Electrical Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Basics of Electrical Engineering (L0290) Lecture 3 4
Basics of Electrical Engineering (L0292) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Thorsten Kern
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Basics of mathematics
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students can to draw and  explain circuit diagrams for electric and electronic circuits with a small number of components. They can describe the basic function of electric and electronic componentes and can present the corresponding equations. They can demonstrate the use of the standard methods for calculations.


Students are able to analyse electric and electronic circuits with few components and to calculate selected quantities in the circuits. They apply the ususal methods of the electrical engineering for this.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are enabled to collaborate in interdisciplinary teams with electrical engineering as a common language

With this, they are learning communication in a target-oriented communication style, are able to understand interfaces to neighboring engineering disciplines and learn about commonalities but also limits in the different directions of engineering.


Students are able independently to analyse electric and electronic circuits and to calculate selected quantities in the circuits.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
No 20 % Subject theoretical and practical work Während des Semesters werden Hausarbeiten in Form von elektrischen Aufgaben vergeben, für die durch Simulation eine Lösung entwickelt und nachgewiesen werden muss.
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale 135 minutes
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Production Management and Processes: Elective Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Traffic Planning and Systems: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Production Management and Processes: Elective Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Traffic Planning and Systems: Elective Compulsory
Course L0290: Basics of Electrical Engineering
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 78, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Thorsten Kern
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

DC networks: Current, voltage, power, Kirchhoff's laws, equivalent sources, network analysis

AC: Characteristics, RMS, complexe representation, phasor diagrams, power
Three phase AC: Characterisitics, star-delta- connection, power, transformer

Elektronics: Principle, operating behaviour and application of electronic devises as diode, Zener-diode, thyristor, transistor operational amplifier
Literature Alexander von Weiss, Manfred Krause: "Allgemeine Elektrotechnik"; Viweg-Verlag, Signatur der Bibliothek der TUHH: ETB 309 
Ralf Kories, Heinz Schmitt - Walter: "Taschenbuch der Elektrotechnik"; Verlag Harri Deutsch; Signatur der Bibliothek der TUHH: ETB 122
"Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik" - andere Autoren
Course L0292: Basics of Electrical Engineering
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Thorsten Kern, Weitere Mitarbeiter
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Excercises to the analysis of circuits and the calculation of electrical quantities th the topics:

DC networks: Current, voltage, power, Kirchhoff's laws, equivalent sources, 
network analysis

AC: Characteristics, RMS, complexe representation, phasor diagrams, power
Three phase AC: Characterisitics, star-delta- connection, power, transformer

Elektronics: Principle, operating behaviour and application of electronic devises as diode, Zener-diode, thyristor, transistor operational amplifier

Alexander von Weiss, Manfred Krause: "Allgemeine Elektrotechnik"; Viweg-Verlag, Signatur der Bibliothek der TUHH: ETB 309 
Ralf Kories, Heinz Schmitt - Walter: "Taschenbuch der Elektrotechnik"; Verlag Harri Deutsch; Signatur der Bibliothek der TUHH: ETB 122
"Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik" - andere Autoren

Module M0853: Mathematics III

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Analysis III (L1028) Lecture 2 2
Analysis III (L1029) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Analysis III (L1030) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Differential Equations 1 (Ordinary Differential Equations) (L1031) Lecture 2 2
Differential Equations 1 (Ordinary Differential Equations) (L1032) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Differential Equations 1 (Ordinary Differential Equations) (L1033) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Marko Lindner
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Mathematics I + II
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
  • Students can name the basic concepts in the area of analysis and differential equations. They are able to explain them using appropriate examples.
  • Students can discuss logical connections between these concepts.  They are capable of illustrating these connections with the help of examples.
  • They know proof strategies and can reproduce them.

  • Students can model problems in the area of analysis and differential equations with the help of the concepts studied in this course. Moreover, they are capable of solving them by applying established methods.
  • Students are able to discover and verify further logical connections between the concepts studied in the course.
  • For a given problem, the students can develop and execute a suitable approach, and are able to critically evaluate the results.

Personal Competence
Social Competence
  • Students are able to work together in teams. They are capable to use mathematics as a common language.
  • In doing so, they can communicate new concepts according to the needs of their cooperating partners. Moreover, they can design examples to check and deepen the understanding of their peers.

  • Students are capable of checking their understanding of complex concepts on their own. They can specify open questions precisely and know where to get help in solving them.
  • Students have developed sufficient persistence to be able to work for longer periods in a goal-oriented manner on hard problems.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 128, Study Time in Lecture 112
Credit points 8
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 60 min (Analysis III) + 60 min (Differential Equations 1)
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Core Qualification: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Traffic Planning and Systems: Elective Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Production Management and Processes: Elective Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Information Technology: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Traffic Planning and Systems: Elective Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Production Management and Processes: Elective Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Information Technology: Compulsory
Course L1028: Analysis III
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dozenten des Fachbereiches Mathematik der UHH
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Main features of differential and integrational calculus of several variables 

  • Differential calculus for several variables
  • Mean value theorems and Taylor's theorem
  • Maximum and minimum values
  • Implicit functions
  • Minimization under equality constraints
  • Newton's method for multiple variables
  • Fourier series
  • Double integrals over general regions
  • Line and surface integrals
  • Theorems of Gauß and Stokes

Course L1029: Analysis III
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dozenten des Fachbereiches Mathematik der UHH
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L1030: Analysis III
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dozenten des Fachbereiches Mathematik der UHH
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L1031: Differential Equations 1 (Ordinary Differential Equations)
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dozenten des Fachbereiches Mathematik der UHH
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Main features of the theory and numerical treatment of ordinary differential equations 

  • Introduction and elementary methods
  • Exsitence and uniqueness of initial value problems
  • Linear differential equations
  • Stability and qualitative behaviour of the solution
  • Boundary value problems and basic concepts of calculus of variations
  • Eigenvalue problems
  • Numerical methods for the integration of initial and boundary value problems
  • Classification of partial differential equations


Course L1032: Differential Equations 1 (Ordinary Differential Equations)
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dozenten des Fachbereiches Mathematik der UHH
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L1033: Differential Equations 1 (Ordinary Differential Equations)
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dozenten des Fachbereiches Mathematik der UHH
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0688: Technical Thermodynamics II

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Technical Thermodynamics II (L0449) Lecture 2 4
Technical Thermodynamics II (L0450) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Technical Thermodynamics II (L0451) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Arne Speerforck
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Elementary knowledge in Mathematics, Mechanics and Technical Thermodynamics I

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are familiar with different cycle processes like Joule, Otto, Diesel, Stirling, Seiliger and Clausius-Rankine. They are able to derive energetic and exergetic efficiencies and know the influence different factors. They know the difference between anti clockwise and clockwise cycles (heat-power cycle, cooling cycle). They have increased knowledge of steam cycles and are able to draw the different cycles in Thermodynamics related diagrams. They know the laws of gas mixtures, especially of humid air processes and are able to perform simple combustion calculations. They are provided with basic knowledge in gas dynamics and know the definition of the speed of sound and know about a Laval nozzle.


Students are able to use thermodynamic laws for the design of technical processes. Especially they are able to formulate energy, exergy- and entropy balances and by this to optimise technical processes. They are able to perform simple safety calculations in regard to an outflowing gas from a tank. They are able to transform a verbal formulated message into an abstract formal procedure.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to discuss in small groups and develop an approach. You can answer comprehension questions about the content that are provided in the lecture with the ClickerOnline tool "TurningPoint" after discussions with other students.


Students can physically understand and explain the complex problems (cycle processes, air conditioning processes, combustion processes) set in tasks. They are able to select the methods taught in the lecture and exercise to solve complex problems and apply them independently to different types of tasks.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Core Qualification: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Energy Systems: Technical Complementary Course Core Studies: Elective Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (English program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Robot- and Machine-Systems: Elective Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation III. Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0449: Technical Thermodynamics II
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Arne Speerforck
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

8. Cycle processes

7. Gas - vapor - mixtures

10. Open sytems with constant flow rates

11. Combustion processes

12. Special fields of Thermodynamics

  • Schmitz, G.: Technische Thermodynamik, TuTech Verlag, Hamburg, 2009
  • Baehr, H.D.; Kabelac, S.: Thermodynamik, 15. Auflage, Springer Verlag, Berlin 2012

  • Potter, M.; Somerton, C.: Thermodynamics for Engineers, Mc GrawHill, 1993
Course L0450: Technical Thermodynamics II
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Arne Speerforck
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0451: Technical Thermodynamics II
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Arne Speerforck
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1497: Measurement Technology for Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Practical Course Measurement Technology (L2270) Practical Course 2 2
Measurement Technology (L2268) Lecture 2 2
Physical Fundamentals of Measurement Technology (L2269) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Alexander Penn
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Technical interest, logical skills, integral- and differential calculus, basic physical concepts such as temperature, mass, velocity, etc..

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Physical basics: kinematics and dynamics (theory of motion), rotation of rigid bodies, energy and momentum, electricity, magnetism, basics of hydrodynamics, temperature and heat, ideal gas.

Metrology: SI units, measurement and measurement uncertainty, basics of sensor technology, physical principles, temperature measurement, pressure measurement, level measurement, flow measurement. Usage of Matlab scripts.

Practical course: Pressure drop in piping, calorimetry, image data acquisition, flow measurement, concentration measurement and mass transfer, capacitive measurements of solid concentrations, spectroscopy, error calculation, chromatography


Literature research, categorisation of thematical topics, analysis of an experimental test stand, preparation of test protocol, first programming with Matlab, use of relevant laboratory measurement technology, preparation of a test protocol, execution of calculations.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Arrangement and division of work in practical training and learning groups, assessment of own level of knowledge, work on the experimental stand in groups, consultation with persons responsible for teaching, presentation of the preparation of the experiment, tolerance of frustration


Time management of the workload, independent development of the thematic basics, personal responsibility for the provision of protective equipment and work clothing, practice of presentation in front of a group, active participation in the lectures, formulation of enquiries/detailed questions by using clicker.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Attestation Testate Messtechnikpraktikum
No 20 % Excercises Popup-Quizzes währen der Vorlesung
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Chemical and Bioengineering: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L2270: Practical Course Measurement Technology
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Alexander Penn
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

In the Practical Course in Measurement Technology the theory from the lectures "Physical Fundamentals of Measurement Technology" and "Measurement Technology" will be applied in practice. In small groups students learn how to handle different measurement techniques from industry and research. During the practical course, a wide range of different measurement methods will be taught, including the use of HLPC columns for qualitative mass analysis, the determination of mass transfer coefficients using optical oxygen sensors or the evaluation of image data to obtain process parameters. The practical course also teaches how measurement data are statistically evaluated and experiments are correctly documented. 


Hug, H.: Instrumentelle Analytik. Theorie und Praxis. Verlag Europa-Lehrmittel, Haan-Gruiten, 2015.

Kamke, W.: Der Umgang mit experimentellen Daten, insbesondere Fehleranalyse, im physikalischen Anfänger-Praktikum. Eine elementare Einführung. W. Kamke, Kirchzarten [Keltenring 197], 2010.

Strohrmann, G.: Messtechnik im Chemiebetrieb. Einführung in das Messen verfahrenstechnischer Größen. Oldenbourg, München, 2004.

Course L2268: Measurement Technology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Alexander Penn
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Basic introduction to measurement technology for process engineers. Includes error calculation, measurement units, calibration, measurement data analysis, measurement techniques and sensors. Particular attention is paid to the measurement of temperature, pressure, flow and level. The lecture provides insights into the latest developments in sensor technology in measurement technology and process engineering.


Fraden, Jacob (2016): Handbook of Modern Sensors. Physics, Designs, and Applications. 5th ed. 2016. Cham, New York: Springer. Online verfügbar unter

Hering, Ekbert; Schönfelder, Gert (2018): Sensoren in Wissenschaft und Technik. Funktionsweise und Einsatzgebiete. 2. Aufl. 2018. Online verfügbar unter

Strohrmann, Günther (2004): Messtechnik im Chemiebetrieb. Einführung in das Messen verfahrenstechnischer Größen. 10., durchges. Aufl. München: Oldenbourg.

Tränkler, Hans-Rolf; Reindl, Leonhard M. (2014): Sensortechnik. Handbuch für Praxis und Wissenschaft. 2., völlig neu bearb. Aufl. Berlin: Springer Vieweg (VDI-Buch). Online verfügbar unter

Webster, John G.; Eren, Halit B. (2014): Measurement, Instrumentation, and Sensors Handbook, Second Edition. Electromagnetic, Optical, Radiation, Chemical, and Biomedical Measurement. 2nd ed. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Online verfügbar unter

Course L2269: Physical Fundamentals of Measurement Technology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Christian Schroer
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Classical mechanics - kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum and conservation laws, rigid bodies, translation and rotation, angular momentum.
Mechanics of gases and fluids - hydrostatics and hydrodynamics 
Thermodynamics - temperature, heat, heat transport, ideal gas, changes of state, cyclic processes, laws of thermodynamics
Electricity - electrostatics, electrical conduction, magnetism, Lorentz force, Maxwell's equations (integral form)

Literature Paul A. Tipler, Gene Mosca: Physik für Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure, Spektrum Verlag

D. Meschede (Hrsg.): Gerthsen Physik, Springer-Verlag

Jay Orear: Physik, Hanser Verlag

D. Halliday, R. Resnick, J. Walker: Physik, Wiley VCH

Module M1712: Green Technologies II

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Practical Exercise Environmental Technology (L1387) Practical Course 1 1
Pollutant analysis (L2996) Lecture 2 3
Environmental Technologie (L0326) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Dr. Marvin Scherzinger
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Fundamentals of inorganic/organic chemistry and biology.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

With the completion of this modul the students obtain profound knowledge of environmental technology. They are able to describe the behaviour of chemicals in the environment. Students can give an overview of scientific disciplines involved. They can explain terms and allocate them to related methods.

Additional students acquire in-depth knowledge of important cause-effect chains of potential environmental problems which might occur from production processes, projects or construction measures. They have knowledge about the methodological diversity and are competent in dealing with different methods and instruments to assess environmental impacts. Besides the students are able to estimate the complexity of these environmental processes as well as uncertainties and difficulties with their measurement.


Students are able to propose appropriate management and mitigation measures for environmental problems. They are able to determine geochemical parameters and to assess the potential of pollutants to migrate and transform. The students are able to work out well founded opinions on how Environmental Technology contributes to sustainable development, and they can present and defend these opinons in front of and against the group.

The students are able to select a suitable method for the respective case from the variety of assessment methods. Thereby they can develop suitable solutions for managing and mitigating environmental problems in a business context. They are able to carry out Life Cycle Impact Assessments independently and can apply the software programs OpenLCA and the database EcoInvent. After finishing the course the students have the competence to critically judge research results or other publications on environmental impacts.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to discuss the various technical and scientific tasks, both subject-specific and multidisciplinary. They are able to develop different approaches to the task as a group as well as to discuss their theoretical or practical implementation.

Due to the selected lecture topics, the students receive insights into the multi-layered issues of the environment protection and the concept of sustainability. Their sensitivity and consciousness towards these subjects are raised and which helps to raise their awareness of their future social responsibilities in their role as engineers.


The students learn to research, process and present a scientific topic independently. They are able to carry out independent scientific work. They can solve an environmental problem in a business context and are able to judge results of other publications.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Subject theoretical and practical work Praktikum "Umwelttechnik"
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Specialisation II. Mathematics & Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Course L1387: Practical Exercise Environmental Technology
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt, Dr. Marvin Scherzinger
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

The practical course Environmental Engineering currently consists of 5 experiments, which deal with the different focal points of environmental engineering in the areas of air, water, soil, energy and noise. The following experiments are carried out for this purpose:

biological degradation of artificial materials,

fine dust measurement in the air,

water analysis,

noise emission measurement,

photovoltaic energy 

Within the lab course students discuss the various technical and scientific tasks, both subject-specific and multidisciplinary. They discuss different approaches to the task as well as it's theoretical or practical implementation.

Literature Folien der Einführungsveranstaltung
Course L2996: Pollutant analysis
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Marvin Scherzinger
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

In this course, modern analytical methods are presented that are used for the quantification of pollutants in the environmental compartments soil, water and air. In doing so, the students deepen their theoretical knowledge with regard to working with standardized methods and learn to make statements about the quality of test results.    

Literature Vorlesungsfolien
Course L0326: Environmental Technologie
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt, Dr. Marvin Scherzinger
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  1. Introductory seminar on environmental science:
  2. Environmental impact and adverse effects
  3. Wastewater technology
  4. Air pollution control
  5. Noise protection
  6. Waste and recycling management
  7. Soil and ground water protection
  8. Renewable energies
  9. Resource conservation and energy efficiency

Förster, U.: Umweltschutztechnik; 2012; Springer Berlin (Verlag) 8., Aufl. 2012; 978-3-642-22972-5 (ISBN)

Module M0536: Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics (L0091) Lecture 2 2
Fundamentals on Fluid Mechanics (L2933) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Fluid Mechanics for Process Engineering (L0092) Recitation Section (large) 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Michael Schlüter
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Mathematics I+II+III
  • Technical Mechanics I+II
  • Technical Thermodynamics I+II
  • Working with force balances
  • Simplification and solving of partial differential equations
  • Integration
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to:

  • explain the difference between different types of flow
  • give an overview for different applications of the Reynolds Transport-Theorem in process engineering
  • explain simplifications of the Continuity- and Navier-Stokes-Equation by using physical boundary conditions

The students are able to

  • describe and model incompressible flows mathematically
  • reduce the governing equations of fluid mechanics by simplifications to archive quantitative solutions e.g. by integration
  • notice the dependency between theory and technical applications
  • use the learned basics for fluid dynamical applications in fields of process engineering 
Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students

  • are capable to gather information from subject related, professional publications and relate that information to the context of the lecture and
  • able to work together on subject related tasks in small groups. They are able to present their results effectively in English (e.g. during small group exercises)
  • are able to work out solutions for exercises by themselves, to discuss the solutions orally and to present the results.

The students are able to

  • search further literature for each topic and to expand their knowledge with this literature,
  • work on their exercises by their own and to evaluate their actual knowledge with the feedback.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
No 5 % Midterm
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 3 hours
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Chemical and Bioengineering: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Traffic Planning and Systems: Elective Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation III. Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Traffic Planning and Systems: Elective Compulsory
Course L0091: Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Michael Schlüter
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  • fluid properties
  • hydrostatic
  • overall balances - theory of streamline
  • overall balances- conservation equations
  • differential balances - Navier Stokes equations
  • irrotational flows - Potenzialströmungen
  • flow around bodies - theory of physical similarity
  • turbulent flows
  • compressible flows
  1. Crowe, C. T.: Engineering fluid mechanics. Wiley, New York, 2009.
  2. Durst, F.: Strömungsmechanik: Einführung in die Theorie der Strömungen von Fluiden. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006.
  3. Fox, R.W.; et al.: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. J. Wiley & Sons, 1994
  4. Herwig, H.: Strömungsmechanik: Eine Einführung in die Physik und die mathematische Modellierung von Strömungen. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2006
  5. Herwig, H.: Strömungsmechanik: Einführung in die Physik von technischen Strömungen: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag / GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden, 2008
  6. Kuhlmann, H.C.:  Strömungsmechanik. München, Pearson Studium, 2007
  7. Oertl, H.: Strömungsmechanik: Grundlagen, Grundgleichungen, Lösungsmethoden, Softwarebeispiele. Vieweg+ Teubner Verlag / GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden, 2009
  8. Schade, H.; Kunz, E.: Strömungslehre. Verlag de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 2007
  9. Truckenbrodt, E.: Fluidmechanik 1: Grundlagen und elementare Strömungsvorgänge dichtebeständiger Fluide. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008
  10. Schlichting, H. : Grenzschicht-Theorie. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006
  11. van Dyke, M.: An Album of Fluid Motion. The Parabolic Press, Stanford California, 1882.
  12. White, F.: Fluid Mechanics, Mcgraw-Hill, ISBN-10: 0071311211, ISBN-13: 978-0071311212, 2011
Course L2933: Fundamentals on Fluid Mechanics
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Michael Schlüter
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

In the group exercise, the contents of the lecture are taken up and deepened by means of exercises. The exercise tasks correspond in quality and scope to the tasks of the written exam. Topics: Reynolds transport-theorem, pipe flow, free jet, angular momentum, Navier-Stokes equations, potential theory, mock exam, pipe hydraulics, pump design.


Heinz Herwig: Strömungsmechanik, Eine Einführung in die Physik und die mathematische Modellierung von Strömungen, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 978-3-540-32441-6 (ISBN)

Herbert Oertel, Martin Böhle, Thomas Reviol: Strömungsmechanik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler, Springer Verlag, Berlin, ISBN: 978-3-658-07786-0

Joseph Spurk, Nuri Aksel: Strömungslehre, Einführung in die Theorie der Strömungen, Springer Verlag, Berlin, ISBN: 978-3-642-13143-1.

Course L0092: Fluid Mechanics for Process Engineering
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Michael Schlüter
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

In the exercise-lecture the topics from the main lecture are discussed intensively and transferred into application. For that, the students receive example tasks for download. The students solve these problems based on the lecture material either independently or in small groups. The solution is discussed with the students under scientific supervision and parts of the solutions are presented on the chalk board. At the end of each exercise-lecture, the correct solution is presented on the chalk board. Parallel to the exercise-lecture tutorials are held where the student solve exam questions under a set time-frame in small groups and discuss the solutions afterwards.


  1. Crowe, C. T.: Engineering fluid mechanics. Wiley, New York, 2009.
  2. Durst, F.: Strömungsmechanik: Einführung in die Theorie der Strömungen von Fluiden. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2006.
  3. Fox, R.W.; et al.: Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. J. Wiley & Sons, 1994
  4. Herwig, H.: Strömungsmechanik: Eine Einführung in die Physik und die mathematische Modellierung von Strömungen. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 2006
  5. Herwig, H.: Strömungsmechanik: Einführung in die Physik von technischen Strömungen: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag / GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden, 2008
  6. Kuhlmann, H.C.:  Strömungsmechanik. München, Pearson Studium, 2007
  7. Oertl, H.: Strömungsmechanik: Grundlagen, Grundgleichungen, Lösungsmethoden, Softwarebeispiele. Vieweg+ Teubner Verlag / GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden, 2009
  8. Schade, H.; Kunz, E.: Strömungslehre. Verlag de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 2007
  9. Truckenbrodt, E.: Fluidmechanik 1: Grundlagen und elementare Strömungsvorgänge dichtebeständiger Fluide. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2008
  10. Schlichting, H. : Grenzschicht-Theorie. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2006
  11. van Dyke, M.: An Album of Fluid Motion. The Parabolic Press, Stanford California, 1882.
  12. White, F.: Fluid Mechanics, Mcgraw-Hill, ISBN-10: 0071311211, ISBN-13: 978-0071311212, 2011

Module M0686: Sanitary Engineering I

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Wastewater Disposal (L0276) Lecture 2 2
Wastewater Disposal (L0278) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Drinking Water Supply (L0306) Lecture 2 1
Drinking Water Supply (L0308) Recitation Section (large) 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Basic knowledge on Chemistry and Biology
  • Hydraulics of pipe systems and open channels
  • Basic knowledge on water management: water quantity and water quality
  • Basic knowledge on Environmental Legislation: Federal Water Act
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students can examplify their expert knowledge on urban water infrastructures. They can present the derivation and detailed explanation of important standards for the design of drinking water supply and wastewater disposal systems in Germany and they are capable of reproducing the relevant empiricals assumptions and scientific simplifcations. The students are able to present and discuss sanitary engineering processes and the technologies used for drinking and wastewater treatment. They can also assess existing problems in the field of sanitary engineering by considering legal, risk and saftey aspects. Furthermore, they know how to draft the features and effectiveness of important  technologies of the future such as high- and low-pressure membrane filtration systems and techniques for the removal of trace pollutants.


The students are able to apply the relevant standards and guidelines for the design and operation of urban water infrastructures independently. Their expertise comprises expert skills to design drinking water supply and urban drainage systems as well as the associated treatment facilities. Besides the acquirement of technical skills the students are able to address and solve biochemical problems in the filed of drinking water and wastewater treatment. The students are also able to develop ideas of their own to improve the existing water related infrastructures, systems and concepts.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Social skills are not targeted in this module.


Students are able to form concepts on their own to optimize urban water infrastructure processes. Therefore they can acquire appropriate knowledge when being given some clues or information with regard to the approach to problems (preparation and follow-up of the exercises).

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies: Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0276: Wastewater Disposal
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

This lecture focusses on urban drainage and wastewater treatment.

Urban Drainage 

  • Design of urban drainage systems (combined and separate sewer systems) 
  • Special structures  
  • Rainwater management

Wastewater treatement

  • Mechanical treatment (Screens, Grit chamber, Preliminary Sedimentation, Secondary Settlement Tanks, Membrane Filtration)
  • Biological Treatment (aerobic, anaerobic, anoxic)
  • Special Wastewater Treatment Processes (Ozonation, Adsorption)

Die hier aufgeführte Literatur ist in der Bibliothek der TUHH verfügbar.

The literature listed below is available in the library of the TUHH.

  • Taschenbuch der Stadtentwässerung : mit 10 Tafeln und 67 Tabellen, Imhoff, K., & . (2009). (31., verbesserte Aufl.). München: Oldenbourg Industrieverl.
  • Abwasser : Technik und Kontrolle. Neitzel, Volkmar, and. . Weinheim [u.a.]: Wiley-VCH, 1998.
  • Kommunale Kläranlagen : Bemessung, Erweiterung, Optimierung, Betrieb und Kosten, (2009). Günthert, F. Wolfgang: (3., völlig neu bearb. Aufl.). Renningen: expert-Verl.
  • Water and wastewater technology Hammer, M. J. 1., & . (2012). (7. ed., internat. ed.). Boston [u.a.]: Pearson Education International.
  • Water and wastewater engineering : design principles and practice: Davis, M. L. 1. (2011). . New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Biological wastewater treatment: (2011). C. P. Leslie Grady, Jr.  (3. ed.). London, Boca Raton,  Fla. [u.a.]: IWA Publ. 
Course L0278: Wastewater Disposal
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0306: Drinking Water Supply
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 2, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Klaus Johannsen, Prof. Mathias Ernst
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

The lecture on drinking water supply provides students with a basic understanding of the entire water supply system, encompassing water catchment, water treatment including pump systems, water storage, and the distribution system that carries water to the consumer.

Initially, basics in hydraulics and pump systems are presented (system curve and pump curve). Students learn how the duty point of the pump is determined.  Students learn about different water resources and will be able to design groundwater wells. Students learn how to determine water demand and derive planning values for designing the different elements of a water supply system (e.g. firefighting requirements). The functions of reservoirs, their design and arrangement in the water supply system are explained.  Students will be able to design simple water distribution systems.

A further part of the lecture deals with the processes involved in drinking water supply. This includes a presentation of the essential mechanisms and layout parameters for sedimentation, filtration, coagulation, membrane treatment, adsorption, water softening, gas exchange, ion exchange and disinfection. The basics of process treatment technology will be built on with parallel analysis of the impacts on chemical and physical water quality parameters.


Gujer, Willi (2007): Siedlungswasserwirtschaft. 3., bearb. Aufl., Springer-Verlag.

Karger, R., Cord-Landwehr, K., Hoffmann, F. (2005): Wasserversorgung. 12., vollst. überarb. Aufl., Teubner Verlag

Rautenberg, J. et al. (2014): Mutschmann/Stimmelmayr Taschenbuch der Wasserversorgung. 16. Aufl., Springer-Vieweg Verlag.

DVGW Lehr- und Handbuch Wasserversorgung: Wasseraufbereitung - Grundlagen und Verfahren, m. CD-ROM: Band 6 (2003).

Course L0308: Drinking Water Supply
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Klaus Johannsen, Prof. Mathias Ernst
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1714: Conventional Energy Systems and Energy Industry

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Power Industry (L0316) Lecture 1 1
Energy markets and energy trading (L2744) Lecture 2 2
Fossil Energy Systems (L2745) Lecture 2 2
Fuels I (L3142) Lecture 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge none
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to provide an overview of characteristics of energy systems. They can explain the issues that arise. Furthermore, they are able to explain knowledge of energy production, energy distribution and energy trade in this context, taking into account contexts bordering on other disciplines. The students can explain this knowledge, which is applicable to almost all energy systems, in particular detail for conventional energy systems and take a critical stance on them. Furthermore, they can explain the environmental impact of using conventional energy systems. They also have an overview of reserves and resources as well as global and national market volumes. This also includes the legal framework, which should especially take into account the mitigation of climate change.


Students are able to apply methodologies for determining energy demand or energy supply to different types of energy systems. Furthermore, they can evaluate energy systems technically, ecologically and economically as well as systemically and are also able to design them under certain given conditions. They are able to select the regulations necessary for this in a subject-specific manner, especially by means of non-standard solutions to a problem.

Students are able to orally explain issues from the subject area and approaches to dealing with them and to classify them in the respective context.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to analyze suitable technical alternatives and to assess them with technical, economical and ecological criteria under sustainability aspects.


Students can independently exploit sources , acquire the particular knowledge about the subject area and transform it to new questions.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 180 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0316: Power Industry
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Andreas Wiese
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  • Electrical energy in the energy system
  • Demand and use of electrical energy (households, industry, "new" buyers (including e-mobility))
  • Electricity generation
    • electricity generation technologies using fossil fuels and their characteristics
    • combined heat and power technologies and their production characteristics
    • electricity generation from renewable energy technologies and their characteristics
  • Power distribution
    • "classic" distribution of electrical energy
    • challenges of fluctuating electricity generation by distributed systems (electricity market, electricity stock exchange, emissions trading)
  • District heating industry
  • Legal and administrative aspects
    • Energy Act
    • support instruments for renewable energy
    • CHP Act
  • Cost and efficiency calculation

Folien der Vorlesung

Course L2744: Energy markets and energy trading
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Christian Wulf
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

This lecture addresses the mechanisms by which price formation works in global and national energy markets. For this purpose, the global price formation mechanism for crude oil and for natural gas and coal is explained. The national energy markets (e.g. power exchange, gas markets) are also discussed. The legal framework, which is ultimately decisive for market price formation, is always addressed. In this context, the various instruments with which the energy markets are to be influenced in such a way that climate protection already takes effect with market-based measures are also discussed. The expected future development/change of the energy markets against the background of the increasing use of renewable energies will also be addressed.

Course L2745: Fossil Energy Systems
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

The aim of this lecture is to present and discuss the different fossil energy systems in their entirety. This includes the petroleum, natural gas, hard coal, lignite and nuclear energy systems. In each case, the formation processes, the exploration technologies, the exploration processes, the extraction technologies, the further processing processes and the corresponding utilization are presented. In addition, the respective markets and their development, the existing reserves and resources, and the environmental effects associated with extraction and utilization are discussed. A total system approach is pursued, which includes a presentation of the entire energy system including the given interdependencies and (geo)political dependencies. The current changes in these energy systems for Germany and internationally, and those that are expected in the coming years, are also discussed. In addition, the respective reserve and resource availability is illuminated.

Literature Vorlesungsunterlagen
Course L3142: Fuels I
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Karsten Wilbrand
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  • Regulatory requirements (including desulfurization)
  • Overview of today's fossil fuels

o Gasoline,

o diesel,

o natural gas (GtL, CNG, LNG),

o kerosene,

o marine fuels

o Other fuels

  • Markets and market developments
  • CO2 analyses of the various options per application area
  • Global megatrends and future challenges
  • Developments in vehicle and drive technologies
  • Energy scenarios up to 2050 and significance for the mobility sector

Eigene Unterlagen, Veröffentlichungen, Fachliteratur

Own documents, publications, technical literature

Module M1715: Renewable Energies

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Fuels II (L3143) Lecture 1 1
Renewable Energies I (L2740) Lecture 2 2
Renewable Energies I (L2742) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Renewable Energies II (L2741) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge none
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to provide an overview of characteristics of renewable energy systems. They will be able to explain the issues that arise in these systems. Furthermore, they are able to explain knowledge of energy supply, energy distribution and energy trading in this context, taking into account contexts bordering on specific disciplines. The students can explain this knowledge in detail for such energy systems and take a critical stand on it. Furthermore, they can explain the environmental impact of using renewable energy systems and have an overview of the economic classification of the respective options.


Students are able to apply methodologies for determining energy demand or energy supply to different types of renewable energy systems. Furthermore, they can evaluate such energy systems technically, ecologically and economically as well as systemically and also design them under certain given conditions. They are able to select the regulations necessary for this in a subject-specific manner, especially by means of non-standard solutions to a problem.

Students are able to orally explain issues from the subject area and approaches to dealing with them and to classify them in the respective context.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to investigate suitable technical alternatives and ultimately evaluate them based on technical, economic and ecological criteria - and thus from a sustainability perspective.


Students will be able to independently access sources about the field, acquire knowledge and transform it to address new issues.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 180 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies: Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Civil Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Traffic and Mobility: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water and Environment: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Engineering: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering, Focus Chemical Engineering: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L3143: Fuels II
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Karsten Wilbrand
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  • Regulatory requirements of "alternative" fuels (e.g. RED)
  • Overview of today's alternative fuels

o Biodiesel / HEFA

o Bioethanol

o Biomethane

o Other fuels

  • Overview of future alternative fuels

o 2nd generation biofuels

o Hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives

o Electricity-based fuels

o Other fuels

  • Electromobility

o with battery

o with hydrogen fuel cell

  • Markets and market developments
  • CO2 analyses of the various options per application area
  • Global megatrends and future challenges
  • Developments in vehicle and drive technologies
  • Energy scenarios up to 2050 and significance for the mobility sector

Eigene Unterlagen, Veröffentlichungen, Fachliteratur

Literature: Own documents, publications, technical literature

Course L2740: Renewable Energies I
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

This module includes a presentation of the renewable energy supply and a discussion of the respective technologies for providing the desired final or useful energy. Specifically, this includes the options for solar energy use for heat and power generation (i.e., passive solar energy use, solar collectors for low-temperature heat provision, solar thermal power generation, photovoltaic power generation), wind energy use for power generation (i.e. onshore and offshore wind power use), hydroelectric power use for electricity generation (i.e., run-of-river and storage hydroelectric power), ocean energy use for electricity generation (including tidal power plants), and geothermal energy use for heat and electricity generation (i.e., near-surface use by means of heat pumps, deep geothermal energy use for heat and/or electricity generation).


Kaltschmitt, M.; Streicher, W.; Wiese, A. (Hrsg.): Erneuerbare Energien - System­technik, Wirtschaft­lichkeit, Umweltaspekte; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2020, 6. Auflage

Course L2742: Renewable Energies I
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

Students work on different tasks in the field of renewable energies. They present their solutions in the exercise lesson and discuss it with other students and the lecturer.

Possible tasks in the field of renewable energies are:

  • Solar thermal heat
  • Concentrating solare power
  • Photovoltaic
  • Windenergie
  • Hydropower
  • Heat pump

Deep geothermal energy


Kaltschmitt, M.; Streicher, W.; Wiese, A. (Hrsg.): Erneuerbare Energien - System­technik, Wirtschaft­lichkeit, Umweltaspekte; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2020, 6. Auflage

Course L2741: Renewable Energies II
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

This lecture covers all options for energy supply from biomass; this includes the supply of heat, electricity and fuels. The biomass resource and its origin will be discussed first. Afterwards the biomass supply is addressed, which bridges the gap between biomass generation and utilization. Subsequently, the different conversion options are discussed. Only those options are presented in depth that have a corresponding significance on the market in Germany and Europe. This includes

(a) heat generation from biogenic solid fuels in small and large-scale plants

(b) power generation from solid biomass via combustion

(c) a biogas production from residues, by-products and waste,

(d) alcohol production from sugar and starch

(e) biodiesel production from vegetable oils.

Special attention is also paid to the corresponding environmental aspects. An economic classification of the various options is also provided.

Literature Unterlagen der Vorlesung

Module M0538: Heat and Mass Transfer

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Heat and Mass Transfer (L0101) Lecture 2 2
Heat and Mass Transfer (L0102) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Heat and Mass Transfer (L1868) Recitation Section (large) 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Irina Smirnova
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge: Technical Thermodynamics

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
  • The students are capable of explaining qualitative and determining quantitative heat transfer in procedural apparatus (e. g. heat exchanger, chemical reactors).
  • They are capable of distinguish and characterize different kinds of heat transfer mechanisms namely heat conduction, heat transfer and thermal radiation.
  • The students have the ability to explain the physical basis for mass transfer in detail and to describe mass transfer qualitative and quantitative by using suitable mass transfer theories.
  • They are able to depict the analogy between heat- and mass transfer and to describe complex linked processes in detail.

  • The students are able to set reasonable system boundaries for a given transport problem by using the gained knowledge and to balance the corresponding energy and mass flow, respectively.
  • They are capable to solve specific heat transfer problems (e.g. heated chemical reactors, temperature alteration in fluids) and to calculate the corresponding heat flows.
  • Using dimensionless quantities, the students can execute scaling up of technical processes or apparatus.
  • They are able to distinguish between diffusion, convective mass transition and mass transfer. They can use this knowledge for the description and design of apparatus (e.g. extraction column, rectification column).
  • In this context, the students are capable to choose and design fundamental types of heat and mass exchanger for a specific application considering their advantages and disadvantages, respectively.
  • In addition, they can calculate both, steady-state and non-steady-state processes in procedural apparatus.
  •  The students are capable to connect their knowledge obtained in this course  with knowlegde of other courses (In particular the courses thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and chemical process engineering) to solve concrete technical problems.

Personal Competence
Social Competence
  • The students are capable to work on subject-specific challenges in teams and to present the results orally in a reasonable manner to tutors and other students.

  • The students are able to find and evaluate necessary information from suitable sources
  • They are able to prove their level of knowledge during the course with accompanying procedure continuously (clicker-system, exam-like assignments) and on this basis they can control their learning processes.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 minutes; theoretical questions and calculations
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Chemical and Bioengineering: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation III. Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0101: Heat and Mass Transfer
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Irina Smirnova
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  1. Heat transfer
    • Introduction, one-dimensional heat conduction
    • Convective heat transfer
    • Multidimensional heat conduction
    • Non-steady heat conduction
    • Thermal radiation
  2. Mass transfer
    • one-way diffusion, equimolar countercurrent diffusion
    • boundary layer theory, non-steady mass transfer
    • Heat and mass transfer single particle/ fixed bed
    • Mass transfer and chemical reactions

  1. H.D. Baehr und K. Stephan: Wärme- und Stoffübertragung, Springer
  2. VDI-Wärmeatlas

Course L0102: Heat and Mass Transfer
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Irina Smirnova
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L1868: Heat and Mass Transfer
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Irina Smirnova
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0833: Introduction to Control Systems

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Introduction to Control Systems (L0654) Lecture 2 4
Introduction to Control Systems (L0655) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Timm Faulwasser
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Representation of signals and systems in time and frequency domain, Laplace transform

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
  • Students can represent dynamic system behavior in time and frequency domain, and can in particular explain properties of first and second order systems
  • They can explain the dynamics of simple control loops and interpret dynamic properties in terms of frequency response and root locus
  • They can explain the Nyquist stability criterion and the stability margins derived from it.
  • They can explain the role of the phase margin in analysis and synthesis of control loops
  • They can explain the way a PID controller affects a control loop in terms of its frequency response
  • They can explain issues arising when controllers designed in continuous time domain are implemented digitally
  • Students can transform models of linear dynamic systems from time to frequency domain and vice versa
  • They can simulate and assess the behavior of systems and control loops
  • They can design PID controllers with the help of heuristic (Ziegler-Nichols) tuning rules
  • They can analyze and synthesize simple control loops with the help of root locus and frequency response techniques
  • They can calculate discrete-time approximations of controllers designed in continuous-time and use it for digital implementation
  • They can use standard software tools (Matlab Control Toolbox, Simulink) for carrying out these tasks
Personal Competence
Social Competence Students can work in small groups to jointly solve technical problems, and experimentally validate their controller designs

Students can obtain information from provided sources (lecture notes, software documentation, experiment guides) and use it when solving given problems.

They can assess their knowledge in weekly on-line tests and thereby control their learning progress.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Core Qualification: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Data Science: Specialisation II. Application: Elective Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Information Technology: Elective Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Traffic Planning and Systems: Elective Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Production Management and Processes: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation III. Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Technical Complementary Course Core Studies: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Information Technology: Elective Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Traffic Planning and Systems: Elective Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Production Management and Processes: Elective Compulsory
Course L0654: Introduction to Control Systems
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Timm Faulwasser
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Signals and systems

  • Linear systems, differential equations and transfer functions
  • First and second order systems, poles and zeros, impulse and step response
  • Stability

Feedback systems

  • Principle of feedback, open-loop versus closed-loop control
  • Reference tracking and disturbance rejection
  • Types of feedback, PID control
  • System type and steady-state error, error constants
  • Internal model principle

Root locus techniques

  • Root locus plots
  • Root locus design of PID controllers

Frequency response techniques

  • Bode diagram
  • Minimum and non-minimum phase systems
  • Nyquist plot, Nyquist stability criterion, phase and gain margin
  • Loop shaping, lead lag compensation
  • Frequency response interpretation of PID control

Time delay systems

  • Root locus and frequency response of time delay systems
  • Smith predictor

Digital control

  • Sampled-data systems, difference equations
  • Tustin approximation, digital implementation of PID controllers

Software tools

  • Introduction to Matlab, Simulink, Control toolbox
  • Computer-based exercises throughout the course
  • Werner, H., Lecture Notes „Introduction to Control Systems“
  • G.F. Franklin, J.D. Powell and A. Emami-Naeini "Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems", Addison Wesley, Reading, MA, 2009
  • K. Ogata "Modern Control Engineering", Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2010
  • R.C. Dorf and R.H. Bishop, "Modern Control Systems", Addison Wesley, Reading, MA 2010
Course L0655: Introduction to Control Systems
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Timm Faulwasser
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1775: Economic and environmental project assessment

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Case studies economic and environmental project assessment (L1054) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Basics of Environmental Project Assessment (L0860) Lecture 2 2
Basics of economic project assement (L2918) Lecture 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge none
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

On completion of this module, students will be able to analyze and evaluate projects / project ideas from an economic and environmental point of view; i.e. they will be able to systematize / analyze an intended / planned project on the basis of certain criteria and then, with the help of economic and environmental instruments, evaluate such planned projects on the basis of the specific provision costs and selected environmental parameters. Such an approach includes a basic knowledge in the field of economic calculations (e.g. static and dynamic methods) on the one hand and a basic understanding in relation to the preparation of a life cycle assessment / an eco balance on the other hand. In addition, there is the knowledge to implement these instruments for corresponding specific use cases through balance boundaries to be drawn independently by the students and to interpret the results accordingly.


The students are able to apply the methods for an economic evaluation (e.g. annuity method) and for an environmental evaluation (e.g. life cycle assessment / eco balance) to different types of projects - and this related to various frame conditions. They will then be able to evaluate corresponding projects (including energy projects, chemical projects) in economic and environmental terms - and on the basis of this - in a systemic manner, and to make statements about the corresponding economic and environmental limitations. Additionally, students are able to orally explain issues from the subject area, approaches to dealing with them, and place them in their respective context.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to investigate suitable technical projects and ultimately evaluate them based on economic and environmental evaluation criteria - and thus finally under a wide range of sustainability aspects.


Students will be able to independently access various sources about the field, acquire knowledge, and transform it to address new issues.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 180 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L1054: Case studies economic and environmental project assessment
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt, Weitere Mitarbeiter
Language DE
Cycle WiSe


Skripte der Vorlesungen

Course L0860: Basics of Environmental Project Assessment
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Christoph Hagen Balzer
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe

Skript der Vorlesung

Course L2918: Basics of economic project assement
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Andreas Wiese
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  • Introduction; definitions; significance of costs and economic calculations for projects; prices and costs; costs of systems versus costs of individual projects
  • Cost estimates and cost calculations; definitions; cost calculation; cost estimation; calculation of costs for provision of work and power
  • Economic calculation; definitions; methods: static methods, dynamic methods; project view versus view from the overall economy; power and work in economic calculation
  • Consideration of uncertainties in projects; definitions; technical uncertainties; cost uncertainties; other uncertainties
  • Cost projections; approaches and methods; assessment of uncertainties
  • Project financing; definitions; project versus corporate financing; financing models; equity ratio, DSCR; addressing risks in project financing

Skript der Vorlesung

Specialization Biotechnologies

In the specialisation "Bioresource Technology", process engineering and biotechnological contents and competences are combined in a comprehensive subject area. The students gain a deeper understanding of the interactions and interfaces between bioresources and process engineering for the establishment of a sustainable bioeconomy.

Module M0546: Thermal Separation Processes

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Thermal Separation Processes (L0118) Lecture 2 2
Thermal Separation Processes (L0119) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Thermal Separation Processes (L0141) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Separation Processes (L1159) Practical Course 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Irina Smirnova
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Recommended requirements: Thermodynamics III

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
  • The students can distinguish and describe different types of separation processes such as distillation, extraction, and adsorption
  • The students develop an understanding for the course of concentration during a separation process, the estimation of the energy demand of a process, the possibilities of energy saving, and the selection of separation systems
  • They have good knowledge of designing methods for separation processes and devices

  • Using the gained knowledge the students can select a reasonable system boundary for a given separation process and can close the associated energy and material balances
  • The students can use different graphical methods for the designing of a separation process and define the amount of theoretical stages required
  • They can select and design a basic type of thermal separation process for a given case based on the advantages and disadvantages of the process
  • The students are capable to obtain independently the needed material properties from appropriate sources (diagrams and tables)
  • They can calculate continuous and discontinuous processes
  • The students are able to prove their theoretical knowledge in the experimental lab work.
  • The students are able to discuss the theoretical background and the content of the experimental work with the teachers in colloquium.

The students are capable of linking their gained knowledge with the content of other lectures and use it together for the solution of technical problems. Other lectures such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and chemical engineering.

Personal Competence
Social Competence
  • The students can work technical assignments in small groups and present the combined results in the tutorial

  • The students are able to carry out practical lab work in small groups and organize a functional division of labor between them. They are able to discuss their results and to document them scientifically in a report.
  • The students are capable to obtain the needed information from suitable sources by themselves and assess their quality
  • The students can proof the state of their knowledge with exam resembling assignments and in this way control their learning process

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 minutes; theoretical questions and calculations
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Chemical and Bioengineering: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Systems / Renewable Energies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0118: Thermal Separation Processes
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Irina Smirnova
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  • Introduction in the thermal process engineering and to the main features of separation processes
  • Simple equilibrium processes, several steps processes
  • Distillation of binary mixtures, enthalpy-concentration diagrams
  • Extractive and azeotrope distillation, water vapor distillation, stepwise distillation
  • Extraction: separation ternary systems, ternary diagram
  • Multiphase separation including complex mixtures
  • Designing of separation devices without discrete stages
  • Drying
  • Chromatographic separation processes
  • Membrane separation
  • Energy demand of separation processes
  • Advance overview of separation processes
  • Selection of separation processes

  • G. Brunner: Skriptum Thermische Verfahrenstechnik
  • J. King: Separation Processes, McGraw-Hill, 2. Aufl. 1980
  • Sattler: Thermische Trennverfahren, VCH, Weinheim 1995
  • J.D. Seader, E.J. Henley: Separation Process Principles, Wiley, New York, 1998.
  • Mersmann: Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, Springer, 1980
  • Grassmann, Widmer, Sinn: Einführung in die Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, 3. Aufl., Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1997
  • Brunner, G.: Gas extraction. An introduction to fundamentals of supercritical fluids and the application to separation processes. Steinkopff, Darmstadt; Springer, New York; 1994. ISBN 3-7985-0944-1 ; ISBN 0-387-91477-3 .
  • R. Goedecke (Hrsg.): Fluid-Verfahrenstechnik, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2006.
    • Perry"s Chemical Engineers" Handbook, R.H. Perry, D.W. Green, J.O. Maloney (Hrsg.), 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York 1984 Ullmann"s Enzyklopädie der Technischen Chemie

Course L0119: Thermal Separation Processes
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Irina Smirnova
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  • Introduction in the thermal process engineering and to the main features of separation processes
  • Simple equilibrium processes, several steps processes
  • Distillation of binary mixtures, enthalpy-concentration diagrams
  • Extractive and azeotrope distillation, water vapor distillation, stepwise distillation
  • Extraction: separation ternary systems, ternary diagram
  • Multiphase separation including complex mixtures
  • Designing of separation devices without discrete stages
  • Drying
  • Chromatographic separation processes
  • Membrane separation
  • Energy demand of separation processes
  • Advance overview of separation processes
  • Selection of separation processes

The students work on tasks in small groups and present their results in front of all students.

  • G. Brunner: Skriptum Thermische Verfahrenstechnik
  • J. King: Separation Processes, McGraw-Hill, 2. Aufl. 1980
  • Sattler: Thermische Trennverfahren, VCH, Weinheim 1995
  • J.D. Seader, E.J. Henley: Separation Process Principles, Wiley, New York, 1998.
  • Mersmann: Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, Springer, 1980
  • Grassmann, Widmer, Sinn: Einführung in die Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, 3. Aufl., Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1997
  • Brunner, G.: Gas extraction. An introduction to fundamentals of supercritical fluids and the application to separation processes. Steinkopff, Darmstadt; Springer, New York; 1994. ISBN 3-7985-0944-1 ; ISBN 0-387-91477-3 .
  • R. Goedecke (Hrsg.): Fluid-Verfahrenstechnik, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2006.
  • Perry"s Chemical Engineers" Handbook, R.H. Perry, D.W. Green, J.O. Maloney (Hrsg.), 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York 1984 Ullmann"s Enzyklopädie der Technischen Chemie

Course L0141: Thermal Separation Processes
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Irina Smirnova
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  • Introduction in the thermal process engineering and to the main features of separation processes
  • Simple equilibrium processes, several steps processes
  • Distillation of binary mixtures, enthalpy-concentration diagrams
  • Extractive and azeotrope distillation, water vapor distillation, stepwise distillation
  • Extraction: separation ternary systems, ternary diagram
  • Multiphase separation including complex mixtures
  • Designing of separation devices without discrete stages
  • Drying
  • Chromatographic separation processes
  • Membrane separation
  • Energy demand of separation processes
  • Advance overview of separation processes
  • Selection of separation processes

  • G. Brunner: Skriptum Thermische Verfahrenstechnik
  • J. King: Separation Processes, McGraw-Hill, 2. Aufl. 1980
  • Sattler: Thermische Trennverfahren, VCH, Weinheim 1995
  • J.D. Seader, E.J. Henley: Separation Process Principles, Wiley, New York, 1998.
  • Mersmann: Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, Springer, 1980
  • Grassmann, Widmer, Sinn: Einführung in die Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, 3. Aufl., Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1997
  • Brunner, G.: Gas extraction. An introduction to fundamentals of supercritical fluids and the application to separation processes. Steinkopff, Darmstadt; Springer, New York; 1994. ISBN 3-7985-0944-1 ; ISBN 0-387-91477-3 .
  • R. Goedecke (Hrsg.): Fluid-Verfahrenstechnik, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2006.
  • Perry"s Chemical Engineers" Handbook, R.H. Perry, D.W. Green, J.O. Maloney (Hrsg.), 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York 1984 Ullmann"s Enzyklopädie der Technischen Chemie

Course L1159: Separation Processes
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Irina Smirnova
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe

The students work on eight different experiments in this practical course. For every one of the eight experiments, a colloquium takes place in which the students explain and discuss the theoretical background and its translation into practice with staff and fellow students.

The students work small groups with a high degree of division of labor. For every experiment, the students write a report. They receive instructions in terms of scientific writing as well as feedback on their own reports and level of scientific writing so they can increase their capabilities in this area.

Topics of the practical course:

  • Introduction in the thermal process engineering and to the main features of separation processes
  • Simple equilibrium processes, several steps processes
  • Distillation of binary mixtures, enthalpy-concentration diagrams
  • Extractive and azeotrope distillation, water vapor distillation, stepwise distillation
  • Extraction: separation ternary systems, ternary diagram
  • Multiphase separation including complex mixtures
  • Designing of separation devices without discrete stages
  • Drying
  • Chromatographic separation processes
  • Membrane separation
  • Energy demand of separation processes
  • Advance overview of separation processes
  • Selection of separation processes

  • G. Brunner: Skriptum Thermische Verfahrenstechnik
  • J. King: Separation Processes, McGraw-Hill, 2. Aufl. 1980
  • Sattler: Thermische Trennverfahren, VCH, Weinheim 1995
  • J.D. Seader, E.J. Henley: Separation Process Principles, Wiley, New York, 1998.
  • Mersmann: Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, Springer, 1980
  • Grassmann, Widmer, Sinn: Einführung in die Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, 3. Aufl., Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1997
  • Brunner, G.: Gas extraction. An introduction to fundamentals of supercritical fluids and the application to separation processes. Steinkopff, Darmstadt; Springer, New York; 1994. ISBN 3-7985-0944-1 ; ISBN 0-387-91477-3 .
  • R. Goedecke (Hrsg.): Fluid-Verfahrenstechnik, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2006.
  • Perry"s Chemical Engineers" Handbook, R.H. Perry, D.W. Green, J.O. Maloney (Hrsg.), 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York 1984 Ullmann"s Enzyklopädie der Technischen Chemie

Module M0892: Chemical Reaction Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Chemical Reaction Engineering (Fundamentals) (L0204) Lecture 2 2
Chemical Reaction Engineering (Fundamentals) (L0244) Recitation Section (large) 2 2
Experimental Course Chemical Engineering (Fundamentals) (L0221) Practical Course 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Raimund Horn
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Contents of the previous modules mathematics I-III, physical chemistry, technical thermodynamics I+II as well as computational methods for engineers.
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Knowledge The students are able to explain basic concepts of chemical reaction engineering. They are able to point out differences between thermodynamical and kinetical processes. The students have a strong ability to outline parts of isothermal and non-isothermal ideal reactors and to describe their properties.

After successful completion of the module, students are able to:

- apply different computational methods to dimension isothermal and non-isothermal ideal reactors,

- determine and compute stable operation points for these reactors ,

- conduct experiments on a lab-scale pilot plants and document these according to scientific guidelines.

Personal Competence
Social Competence After successful completition of the lab-course the students have a strong ability to organize themselfes in small groups to solve issues in chemical reaction engineering. The students can discuss their subject related knowledge among each other and with their teachers.
Autonomy The students are able to obtain further information and assess their relevance autonomously. Students can apply their knowldege discretely to plan, prepare and conduct experiments.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Chemical and Bioengineering: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0204: Chemical Reaction Engineering (Fundamentals)
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Raimund Horn
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Fundamentals of chemical reaction engineering, definitions, calculation of species concentrations (reactor, reaction mixture, reactants, products, inerts and solvents, reaction volume, Reaktor volume, chemical reaction, mass, moles, mole fraction, volume, density, molar concentration, mass-concentration, molality, partial pressure, hydrodynamic residence time, space time, extent of reaction, reactor throughput, reactor load, conversion, selectivity, yield, concentration calculations in stationary and flowing multicomponent-mixtures)

Stoichiometry and stoichiometric calculations (simple reactions, complex reactions, key reactions, key species, matrix of stoichiometric coefficients, linear dependent and independent reactions, element-species-matrix, row reduced form of a matrix, rank of a matrix, Gauss Jordan elimination, relation between stoichiometry and kinetics, calculating the extent of reaction from mole number changes in complex reactions)

Thermodynamics (What is thermodynamics?, importance of thermodynamics in chemical reaction engineering, zeroth law of thermodynamics, temperature scales, temperature measurements in praxis, first law of thermodynamics, internal energy, enthalpy, calorimeter, heat of reaction, standard heat of formation, Hess law, heat capacity, Kirchhoff law, standard heat of reaction, pressure dependence of the heat of reaction, second law of thermodynamics, reversible and irreversible processes, entropy, Clausius inequality, free energy, Gibbs Energy, chemical potential, chemical equilibrium, activity, van't Hoff law, calculation of chemical equilibrium, principle of Le Chatelier and Braun, equilibrium calculations in multiple reaction systems, Lagrange Multipliers)

Chemical kinetics (reversible and irreversible reactions, homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, elementary step, reaction mechanism, microkinetics, macrokinetics, formal kinetics, reaction rate, rate of change of species mole number, Arrhenius-equation, activation energy and pre-exponential factor for komplex reactions, reactions of 0., 1. and 2. order, analytical integration of rate laws, Damköhler-number, differential and integral method of kinetic analysis, laboratory reactors for kinetic measurements, half life, kinetics of complex reactions, parallel reactions, reversible reactions, sequence of reactions, irreversible reaction with pre-equilibrium, reduction of reaction mechanisms, quasi-stationarity principle of Bodenstein, rate limiting step, Michaelis-Menten kinetics, analytical integration of first order differential equations - integrating factor, numerical integration of complex kinetics)

Types of chemical Reaktors (chemical reactors in industry and laboratory, ideal vs. real reaktors, discontinuous, half continuous and continuous reactors, single phase - biphasic- and multiphase reactors, batch-reactor, semi-batch reactor, CSTR, Plug Flow reactor, fixed bed reactor, adiabatic staged reactors, rotating furnaces, fluidized bed reactors, gas-liquid-reactors, multi-phase reactors)

Isothermal ideal reactors (mole-balance of a chemical reactor, mole balance of a batch reactor, integration of the batch reactor mole balance for various kinetics, partial fraction decomposition, mole balance of the semi-batch reactor, mole balance of the plug flow reactor, analogy batch reactor - plug flow reactor, design of plug flow reactors for reactions with volume change and complex reactions, mole balance of a fixed bed reactor, design of a membrane reactor, mole balance of a continuously stirred tank reactor, comparison of CSTR and PFR with respect to conversion and selectivity, mole-balance of a cascade of tank reactors, numerical-interative calculation of a cascade of tank reactors, Newton-Raphson method, graphical analysis of a cascade of tank reactors)

non-isothermal ideal reactors (energy balance of a reactor, adiabatic reactor, adiabatic temperature rise, staged reactor for adiabatic exothermic reactions limited by chemical equilibrium, design of an adiabatic plug flow reactor, Levenspiel-plots, heat transfer through a reactor wall, heat transfer by convection, heat conduction, heat transfer through a cylindrical wall, design of a plug flow reactor in parallel and counter flow, heat balance of the cooling fluid, CSTR with heat exchange, multiple stationary states, ignition-extinction behavior, stability of a CSTR, complex reactions in non-isothermal reactors, optimum temperature profile of a reactor)


lecture notes Raimund Horn

skript Frerich Keil


M. Baerns, A. Behr, A. Brehm, J. Gmehling, H. Hofmann, U. Onken, A. Renken, Technische Chemie, Wiley-VCH

G. Emig, E. Klemm, Technische Chemie, Springer

A. Behr, D. W. Agar, J. Jörissen, Einführung in die Technische Chemie 

E. Müller-Erlwein, Chemische Reaktionstechnik 2012, 2. Auflage, Teubner Verlag

J. Hagen, Chemiereaktoren: Auslegung und Simulation, 2004, Wiley-VCH

H. S. Fogler, Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Prentice Hall B

H. S. Fogler, Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Prentice Hall

O. Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 1998 

L. D. Schmidt, The Engineering of Chemical Reactions, Oxford Univ. Press, 2009

J. B. Butt, Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Design, 2000, Marcel Dekker

R. Aris, Elementary Chemical Reactor Analysis, Dover Pubn. Inc., 2000

M. E. Davis, R. J. Davis, Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering, McGraw Hill

G. F. Froment, K. B. Bischoff, J. De Wilde, Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design, John Wiley & Sons, 2010

A. Jess, P. Wasserscheid, Chemical Technology  An Integrated Textbook, WILEY-VCH 

Course L0244: Chemical Reaction Engineering (Fundamentals)
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Raimund Horn, Dr. Oliver Korup
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Fundamentals of chemical reaction engineering, definitions, calculation of species concentrations (reactor, reaction mixture, reactants, products, inerts and solvents, reaction volume, Reaktor volume, chemical reaction, mass, moles, mole fraction, volume, density, molar concentration, mass-concentration, molality, partial pressure, hydrodynamic residence time, space time, extent of reaction, reactor throughput, reactor load, conversion, selectivity, yield, concentration calculations in stationary and flowing multicomponent-mixtures)

Stoichiometry and stoichiometric calculations (simple reactions, complex reactions, key reactions, key species, matrix of stoichiometric coefficients, linear dependent and independent reactions, element-species-matrix, row reduced form of a matrix, rank of a matrix, Gauss Jordan elimination, relation between stoichiometry and kinetics, calculating the extent of reaction from mole number changes in complex reactions)

Thermodynamics (What is thermodynamics?, importance of thermodynamics in chemical reaction engineering, zeroth law of thermodynamics, temperature scales, temperature measurements in praxis, first law of thermodynamics, internal energy, enthalpy, calorimeter, heat of reaction, standard heat of formation, Hess law, heat capacity, Kirchhoff law, standard heat of reaction, pressure dependence of the heat of reaction, second law of thermodynamics, reversible and irreversible processes, entropy, Clausius inequality, free energy, Gibbs Energy, chemical potential, chemical equilibrium, activity, van't Hoff law, calculation of chemical equilibrium, principle of Le Chatelier and Braun, equilibrium calculations in multiple reaction systems, Lagrange Multipliers)

Chemical kinetics (reversible and irreversible reactions, homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, elementary step, reaction mechanism, microkinetics, macrokinetics, formal kinetics, reaction rate, rate of change of species mole number, Arrhenius-equation, activation energy and pre-exponential factor for komplex reactions, reactions of 0., 1. and 2. order, analytical integration of rate laws, Damköhler-number, differential and integral method of kinetic analysis, laboratory reactors for kinetic measurements, half life, kinetics of complex reactions, parallel reactions, reversible reactions, sequence of reactions, irreversible reaction with pre-equilibrium, reduction of reaction mechanisms, quasi-stationarity principle of Bodenstein, rate limiting step, Michaelis-Menten kinetics, analytical integration of first order differential equations - integrating factor, numerical integration of complex kinetics)

Types of chemical Reaktors (chemical reactors in industry and laboratory, ideal vs. real reaktors, discontinuous, half continuous and continuous reactors, single phase - biphasic- and multiphase reactors, batch-reactor, semi-batch reactor, CSTR, Plug Flow reactor, fixed bed reactor, adiabatic staged reactors, rotating furnaces, fluidized bed reactors, gas-liquid-reactors, multi-phase reactors)

Isothermal ideal reactors (mole-balance of a chemical reactor, mole balance of a batch reactor, integration of the batch reactor mole balance for various kinetics, partial fraction decomposition, mole balance of the semi-batch reactor, mole balance of the plug flow reactor, analogy batch reactor - plug flow reactor, design of plug flow reactors for reactions with volume change and complex reactions, mole balance of a fixed bed reactor, design of a membrane reactor, mole balance of a continuously stirred tank reactor, comparison of CSTR and PFR with respect to conversion and selectivity, mole-balance of a cascade of tank reactors, numerical-interative calculation of a cascade of tank reactors, Newton-Raphson method, graphical analysis of a cascade of tank reactors)

non-isothermal ideal reactors (energy balance of a reactor, adiabatic reactor, adiabatic temperature rise, staged reactor for adiabatic exothermic reactions limited by chemical equilibrium, design of an adiabatic plug flow reactor, Levenspiel-plots, heat transfer through a reactor wall, heat transfer by convection, heat conduction, heat transfer through a cylindrical wall, design of a plug flow reactor in parallel and counter flow, heat balance of the cooling fluid, CSTR with heat exchange, multiple stationary states, ignition-extinction behavior, stability of a CSTR, complex reactions in non-isothermal reactors, optimum temperature profile of a reactor)


lecture notes Raimund Horn

skript Frerich Keil


M. Baerns, A. Behr, A. Brehm, J. Gmehling, H. Hofmann, U. Onken, A. Renken, Technische Chemie, Wiley-VCH

G. Emig, E. Klemm, Technische Chemie, Springer

A. Behr, D. W. Agar, J. Jörissen, Einführung in die Technische Chemie 

E. Müller-Erlwein, Chemische Reaktionstechnik 2012, 2. Auflage, Teubner Verlag

J. Hagen, Chemiereaktoren: Auslegung und Simulation, 2004, Wiley-VCH

H. S. Fogler, Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Prentice Hall B

H. S. Fogler, Essentials of Chemical Reaction Engineering, Prentice Hall

O. Levenspiel, Chemical Reaction Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 1998 

L. D. Schmidt, The Engineering of Chemical Reactions, Oxford Univ. Press, 2009

J. B. Butt, Reaction Kinetics and Reactor Design, 2000, Marcel Dekker

R. Aris, Elementary Chemical Reactor Analysis, Dover Pubn. Inc., 2000

M. E. Davis, R. J. Davis, Fundamentals of Chemical Reaction Engineering, McGraw Hill

G. F. Froment, K. B. Bischoff, J. De Wilde, Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design, John Wiley & Sons, 2010

A. Jess, P. Wasserscheid, Chemical Technology  An Integrated Textbook, WILEY-VCH 

Course L0221: Experimental Course Chemical Engineering (Fundamentals)
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Raimund Horn
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe

Performing and evaluation of experiments concerning chemical reaction engineering with emphasis on ideal reactors:

* Batch reactor - Estimation of kinetic parameters for the saponification of ethylacetate

*CSTR - Residence time distribution, reaction

*CSTR in Series - Residence time distribution, reaction

* Plug Flow Reactor - Residence time distribution, reaction

Before the practical conduct of the experiments a colloquium takes place in which the students explain, reflect and discuss the theoretical basics and their translation into practice.

The students write up a report for every experiment. They receive feedback to their level of scientific writing (citation methods, labeling of graphs, etc.), so that they can improve their competence in this field over the course of the practical course.


Levenspiel, O.: Chemical reaction engineering; John Wiley & Sons, New York, 3. Ed., 1999 VTM 309(LB)


Skript Chemische Verfahrenstechnik 1 (F.Keil)

Module M1713: Green Technologies III

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Study Work Green Technologies (L2766) Project Seminar 2 4
Scientific Work and Writing (L2765) Seminar 2 2
Module Responsible Dozenten des Studiengangs
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge keine
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students, based on a literature survey, learn to study in detail a subject theme from the disciplines of green technologies and deliver afterwards a summary presentation to a specialised audience. Environmental issues and their multidisciplinary linkages are preferred, when selecting the thematic area of these studies. Through their own written contribution the students communicate an overview over the subject and practice technical writing. With the discussion the students practice scientific debating on a specialised subject matter.


The students can, when working on a technical topic not familiar to them:

  • conduct a literature survey
  • choose the relevant information for their presentation
  • prepare a written summary
  • present results in front of peers and staff
  • correctly cite and reference sources.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students practice a critical assessment of the literature in a predefined specialised theme and learn to give presentations on their own technical sub-topic tailored to their public and discuss with the audience. When attending technical presentations, the students can formulate questions to other speakers and participate in the ensuing discussion.

The fulfilment of the tasks combines independent work with group and teamwork.


The students can, guided by instructors, critically reflect on their learning and work status, and write a scientific report.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Study work
Examination duration and scale -
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Water and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Water Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Systems / Renewable Energies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Course L2766: Study Work Green Technologies
Typ Project Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dozenten des Studiengangs
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Students carry out a research project in a scientific field under the guidance of an academic staff member. For this purpose, the student can approach the staff of the respective institute and discuss a topic. The topic is then worked on within 4 weeks and regular consultations are held with the supervisor. The student research project should be the size of a scientific article and must be presented to the lecturer after completion as part of a presentation (approx. 15 minutes).

Course L2765: Scientific Work and Writing
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dozenten des Studiengangs, Dr. Detlev Bieler, Florian Hagen
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

The seminar offers an introduction into the diverse aspects of academic research and writing: Finding the topic, finding specialized information, knowledge organisation, writing, presenting and publishing. Suggestions for reflecting own processes of learning, informing and writing - in addition to practical recommendations and tips - facilitate the start and the creation of bachelor and master theses, works, which bring thoroughly self-fulfillment and make fun.

Topics of the seminar will be in particular

  • Scientific scholarship and academic research methods:
  • Introduction, organization, attributes of science:
    How is scientific knowledge created?
    Work scheduling, finding topics, time management, specialities of academic research in engineering
  • Finding specialized information: Full texts and library resources, databases
  • Reference management:
    Knowledge organisation and creating publications with Citavi
  • Citing correctly and avoiding plagiarism
  • Preparing and doing presentations
  1. Semesterapparat "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" in der TU-Bibliothek:
  2. Weblog Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten der TU-Bibliothek:
  3. Online-Tutorial VISION der TU-Bibliothek zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten: (funktioniert nur mit installiertem Flash)
  4. Andreas Hirsch-Weber, Stefan Scherer: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Abschlussarbeit in Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften : Grundlagen, Praxisbeispiele, Übungen. Stuttgart: Ulmer, 2016.
  5. Werner Sesink: Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten : inklusive E-Learning, Web-Recherche, digitale Präsentation u.a. 9., aktualisierte Aufl. München : Oldenbourg, 2012.
  6. Judith Theuerkauf: Schreiben im Ingenieurstudium : effektiv und effizient zur Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorarbeit. Paderborn : Schöningh, 2012.
  7. Wolfsberger, Judith: Frei geschrieben : Mut, Freiheit & Strategie für wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeiten. Wien: Böhlau, 2010
  8. Biedermann, Wieland u.a.: Forschungsmethodik in den Ingenieurwissenschaften : Skript vom Lehrstuhl für Produktentwicklung, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann, Technische Universität München (TUM), 2012.
  9. Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten - HOOU Angebot der HCU Hamburg:
  1. Course Reserves Collection "Scholarly Research Methods" in the TUHH library:
  2. Scholarly research methods via TUHH library Website:
  3. VISION - Online-Tutorial on research methods by the TUHH library: (Flash has to be installed)
  4. Scientific papers and presentations / Martha Davis. 3. ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier / Academic Press, 2013. 
  5. Writing for science and engineering : papers, presentations and reports / Heather Silyn-Roberts. 2nd ed. Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2013.
  6. How to research / Loraine Blaxter, Christina Hughes and Malcolm Tight. Maidenhead : Open Univ. Press, 2010.
  7. Managing information for research : practical help in researching, writing and designing dissertations / Elizabeth Orna and Graham Stevens. Maidenhead : Open University Press McGraw-Hill, 2009.
  8. Writing scientific research articles : strategy and steps / Margaret Cargill and Patrick O’Connor. Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

Module M1761: Biological and Biochemical Fundamentals

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Biological and Biochemical Fundamentals (L2900) Lecture 2 2
Fundamental Biological and Biochemical Practical Course (L2901) Practical Course 3 3
Introduction to the Biological and Biochemical Practical Course (L2902) Lecture 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Johannes Gescher
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

The module is divided into two parts. In the winter semester, a lecture with 2 semester hours per week is offered. No previous knowledge is required for this lecture. In the following summer semester, the second part of the module is offered. This is divided into an internship and an introductory lecture. For these two parts of the module, attendance of the lecture in the winter semester is strongly recommended. 

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The module aims to teach you the basic principles of biological systems and biocatalysts. You will learn how organisms are constructed and what basic characteristics can be used to distinguish organisms from the three kingdoms of life. You will learn about the ways in which biological systems can produce energy and you will apply the principles of biological thermodynamics. In addition, you will learn how enzymes are constructed and, using some classes of enzymes as examples, you will learn how enzymes exert their effect. 

At the end of the module

- you will be able to describe basic principles of living systems and explain the metabolism of organisms by applying them.

- you will be able to assign organisms to the three kingdoms of life based on some basic characteristics

- you will be able to describe the tasks of enzymes generically on the basis of some example reactions

- you will be able to deduce from the basic characteristics of organisms and enzymes which biotechnological applications are possible with these systems. 

- you can understand and use the technical vocabulary of biological systems and processes

- you will be able to perform simple bioinformatic operations to assign DNA sequences to a function

- you can confidently apply the basic principles of using primary literature 


The students master the basic techniques of sterile work and molecular diagnostics. They can independently prepare media and maintain microorganisms in culture. In addition, they can isolate and characterize organisms from enrichment cultures and environmental samples. 

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able,

- to gather knowledge in groups of about 2 to 10 students

- to introduce their own knowledge and to argue their view in discussions in teams

- to divide a complex task into subtasks, solve these and to present the combined results 


Students are able to independently structure their internship days and prioritize tasks. Furthermore, they are able to collect and process basic information on microorganisms via a literature search.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Presentation Zusammenstellung der Ergebnisse des Praktikums
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Chemical and Bioengineering: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation III. Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Course L2900: Biological and Biochemical Fundamentals
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Johannes Gescher
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

In the lecture we will learn the basic characteristics of organisms of all kingdoms of life. This includes cell biology as well as cell physiology. We understand the energetic foundations of living systems and the variety of possible metabolic concepts of life. From these basic laws we will understand how and to what extent an application and genetic reprogramming of organisms for application can take place.


Fuchs: Allgemeine Mikrobiologie, 11. vollständig überarbeitete Auflage 2022; ISBN: 9783132434776

Brock: Biology of Microorganisms, ISBN-13:  9780134626109

Course L2901: Fundamental Biological and Biochemical Practical Course
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Johannes Gescher
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

The aim of the practical course is to teach basic microbiological and molecular biological techniques on the basis of individual research assignments and control experiments. In doing so, organisms are to be isolated in this practical course, which will be further processed by students of the 4th and 6th semester in two independent modules. 


Steinbüchel: Mikrobiologisches Praktikum, ISBN:  978-3-662-63234-5

Course L2902: Introduction to the Biological and Biochemical Practical Course
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Johannes Gescher
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

The aim of the introductory lecture is to explain different methods used and their range of application. In addition, we will clarify specific physiological characteristics of the microorganisms to be isolated.  


Steinbüchel: Mikrobiologisches Praktikum, ISBN:  978-3-662-63234-5

Module M1764: Bioprocess Technology I

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Bioprocess Technology I (L2906) Lecture 2 3
Bioprocess Technology I (L2907) Recitation Section (large) 2 1
Bioprocess Technology I - Fundamental Practical Course (L2908) Practical Course 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Andreas Liese
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Content of module "Biological and Biochemical Fundamentals"
  • Content of module “Organic Chemistry”
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Upon completion of the module, students will be able to:

  • to describe basic processes of bioprocess engineering,
  • to assign different types of kinetics to enzymes and microorganisms and to distinguish inhibition types,
  • to name and describe the parameters of stoichiometry and rheology,
  • to explain the mass transport processes in bioreactors fundamentally,
  • to understand and describe the basics of bioprocess management (batch and continuously operated reactor types, calculation of the batch reaction time,...) in great detail,
  • to explain methods for the retention of enzymes and microorganisms by immobilization in bioreactors.

After successful completion of this module, students should be able to

  • using various kinetic approaches, to determine substrate turnover by enzymes as well as their kinetic parameters,
  • describe the growth of whole cells with the help of different kinetic approaches as well as to determine their kinetic parameters,
  • qualitatively predict the effects of enzyme inhibition on the behavior of enzymes and on the overall process,
  • analyze and determine bioprocesses based on the stoichiometry of the reaction system,
  • differentiate the various basic reactor types in biotechnological processes and select them specifically for the respective application,
  • set up and solve mass balance and differential equations for the mathematical description of fermentation processes,
  • apply various methods for determining mass transfer parameters for gases in solution and calculate the corresponding mass transfer coefficients
Personal Competence
Social Competence

After completing the module, students are able to discuss scientific questions among themselves and with industry representatives in mixed teams, to represent their views on them and to work together on given engineering and scientific tasks.


After completion of this module participants are able to acquire new sources of knowledge and apply their knowledge to previously unknown issues and to present these.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes 5 % Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Chemical and Bioengineering: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Biomedical Engineering: Specialisation Implants and Endoprostheses: Elective Compulsory
Biomedical Engineering: Specialisation Management and Business Administration: Elective Compulsory
Biomedical Engineering: Specialisation Medical Technology and Control Theory: Elective Compulsory
Biomedical Engineering: Specialisation Artificial Organs and Regenerative Medicine: Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation III. Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Course L2906: Bioprocess Technology I
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Andreas Liese
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  • Introduction to enzyme kinetics
  • Immobilisation of enzymes and whole cells
  • Stoichiometry of cell growth and product formation
  • Microbial growth kinetics and growth models
  • Maintenance metabolism
  • Basic bioprocess reactor types
  • Batch, fed-batch, chemostate and turbidostate fermentation
  • Calculation of main parameters of fermentative processes
  • Rheology and mechanical energy input
  • Gassing of bioprocesses (aerobic and microaerobic)
  • Discussion with bioprocess engineers of large and small companies, proportionally alumni of TUHH
  • Repetitorium

A. Liese, K. Seelbach, C. Wandrey: Industrial Biotransformations, Wiley-VCH,2nd ed. 2006

H.W. Blanch, D. Clark: Biochemical Engineering, Taylor & Francis, 1997 

P. M. Doran: Bioprocess Engineering Principles, 2nd. edition, Academic Press, 2013

H. Chmiel, R. Takors, D. Weuster-Botz (Herausgeber): Bioprozeßtechnik, Springer Spektrum, 2018

K.-E. Jaeger, A. Liese, C. Syldatk: Einführung in die Enzymtechnologie, Springer, 2018

Course L2907: Bioprocess Technology I
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 2, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Andreas Liese
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L2908: Bioprocess Technology I - Fundamental Practical Course
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Andreas Liese
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

In this course fermentation and downstream technologies on the example of the production of an enzyme by means of a recombinant microorganism is learned. Detailed characterization and simulation of enzyme kinetics as well as application of the enzyme in a bioreactor is carried out.

The students document their experiments and results in a protocol.

· Praktikumsskript bereitgestellt über StudIP

· Bioprozesstechnik-Vorlesung & -Vorlesungsskript

· Jaeger, K.-E., Liese, A., Syldatk, C. (2018). Einführung in die Enzymtechnologie. Springer Spektrum.

· Hilterhaus, L., Liese, A., Kettling, U., Antranikian, G. (2016). Applied Biocatalysis. Wiley-VCH.

· Hass, V. C., Pörtner, R. (2011). Praxis der Bioprozesstechnik mit virtuellem Praktikum. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag.

· Chmiel, H. (2018). Bioprozesstechnik. Springer Spektrum.

· Liese, A., Seelbach, K., Wandrey, C. (2006). Industrial Biotransformations. Wiley-VCH.

· Bommarius, S., Riebel, B. (2004). Biocatalysis: Fundamentals and Applications. Wiley-Blackwell.

· Schmid, R. D. (2003). Pocket Guide to Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering. Wiley-Blackwell.

Module M0829: Foundations of Management

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Management Tutorial (L0882) Recitation Section (small) 2 3
Introduction to Management (L0880) Lecture 3 3
Module Responsible Prof. Christian Lüthje
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Basic Knowledge of Mathematics and Business
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After taking this module, students know the important basics of many different areas in Business and Management, from Planning and Organisation to Marketing and Innovation, and also to Investment and Controlling. In particular they are able to

  • explain the differences between Economics and Management and the sub-disciplines in Management and to name important definitions from the field of Management
  • explain the most important aspects of and goals in Management and name the most important aspects of entreprneurial projects 
  • describe and explain basic business functions as production, procurement and sourcing, supply chain management, organization and human ressource management, information management, innovation management and marketing 
  • explain the relevance of planning and decision making in Business, esp. in situations under multiple objectives and uncertainty, and explain some basic methods from mathematical Finance 
  • state basics from accounting and costing and selected controlling methods.

Students are able to analyse business units with respect to different criteria (organization, objectives, strategies etc.) and to carry out an Entrepreneurship project in a team. In particular, they are able to

  • analyse Management goals and structure them appropriately
  • analyse organisational and staff structures of companies
  • apply methods for decision making under multiple objectives, under uncertainty and under risk
  • analyse production and procurement systems and Business information systems
  • analyse and apply basic methods of marketing
  • select and apply basic methods from mathematical finance to predefined problems
  • apply basic methods from accounting, costing and controlling to predefined problems

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to

  • work successfully in a team of students
  • to apply their knowledge from the lecture to an entrepreneurship project and write a coherent report on the project
  • to communicate appropriately and
  • to cooperate respectfully with their fellow students. 

Students are able to

  • work in a team and to organize the team themselves
  • to write a report on their project.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale several written exams during the semester plus final test (90 minutes)
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Core Qualification: Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Civil Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water and Environment: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Traffic and Mobility: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bio Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Data Science: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Systems / Renewable Energies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Water Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Biomechanics: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Materials in Engineering Sciences: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Product Development and Production: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Aircraft Systems Engineering: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Mechatronics: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Electrical Systems: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Dynamic Systems and AI: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Medical Engineering: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Robot- and Machine-Systems: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Naval Engineering: Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Technomathematics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0882: Management Tutorial
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Christian Lüthje
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

In the management tutorial, the contents of the lecture will be deepened by practical examples and the application of the discussed tools.

If there is adequate demand, a problem-oriented tutorial will be offered in parallel, which students can choose alternatively. Here, students work in groups on self-selected projects that focus on the elaboration of an innovative business idea from the point of view of an established company or a startup. Again, the business knowledge from the lecture should come to practical use. The group projects are guided by a mentor.

Literature Relevante Literatur aus der korrespondierenden Vorlesung.
Course L0880: Introduction to Management
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Matthias Meyer, Prof. Christian Lüthje, Prof. Christian Ringle, Prof. Christian Thies, Prof. Christoph Ihl, Prof. Kathrin Fischer, Prof. Moritz Göldner, Prof. Thomas Wrona, Prof. Thorsten Blecker, Prof. Tim Schweisfurth, Prof. Wolfgang Kersten
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe
  • Introduction to Business and Management, Business versus Economics, relevant areas in Business and Management
  • Important definitions from Management, 
  • Developing Objectives for Business, and their relation to important Business functions
  • Business Functions: Functions of the Value Chain, e.g. Production and Procurement, Supply Chain Management, Innovation Management, Marketing and Sales
    Cross-sectional Functions, e.g. Organisation, Human Ressource Management, Supply Chain Management, Information Management
  • Definitions as information, information systems, aspects of data security and strategic information systems
  • Definition and Relevance of innovations, e.g. innovation opporunities, risks etc.
  • Relevance of marketing, B2B vs. B2C-Marketing
  • different techniques from the field of marketing (e.g. scenario technique), pricing strategies
  • important organizational structures
  • basics of human ressource management
  • Introduction to Business Planning and the steps of a planning process
  • Decision Analysis: Elements of decision problems and methods for solving decision problems
  • Selected Planning Tasks, e.g. Investment and Financial Decisions
  • Introduction to Accounting: Accounting, Balance-Sheets, Costing
  • Relevance of Controlling and selected Controlling methods
  • Important aspects of Entrepreneurship projects


Bamberg, G., Coenenberg, A.: Betriebswirtschaftliche Entscheidungslehre, 14. Aufl., München 2008

Eisenführ, F., Weber, M.: Rationales Entscheiden, 4. Aufl., Berlin et al. 2003

Heinhold, M.: Buchführung in Fallbeispielen, 10. Aufl., Stuttgart 2006.

Kruschwitz, L.: Finanzmathematik. 3. Auflage, München 2001.

Pellens, B., Fülbier, R. U., Gassen, J., Sellhorn, T.: Internationale Rechnungslegung, 7. Aufl., Stuttgart 2008.

Schweitzer, M.: Planung und Steuerung, in: Bea/Friedl/Schweitzer: Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Bd. 2: Führung, 9. Aufl., Stuttgart 2005.

Weber, J., Schäffer, U. : Einführung in das Controlling, 12. Auflage, Stuttgart 2008.

Weber, J./Weißenberger, B.: Einführung in das Rechnungswesen, 7. Auflage, Stuttgart 2006. 

Module M1969: Conceptual Process Design

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Conceptual Process Design (L3217) Lecture 2 3
Conceptual Process Design (L3218) Recitation Section (large) 2 2
Conceptual Process Design (L3219) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Process engineering fundamentals, in particular unit operations in mechanical and thermal process engineering and chemical reaction engineering

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to

- classify and formulate global balance equations and linear material balance models for process engineering systems

- understand and apply system concepts

- explain and apply strategies for the synthesis of reactors in the synthesis of separation systems

- understand PINCH analyses

- specify static and dynamic methods of cost and profitability calculation

- Specify static and dynamic methods of cost and profitability calculation


Students are enabled to

- prepare mass and energy balances of  processes and calculate the flows

- calculate mass flows in complex process engineering plants with the aid of linear material balance models

- solve balance equalization problems

- perform structured process synthesis for reactors

- perform structured process synthesis for separation systems

- Carry out PINCH analyses

- make quantitative statements about manufacturing costs and the economic efficiency of production processes

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to develop solutions together in heterogeneous small groups


Students are enabled to acquire knowledge independently on the basis of further literature

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes 10 % Subject theoretical and practical work
No 5 % Midterm
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Chemical and Bioengineering: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L3217: Conceptual Process Design
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

Methods and tools

- Global balances, flowsheets of processes, balance compensation and data validation

Process synthesis

- Structure of process engineering processes, decision levels in process development, reactor synthesis, synthesis of separation processes, alternatives and selection criteria, energy integration

Cost accounting and project management

Manufacturing costs, investment costs, economic evaluation and fundamentals of project management

Course L3218: Conceptual Process Design
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L3219: Conceptual Process Design
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Mirko Skiborowski
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0544: Phase Equilibria Thermodynamics

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Phase Equilibria Thermodynamics (L0114) Lecture 2 2
Phase Equilibria Thermodynamics (L0140) Recitation Section (small) 1 2
Phase Equilibria Thermodynamics (L0142) Recitation Section (large) 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Irina Smirnova
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Mathematics, Physical Chemistry, Thermodynamics I and II

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
  • Starting from the very basics of thermodynamics, the students learn the mathematical tools to describe thermodynamic equilibria.
  • They learn how state variables are influenced by the mixing of compounds and learn concepts to quantitatively describe these properties.
  • Moreover, the students learn how phase equilibria can be described mathematically and which phenomena may occur if different phases (vapor, liquid, solid) coexist in equilibrium. Furthermore the fundamentals of reaction equilibria are taught.
  • For different phase equilibria, several examples relevant for different kinds of processes are shown and the necessary knowledge for plotting and interpreting the equilibria are taught.

  • Applying their knowledge, the students are able to identify the correct equation for the determination of the equilibrium state and know how to simplify these equations meaningfully.
  • The students know models which can be used to determine the properties of the system in the equilibrium state and they are able to solve the resulting mathematical relations.
  • For specific applications, they are able to self-reliantly find necessary physico-chemical properties of compounds as well as model parameters in literature sources.
  • Beside pure compound properties the students are capable of describing the properties of mixtures.
  • The students know how to visualize phase equilibria graphically and they know how to interpret the occurring phenomena.
  • Based on their knowledge, the students are able to understand fundamental concepts that are the basis for many separation and reaction processes in chemical engineering.

Personal Competence
Social Competence The students are able to work in small groups, to solve the corresponding problems and to present them oraly to the tutors and other students
  • The students are able to find necessary information self-reliantly in literature sources and to judge their quality.
  • During the semester the students are able to check their learning progress continuously in exercises. Based on this knowledge the students can adept their learning process.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 minutes; theoretical questions and calculations
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Chemical and Bioengineering: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Systems / Renewable Energies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0114: Phase Equilibria Thermodynamics
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Irina Smirnova
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

  1. Introduction: Applications of thermodynamics of mixtures
  2. Thermodynamic equations in multi-component systems: Fundamental equations, chemical potential, fugacity
  3. Phase equilibria of pure substances: thermodynamic equilibrium, vapor pressure, Gibbs’ phase rule
  4. Equations of state: virial equations, van-der-Waals equation, generalized equations of state
  5. Mixing properties: ideal and real mixtures, excess properties, partial molar properties
  6. Vapor-liquid-equilibria: binary systems, azeotropes, equilibrium condition
  7. Gas-liquid-equilibria: equilibrium condition, Henry-coefficient
  8. GE-Models: Hildebrand-model, Flory-Huggins-model, Wilson-model, UNIQUAC, UNIFAC
  9. Liquid-liquid-equilibria: equilibrium condition, phase equilibria in binary and ternary systems
  10. Solid-liquid-equilibria: equilibrium condition, binary systems
  11. Chemical reactions: reaction coordinate, mass action law, influence of pressure and temperature
  12. Osmotic pressure
  • Jürgen Gmehling, Bärbel Kolbe: Thermodynamik. VCH 1992
  • J.M. Prausnitz, R.N. Lichtenthaler, E.G. de Azevedo: Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria, 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 1999.
  • J.W. Tester, M. Modell: Thermodynamics and its Applications. 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 1997.J.P. O´Connell, J.M. Haile: Thermodynamics. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Course L0140: Phase Equilibria Thermodynamics
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Irina Smirnova
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  1. Introduction: Applications of thermodynamics of mixtures
  2. Thermodynamic equations in multi-component systems: Fundamental equations, chemical potential, fugacity
  3. Phase equilibria of pure substances: thermodynamic equilibrium, vapor pressure, Gibbs’ phase rule
  4. Equations of state: virial equations, van-der-Waals equation, generalized equations of state
  5. Mixing properties: ideal and real mixtures, excess properties, partial molar properties
  6. Vapor-liquid-equilibria: binary systems, azeotropes, equilibrium condition
  7. Gas-liquid-equilibria: equilibrium condition, Henry-coefficient
  8. GE-Models: Hildebrand-model, Flory-Huggins-model, Wilson-model, UNIQUAC, UNIFAC
  9. Liquid-liquid-equilibria: equilibrium condition, phase equilibria in binary and ternary systems
  10. Solid-liquid-equilibria: equilibrium condition, binary systems
  11. Chemical reactions: reaction coordinate, mass action law, influence of pressure and temperature
  12. Osmotic pressure

The students work on tasks in small groups and present their results in front of all students.

  • Jürgen Gmehling, Bärbel Kolbe: Thermodynamik. VCH 1992
  • J.M. Prausnitz, R.N. Lichtenthaler, E.G. de Azevedo: Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria, 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 1999.
  • J.W. Tester, M. Modell: Thermodynamics and its Applications. 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 1997.J.P. O´Connell, J.M. Haile: Thermodynamics. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Course L0142: Phase Equilibria Thermodynamics
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Irina Smirnova
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  1. Introduction: Applications of thermodynamics of mixtures
  2. Thermodynamic equations in multi-component systems: Fundamental equations, chemical potential, fugacity
  3. Phase equilibria of pure substances: thermodynamic equilibrium, vapor pressure, Gibbs’ phase rule
  4. Equations of state: virial equations, van-der-Waals equation, generalized equations of state
  5. Mixing properties: ideal and real mixtures, excess properties, partial molar properties
  6. Vapor-liquid-equilibria: binary systems, azeotropes, equilibrium condition
  7. Gas-liquid-equilibria: equilibrium condition, Henry-coefficient
  8. GE-Models: Hildebrand-model, Flory-Huggins-model, Wilson-model, UNIQUAC, UNIFAC
  9. Liquid-liquid-equilibria: equilibrium condition, phase equilibria in binary and ternary systems
  10. Solid-liquid-equilibria: equilibrium condition, binary systems
  11. Chemical reactions: reaction coordinate, mass action law, influence of pressure and temperature
  12. Osmotic pressure

  • Jürgen Gmehling, Bärbel Kolbe: Thermodynamik. VCH 1992
  • J.M. Prausnitz, R.N. Lichtenthaler, E.G. de Azevedo: Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria, 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 1999.
  • J.W. Tester, M. Modell: Thermodynamics and its Applications. 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 1997.J.P. O´Connell, J.M. Haile: Thermodynamics. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Module M0877: Fundamentals in Molecular Biology

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Genetics and Molecular Biology (L0889) Project-/problem-based Learning 1 1
Genetics and Molecular Biology (L0886) Lecture 2 2
Molecular Biology Lab Course (L0890) Practical Course 3 3
Module Responsible Prof. Johannes Gescher
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Lecture Biochemistry

Lecture Microbiology

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After successfully finishing this module students are able

  • to give an overview of the basic genetic processes in the cell
  • to explain basic molecularbiological methods
  • to give an overview of -omics strategies
  • to explain genetic differences between pro- and eukaryotes


Students are able to

  • consider safety measurements when working in the laboratory
  • work sterile
  • cultivate microorganisms aerobically
  • measure enzyme activity
  • identify microorganisms based and physiological assays and 16S rRNA encoding gene sequences
  • apply core knowledge of the lectures "Biochemistry" and "Microbiology" in laboratory experiments
  • scientific poster design and presentation
Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to

  • conduct laboratory experiments in teams
  • write protocols in teams
  • develop solutions for given problems
  • develop and distribute work assignments for given problems
  • present and reflect their specific knowledge in discussions with fellow students and tutors
  • present and discuss their own scientific poster

Students are able to

  • search information for a given problem by themselves
  • prepare summaries of their search results for the team
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes 20 % Subject theoretical and practical work Erstellung und Präsentation eines wissenschaftlichen Posters
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 60 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Chemical and Bioengineering: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bio Engineering: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering, Focus Bio Engineering: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Course L0889: Genetics and Molecular Biology
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Johannes Gescher
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0886: Genetics and Molecular Biology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Johannes Gescher
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

- Organisation, structure and function of procaryotic DNA

- DNA replication, transcription, translation

- Regulation of gene expression

- Mechanisms of gene transfer, recombination, transposition

- Mutatuion and DNA repair

- DNA cloning

- DNA sequencing

- Polymerase chain reaction

- Genome sequencing, (meta)genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics


Rolf Knippers, Molekulare Genetik, Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart

Munk, K. (ed.), Genetik, 2010, Thieme Verlag

John Ringo, Genetik kompakt, 2006, Elsevier GmbH, München

T. A. Brown, Gene und Genome, 2007, 3. Aufl., Spektrum Akademischer Verlag,

Jochen Graw, Genetik, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 

Course L0890: Molecular Biology Lab Course
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Johannes Gescher
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

Widespread techniques of microbiological, biochemical and genetic approaches will be taught during this course.

Before the practical conduct of the experiments a colloquium takes place in which the students explain, reflect and discuss the theoretical basics and their translation into practice.

The students write up a report for every experiment. They receive feedback to their level of scientific writing (citation methods, labeling of graphs, etc.), so that they can improve their competence in this field over the course of the practical course.

Topics and Methods of the course include:

- Morphology and growth of different bacteria strains

- Measuring of microbial growth by turbidity

- Preparation of several culture media

- Strain identification by gram staining and analytical profile index (API test)

- Genetic background identification by 16S rRNA analysis

- Microscopy

- BLAST analyses

- Colony PCR procedure

- Enzyme activity measurements and kinetics (Michaelis-Menten equation, Lineweaver-Burk plot)

- Enzymes as biocatalysts (exemplarily use of enzymes in detergents)

- Measurement of protein concentrations (Bradford protein assay)

- Qualitative and quantitative enzyme activity assay


Brock Mikrobiologie / Brock Microbiology (Michael T. Madigan, John M. Martinko)

Mikrobiologisches Grundpraktikum (Steve K. Alexander, Dennis Strete)

Module M1769: Regulatory aspects of biological agents

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Regulatory aspects of biological agents (L2865) Lecture 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Anna-Lena Heins
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

1. Experience in the general operation of industrial chemical and bioprocesses

2. Knowledge of biological relationships and substance groups

3. Experience with the handling of hazardous substances, which has been acquired in laboratory experiments

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After successfully participating in the course "Regulatory Aspects of Biological Agents", students can

- explain the legal framework for biotechnological and chemical work,

- Illustrate excerpts from e.g. the Act on the Implementation of Measures of Occupational Safety and Health, Biological Agents Ordinance, Infection Protection Act, German Chemicals Act, Hazardous Substances Ordinance, Genetic Engineering Act Stem Cell Act, and Embryo Protection Act,

- Assign genetic engineering work and equipment in biotechnological genetic laboratories according to the security level,

- Assign current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) with reference to the EU-GMP guidelines as well as international regulations and guidelines for biopharmaceuticals (ICH guidelines).


Students will be able to evaluate biotechnological work with not modified and genetically modified organisms based on the legal framework. 

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are prepared for the independent assessment of legal issues, especially in the biotechnological field. 


Students will be able to responsibly align and perform their own work with knowledge of the legal situation and assist colleagues in assessing the legal situation.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Credit points 3
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bio Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Course L2865: Regulatory aspects of biological agents
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Johannes Möller
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

This lecture deals with the legal framework of biotechnological and chemical work. On the basis of the acts and ordinacesto be considered (e.g. Occupational Health and Safety Act, Biological Substances Ordinance, Genetic Engineering Act, etc.), the legal frameworks are explained. In addition, requirements for safety classifications of genetic engineering work and the equipment of laboratories for genetic engineering work genetic are presented. Furthermore, national and international requirements for drug production with industrial reference are discussed.


Die zum Zeitpunkt der Vorlesung gültigen Gesetze werden in der Vorlesung dargestellt und bekanntgegeben. 

Module M1770: Bioinformatics

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Bioinformatics (L2899) Seminar 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Johannes Gescher
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Students should be familiar with the basics of molecular biology and genetics, and have knowledge of microbial cultivation. 

In addition, prior knowledge of DNA sequencing technologies and the phylogenetic tree of life is advantageous. Also helpful is some experience with command line based computer input.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
During the course, students gain knowledge of different application areas of DNA sequencing technologies, the potential in previously uncharacterized microbial metabolic pathways, how life forms differ in the metabolism of microbes, and the benefits in the growth of microbial communities.

By the end of the seminar, participants will be familiar with the basics of command line usage and the difficulties of dealing with large data sets. Specifically, applications for analyzing sequencing data will be practiced, as well as interpretation for characterizing microbial systems. 

Topics covered in the course:

- Genome sequencing on a MinION

- De novo genome assembly

- Metagenome analyses

- Functional and taxonomic annotation of gene sequences

- Construction of phylogenetic trees

- Representation of metabolic pathways

- Genome mining

- Protein structure analyses

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Tasks are worked on in groups. Whereby a clear presentation of the used parameters, methods and intermediate results must be chosen for communication in the group.


Students will be able to summarize their findings from the completed subtasks in a report.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Credit points 3
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale Presentation and colloqium
Assignment for the Following Curricula Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bio Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering, Focus Bio Engineering: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Course L2899: Bioinformatics
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Johannes Gescher
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

Methods to assess DNA sequencingdata, including:

  • Genome sequencing on a MinION
  • De novo genome assembly
  • Metagenome analyses
  • Functional and taxonomic annotation of gene sequences
  • Construction of phylogenetic trees
  • Representation of metabolic pathways
  • Genome mining
  • Protein structure analyses

Relevante Literatur wird im Kurs zur Verfügung gestellt.

Specialization Energy Systems / Renewable Energies

The specialisation "Energy Systems" aims to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the fundamental content in (regenerative) energy systems; this also applies to future-oriented (energy) technologies. The focus is on the interactions of new processes of climate-friendly energy supply and integration of renewable energies with the fundamentals of process, energy and environmental technology. In this specialisation, students acquire competences in the area of "green" technologies as part of a future-oriented and thus sustainable energy system.

Module M1693: Computer Science for Engineers - Programming Concepts, Data Handling & Communication

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Computer Science for Engineers - Programming Concepts, Data Handling & Communication (L2689) Lecture 3 3
Computer Science for Engineers - Programming Concepts, Data Handling & Communication (L2690) Recitation Section (small) 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Sibylle Fröschle
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Personal Competence
Social Competence
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
No 10 % Attestation Testate finden semesterbegleitend statt.
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Biomechanics: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Biomedical Engineering: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Energy Systems: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Aircraft Systems Engineering: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Mechatronics: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Product Development and Production: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Electrical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Systems / Renewable Energies: Elective Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Information Technology: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Robot- and Machine-Systems: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Dynamic Systems and AI: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Electrical Systems: Elective Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Medical Engineering: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Information Technology: Compulsory
Course L2689: Computer Science for Engineers - Programming Concepts, Data Handling & Communication
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Sibylle Fröschle
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

John V. Guttag: Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python.
With Application to Understanding Data. 2nd Edition. The MIT Press, 2016.

Course L2690: Computer Science for Engineers - Programming Concepts, Data Handling & Communication
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Sibylle Fröschle
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0546: Thermal Separation Processes

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Thermal Separation Processes (L0118) Lecture 2 2
Thermal Separation Processes (L0119) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Thermal Separation Processes (L0141) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Separation Processes (L1159) Practical Course 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Irina Smirnova
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Recommended requirements: Thermodynamics III

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
  • The students can distinguish and describe different types of separation processes such as distillation, extraction, and adsorption
  • The students develop an understanding for the course of concentration during a separation process, the estimation of the energy demand of a process, the possibilities of energy saving, and the selection of separation systems
  • They have good knowledge of designing methods for separation processes and devices

  • Using the gained knowledge the students can select a reasonable system boundary for a given separation process and can close the associated energy and material balances
  • The students can use different graphical methods for the designing of a separation process and define the amount of theoretical stages required
  • They can select and design a basic type of thermal separation process for a given case based on the advantages and disadvantages of the process
  • The students are capable to obtain independently the needed material properties from appropriate sources (diagrams and tables)
  • They can calculate continuous and discontinuous processes
  • The students are able to prove their theoretical knowledge in the experimental lab work.
  • The students are able to discuss the theoretical background and the content of the experimental work with the teachers in colloquium.

The students are capable of linking their gained knowledge with the content of other lectures and use it together for the solution of technical problems. Other lectures such as thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and chemical engineering.

Personal Competence
Social Competence
  • The students can work technical assignments in small groups and present the combined results in the tutorial

  • The students are able to carry out practical lab work in small groups and organize a functional division of labor between them. They are able to discuss their results and to document them scientifically in a report.
  • The students are capable to obtain the needed information from suitable sources by themselves and assess their quality
  • The students can proof the state of their knowledge with exam resembling assignments and in this way control their learning process

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 minutes; theoretical questions and calculations
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Chemical and Bioengineering: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Systems / Renewable Energies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0118: Thermal Separation Processes
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Irina Smirnova
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  • Introduction in the thermal process engineering and to the main features of separation processes
  • Simple equilibrium processes, several steps processes
  • Distillation of binary mixtures, enthalpy-concentration diagrams
  • Extractive and azeotrope distillation, water vapor distillation, stepwise distillation
  • Extraction: separation ternary systems, ternary diagram
  • Multiphase separation including complex mixtures
  • Designing of separation devices without discrete stages
  • Drying
  • Chromatographic separation processes
  • Membrane separation
  • Energy demand of separation processes
  • Advance overview of separation processes
  • Selection of separation processes

  • G. Brunner: Skriptum Thermische Verfahrenstechnik
  • J. King: Separation Processes, McGraw-Hill, 2. Aufl. 1980
  • Sattler: Thermische Trennverfahren, VCH, Weinheim 1995
  • J.D. Seader, E.J. Henley: Separation Process Principles, Wiley, New York, 1998.
  • Mersmann: Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, Springer, 1980
  • Grassmann, Widmer, Sinn: Einführung in die Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, 3. Aufl., Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1997
  • Brunner, G.: Gas extraction. An introduction to fundamentals of supercritical fluids and the application to separation processes. Steinkopff, Darmstadt; Springer, New York; 1994. ISBN 3-7985-0944-1 ; ISBN 0-387-91477-3 .
  • R. Goedecke (Hrsg.): Fluid-Verfahrenstechnik, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2006.
    • Perry"s Chemical Engineers" Handbook, R.H. Perry, D.W. Green, J.O. Maloney (Hrsg.), 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York 1984 Ullmann"s Enzyklopädie der Technischen Chemie

Course L0119: Thermal Separation Processes
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Irina Smirnova
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  • Introduction in the thermal process engineering and to the main features of separation processes
  • Simple equilibrium processes, several steps processes
  • Distillation of binary mixtures, enthalpy-concentration diagrams
  • Extractive and azeotrope distillation, water vapor distillation, stepwise distillation
  • Extraction: separation ternary systems, ternary diagram
  • Multiphase separation including complex mixtures
  • Designing of separation devices without discrete stages
  • Drying
  • Chromatographic separation processes
  • Membrane separation
  • Energy demand of separation processes
  • Advance overview of separation processes
  • Selection of separation processes

The students work on tasks in small groups and present their results in front of all students.

  • G. Brunner: Skriptum Thermische Verfahrenstechnik
  • J. King: Separation Processes, McGraw-Hill, 2. Aufl. 1980
  • Sattler: Thermische Trennverfahren, VCH, Weinheim 1995
  • J.D. Seader, E.J. Henley: Separation Process Principles, Wiley, New York, 1998.
  • Mersmann: Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, Springer, 1980
  • Grassmann, Widmer, Sinn: Einführung in die Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, 3. Aufl., Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1997
  • Brunner, G.: Gas extraction. An introduction to fundamentals of supercritical fluids and the application to separation processes. Steinkopff, Darmstadt; Springer, New York; 1994. ISBN 3-7985-0944-1 ; ISBN 0-387-91477-3 .
  • R. Goedecke (Hrsg.): Fluid-Verfahrenstechnik, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2006.
  • Perry"s Chemical Engineers" Handbook, R.H. Perry, D.W. Green, J.O. Maloney (Hrsg.), 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York 1984 Ullmann"s Enzyklopädie der Technischen Chemie

Course L0141: Thermal Separation Processes
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Irina Smirnova
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  • Introduction in the thermal process engineering and to the main features of separation processes
  • Simple equilibrium processes, several steps processes
  • Distillation of binary mixtures, enthalpy-concentration diagrams
  • Extractive and azeotrope distillation, water vapor distillation, stepwise distillation
  • Extraction: separation ternary systems, ternary diagram
  • Multiphase separation including complex mixtures
  • Designing of separation devices without discrete stages
  • Drying
  • Chromatographic separation processes
  • Membrane separation
  • Energy demand of separation processes
  • Advance overview of separation processes
  • Selection of separation processes

  • G. Brunner: Skriptum Thermische Verfahrenstechnik
  • J. King: Separation Processes, McGraw-Hill, 2. Aufl. 1980
  • Sattler: Thermische Trennverfahren, VCH, Weinheim 1995
  • J.D. Seader, E.J. Henley: Separation Process Principles, Wiley, New York, 1998.
  • Mersmann: Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, Springer, 1980
  • Grassmann, Widmer, Sinn: Einführung in die Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, 3. Aufl., Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1997
  • Brunner, G.: Gas extraction. An introduction to fundamentals of supercritical fluids and the application to separation processes. Steinkopff, Darmstadt; Springer, New York; 1994. ISBN 3-7985-0944-1 ; ISBN 0-387-91477-3 .
  • R. Goedecke (Hrsg.): Fluid-Verfahrenstechnik, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2006.
  • Perry"s Chemical Engineers" Handbook, R.H. Perry, D.W. Green, J.O. Maloney (Hrsg.), 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York 1984 Ullmann"s Enzyklopädie der Technischen Chemie

Course L1159: Separation Processes
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Irina Smirnova
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe

The students work on eight different experiments in this practical course. For every one of the eight experiments, a colloquium takes place in which the students explain and discuss the theoretical background and its translation into practice with staff and fellow students.

The students work small groups with a high degree of division of labor. For every experiment, the students write a report. They receive instructions in terms of scientific writing as well as feedback on their own reports and level of scientific writing so they can increase their capabilities in this area.

Topics of the practical course:

  • Introduction in the thermal process engineering and to the main features of separation processes
  • Simple equilibrium processes, several steps processes
  • Distillation of binary mixtures, enthalpy-concentration diagrams
  • Extractive and azeotrope distillation, water vapor distillation, stepwise distillation
  • Extraction: separation ternary systems, ternary diagram
  • Multiphase separation including complex mixtures
  • Designing of separation devices without discrete stages
  • Drying
  • Chromatographic separation processes
  • Membrane separation
  • Energy demand of separation processes
  • Advance overview of separation processes
  • Selection of separation processes

  • G. Brunner: Skriptum Thermische Verfahrenstechnik
  • J. King: Separation Processes, McGraw-Hill, 2. Aufl. 1980
  • Sattler: Thermische Trennverfahren, VCH, Weinheim 1995
  • J.D. Seader, E.J. Henley: Separation Process Principles, Wiley, New York, 1998.
  • Mersmann: Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, Springer, 1980
  • Grassmann, Widmer, Sinn: Einführung in die Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, 3. Aufl., Walter de Gruyter, Berlin 1997
  • Brunner, G.: Gas extraction. An introduction to fundamentals of supercritical fluids and the application to separation processes. Steinkopff, Darmstadt; Springer, New York; 1994. ISBN 3-7985-0944-1 ; ISBN 0-387-91477-3 .
  • R. Goedecke (Hrsg.): Fluid-Verfahrenstechnik, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, 2006.
  • Perry"s Chemical Engineers" Handbook, R.H. Perry, D.W. Green, J.O. Maloney (Hrsg.), 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York 1984 Ullmann"s Enzyklopädie der Technischen Chemie

Module M1235: Electrical Power Systems I: Introduction to Electrical Power Systems

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Electrical Power Systems I: Introduction to Electrical Power Systems (L1670) Lecture 3 4
Electrical Power Systems I: Introduction to Electrical Power Systems (L1671) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Christian Becker
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to give an overview of conventional and modern electric power systems.  They can explain in detail and critically evaluate technologies of electric power generation, transmission, storage, and distribution as well as integration of equipment into electric power systems.


With completion of this module the students are able to apply the acquired skills in applications of the design, integration, development of electric power systems and to assess the results.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students can participate in specialized and interdisciplinary discussions, advance ideas and represent their own work results in front of others.


Students can independently tap knowledge of the emphasis of the lectures. 

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 - 150 minutes
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Electrical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Energy Systems: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Electrical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Systems / Renewable Energies: Elective Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Specialisation II. Mathematics & Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Electrical Systems: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Course L1670: Electrical Power Systems I: Introduction to Electrical Power Systems
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 78, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Christian Becker
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  • fundamentals and current development trends in electric power engineering 
  • tasks and history of electric power systems
  • symmetric three-phase systems
  • fundamentals and modelling of eletric power systems 
    • lines
    • transformers
    • synchronous machines
    • induction machines
    • loads and compensation
    • grid structures and substations 
  • fundamentals of energy conversion
    • electro-mechanical energy conversion
    • thermodynamics
    • power station technology
    • renewable energy conversion systems
  • steady-state network calculation
    • network modelling
    • load flow calculation
    • (n-1)-criterion
  • symmetric failure calculations, short-circuit power
  • control in networks and power stations
  • grid protection
  • grid planning

K. Heuck, K.-D. Dettmann, D. Schulz: "Elektrische Energieversorgung", Springer Vieweg, 9. Auflage, 2013

A. J. Schwab: "Elektroenergiesysteme", Springer, 7. Auflage, 2022

R. Flosdorff: "Elektrische Energieverteilung" Vieweg + Teubner, 9. Auflage, 2008

Course L1671: Electrical Power Systems I: Introduction to Electrical Power Systems
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Christian Becker
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  • fundamentals and current development trends in electric power engineering 
  • tasks and history of electric power systems
  • symmetric three-phase systems
  • fundamentals and modelling of eletric power systems 
    • lines
    • transformers
    • synchronous machines
    • induction machines
    • loads and compensation
    • grid structures and substations 
  • fundamentals of energy conversion
    • electro-mechanical energy conversion
    • thermodynamics
    • power station technology
    • renewable energy conversion systems
  • steady-state network calculation
    • network modelling
    • load flow calculation
    • (n-1)-criterion
  • symmetric failure calculations, short-circuit power
  • control in networks and power stations
  • grid protection
  • grid planning
  • power economy fundamentals

K. Heuck, K.-D. Dettmann, D. Schulz: "Elektrische Energieversorgung", Springer Vieweg, 9. Auflage, 2013

A. J. Schwab: "Elektroenergiesysteme", Springer, 7. Auflage, 2022

R. Flosdorff: "Elektrische Energieverteilung" Vieweg + Teubner, 9. Auflage, 2008

Module M1713: Green Technologies III

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Study Work Green Technologies (L2766) Project Seminar 2 4
Scientific Work and Writing (L2765) Seminar 2 2
Module Responsible Dozenten des Studiengangs
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge keine
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students, based on a literature survey, learn to study in detail a subject theme from the disciplines of green technologies and deliver afterwards a summary presentation to a specialised audience. Environmental issues and their multidisciplinary linkages are preferred, when selecting the thematic area of these studies. Through their own written contribution the students communicate an overview over the subject and practice technical writing. With the discussion the students practice scientific debating on a specialised subject matter.


The students can, when working on a technical topic not familiar to them:

  • conduct a literature survey
  • choose the relevant information for their presentation
  • prepare a written summary
  • present results in front of peers and staff
  • correctly cite and reference sources.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students practice a critical assessment of the literature in a predefined specialised theme and learn to give presentations on their own technical sub-topic tailored to their public and discuss with the audience. When attending technical presentations, the students can formulate questions to other speakers and participate in the ensuing discussion.

The fulfilment of the tasks combines independent work with group and teamwork.


The students can, guided by instructors, critically reflect on their learning and work status, and write a scientific report.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Study work
Examination duration and scale -
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Water and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Water Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Systems / Renewable Energies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Course L2766: Study Work Green Technologies
Typ Project Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dozenten des Studiengangs
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Students carry out a research project in a scientific field under the guidance of an academic staff member. For this purpose, the student can approach the staff of the respective institute and discuss a topic. The topic is then worked on within 4 weeks and regular consultations are held with the supervisor. The student research project should be the size of a scientific article and must be presented to the lecturer after completion as part of a presentation (approx. 15 minutes).

Course L2765: Scientific Work and Writing
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dozenten des Studiengangs, Dr. Detlev Bieler, Florian Hagen
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

The seminar offers an introduction into the diverse aspects of academic research and writing: Finding the topic, finding specialized information, knowledge organisation, writing, presenting and publishing. Suggestions for reflecting own processes of learning, informing and writing - in addition to practical recommendations and tips - facilitate the start and the creation of bachelor and master theses, works, which bring thoroughly self-fulfillment and make fun.

Topics of the seminar will be in particular

  • Scientific scholarship and academic research methods:
  • Introduction, organization, attributes of science:
    How is scientific knowledge created?
    Work scheduling, finding topics, time management, specialities of academic research in engineering
  • Finding specialized information: Full texts and library resources, databases
  • Reference management:
    Knowledge organisation and creating publications with Citavi
  • Citing correctly and avoiding plagiarism
  • Preparing and doing presentations
  1. Semesterapparat "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" in der TU-Bibliothek:
  2. Weblog Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten der TU-Bibliothek:
  3. Online-Tutorial VISION der TU-Bibliothek zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten: (funktioniert nur mit installiertem Flash)
  4. Andreas Hirsch-Weber, Stefan Scherer: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Abschlussarbeit in Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften : Grundlagen, Praxisbeispiele, Übungen. Stuttgart: Ulmer, 2016.
  5. Werner Sesink: Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten : inklusive E-Learning, Web-Recherche, digitale Präsentation u.a. 9., aktualisierte Aufl. München : Oldenbourg, 2012.
  6. Judith Theuerkauf: Schreiben im Ingenieurstudium : effektiv und effizient zur Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorarbeit. Paderborn : Schöningh, 2012.
  7. Wolfsberger, Judith: Frei geschrieben : Mut, Freiheit & Strategie für wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeiten. Wien: Böhlau, 2010
  8. Biedermann, Wieland u.a.: Forschungsmethodik in den Ingenieurwissenschaften : Skript vom Lehrstuhl für Produktentwicklung, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann, Technische Universität München (TUM), 2012.
  9. Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten - HOOU Angebot der HCU Hamburg:
  1. Course Reserves Collection "Scholarly Research Methods" in the TUHH library:
  2. Scholarly research methods via TUHH library Website:
  3. VISION - Online-Tutorial on research methods by the TUHH library: (Flash has to be installed)
  4. Scientific papers and presentations / Martha Davis. 3. ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier / Academic Press, 2013. 
  5. Writing for science and engineering : papers, presentations and reports / Heather Silyn-Roberts. 2nd ed. Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2013.
  6. How to research / Loraine Blaxter, Christina Hughes and Malcolm Tight. Maidenhead : Open Univ. Press, 2010.
  7. Managing information for research : practical help in researching, writing and designing dissertations / Elizabeth Orna and Graham Stevens. Maidenhead : Open University Press McGraw-Hill, 2009.
  8. Writing scientific research articles : strategy and steps / Margaret Cargill and Patrick O’Connor. Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

Module M1726: System Integration Renewable Energies

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
System Integration Renewable Energies I (L2767) Lecture 2 2
System Integration Renewable Energies I (L2768) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
System Integration Renewable Energies II (L2769) Lecture 2 2
System Integration Renewable Energies II (L2770) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Fundamentals of renewable energies and the energy system

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

With the completion of the module the students are able to use and apply the previously learned technical basics of the different fields of renewable energies. Current problems concerning the integration of renewable energies in the energy system are presented and analyzed. In particular, the sectors electricity, heat and mobility will be addressed, giving students insights into sector coupling activities.


By completing this module, students can apply the basics learned to various sector coupling problems and, in this context, assess the potentials as well as the limits of sector coupling in the German energy system. In particular, the students should use the application and linking of already learned methods and knowledge here, so that a vision of the different technologies is achieved.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students will be able to discuss problems in the areas of sector coupling and the integration of renewable energies.


The students are able to acquire own sources based on the main topics of the lecture and to increase their knowledge. Furthermore, the students can search further technologies and interconnection possibilities for the energy system itself.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Systems / Renewable Energies: Elective Compulsory
Course L2767: System Integration Renewable Energies I
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Volker Lenz
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  1. Introduction
  2. Fossil-dominated energy system
  3. Mega trends in energy transition
  4. Characteristics of renewable energy provision technologies - electricity
  5. Integration of renewables - electricity I
  6. Integration of renewables - electricity II
  7. Characteristics of renewable energy provision technologies - heat
  8. Integration of renewables - heat I
  9. Integration of renewables - heat II
  10. Characteristics of renewable energy provision technologies - mobility
  11. Integration of renewables - mobility
  12. Communications technology and control engineering
  13. Reduction in consumption
  14. Load management
  15. Interaction of renewable generation and controlled reduction in demand

  • D. Thrän (editor): Smart Bioenergy. Technologies and concepts for a more flexible bioenergy provision in future energy systems. Springer,Cham, Heielberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, 2015
  • R. von Miller (Hrsg.): Lexikon der Energietechnik und Kraftmaschinen Band 6 und 7. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt Stuttgart 1965
  • K. Naumann et. al.: Monitoring Biokraftstoffsektor. 3. Auflage, DBFZ Report Nr. 1, Leipzig, 2016
  • M. Kaltschmitt, W. Streicher, A. Wiese (Hrsg.): Erneuerbare Energien. Systemtechnik, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Umweltaspekte. 4. Auflage, Springer

Course L2768: System Integration Renewable Energies I
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Volker Lenz
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L2769: System Integration Renewable Energies II
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Volker Lenz
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  1. Introduction
  2. Power-to-Hydrogen
  3. Power-to-Gas
  4. Power-to-Liquid
  5. Power-to-Heat
  6. Hybrid Technologies
  7. Combined Technology Concepts I
  8. Combined Technology Concepts II
  9. Link-up with renewable industrial production
  10. Utilization of residual materials from renewable energy provision
  11. Biomass as system stabilizer I
  12. Biomass as system stabilizer II
  13. System modelling - fundamentals
  14. System modelling - approaches and results
  15. Planning tools

  • D. Thrän (editor): Smart Bioenergy. Technologies and concepts for a more flexible bioenergy provision in future energy systems. Springer,Cham, Heielberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, 2015
  • R. von Miller (Hrsg.): Lexikon der Energietechnik und Kraftmaschinen Band 6 und 7. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt Stuttgart 1965
  • K. Naumann et. al.: Monitoring Biokraftstoffsektor. 3. Auflage, DBFZ Report Nr. 1, Leipzig, 2016
  • M. Kaltschmitt, W. Streicher, A. Wiese (Hrsg.): Erneuerbare Energien. Systemtechnik, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Umweltaspekte. 4. Auflage, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006
  • Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie: Die Energie der Zukunft.

Course L2770: System Integration Renewable Energies II
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Volker Lenz
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  1. Introduction
  2. Power-to-Hydrogen
  3. Power-to-Gas
  4. Power-to-Liquid
  5. Power-to-Heat
  6. Hybrid Technologies
  7. Combined Technology Concepts I
  8. Combined Technology Concepts II
  9. Link-up with renewable industrial production
  10. Utilization of residual materials from renewable energy provision
  11. Biomass as system stabilizer I
  12. Biomass as system stabilizer II
  13. System modelling - fundamentals
  14. System modelling - approaches and results
  15. Planning tools

  • D. Thrän (editor): Smart Bioenergy. Technologies and concepts for a more flexible bioenergy provision in future energy systems. Springer,Cham, Heielberg, New York, Dordrecht, London, 2015
  • R. von Miller (Hrsg.): Lexikon der Energietechnik und Kraftmaschinen Band 6 und 7. Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt Stuttgart 1965
  • K. Naumann et. al.: Monitoring Biokraftstoffsektor. 3. Auflage, DBFZ Report Nr. 1, Leipzig, 2016
  • M. Kaltschmitt, W. Streicher, A. Wiese (Hrsg.): Erneuerbare Energien. Systemtechnik, Wirtschaftlichkeit, Umweltaspekte. 4. Auflage, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006
  • Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie: Die Energie der Zukunft.

Module M1719: Climate change impact & mitigation

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Basics of climate change and its effects (L2749) Lecture 2 2
Technical measures to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions (L2747) Lecture 2 2
Technical measures to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions (L2748) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Alexander Penn
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge none
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Upon completion of the module, students will be able to use and apply the previously learned technical basics of the various fields of metereological climate change and technical climate protection in an interdisciplinary manner. Current problems are presented and analyzed in relation to solutions for the mitigation of climate change and the impact of human behavior on the climate is described and discussed.


Upon completion of this module, students will be able to apply the fundamentals they have learned to various cross-sectoral problems and, in this context, assess and evaluate the potentials but also the limitations of technical solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and their impact on climate change. In particular, the application and linking of already learned methods and knowledge should be applied by the students here, so that a broad view of the different technologies is gained.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students will be able to discuss problems in the topic areas of reducing impacts and changing the climate with each other.


Students will be able to independently access sources and acquire knowledge based on the lecture focus on the subject area. Furthermore, students will be able to research further climate change mitigation technologies and climate conditions on their own.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Systems / Renewable Energies: Elective Compulsory
Course L2749: Basics of climate change and its effects
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Jana Sillmann
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

Course Content:

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of human-induced climate change. Important concepts such as the Earth's radiation budget, the greenhouse effect, and the various Earth system components (e.g., atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere) related to climate change are explained. Fundamentals of climate modeling and climate scenarios are explained. Findings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Assessment Reports are provided in relation to observed and model-based physical climate changes and their impacts on various Earth system components. Furthermore, the impacts of global and regional climate change on society (e.g. agriculture, infrastructure, energy) will be highlighted and especially the changes and impacts of weather and climate extremes will be discussed. In the last part of the lecture, current global and national climate change targets will be explained and discussed in the context of possible scenarios, options and challenges to reduce global warming. Concepts such as "net-zero" emissions and negative emissions will be addressed with important implications for the development of new technologies.

Learning Objective:

Basic knowledge of human-induced climate change, and how to model climate change, and its impacts on different sectors of the environment and society, and the options and consequences for different sectors to achieve the targeted climate goals (reduction of global warming).


    Introduction Climate Change/Climate Change Reports.

    The climate system

    Observed climate change

    Climate variability

    Climate models

    Climate scenarios

    Physical climate changes under different scenarios

    Impacts of climate change on different regions and sectors

    Weather and climate extremes

    Climate risk and adaptation

    Scenarios, options and challenges to reduce global warming

    Climate Engineering

    Sustainability and climate change

    Climate quiz and discussion

Course Content:

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of human-induced climate change. Important concepts such as the Earth's radiation budget, the greenhouse effect, and the various Earth system components (e.g., atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, biosphere) related to climate change are explained. Fundamentals of climate modeling and climate scenarios are explained. Findings from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Assessment Reports are provided in relation to observed and model-based physical climate changes and their impacts on various Earth system components. Furthermore, the impacts of global and regional climate change on society (e.g. agriculture, infrastructure, energy) will be highlighted and especially the changes and impacts of weather and climate extremes will be discussed. In the last part of the lecture, current global and national climate change targets will be explained and discussed in the context of possible scenarios, options and challenges to reduce global warming. Concepts such as "net-zero" emissions and negative emissions will be addressed with important implications for the development of new technologies.

Learning Objective:

Basic knowledge of human-induced climate change, and how to model climate change, and its impacts on different sectors of the environment and society, and the options and consequences for different sectors to achieve the targeted climate goals (reduction of global warming).


    Introduction Climate Change/Climate Change Reports.

    The climate system

    Observed climate change

    Climate variability

    Climate models

    Climate scenarios

    Physical climate changes under different scenarios

    Impacts of climate change on different regions and sectors

    Weather and climate extremes

    Climate risk and adaptation

    Scenarios, options and challenges to reduce global warming

    Climate Engineering

    Sustainability and climate change

    Climate quiz and discussion

Literature Vorlesungsunterlagen
Course L2747: Technical measures to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Alexander Penn
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

Lecturers: MK, Dr. Ben Norden (GFZ), Dr. Conny Schmidt-Hattenberger (GFZ)

Lecture Content:

The goal of this lecture is to address and present technical measures to mitigate climate change. This primarily includes the immediate means by which climate gas emissions can be reduced when they have already occurred. Specifically, the lecture includes the following content:

- Overview of the main greenhouse gases emitted, including their global warming potential and the average lifetime of the molecules in the atmosphere.

- Avoidance Methane (CH4) (point sources).

o Emission sources: Methane slip, methane emission from combustion, etc. 

o Reduction methane slip (including gas extraction, biogas plants, waste management).

o Reduction of methane from combustion (e.g. power plants, ship engines, car engines, CHP engines, etc.)

o Reduction of other sources if necessary

- Avoidance Nitrous oxide (N2O) (point sources).

o Emission sources: Combustion processes, production processes, biological nitrogen oxidation, etc.

o Reduction of combustion processes

o Reduction of production processes

o Reduction of biological nitrogen oxidation

o Reduction of further sources, if necessary

- Avoidance of other greenhouse gases (including F-gases) (point sources)

- Avoidance of carbon dioxide from fossil carbon (point sources)

o Emission sources: Combustion processes, production processes

o Capture technologies from exhaust gases

- Capture carbon dioxide from diffuse sources (ambient air)

- Temporary storage and transport of carbon dioxide

- Final storage of carbon dioxide

o Geological framework and storage options, infrastructure (assessment)

o Surface installations / modes of operation / conditioning of CO2 (phase behavior) etc.

o Thermodynamic framework and interactions

o Tightness of the storage complex (geomechanics) and long-term behavior (modeling), saltwater displacement and upwelling?

o Monitoring concepts (monitoring methods from geophysics, geochemistry, microbiology, applied on different spatial and temporal scales) and assessment of storage safety

o Modeling (static, dynamic, chemical, scale-dependent - borehole, reservoir, energy system modeling).

o Retrievability (interim storage) and after-use concepts (synthetic fuels)?, backfilling (cements, etc.).

o Examples

Literature Vorlesungsunterlagen
Course L2748: Technical measures to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Alexander Penn
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

- Overview of the main greenhouse gases emitted, including their global warming potential and the average lifetime of the molecules in the atmosphere.

- Avoidance Methane (CH4) (point sources).

o Emission sources: Methane slip, methane emission from combustion, etc. 

o Reduction methane slip (including gas extraction, biogas plants, waste management).

o Reduction of methane from combustion (e.g. power plants, ship engines, car engines, CHP engines, etc.)

o Reduction of other sources if necessary

- Avoidance Nitrous oxide (N2O) (point sources).

o Emission sources: Combustion processes, production processes, biological nitrogen oxidation, etc.

o Reduction of combustion processes

o Reduction of production processes

o Reduction of biological nitrogen oxidation

o Reduction of further sources, if necessary

- Avoidance of other greenhouse gases (including F-gases) (point sources)

- Avoidance of carbon dioxide from fossil carbon (point sources)

o Emission sources: Combustion processes, production processes

o Capture technologies from exhaust gases

- Capture carbon dioxide from diffuse sources (ambient air)

- Temporary storage and transport of carbon dioxide

- Final storage of carbon dioxide

o Geological framework and storage options, infrastructure (assessment)

o Surface installations / modes of operation / conditioning of CO2 (phase behavior) etc.

o Thermodynamic framework and interactions

o Tightness of the storage complex (geomechanics) and long-term behavior (modeling), saltwater displacement and upwelling?

o Monitoring concepts (monitoring methods from geophysics, geochemistry, microbiology, applied on different spatial and temporal scales) and assessment of storage safety

o Modeling (static, dynamic, chemical, scale-dependent - borehole, reservoir, energy system modeling).

o Retrievability (interim storage) and after-use concepts (synthetic fuels)?, backfilling (cements, etc.).

o Examples

Literature Vorlesungsunterlagen

Module M0544: Phase Equilibria Thermodynamics

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Phase Equilibria Thermodynamics (L0114) Lecture 2 2
Phase Equilibria Thermodynamics (L0140) Recitation Section (small) 1 2
Phase Equilibria Thermodynamics (L0142) Recitation Section (large) 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Irina Smirnova
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Mathematics, Physical Chemistry, Thermodynamics I and II

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
  • Starting from the very basics of thermodynamics, the students learn the mathematical tools to describe thermodynamic equilibria.
  • They learn how state variables are influenced by the mixing of compounds and learn concepts to quantitatively describe these properties.
  • Moreover, the students learn how phase equilibria can be described mathematically and which phenomena may occur if different phases (vapor, liquid, solid) coexist in equilibrium. Furthermore the fundamentals of reaction equilibria are taught.
  • For different phase equilibria, several examples relevant for different kinds of processes are shown and the necessary knowledge for plotting and interpreting the equilibria are taught.

  • Applying their knowledge, the students are able to identify the correct equation for the determination of the equilibrium state and know how to simplify these equations meaningfully.
  • The students know models which can be used to determine the properties of the system in the equilibrium state and they are able to solve the resulting mathematical relations.
  • For specific applications, they are able to self-reliantly find necessary physico-chemical properties of compounds as well as model parameters in literature sources.
  • Beside pure compound properties the students are capable of describing the properties of mixtures.
  • The students know how to visualize phase equilibria graphically and they know how to interpret the occurring phenomena.
  • Based on their knowledge, the students are able to understand fundamental concepts that are the basis for many separation and reaction processes in chemical engineering.

Personal Competence
Social Competence The students are able to work in small groups, to solve the corresponding problems and to present them oraly to the tutors and other students
  • The students are able to find necessary information self-reliantly in literature sources and to judge their quality.
  • During the semester the students are able to check their learning progress continuously in exercises. Based on this knowledge the students can adept their learning process.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 minutes; theoretical questions and calculations
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Chemical and Bioengineering: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Systems / Renewable Energies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0114: Phase Equilibria Thermodynamics
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Irina Smirnova
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

  1. Introduction: Applications of thermodynamics of mixtures
  2. Thermodynamic equations in multi-component systems: Fundamental equations, chemical potential, fugacity
  3. Phase equilibria of pure substances: thermodynamic equilibrium, vapor pressure, Gibbs’ phase rule
  4. Equations of state: virial equations, van-der-Waals equation, generalized equations of state
  5. Mixing properties: ideal and real mixtures, excess properties, partial molar properties
  6. Vapor-liquid-equilibria: binary systems, azeotropes, equilibrium condition
  7. Gas-liquid-equilibria: equilibrium condition, Henry-coefficient
  8. GE-Models: Hildebrand-model, Flory-Huggins-model, Wilson-model, UNIQUAC, UNIFAC
  9. Liquid-liquid-equilibria: equilibrium condition, phase equilibria in binary and ternary systems
  10. Solid-liquid-equilibria: equilibrium condition, binary systems
  11. Chemical reactions: reaction coordinate, mass action law, influence of pressure and temperature
  12. Osmotic pressure
  • Jürgen Gmehling, Bärbel Kolbe: Thermodynamik. VCH 1992
  • J.M. Prausnitz, R.N. Lichtenthaler, E.G. de Azevedo: Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria, 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 1999.
  • J.W. Tester, M. Modell: Thermodynamics and its Applications. 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 1997.J.P. O´Connell, J.M. Haile: Thermodynamics. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Course L0140: Phase Equilibria Thermodynamics
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Irina Smirnova
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  1. Introduction: Applications of thermodynamics of mixtures
  2. Thermodynamic equations in multi-component systems: Fundamental equations, chemical potential, fugacity
  3. Phase equilibria of pure substances: thermodynamic equilibrium, vapor pressure, Gibbs’ phase rule
  4. Equations of state: virial equations, van-der-Waals equation, generalized equations of state
  5. Mixing properties: ideal and real mixtures, excess properties, partial molar properties
  6. Vapor-liquid-equilibria: binary systems, azeotropes, equilibrium condition
  7. Gas-liquid-equilibria: equilibrium condition, Henry-coefficient
  8. GE-Models: Hildebrand-model, Flory-Huggins-model, Wilson-model, UNIQUAC, UNIFAC
  9. Liquid-liquid-equilibria: equilibrium condition, phase equilibria in binary and ternary systems
  10. Solid-liquid-equilibria: equilibrium condition, binary systems
  11. Chemical reactions: reaction coordinate, mass action law, influence of pressure and temperature
  12. Osmotic pressure

The students work on tasks in small groups and present their results in front of all students.

  • Jürgen Gmehling, Bärbel Kolbe: Thermodynamik. VCH 1992
  • J.M. Prausnitz, R.N. Lichtenthaler, E.G. de Azevedo: Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria, 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 1999.
  • J.W. Tester, M. Modell: Thermodynamics and its Applications. 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 1997.J.P. O´Connell, J.M. Haile: Thermodynamics. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Course L0142: Phase Equilibria Thermodynamics
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Irina Smirnova
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  1. Introduction: Applications of thermodynamics of mixtures
  2. Thermodynamic equations in multi-component systems: Fundamental equations, chemical potential, fugacity
  3. Phase equilibria of pure substances: thermodynamic equilibrium, vapor pressure, Gibbs’ phase rule
  4. Equations of state: virial equations, van-der-Waals equation, generalized equations of state
  5. Mixing properties: ideal and real mixtures, excess properties, partial molar properties
  6. Vapor-liquid-equilibria: binary systems, azeotropes, equilibrium condition
  7. Gas-liquid-equilibria: equilibrium condition, Henry-coefficient
  8. GE-Models: Hildebrand-model, Flory-Huggins-model, Wilson-model, UNIQUAC, UNIFAC
  9. Liquid-liquid-equilibria: equilibrium condition, phase equilibria in binary and ternary systems
  10. Solid-liquid-equilibria: equilibrium condition, binary systems
  11. Chemical reactions: reaction coordinate, mass action law, influence of pressure and temperature
  12. Osmotic pressure

  • Jürgen Gmehling, Bärbel Kolbe: Thermodynamik. VCH 1992
  • J.M. Prausnitz, R.N. Lichtenthaler, E.G. de Azevedo: Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria, 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 1999.
  • J.W. Tester, M. Modell: Thermodynamics and its Applications. 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, 1997.J.P. O´Connell, J.M. Haile: Thermodynamics. Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Module M0829: Foundations of Management

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Management Tutorial (L0882) Recitation Section (small) 2 3
Introduction to Management (L0880) Lecture 3 3
Module Responsible Prof. Christian Lüthje
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Basic Knowledge of Mathematics and Business
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After taking this module, students know the important basics of many different areas in Business and Management, from Planning and Organisation to Marketing and Innovation, and also to Investment and Controlling. In particular they are able to

  • explain the differences between Economics and Management and the sub-disciplines in Management and to name important definitions from the field of Management
  • explain the most important aspects of and goals in Management and name the most important aspects of entreprneurial projects 
  • describe and explain basic business functions as production, procurement and sourcing, supply chain management, organization and human ressource management, information management, innovation management and marketing 
  • explain the relevance of planning and decision making in Business, esp. in situations under multiple objectives and uncertainty, and explain some basic methods from mathematical Finance 
  • state basics from accounting and costing and selected controlling methods.

Students are able to analyse business units with respect to different criteria (organization, objectives, strategies etc.) and to carry out an Entrepreneurship project in a team. In particular, they are able to

  • analyse Management goals and structure them appropriately
  • analyse organisational and staff structures of companies
  • apply methods for decision making under multiple objectives, under uncertainty and under risk
  • analyse production and procurement systems and Business information systems
  • analyse and apply basic methods of marketing
  • select and apply basic methods from mathematical finance to predefined problems
  • apply basic methods from accounting, costing and controlling to predefined problems

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to

  • work successfully in a team of students
  • to apply their knowledge from the lecture to an entrepreneurship project and write a coherent report on the project
  • to communicate appropriately and
  • to cooperate respectfully with their fellow students. 

Students are able to

  • work in a team and to organize the team themselves
  • to write a report on their project.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale several written exams during the semester plus final test (90 minutes)
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Core Qualification: Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Civil Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water and Environment: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Traffic and Mobility: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bio Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Data Science: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Systems / Renewable Energies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Water Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Biomechanics: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Materials in Engineering Sciences: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Product Development and Production: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Aircraft Systems Engineering: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Mechatronics: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Electrical Systems: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Dynamic Systems and AI: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Medical Engineering: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Robot- and Machine-Systems: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Naval Engineering: Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Technomathematics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0882: Management Tutorial
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Christian Lüthje
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

In the management tutorial, the contents of the lecture will be deepened by practical examples and the application of the discussed tools.

If there is adequate demand, a problem-oriented tutorial will be offered in parallel, which students can choose alternatively. Here, students work in groups on self-selected projects that focus on the elaboration of an innovative business idea from the point of view of an established company or a startup. Again, the business knowledge from the lecture should come to practical use. The group projects are guided by a mentor.

Literature Relevante Literatur aus der korrespondierenden Vorlesung.
Course L0880: Introduction to Management
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Matthias Meyer, Prof. Christian Lüthje, Prof. Christian Ringle, Prof. Christian Thies, Prof. Christoph Ihl, Prof. Kathrin Fischer, Prof. Moritz Göldner, Prof. Thomas Wrona, Prof. Thorsten Blecker, Prof. Tim Schweisfurth, Prof. Wolfgang Kersten
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe
  • Introduction to Business and Management, Business versus Economics, relevant areas in Business and Management
  • Important definitions from Management, 
  • Developing Objectives for Business, and their relation to important Business functions
  • Business Functions: Functions of the Value Chain, e.g. Production and Procurement, Supply Chain Management, Innovation Management, Marketing and Sales
    Cross-sectional Functions, e.g. Organisation, Human Ressource Management, Supply Chain Management, Information Management
  • Definitions as information, information systems, aspects of data security and strategic information systems
  • Definition and Relevance of innovations, e.g. innovation opporunities, risks etc.
  • Relevance of marketing, B2B vs. B2C-Marketing
  • different techniques from the field of marketing (e.g. scenario technique), pricing strategies
  • important organizational structures
  • basics of human ressource management
  • Introduction to Business Planning and the steps of a planning process
  • Decision Analysis: Elements of decision problems and methods for solving decision problems
  • Selected Planning Tasks, e.g. Investment and Financial Decisions
  • Introduction to Accounting: Accounting, Balance-Sheets, Costing
  • Relevance of Controlling and selected Controlling methods
  • Important aspects of Entrepreneurship projects


Bamberg, G., Coenenberg, A.: Betriebswirtschaftliche Entscheidungslehre, 14. Aufl., München 2008

Eisenführ, F., Weber, M.: Rationales Entscheiden, 4. Aufl., Berlin et al. 2003

Heinhold, M.: Buchführung in Fallbeispielen, 10. Aufl., Stuttgart 2006.

Kruschwitz, L.: Finanzmathematik. 3. Auflage, München 2001.

Pellens, B., Fülbier, R. U., Gassen, J., Sellhorn, T.: Internationale Rechnungslegung, 7. Aufl., Stuttgart 2008.

Schweitzer, M.: Planung und Steuerung, in: Bea/Friedl/Schweitzer: Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Bd. 2: Führung, 9. Aufl., Stuttgart 2005.

Weber, J., Schäffer, U. : Einführung in das Controlling, 12. Auflage, Stuttgart 2008.

Weber, J./Weißenberger, B.: Einführung in das Rechnungswesen, 7. Auflage, Stuttgart 2006. 

Specialization Energy Technology

The aim of the specialisation "Energy Technology" is to enable students to plan and calculate plants and machines and to familiarise them with various technologies for energy conversion, energy distribution and energy application. Processes can be analysed, abstracted and modelled using scientific methods. Students can assess data and results and use them to develop strategies for innovative solutions.

Module M0594: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Design

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Design (L0258) Lecture 2 3
Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Design (L0259) Recitation Section (large) 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Dieter Krause
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Basic knowledge about mechanics and production engineering
  • Internship (Stage I Practical)
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After passing the module, students are able to:

  • explain basic working principles and functions of machine elements,
  • explain requirements, selection criteria, application scenarios and practical examples of basic machine elements, indicate the background of dimensioning calculations.

After passing the module, students are able to:

  • accomplish dimensioning calculations of covered machine elements,
  • transfer knowledge learned in the module to new requirements and tasks (problem solving skills),
  • recognize the content of technical drawings and schematic sketches,
  • technically evaluate basic designs.
Personal Competence
Social Competence
  • Students are able to discuss technical information in the lecture supported by activating methods.
  • Students are able to independently deepen their acquired knowledge in exercises.
  • Students are able to acquire additional knowledge and to recapitulate poorly understood content e.g. by using the video recordings of the lectures.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Biomedical Engineering: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation III. Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Information Technology: Elective Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Production Management and Processes: Elective Compulsory
Course L0258: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Design
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Dieter Krause, Prof. Nikola Bursac, Prof. Sören Ehlers
Language DE
Cycle SoSe


  • Introduction to design
  • Introduction to the following machine elements
    • Screws
    • Shaft-hub joints
    • Rolling contact bearings
    • Welding / adhesive / solder joints
    • Springs
    • Axes & shafts

  • Presentation of technical objects (technical drawing)


  • Calculation methods for dimensioning the following machine elements:
    • Screws
    • Shaft-hub joints
    • Rolling contact bearings
    • Welding / adhesive / solder joints
    • Springs
    • Axis & shafts 
  • Dubbel, Taschenbuch für den Maschinenbau; Grote, K.-H., Feldhusen, J.(Hrsg.); Springer-Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  • Maschinenelemente, Band I-III; Niemann, G., Springer-Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  •  Maschinen- und Konstruktionselemente; Steinhilper, W., Röper, R., Springer Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  •  Einführung in die DIN-Normen; Klein, M., Teubner-Verlag.
  •  Konstruktionslehre, Pahl, G.; Beitz, W., Springer-Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  •  Maschinenelemente 1-2; Schlecht, B., Pearson Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  •  Maschinenelemente - Gestaltung, Berechnung, Anwendung; Haberhauer, H., Bodenstein, F., Springer-Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  • Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente; Wittel, H., Muhs, D., Jannasch, D., Voßiek, J., Springer Vieweg, aktuelle Auflage.
  • Sowie weitere Bücher zu speziellen Themen
Course L0259: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Design
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Dieter Krause, Prof. Nikola Bursac, Prof. Sören Ehlers
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1713: Green Technologies III

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Study Work Green Technologies (L2766) Project Seminar 2 4
Scientific Work and Writing (L2765) Seminar 2 2
Module Responsible Dozenten des Studiengangs
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge keine
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students, based on a literature survey, learn to study in detail a subject theme from the disciplines of green technologies and deliver afterwards a summary presentation to a specialised audience. Environmental issues and their multidisciplinary linkages are preferred, when selecting the thematic area of these studies. Through their own written contribution the students communicate an overview over the subject and practice technical writing. With the discussion the students practice scientific debating on a specialised subject matter.


The students can, when working on a technical topic not familiar to them:

  • conduct a literature survey
  • choose the relevant information for their presentation
  • prepare a written summary
  • present results in front of peers and staff
  • correctly cite and reference sources.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students practice a critical assessment of the literature in a predefined specialised theme and learn to give presentations on their own technical sub-topic tailored to their public and discuss with the audience. When attending technical presentations, the students can formulate questions to other speakers and participate in the ensuing discussion.

The fulfilment of the tasks combines independent work with group and teamwork.


The students can, guided by instructors, critically reflect on their learning and work status, and write a scientific report.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Study work
Examination duration and scale -
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Water and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Water Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Systems / Renewable Energies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Course L2766: Study Work Green Technologies
Typ Project Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dozenten des Studiengangs
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Students carry out a research project in a scientific field under the guidance of an academic staff member. For this purpose, the student can approach the staff of the respective institute and discuss a topic. The topic is then worked on within 4 weeks and regular consultations are held with the supervisor. The student research project should be the size of a scientific article and must be presented to the lecturer after completion as part of a presentation (approx. 15 minutes).

Course L2765: Scientific Work and Writing
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dozenten des Studiengangs, Dr. Detlev Bieler, Florian Hagen
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

The seminar offers an introduction into the diverse aspects of academic research and writing: Finding the topic, finding specialized information, knowledge organisation, writing, presenting and publishing. Suggestions for reflecting own processes of learning, informing and writing - in addition to practical recommendations and tips - facilitate the start and the creation of bachelor and master theses, works, which bring thoroughly self-fulfillment and make fun.

Topics of the seminar will be in particular

  • Scientific scholarship and academic research methods:
  • Introduction, organization, attributes of science:
    How is scientific knowledge created?
    Work scheduling, finding topics, time management, specialities of academic research in engineering
  • Finding specialized information: Full texts and library resources, databases
  • Reference management:
    Knowledge organisation and creating publications with Citavi
  • Citing correctly and avoiding plagiarism
  • Preparing and doing presentations
  1. Semesterapparat "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" in der TU-Bibliothek:
  2. Weblog Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten der TU-Bibliothek:
  3. Online-Tutorial VISION der TU-Bibliothek zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten: (funktioniert nur mit installiertem Flash)
  4. Andreas Hirsch-Weber, Stefan Scherer: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Abschlussarbeit in Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften : Grundlagen, Praxisbeispiele, Übungen. Stuttgart: Ulmer, 2016.
  5. Werner Sesink: Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten : inklusive E-Learning, Web-Recherche, digitale Präsentation u.a. 9., aktualisierte Aufl. München : Oldenbourg, 2012.
  6. Judith Theuerkauf: Schreiben im Ingenieurstudium : effektiv und effizient zur Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorarbeit. Paderborn : Schöningh, 2012.
  7. Wolfsberger, Judith: Frei geschrieben : Mut, Freiheit & Strategie für wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeiten. Wien: Böhlau, 2010
  8. Biedermann, Wieland u.a.: Forschungsmethodik in den Ingenieurwissenschaften : Skript vom Lehrstuhl für Produktentwicklung, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann, Technische Universität München (TUM), 2012.
  9. Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten - HOOU Angebot der HCU Hamburg:
  1. Course Reserves Collection "Scholarly Research Methods" in the TUHH library:
  2. Scholarly research methods via TUHH library Website:
  3. VISION - Online-Tutorial on research methods by the TUHH library: (Flash has to be installed)
  4. Scientific papers and presentations / Martha Davis. 3. ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier / Academic Press, 2013. 
  5. Writing for science and engineering : papers, presentations and reports / Heather Silyn-Roberts. 2nd ed. Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2013.
  6. How to research / Loraine Blaxter, Christina Hughes and Malcolm Tight. Maidenhead : Open Univ. Press, 2010.
  7. Managing information for research : practical help in researching, writing and designing dissertations / Elizabeth Orna and Graham Stevens. Maidenhead : Open University Press McGraw-Hill, 2009.
  8. Writing scientific research articles : strategy and steps / Margaret Cargill and Patrick O’Connor. Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

Module M1022: Reciprocating Machinery

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Fundamentals of Reciprocating Engines and Turbomachinery - Part Reciprocating Engines (L0633) Lecture 1 1
Fundamentals of Reciprocating Engines and Turbomachinery - Part Reciprocating Engines (L0634) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Internal Combustion Engines I (L0059) Lecture 2 2
Internal Combustion Engines I (L0639) Recitation Section (large) 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Christopher Friedrich Wirz
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Thermodynamics, Mechanics, Machine Elements
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

As a result of the part module „Fundamentals of Reciprocating Machinery”, the students are able to reflect fundamentals regarding power and working machinery and describe the qualitative and quantitative correlations of operating methods and efficiencies of multiple types of engines, compressors and pumps. They are able to utilize technical terms and parameters as well as aspects regarding the development of power density and efficiency, furthermore to give an overview of charging systems, fuels and emissions. The students are able to select specific types of machinery and assess design related and operational problems.

As a result of the part module “Internal Combustion Engines I”, the students are able reflect and utilize the state-of-the-art regarding efficiency limits. In addition, they are able to utilize their knowledge of design, mechanical and thermodynamic characteristics and the approach of similarity. They are able to explain, assess and develop engines as well as charging systems. Detailed knowledge is present regarding computer-aided process design. 


The students are skilled to employ basic and detail knowledge regarding reciprocating machinery, their selection and operation. They are further able to assess, analyse and solve technical and operational problems and to perform mechanical and thermodynamic design.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to communicate and cooperate in a professional environment in the field of machinery design and application.


The widespread scope of gained knowledge enables the students to handle situations in their future profession independently and confidently.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Energy Systems: Compulsory
Energy Systems: Technical Complementary Course Core Studies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Compulsory
Course L0633: Fundamentals of Reciprocating Engines and Turbomachinery - Part Reciprocating Engines
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Christopher Friedrich Wirz
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  • Verbrennungsmotoren
    • Historischer Rückblick
    • Einteilung der Verbrennungsmotoren
    • Arbeitsverfahren
    • Vergleichsprozesse
    • Arbeit, Mitteldrücke, Leistungen
    • Arbeitsprozess des wirklichen Motors
    • Wirkungsgrade
    • Gemischbildung und Verbrennung
    • Motorkennfeld und Betriebskennlinien
    • Abgasentgiftung
    • Gaswechsel
    • Aufladung
    • Kühl- und Schmiersystem
    • Kräfte im Triebwerk
  • Kolbenverdichter
    • Thermodynamik des Kolbenverdichters
    • Einteilung und Verwendung
  • Kolbenpumpen
    • Prinzip der Kolbenpumpen
    • Einteilung und Verwendung
  • A. Urlaub: Verbrennungsmotoren
  • W. Kalide: Kraft- und Arbeitsmaschinen
Course L0634: Fundamentals of Reciprocating Engines and Turbomachinery - Part Reciprocating Engines
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Christopher Friedrich Wirz
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0059: Internal Combustion Engines I
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Christopher Severin
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  • The beginnings of engine development
  • Design of of motors
  • Real process calculation
  • Charging methods
  • Kinematics of the crank mechanism
  • Forces in the engine
  • Vorlesungsskript
  • Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungsweg
  • Literaturliste

Course L0639: Internal Combustion Engines I
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Christopher Severin
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0598: Mechanical Engineering: Design

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Embodiment Design and 3D-CAD Introduction and Practical Training (L0268) Lecture 2 1
Mechanical Design Project I (L0695) Project-/problem-based Learning 3 2
Mechanical Design Project II (L0592) Project-/problem-based Learning 3 2
Team Project Design Methodology (L0267) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 1
Module Responsible Prof. Dieter Krause
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Design
  • Mechanics
  • Fundamentals of Materials Science
  • Production Engineering
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After passing the module, students are able to:

  • explain design guidelines for machinery parts e.g. considering load situation, materials and manufacturing requirements,
  • describe basics of 3D CAD,
  • explain basics methods of engineering designing.

After passing the module, students are able to:

  • independently create sketches, technical drawings and documentations e.g. using 3D CAD,
  • design components based on design guidelines autonomously,
  • dimension (calculate) used components,
  • use methods to design and solve engineering design tasks systamtically and solution-oriented,
  • apply creativity techniques in teams.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

After passing the module, students are able to:

  • develop and evaluate solutions in groups including making and documenting decisions,
  • moderate the use of scientific methods,
  • present and discuss solutions and technical drawings within groups,
  • reflect the own results in the work groups of the course.

Students are able

  •  to estimate their level of knowledge using  activating methods within the lectures (e.g. with clickers),
  • To solve engineering design tasks systematically.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 40, Study Time in Lecture 140
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Written elaboration Konstruktionsprojekt 2
Yes None Written elaboration 3D-CAD-Praktikum
Yes None Written elaboration Teamprojekt Konstruktionsmethodik
Yes None Written elaboration Konstruktionsprojekt 1
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 180 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Biomedical Engineering: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Biomedical Engineering: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0268: Embodiment Design and 3D-CAD Introduction and Practical Training
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 2, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Dieter Krause
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  • Basics of 3D CAD technology
  • Practical course to apply a 3D CAD system
    • Introduction to the system
    • Sketching and creation of components
    • Creation of assemblies
    • Deriving technical drawings
  • CAx für Ingenieure eine praxisbezogene Einführung; Vajna, S., Weber, C., Bley, H., Zeman, K.; Springer-Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  • Handbuch Konstruktion; Rieg, F., Steinhilper, R.; Hanser; aktuelle Auflage.
  • Dubbel, Taschenbuch für den Maschinenbau; Grote, K.-H., Feldhusen, J.(Hrsg.); Springer-Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  • Technisches Zeichnen: Grundlagen, Normen, Beispiele, Darstellende Geometrie, Hoischen, H; Hesser, W; Cornelsen, aktuelle Auflage.
  • Maschinenelemente, Band I-III; Niemann, G., Springer-Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  • Maschinen- und Konstruktionselemente; Steinhilper, W., Röper, R., Springer Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  • Konstruktionslehre, Pahl, G.; Beitz, W., Springer-Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  • Maschinenelemente 1-2; Schlecht, B., Pearson Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  • Maschinenelemente - Gestaltung, Berechnung, Anwendung; Haberhauer, H., Bodenstein, F., Springer-Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  • Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente; Wittel, H., Muhs, D., Jannasch, D., Voßiek, J., Springer Vieweg, aktuelle Auflage.
Course L0695: Mechanical Design Project I
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 3
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 18, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Thorsten Schüppstuhl
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  • Create a technical documentation of an existing mechanical model
  • Consolidation of the following aspects of technical drawings:
    • Presentation of technical objects and standardized parts
      (bearings, seals, shaft-hub joints, detachable connections, springs, axes and shafts)
    • Sectional views
    • Dimensioning
    • Tolerances and surface specifications
    • Creating a tally sheet

  1. Hoischen, H.; Hesser, W.: Technisches Zeichnen. Grundlagen, Normen, Beispiele, darstellende Geometrie, 33. Auflage. Berlin 2011.
  2. Labisch, S.; Weber, C.: Technisches Zeichnen. Selbstständig lernen und effektiv üben, 4. Auflage. Wiesbaden 2008.
  3. Fischer, U.: Tabellenbuch Metall, 43. Auflage. Haan-Gruiten 2005.

Course L0592: Mechanical Design Project II
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 3
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 18, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Jan Hendrik Dege
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  • Generation of sketches for functions and sub-functions
  • Approximately calculation of shafts
  • Dimension of bearings, screw connections and weld
  • Generation of engineering drawings (assembly drawings, manufacturing drawing)

Dubbel, Taschenbuch für Maschinenbau, Beitz, W., Küttner, K.-H, Springer-Verlag.

Maschinenelemente, Band I - III, Niemann, G., Springer-Verlag.

Maschinen- und Konstruktionselemente, Steinhilper, W., Röper, R., Springer-Verlag.

Einführung in die DIN-Normen, Klein, M., Teubner-Verlag.

Konstruktionslehre, Pahl, G., Beitz, W., Springer-Verlag.

Course L0267: Team Project Design Methodology
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 2, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Dieter Krause
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  • Introduction to engineering designing methodology
  • Team Project Design Methodology
    • Creating requirement lists
    • Problem formulation
    • Creating functional structures
    • Finding solutions
    • Evaluation of the found concepts
    • Documentation of the taken methodological steps and the concepts using presentation slides
  • Dubbel, Taschenbuch für den Maschinenbau; Grote, K.-H., Feldhusen, J.(Hrsg.); Springer-Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  • Maschinenelemente, Band I-III; Niemann, G., Springer-Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  •  Maschinen- und Konstruktionselemente; Steinhilper, W., Röper, R., Springer Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  •  Einführung in die DIN-Normen; Klein, M., Teubner-Verlag.
  •  Konstruktionslehre, Pahl, G.; Beitz, W., Springer-Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  •  Maschinenelemente 1-2; Schlecht, B., Pearson Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  •  Maschinenelemente - Gestaltung, Berechnung, Anwendung; Haberhauer, H., Bodenstein, F., Springer-Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  • Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente; Wittel, H., Muhs, D., Jannasch, D., Voßiek, J., Springer Vieweg, aktuelle Auflage.
  • Sowie weitere Bücher zu speziellen Themen

Module M0933: Fundamentals of Materials Science

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Fundamentals of Materials Science I (L1085) Lecture 2 2
Fundamentals of Materials Science II (Advanced Ceramic Materials, Polymers and Composites) (L0506) Lecture 2 2
Physical and Chemical Basics of Materials Science (L1095) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Jörg Weißmüller
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Highschool-level physics, chemistry und mathematics

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students have acquired a fundamental knowledge on metals, ceramics and polymers and can describe this knowledge comprehensively. Fundamental knowledge here means specifically the issues of atomic structure, microstructure, phase diagrams, phase transformations, corrosion and mechanical properties. The students know about the key aspects of characterization methods for materials and can identify relevant approaches for characterizing specific properties. They are able to trace materials phenomena back to the underlying physical and chemical laws of nature.


The students are able to trace materials phenomena back to the underlying physical and chemical laws of nature. Materials phenomena here refers to mechanical properties such as strength, ductility, and stiffness, chemical properties such as corrosion resistance, and to phase transformations such as solidification, precipitation, or melting. The students can explain the relation between processing conditions and the materials microstructure, and they can account for the impact of microstructure on the material’s behavior.

Personal Competence
Social Competence -
Autonomy -
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 180 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Biomedical Engineering: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Naval Architecture: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Advanced Materials: Compulsory
Data Science: Specialisation II. Application: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Production Management and Processes: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation III. Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Production Management and Processes: Elective Compulsory
Course L1085: Fundamentals of Materials Science I
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Jörg Weißmüller
Language DE
Cycle WiSe


W.D. Callister: Materials Science and Engineering - An Introduction. 5th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2000, ISBN 0-471-32013-7

P. Haasen: Physikalische Metallkunde. Springer 1994

Course L0506: Fundamentals of Materials Science II (Advanced Ceramic Materials, Polymers and Composites)
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Bodo Fiedler, Prof. Gerold Schneider
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content Chemische Bindungen und Aufbau von Festkörpern; Kristallaufbau; Werkstoffprüfung; Schweißbarkeit; Herstellung von Keramiken; Aufbau und Eigenschaften der Keramik; Herstellung, Aufbau und Eigenschaften von Gläsern; Polymerwerkstoffe, Makromolekularer Aufbau; Struktur und Eigenschaften der Polymere; Polymerverarbeitung; Verbundwerkstoffe     


W.D. Callister: Materials Science and Engineering -An Introduction-5th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2000, ISBN 0-471-32013-7

Course L1095: Physical and Chemical Basics of Materials Science
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Gregor Vonbun-Feldbauer
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  • Motivation: „Atoms in Mechanical Engineering?“
  • Basics: Force and Energy
  • The electromagnetic Interaction
  • „Detour“: Mathematics (complex e-funktion etc.)
  • The atom: Bohr's model of the atom
  • Chemical bounds
  • The multi part problem: Solutions and strategies
  • Descriptions of using statistical thermodynamics
  • Elastic theory of atoms
  • Consequences of atomar properties on makroskopic Properties: Discussion of examples (metals, semiconductors, hybrid systems)

Für den Elektromagnetismus:

  • Bergmann-Schäfer: „Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik“, Band 2: „Elektromagnetismus“, de Gruyter

Für die Atomphysik:

  • Haken, Wolf: „Atom- und Quantenphysik“, Springer

Für die Materialphysik und Elastizität:

  • Hornbogen, Warlimont: „Metallkunde“, Springer

Module M0662: Numerical Mathematics I

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Numerical Mathematics I (L0417) Lecture 2 3
Numerical Mathematics I (L0418) Recitation Section (small) 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Sabine Le Borne
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Mathematik I + II for Engineering Students (german or english) or Analysis & Linear Algebra I + II for Technomathematicians
  • basic MATLAB/Python knowledge
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to

  • name numerical methods for interpolation, integration, least squares problems, eigenvalue problems, nonlinear root finding problems and to explain their core ideas,
  • repeat convergence statements for the numerical methods,
  • explain aspects for the practical execution of numerical methods with respect to computational and storage complexitx.


Students are able to

  • implement, apply and compare numerical methods using MATLAB/Python,
  • justify the convergence behaviour of numerical methods with respect to the problem and solution algorithm,
  • select and execute a suitable solution approach for a given problem.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to

  • work together in heterogeneously composed teams (i.e., teams from different study programs and background knowledge), explain theoretical foundations and support each other with practical aspects regarding the implementation of algorithms.

Students are capable

  • to assess whether the supporting theoretical and practical excercises are better solved individually or in a team,
  • to assess their individual progess and, if necessary, to ask questions and seek help.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 minutes
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Computer Science: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Biomedical Engineering: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Biomechanics: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Aircraft Systems Engineering: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Mechatronics: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Advanced Materials: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Data Science: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Data Science: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Engineering Science: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Mechatronics: Elective Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Technical Complementary Course Core Studies: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0417: Numerical Mathematics I
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Sabine Le Borne
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
  1. Finite precision arithmetic, error analysis, conditioning and stability
  2. Linear systems of equations: LU and Cholesky factorization, condition
  3. Interpolation: polynomial, spline and trigonometric interpolation
  4. Nonlinear equations: fixed point iteration, root finding algorithms, Newton's method
  5. Linear and nonlinear least squares problems: normal equations, Gram Schmidt and Householder orthogonalization, singular value decomposition, regularizatio, Gauss-Newton and Levenberg-Marquardt methods
  6. Eigenvalue problems: power iteration, inverse iteration, QR algorithm
  7. Numerical differentiation
  8. Numerical integration: Newton-Cotes rules, error estimates, Gauss quadrature, adaptive quadrature
  • Gander/Gander/Kwok: Scientific Computing: An introduction using Maple and MATLAB, Springer (2014)
  • Stoer/Bulirsch: Numerische Mathematik 1, Springer
  • Dahmen, Reusken: Numerik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler, Springer

Course L0418: Numerical Mathematics I
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Sabine Le Borne, Dr. Jens-Peter Zemke
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0655: Computational Fluid Dynamics I

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Computational Fluid Dynamics I (L0235) Lecture 2 3
Computational Fluid Dynamics I (L0419) Recitation Section (large) 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Thomas Rung
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Students should have sound knowledge of engineering mathematics (series expansions, internal & vector calculus), and be familiar with the foundations of partial/ordinary differential equations. They should also be familiar with engineering fluid mechanics and thermodynamics.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students will have the required combined knowledge of thermo-/fluid dynamics and numerical analysis to translate general principles of thermo-/fluid engineering into discrete algorithms on the basis of local (finite differences/volumes) and global (potential theory) ansatz functions. They are familiar with the similarities and differences between different discretisation and approximation concepts for investigating coupled systems of non-linear, convective partial differential equations (PDE), and explain the motivation for applying them. Students have the required background knowledge to develop, code, explain and apply numerical algorithms dedicated to the solution of thermofluid  dynamic PDEs. They are familiar with most numerical methods used to predict thermofluid dynamic fields, in particular their realms and limitations.


The students are able choose and apply appropriate numerical procedures that integrate the governing thermofluid dynamic PDEs in space and time. They can apply/optimise numerical analysis concepts to/for fluid dynamic applications. They can code computational algorithms in a structured way, apply these codes for parameter investigations and supplement interfaces to extract simulation data for an engineering analysis.  

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to discuss problems, present the results of their own analysis, and jointly develop, implement and report on solution strategies that address given technical reference problems.


The students can independently analyse numerical methods to solving fluid engineering problems. They are able to critically analyse own results as well as external data with regards to the plausibility and reliability.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 2h
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Aircraft Systems Engineering: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Naval Architecture: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Energy Systems: Technical Complementary Course Core Studies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation III. Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Course L0235: Computational Fluid Dynamics I
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Thomas Rung
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Fundamentals of computational modelling of thermofluid dynamic problems. Development of numerical algorithms.

  1. Partial differential equations
  2. Foundations of finite numerical approximations
  3. Computation of potential flows
  4. Introduction of finite-differences
  5. Approximation of convective, diffusive and transient transport processes
  6. Formulation of boundary conditions and initial conditions
  7. Assembly and solution of algebraic equation systems
  8. Facets of weighted -residual approaches
  9. Finite volume methods
  10. Basics of grid generation

Ferziger and Peric: Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, Springer

Course L0419: Computational Fluid Dynamics I
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Thomas Rung
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0639: Gas and Steam Power Plants

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Gas and Steam Power Plants (L0206) Lecture 3 5
Gas and Steam Power Plants (L0210) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Module Responsible Dozenten des SD M
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • "Technical Thermodynamics I and II"
  • "Heat Transfer"
  • "Fluid Mechanics"
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students can evaluate the development of the electricity demand and the energy conversion routes in the thermal power plant, describe the various types of power plant and the layout of the steam generator block. They are also able to determine the operation characteristics of the power plant. Additionally they can describe the exhaust gas cleaning apparatus and the combination possibilities of conventional fossil-fuelled power plants with solar thermal and geothermal power plants or plants equipped with Carbon Capture and Storage.

The students have basic knowledge about the principles, operation and design of turbomachinery


The students will be able, using theories and methods of the energy technology from fossil fuels and based on well-founded knowledge on the function and construction of gas and steam power plants, to identify basic associations in the production of heat and electricity, so as to develop conceptual solutions. Through analysis of the problem and exposure to the inherent interplay between heat and power generation the students are endowed with the capability and methodology to develop realistic optimal concepts for the generation of electricity and the production of heat. From the technical basics the students become the ability to follow better the deliberations on the electricity mix composition within the energy-political triangle (economy, secure supply and environmental protection).

Within the framework of the exercise the students learn the use of the specialised software suite EBSILON ProfessionalTM. With this tool small practical tasks are solved with the PC, to highlight aspects of the design and development of power plant cycles.

The students are able to do simplified calculations on turbomachinery either as part of a plant, as single component or at stage level.

Personal Competence
Social Competence An excursion within the framework of the lecture is planned for students that are interested. The students get in this manner direct contact with a modern power plant in this region. The students will obtain first-hand experience with a power plant in operation and gain insights into the conflicts between technical and political issues.

The students assisted by the tutors will be able to develop alone simple simulation models and run with these scenario analyses. In this manner the theoretical and practical knowledge from the lecture is consolidated and the potential effects from different process combinations and boundary conditions highlighted. The students are able independently to analyse the operational performance of steam power plants and calculate selected quantities and characteristic curves.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
No 5 % Excercises Sechs Übungsaufgaben mit Ebsilon-Professional, bis zu insgesamt 5 % Bonus je nach Anteil richtiger Abgaben
No 5 % Presentation 15-minütiges, unbenotetes Testat über EBSILON Professional; nur bestanden/nicht bestanden (keine anteiligen Punkte)
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale Written examination of 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Energy Systems: Technical Complementary Course Core Studies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Course L0206: Gas and Steam Power Plants
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 5
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 108, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Dr. Lars Wiese, Dr. Stylianos Rafailidis
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

In the 1st part of the lecture an overview on thermal power plants is offered, including:

  • Electricity demand and Forecasting
  • Thermodynamic fundamentals
  • Energy Conversion in thermal power plants
  • Types of power plant
  • Layout of the power plant block
  • Individual elements of the power plant
  • Cooling systems
  • Flue gas cleaning
  • Operation characteristics of the power plant
  • Construction materials for power plants
  • Location of power plants
  • Solar thermal plants/geothermal plants/Carbon Capture and Storage plants.

These are complemented in the 2nd part of the module by the more specialised issues:

  • Energy balance of a turbomachine
  • Theory of turbine and compressor stage
  • Equal and positive pressure blading
  • Flow losses
  • Characteristic numbers
  • Axial and radial design
  • Design features
  • Hydraulic turbomachines
  • Pump and water turbine designs
  • Design examples of reciprocating engines and turbomachinery
  • Steam power plants
  • Gas turbine systems.

  • Kalide: Kraft- und Arbeitsmaschinen
  • Thomas, H.J.: Thermische Kraftanlagen. Springer-Verlag, 1985
  • Strauß, K.: Kraftwerkstechnik. Springer-Verlag, 2006
  • Kugeler und Phlippen: Energietechnik. Springer-Verlag, 1990
  • Bohn, T. (Hrsg.): Handbuchreihe Energie, Band 7: Gasturbinenkraftwerke, Kombikraftwerke, Heizkraftwerke und Industriekraftwerke, Technischer Verlag Resch / Verlag TÜV Rheinland
Course L0210: Gas and Steam Power Plants
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Lars Wiese, Dr. Stylianos Rafailidis
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

In the 1st part of the lecture a general introduction into fluid-flow machines and steam power plants is offered, including:

  • Energy balance of a fluid-flow machine
  • Theory of turbine and compressor stage
  • Equal and positive pressure blading
  • Flow losses
  • Characteristic numbers
  • Axial and radial design
  • Design features
  • Hydraulic fluid-flow machines
  • Pump and water turbine designs
  • Design examples of reciprocating engines and turbomachinery
  • Steam power plants
  • Gas turbine systems
  • Diesel engine systems
  • Waste heat utilisation

followed by the more specialised issues:

  • Electricity Demand and Forecasting
  • Thermodynamic fundamentals
  • Energy Conversion in Thermal Power Plants
  • Types of Power Plant
  • Layout of the power plant block
  • Individual elements of the power plant
  • Cooling systems
  • Flue gas cleaning
  • Operation characteristics of the power plant
  • Construction materials
  • Location of power plants

The environmental impact of acidification, fine particulate or CO2 emissions and the resulting climatic effects are a special focus of the lecture and the lecture hall exercise. The challenges in plant operation from interconnecting conventional power plants and renewable energy sources are discussed and the technical options for providing security of supply and network stability are presented, also under consideration of cost effectiveness. In this critical review, focus is especially placed on the compatibility of the different solutions with the environment and climate. With this, the awareness for the responsibility of an engineer's own actions are emphasized and the potential extent of the different solutions presented clearly.

Within the framework of the exercise the students learn the use of the specialised software suite EBSILON ProfessionalTM. With this tool small tasks are solved on the PC, to highlight aspects of the design and development of power plant cycles. The students present their results orally and can afterwards ask questions and get feedback. The course work has a positive effect on the students final grade.

  • Skripte
  • Kalide: Kraft- und Arbeitsmaschinen
  • Thomas, H.J.: Thermische Kraftanlagen. Springer-Verlag, 1985
  • Strauß, K.: Kraftwerkstechnik. Springer-Verlag, 2006
  • Kugeler und Phlippen: Energietechnik. Springer-Verlag, 1990
  • T. Bohn (Hrsg.): Handbuchreihe Energie, Band 7: Gasturbinenkraftwerke, Kombikraftwerke, Heizkraftwerke und Industriekraftwerke, Technischer Verlag Resch / Verlag TÜV Rheinland

Module M0610: Electrical Machines and Actuators

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Electrical Machines and Actuators (L0293) Lecture 3 4
Electrical Machines and Actuators (L0294) Recitation Section (large) 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Thorsten Kern
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basics of mathematics, in particular complexe numbers, integrals, differentials

Basics of electrical engineering and mechanical engineering

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students can to draw and explain the basic principles of electric and magnetic fields. 

They can describe the function of the standard types of electric machines and present the corresponding equations and characteristic curves. For typically used drives they can explain the major parameters of the energy efficiency of the whole system from the power grid to the driven engine.


Students are able to calculate two-dimensional electric and magnetic fields in particular ferromagnetic circuits with air gap. For this they apply the usual methods of the design auf electric machines.

They can calulate the operational performance of electric machines from their given characteristic data and selected quantities and characteristic curves. They apply the usual equivalent circuits and graphical methods.

Personal Competence
Social Competence none

Students are able independently to calculate electric and magnatic fields for applications. They are able to analyse independently the operational performance of electric machines from the charactersitic data and theycan calculate thereof selected quantities and characteristic curves.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale Design of four machines and actuators, review of design files
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Energy Systems: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Electrical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Mechatronics: Elective Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Electrical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Specialisation II. Mathematics & Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Traffic Planning and Systems: Elective Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Production Management and Processes: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Naval Engineering: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Robot- and Machine-Systems: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Electrical Systems: Elective Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation III. Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Information Technology: Elective Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Traffic Planning and Systems: Elective Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Production Management and Processes: Elective Compulsory
Course L0293: Electrical Machines and Actuators
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 78, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Thorsten Kern, Dennis Kähler
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

Electric field: Coulomb´s law, flux (field) line, work, potential, capacitor, energy, force, capacitive actuators

Magnetic field: force, flux line, Ampere´s law, field at bounderies, flux, magnetic circuit, hysteresis, induction, self-induction, mutual inductance, transformer, electromagnetic actuators

Synchronous machines, construction and layout, equivalent single line diagrams, no-load and short-cuircuit characteristics, vector diagrams, motor and generator operation, stepper motors

DC-Machines: Construction and layout, torque generation mechanismen, torque vs speed characteristics, commutation,

Asynchronous Machines. Magnetic field, construction and layout, equivalent single line diagram, complex stator current diagram (Heylands´diagram), torque vs. speed characteristics, rotor layout (squirrel-cage vs. sliprings),

Drives with variable speed, inverter fed operation, special drives


Hermann Linse, Roland Fischer: "Elektrotechnik für Maschinenbauer", Vieweg-Verlag; Signatur der Bibliothek der TUHH: ETB 313

Ralf Kories, Heinz Schmitt-Walter: "Taschenbuch der Elektrotechnik"; Verlag Harri Deutsch; Signatur der Bibliothek der TUHH: ETB 122

"Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik" - anderer Autoren

Fachbücher "Elektrische Maschinen"

Course L0294: Electrical Machines and Actuators
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Thorsten Kern, Dennis Kähler
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0725: Production Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Production Engineering I (L0608) Lecture 2 2
Production Engineering I (L0612) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Production Engineering II (L0610) Lecture 2 2
Production Engineering II (L0611) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Jan Hendrik Dege
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

no course assessments required

internship recommended

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to ...

  • name basic criteria for the selection of manufacturing processes.
  • name the main groups of Manufacturing Technology.
  • name the application areas of different manufacturing processes.
  • name boundaries, advantages and disadvantages of the different manufacturing process.
  • describe elements, geometric properties and kinematic variables and requirements for tools, workpiece and process.
  • explain the essential models of manufacturing technology.


Students are able to...

  • select manufacturing processes in accordance with the requirements.
  • design manufacturing processes for simple tasks to meet the required tolerances of the component to be produced.
  • assess components in terms of their production-oriented construction.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to ...

  • develop solutions in a production environment with qualified personnel at technical level and represent decisions.


Students are able to  ..

  • interpret independently the manufacturing process.
  • assess own strengths and weaknesses in general.
  • assess  their learning progress and define gaps to be improved.
  • assess possible consequences of their  actions.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Product Development and Production: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Mechanical Engineering and Management: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (English program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Production Management and Processes: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Naval Engineering: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Medical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Robot- and Machine-Systems: Elective Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Production Management and Processes: Compulsory
Course L0608: Production Engineering I
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Jan Hendrik Dege
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  • Manufacturing Accuracy
  • Manufacturing Metrology
  • Measurement Errors and Uncertainties
  • Introduction to Forming
  • Massiv forming and Sheet Metal Forming
  • Introduction to Machining Technology
  • Geometrically defined machining (Turning, milling, drilling, broaching, planning)


Dubbel, Heinrich (Grote, Karl-Heinrich.; Feldhusen, Jörg.; Dietz, Peter,; Ziegmann, Gerhard,;)  Taschenbuch für den Maschinenbau : mit Tabellen. Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2007

Fritz, Alfred Herbert: Fertigungstechnik : mit 62 Tabellen. Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2004

Keferstein, Claus P (Dutschke, Wolfgang,;): Fertigungsmesstechnik : praxisorientierte Grundlagen, moderne Messverfahren. Wiesbaden : Teubner, 2008

Mohr, Richard: Statistik für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler : Grundlagen und Anwendung statistischer Verfahren. Renningen : expert-Verl, 2008

Klocke, F., König, W.: Fertigungsverfahren Bd. 1 Drehen, Fäsen, Bohren. 8. Aufl., Springer (2008)

Klocke, Fritz (König, Wilfried,;): Umformen. Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2006

Paucksch, E.: Zerspantechnik, Vieweg-Verlag, 1996

Tönshoff, H.K.; Denkena, B., Spanen. Grundlagen, Springer-Verlag (2004)

Course L0612: Production Engineering I
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Jan Hendrik Dege
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0610: Production Engineering II
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Jan Hendrik Dege, Dr. Dirk Herzog, Prof. Claus Emmelmann
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  • Geometrically undefined machining (grinding, lapping, honing)
  • Introduction into erosion technology
  • Introduction into blastig processes
  • Introduction to the manufacturing process forming (Casting, Powder Metallurgy, Composites)
  • Fundamentals of Laser Technology
  • Process versions and Fundamentals of Laser Joining Technology

Klocke, F., König, W.: Fertigungsverfahren Bd. 2 Schleifen, Honen, Läppen, 4. Aufl., Springer (2005)

Klocke, F., König, W.: Fertigungsverfahren Bd. 3 Abtragen, Generieren und Lasermaterialbearbeitung. 4. Aufl., Springer (2007)

Spur, Günter (Stöferle, Theodor.;): Urformen. München [u.a.] : Hanser, 1981

Schatt, Werner (Wieters, Klaus-Peter,; Kieback, Bernd,;): Pulvermetallurgie : Technologien und Werkstoffe. Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2007

Course L0611: Production Engineering II
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Jan Hendrik Dege, Dr. Dirk Herzog, Prof. Claus Emmelmann
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0829: Foundations of Management

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Management Tutorial (L0882) Recitation Section (small) 2 3
Introduction to Management (L0880) Lecture 3 3
Module Responsible Prof. Christian Lüthje
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Basic Knowledge of Mathematics and Business
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After taking this module, students know the important basics of many different areas in Business and Management, from Planning and Organisation to Marketing and Innovation, and also to Investment and Controlling. In particular they are able to

  • explain the differences between Economics and Management and the sub-disciplines in Management and to name important definitions from the field of Management
  • explain the most important aspects of and goals in Management and name the most important aspects of entreprneurial projects 
  • describe and explain basic business functions as production, procurement and sourcing, supply chain management, organization and human ressource management, information management, innovation management and marketing 
  • explain the relevance of planning and decision making in Business, esp. in situations under multiple objectives and uncertainty, and explain some basic methods from mathematical Finance 
  • state basics from accounting and costing and selected controlling methods.

Students are able to analyse business units with respect to different criteria (organization, objectives, strategies etc.) and to carry out an Entrepreneurship project in a team. In particular, they are able to

  • analyse Management goals and structure them appropriately
  • analyse organisational and staff structures of companies
  • apply methods for decision making under multiple objectives, under uncertainty and under risk
  • analyse production and procurement systems and Business information systems
  • analyse and apply basic methods of marketing
  • select and apply basic methods from mathematical finance to predefined problems
  • apply basic methods from accounting, costing and controlling to predefined problems

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to

  • work successfully in a team of students
  • to apply their knowledge from the lecture to an entrepreneurship project and write a coherent report on the project
  • to communicate appropriately and
  • to cooperate respectfully with their fellow students. 

Students are able to

  • work in a team and to organize the team themselves
  • to write a report on their project.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale several written exams during the semester plus final test (90 minutes)
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Core Qualification: Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Civil Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water and Environment: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Traffic and Mobility: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bio Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Data Science: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Systems / Renewable Energies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Water Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Biomechanics: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Materials in Engineering Sciences: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Product Development and Production: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Aircraft Systems Engineering: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Mechatronics: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Electrical Systems: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Dynamic Systems and AI: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Medical Engineering: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Robot- and Machine-Systems: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Naval Engineering: Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Technomathematics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0882: Management Tutorial
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Christian Lüthje
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

In the management tutorial, the contents of the lecture will be deepened by practical examples and the application of the discussed tools.

If there is adequate demand, a problem-oriented tutorial will be offered in parallel, which students can choose alternatively. Here, students work in groups on self-selected projects that focus on the elaboration of an innovative business idea from the point of view of an established company or a startup. Again, the business knowledge from the lecture should come to practical use. The group projects are guided by a mentor.

Literature Relevante Literatur aus der korrespondierenden Vorlesung.
Course L0880: Introduction to Management
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Matthias Meyer, Prof. Christian Lüthje, Prof. Christian Ringle, Prof. Christian Thies, Prof. Christoph Ihl, Prof. Kathrin Fischer, Prof. Moritz Göldner, Prof. Thomas Wrona, Prof. Thorsten Blecker, Prof. Tim Schweisfurth, Prof. Wolfgang Kersten
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe
  • Introduction to Business and Management, Business versus Economics, relevant areas in Business and Management
  • Important definitions from Management, 
  • Developing Objectives for Business, and their relation to important Business functions
  • Business Functions: Functions of the Value Chain, e.g. Production and Procurement, Supply Chain Management, Innovation Management, Marketing and Sales
    Cross-sectional Functions, e.g. Organisation, Human Ressource Management, Supply Chain Management, Information Management
  • Definitions as information, information systems, aspects of data security and strategic information systems
  • Definition and Relevance of innovations, e.g. innovation opporunities, risks etc.
  • Relevance of marketing, B2B vs. B2C-Marketing
  • different techniques from the field of marketing (e.g. scenario technique), pricing strategies
  • important organizational structures
  • basics of human ressource management
  • Introduction to Business Planning and the steps of a planning process
  • Decision Analysis: Elements of decision problems and methods for solving decision problems
  • Selected Planning Tasks, e.g. Investment and Financial Decisions
  • Introduction to Accounting: Accounting, Balance-Sheets, Costing
  • Relevance of Controlling and selected Controlling methods
  • Important aspects of Entrepreneurship projects


Bamberg, G., Coenenberg, A.: Betriebswirtschaftliche Entscheidungslehre, 14. Aufl., München 2008

Eisenführ, F., Weber, M.: Rationales Entscheiden, 4. Aufl., Berlin et al. 2003

Heinhold, M.: Buchführung in Fallbeispielen, 10. Aufl., Stuttgart 2006.

Kruschwitz, L.: Finanzmathematik. 3. Auflage, München 2001.

Pellens, B., Fülbier, R. U., Gassen, J., Sellhorn, T.: Internationale Rechnungslegung, 7. Aufl., Stuttgart 2008.

Schweitzer, M.: Planung und Steuerung, in: Bea/Friedl/Schweitzer: Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Bd. 2: Führung, 9. Aufl., Stuttgart 2005.

Weber, J., Schäffer, U. : Einführung in das Controlling, 12. Auflage, Stuttgart 2008.

Weber, J./Weißenberger, B.: Einführung in das Rechnungswesen, 7. Auflage, Stuttgart 2006. 

Specialization Maritime Technologies

Module M0659: Fundamentals of Ship Structural Design and Analysis

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Fundamentals of Ship Structural Design (L0411) Lecture 2 2
Fundamentals of Ship Structural Design (L0413) Recitation Section (small) 1 2
Fundamentals of Ship Structural Analysis (L0410) Lecture 2 2
Fundamentals of Ship Structural Analysis (L0414) Recitation Section (small) 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Sören Ehlers
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Mechanics I - III
Fundamentals of Materials Science I - III
Welding Technology I
Fundamentals of Mechanical Design I - III

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students can reproduce the basic contents of the structural behaviour of ship structures; they can explain the theory and methods for the calculation of deformations and stresses in beam-like structures.

Furthermore, they can reproduce the basis contents of codes (rules), materials, semi-finished products, joining and principles of structural design of components in the ship structure.


Students are capable of applying the methods and tools for the calculation of linear deformations and stresses in the above mentioned structures; they can choose calculation models of typical ship structures.

Furthermore, they are capable to apply the methods of drawing and sizing the ship structure; they can select suitable materials, semi-finished products and joints.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to communicate and cooperate in a professional environment in the shipbuilding and component supply industry. 


The students are capable to independently idealize real ship structures and to select suitable methods for analysis of beam-like structures; they are capable to assess the results of structural analyses.

Furthermore, they are capable to assess drawings of complex ship structures and to design ship structures for various requirements and boundary conditions.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 156, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 8
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 3 hours
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Naval Architecture: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Naval Engineering: Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0411: Fundamentals of Ship Structural Design
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Rüdiger Ulrich Franz von Bock und Polach
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

1. Introduction
3. Class societies and their tasks
4. Materials for steel shipbuilding
5. Welding and Cutting
6. Semi-finished products in steel shipbuilding
7. Determining the scantlings for local loads
8. Longitudinal strength of the hull girder
9. Determining the scantlings of longitudinal structural members
10. Determining the scantlings of bottom and side structures
11. Decks and Hatch Openings
12. Effective breadth
13. Iterative determination of scantlings (POSEIDON)


Vorlesungsskript mit weiteren Literaturangaben wird über das Internet verfügbar gemacht

Course L0413: Fundamentals of Ship Structural Design
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Rüdiger Ulrich Franz von Bock und Polach
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

1. Introduction
3. Class societies and their tasks
4. Materials for steel shipbuilding
5. Welding and Cutting
6. Semi-finished products in steel shipbuilding
7. Determining the scantlings for local loads
8. Longitudinal strength of the hull girder
9. Determining the scantlings of longitudinal structural members
10. Determining the scantlings of bottom and side structures
11. Decks and Hatch Openings
12. Effective breadth
13. Iterative determination of scantlings (POSEIDON)


Vorlesungsskript mit weiteren Literaturangaben wird über das Internet verfügbar gemacht

Course L0410: Fundamentals of Ship Structural Analysis
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Sören Ehlers
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

1. Introduction
2. Finite element method (f.e. method) by the example of trussworks
3. Force methods for frameworks
4. F.e. method for frameworks
5. Shear and torsion in thin-walled beams
6. Beams subjected to longitudinal forces


Vorlesungsskript mit weiteren Literaturangaben; div. Bücher über die Methode der finiten Elemente

Course L0414: Fundamentals of Ship Structural Analysis
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Sören Ehlers
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

1. Introduction
2. Finite element method (f.e. method) by the example of trussworks
3. Force methods for frameworks
4. F.e. method for frameworks
5. Shear and torsion in thin-walled beams
6. Beams subjected to longitudinal forces


Vorlesungsskript mit weiteren Literaturangaben; div. Bücher über die Methode der finiten Elemente

Module M1914: Fundamentals of renewable ocean utilization

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Fundamentals of renewable ocean utilization (L3158) Lecture 3 3
Fundamentals of renewable ocean utilization (L3159) Recitation Section (small) 3 3
Module Responsible Prof. Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge none
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students understand the fundamentals of ocean engineering necessary to design and evaluate maritime structures used for renewable ocean utilization:
-Introduction to oceanography
-Linear wave theory
-Introduction to nonlinear ocean waves
-Hydrostatics and hydrodynamics of floating bodies in ocean waves
-Computation of wave-induced loads
-Fundamentals of mechanical strength and structural dynamics
-Introduction to numerical computation of maritime problems


Students can apply the learned theoretical knowledge to explain the fundamentals of renewable ocean utilization and can solve related computational tasks.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students can participate in discussions regarding the fundamentals of renewable ocean utilization.


Students can independently exploit sources with respect to the emphasis of the lectures. They can choose and aquire the for the particular task useful knowledge. Furthermore, they can solve computational tasks of approaches concerning the fundamentals of renewable ocean utilization independently with the assistance of the lecture. Regarding to this they can assess their specific learning level and can consequently define the further workflow.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
No 10 % Presentation
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 180 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Compulsory
Course L3158: Fundamentals of renewable ocean utilization
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud, Dr. Robinson Peric, Prof. Sören Ehlers
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Course L3159: Fundamentals of renewable ocean utilization
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud, Dr. Robinson Peric, Prof. Sören Ehlers
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Module M0933: Fundamentals of Materials Science

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Fundamentals of Materials Science I (L1085) Lecture 2 2
Fundamentals of Materials Science II (Advanced Ceramic Materials, Polymers and Composites) (L0506) Lecture 2 2
Physical and Chemical Basics of Materials Science (L1095) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Jörg Weißmüller
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Highschool-level physics, chemistry und mathematics

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students have acquired a fundamental knowledge on metals, ceramics and polymers and can describe this knowledge comprehensively. Fundamental knowledge here means specifically the issues of atomic structure, microstructure, phase diagrams, phase transformations, corrosion and mechanical properties. The students know about the key aspects of characterization methods for materials and can identify relevant approaches for characterizing specific properties. They are able to trace materials phenomena back to the underlying physical and chemical laws of nature.


The students are able to trace materials phenomena back to the underlying physical and chemical laws of nature. Materials phenomena here refers to mechanical properties such as strength, ductility, and stiffness, chemical properties such as corrosion resistance, and to phase transformations such as solidification, precipitation, or melting. The students can explain the relation between processing conditions and the materials microstructure, and they can account for the impact of microstructure on the material’s behavior.

Personal Competence
Social Competence -
Autonomy -
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 180 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Biomedical Engineering: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Naval Architecture: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Advanced Materials: Compulsory
Data Science: Specialisation II. Application: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Production Management and Processes: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation III. Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Production Management and Processes: Elective Compulsory
Course L1085: Fundamentals of Materials Science I
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Jörg Weißmüller
Language DE
Cycle WiSe


W.D. Callister: Materials Science and Engineering - An Introduction. 5th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2000, ISBN 0-471-32013-7

P. Haasen: Physikalische Metallkunde. Springer 1994

Course L0506: Fundamentals of Materials Science II (Advanced Ceramic Materials, Polymers and Composites)
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Bodo Fiedler, Prof. Gerold Schneider
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content Chemische Bindungen und Aufbau von Festkörpern; Kristallaufbau; Werkstoffprüfung; Schweißbarkeit; Herstellung von Keramiken; Aufbau und Eigenschaften der Keramik; Herstellung, Aufbau und Eigenschaften von Gläsern; Polymerwerkstoffe, Makromolekularer Aufbau; Struktur und Eigenschaften der Polymere; Polymerverarbeitung; Verbundwerkstoffe     


W.D. Callister: Materials Science and Engineering -An Introduction-5th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2000, ISBN 0-471-32013-7

Course L1095: Physical and Chemical Basics of Materials Science
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Gregor Vonbun-Feldbauer
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
  • Motivation: „Atoms in Mechanical Engineering?“
  • Basics: Force and Energy
  • The electromagnetic Interaction
  • „Detour“: Mathematics (complex e-funktion etc.)
  • The atom: Bohr's model of the atom
  • Chemical bounds
  • The multi part problem: Solutions and strategies
  • Descriptions of using statistical thermodynamics
  • Elastic theory of atoms
  • Consequences of atomar properties on makroskopic Properties: Discussion of examples (metals, semiconductors, hybrid systems)

Für den Elektromagnetismus:

  • Bergmann-Schäfer: „Lehrbuch der Experimentalphysik“, Band 2: „Elektromagnetismus“, de Gruyter

Für die Atomphysik:

  • Haken, Wolf: „Atom- und Quantenphysik“, Springer

Für die Materialphysik und Elastizität:

  • Hornbogen, Warlimont: „Metallkunde“, Springer

Module M1912: Green maritime energy conversion

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Green maritime energy conversion (L3154) Lecture 4 4
Green maritime energy conversion (L3155) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Christopher Friedrich Wirz
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge None
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students understand the fundamentals of green maritime energy conversion.


Students can apply the learned theoretical knowledge to explain fundamental relationships  regarding the different approaches for green maritime energy conversion and can solve related computational tasks.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students can participate in discussions about the challenges and options regarding maritime energy conversion in a technical, societal and political context.


Students can independently exploit sources with respect to the emphasis of the lectures. They can choose and aquire the for the particular task useful knowledge. Furthermore, they can solve computational tasks of approaches for green maritime energy independently with the assistance of the lecture. Regarding to this they can assess their specific learning level and can consequently define the further workflow.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 180 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Compulsory
Course L3154: Green maritime energy conversion
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 4
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 64, Study Time in Lecture 56
Lecturer Prof. Christopher Friedrich Wirz
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Course L3155: Green maritime energy conversion
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Christopher Friedrich Wirz
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Module M1913: Green maritime resources

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Green maritime resources (L3156) Lecture 3 3
Green maritime resources (L3157) Recitation Section (small) 3 3
Module Responsible Prof. Moustafa Abdel-Maksoud
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge none
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students have an overview on approaches to extract energy from the oceans.


Students can apply the learned theoretical knowledge to give an overview over green maritime resources and can solve related computational tasks.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students can participate in discussions regarding green maritime resources.


Students can independently exploit sources with respect to the emphasis of the lectures. They can choose and aquire the for the particular task useful knowledge. Furthermore, they can solve computational tasks of approaches concerning green maritime resources independently with the assistance of the lecture. Regarding to this they can assess their specific learning level and can consequently define the further workflow.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
No 10 % Presentation
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 180 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Compulsory
Course L3156: Green maritime resources
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Dr. Robinson Peric
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Course L3157: Green maritime resources
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Dr. Robinson Peric
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Module M1118: Hydrostatics and Body Plan

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Hydrostatics (L1260) Lecture 2 3
Hydrostatics (L1261) Recitation Section (large) 2 1
Body Plan (L1452) Project Seminar 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Stefan Krüger
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Good knowledge in Mathemathics I-III and Mechanics I-III. 

It is recommended that the students are familiar with typical design relevant drawings, e.g. Body Plan, GA- Plan, Tank Plan etc.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The lecture enables the student to carry out all necessary theoretical calculations for ship design on a scientific level. The lecture is basic requirement for all following lectures in the subjects ship design and safety of ships.

The following topics are discussed during the lecture:

1. Numerical diffrentiation and integration

2. Equilibrium floating conditions

3. Stability of Equilibrium floating conditions, righting levers

4. Hydrostatics for small inclinations, Metacentric height, hydrostatical Stiffness Matrix

5. Heeling Moments and righting lever balances

6. Stability in waves

7. Damage stability assessment

8. Launching, docking, grounding


The student is able to carry out hydrostatic calculations to ensure that the ship has sufficient stability. He is able to design hull forms that are safe against capsizing or sinking. 

Personal Competence
Social Competence

he student gets access to hydrostatics that he is able to persuade his building supervision team.


The student gets access to hydrostatics that he is able to discuss hydrostatical problems during his work at a shipyard. 

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 180 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Naval Architecture: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Naval Engineering: Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L1260: Hydrostatics
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Krüger
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

1. Numerical Integration, Diffrentation, Interpolation

  - Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson, Tschebyscheff, graphical Integration Methods

  - Determination of Areas, 1st and 2nd order Moments

  - Numerical Diffrentation, Spline Interpolation

2. Buyoancy

   - Principle of Archimedes

   - Equlibrium Floating Condition

   - Equlibrium Computations

   - Hydrostatic Tables and Sounding Tables

   - Trim Tables

3. Stability at large heeling angles

   - Stability Equation

   - Cross Curves of Stability and Righting Levers

   - Numerical and Graphical Determination of Cross Curves

   - Heeling Moments of Free Surfaces, Water on Deck, Water Ingress

   - Heeling Moments of Different Type

   - Balance of Heeling and Righting Moments acc. to BV 1030

   - Intact Stability Code (General Critaria)

4. Linearization of Stability Problems

   - Linearization of Restoring Forces and Moments

   - Correlation between Metacentric Height and Righting Lever at small heeling angles

   - Computation of Path of Metacentric Height for Modern Hull Forms

   - Correlation between Righting Lever and Path of Metacentric Height

   - Hydrostatic Stiffness Matrix

   - Definition of MCT

   - Computation of Equilibrum Floating  Conditions from Hydrostatic Tables

   - Effect of Free Surfaces on Initial GM

   - Roll Motions at Small Roll Angles

6. Stability in Waves

   - Roll Motions at Large Amplitudes

   - Pure Loss of Stability on the Wave Crest

   - Principle of Parametric Excitation

   - Principle of Direct Wave Moments

   - Grim´s Equivalent Wave Concept

6  Longitudinal Strength

   - Longitudinal Mass Distribution, Shear Forces,  Bending Moments

   - Longitudinal Strength in Stability Booklet

7. Deadweight Survey and Inclining Experiment

   - Deplacement Computations from Draft mark Readings

   - Weights to go on /come from board

   - Inclining Experiment with Heeling Moments from Weights and Heeling Tanks

   - Residual Sounding Volumes

   - Determination of COG from Metacentric height and from Cross Curves

   - Roll Decay Test

8. Launching and Docking

    - Launching Plan, Arrangement of Launching Blocks

    - Rigid Body Launching: Tilting, Dumping, Equation of Techel

    - Computation of Launching Event

    - Bottom Pressure and Longitudinal Strength

    - Linear- Elastic Effects

    - Transversal Stability on Slipway and in Dock

9. Grounding

   - Loss of Buoynacy when Grounded

   - Pointwise Grounding

   - Ship Grounds on Keel

10. Introduction into Damage Stability Problems

    - Added Mass Method

    - Loss of Buoyant Volume Method

    - Simple Equilibrium Computations

    - Intermediate Stages of Flooding (Addes Mass Method), Cross- and Downflooding

    - Water Ingress Through Openings

11. Special Problems (optional and agreed upon)

    - e.g. Heavy Lift Operations

    - e.g. Jacking of Jackup Vessels

    - e.g. Sinking After Water Ingress


1. Herner/Rusch: Die Theorie des Schiffes
    Fachbuchverlag Leipzig

2. Henschke
    Schiffstechnisches Handbuch, Band 1
    VEB Technik Verlag Berlin

3. Das Skript zur Vorlesung, Anwendungsbeispiele und Klausuren sind auf unserer Homepage abrufbar. 

Course L1261: Hydrostatics
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 2, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Krüger
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L1452: Body Plan
Typ Project Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Krüger
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

As preparation for the lecture “Hydrostatics”, the students must develop a body plan  of a modern twin screw vessel (cruise liner, RoPAx- feryy, RoRo ) and perform elementary volumetric computations. The body plan is to be developed from a given GA or can be designed freely. All computations shall be based on graphical integration methods. The body plan consists of :

- Grid

- approx. 20 sections, 5 Waterlines, 5 Buttocks

- Computation Volume and centre of buoyancy for several drafts

- Computation of Righting Lever curve for a given displacement  based on and graphical integration for several heeling angles.


1. Herner/Rusch: Die Theorie des Schiffes
    Fachbuchverlag Leipzig

2. Henschke
    Schiffstechnisches Handbuch, Band 1
    VEB Technik Verlag Berlin

3. Das Skript zur Vorlesung, Anwendungsbeispiele und Klausuren sind auf unserer Homepage abrufbar. 

Module M0655: Computational Fluid Dynamics I

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Computational Fluid Dynamics I (L0235) Lecture 2 3
Computational Fluid Dynamics I (L0419) Recitation Section (large) 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Thomas Rung
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Students should have sound knowledge of engineering mathematics (series expansions, internal & vector calculus), and be familiar with the foundations of partial/ordinary differential equations. They should also be familiar with engineering fluid mechanics and thermodynamics.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students will have the required combined knowledge of thermo-/fluid dynamics and numerical analysis to translate general principles of thermo-/fluid engineering into discrete algorithms on the basis of local (finite differences/volumes) and global (potential theory) ansatz functions. They are familiar with the similarities and differences between different discretisation and approximation concepts for investigating coupled systems of non-linear, convective partial differential equations (PDE), and explain the motivation for applying them. Students have the required background knowledge to develop, code, explain and apply numerical algorithms dedicated to the solution of thermofluid  dynamic PDEs. They are familiar with most numerical methods used to predict thermofluid dynamic fields, in particular their realms and limitations.


The students are able choose and apply appropriate numerical procedures that integrate the governing thermofluid dynamic PDEs in space and time. They can apply/optimise numerical analysis concepts to/for fluid dynamic applications. They can code computational algorithms in a structured way, apply these codes for parameter investigations and supplement interfaces to extract simulation data for an engineering analysis.  

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to discuss problems, present the results of their own analysis, and jointly develop, implement and report on solution strategies that address given technical reference problems.


The students can independently analyse numerical methods to solving fluid engineering problems. They are able to critically analyse own results as well as external data with regards to the plausibility and reliability.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 2h
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Aircraft Systems Engineering: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Naval Architecture: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Energy Systems: Technical Complementary Course Core Studies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation III. Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Course L0235: Computational Fluid Dynamics I
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Thomas Rung
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Fundamentals of computational modelling of thermofluid dynamic problems. Development of numerical algorithms.

  1. Partial differential equations
  2. Foundations of finite numerical approximations
  3. Computation of potential flows
  4. Introduction of finite-differences
  5. Approximation of convective, diffusive and transient transport processes
  6. Formulation of boundary conditions and initial conditions
  7. Assembly and solution of algebraic equation systems
  8. Facets of weighted -residual approaches
  9. Finite volume methods
  10. Basics of grid generation

Ferziger and Peric: Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics, Springer

Course L0419: Computational Fluid Dynamics I
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Thomas Rung
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1804: Engineering Mechanics III (Dynamics)

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Engineering Mechanics III (Dynamics) (L1134) Lecture 3 3
Engineering Mechanics III (Dynamics) (L1136) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Engineering Mechanics III (Dynamics) (L1135) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Robert Seifried
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Mathematics I, II, Engineering Mechanics I (Statics). Parallel to Engineering Mechanik III  the module Mathematics  III should be attended.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students can

  • describe the axiomatic procedure used in mechanical contexts;
  • explain important steps in model design;
  • present technical knowledge in kinematics, kinetics and vibrations.

The students can

  • explain the important elements of mathematical / mechanical analysis and model formation, and apply it to the context of their own problems;
  • apply basic kinematic, kinetic and vibraton methods to engineering problems;
  • estimate the reach and boundaries of kinematic, kinetic and vibraton methods and extend them to be applicable to wider problem sets.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students can work in groups and support each other to overcome difficulties.


Students are capable of determining their own strengths and weaknesses and to organize their time and learning based on those.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
No 20 % Midterm Midterm
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Naval Engineering: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Robot- and Machine-Systems: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Medical Engineering: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Dynamic Systems and AI: Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation III. Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Course L1134: Engineering Mechanics III (Dynamics)
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Robert Seifried
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

1.1 Motion of a particle
1.2 Planar motion of a rigid body
1.3 Spatial motion of a rigid body
1.4 Spatial relative Kinematics

2 Kinetics
2.1 Linear momentum and change of linear momentum

2.2 Angular momentum and change of angular momentum

2.3 Kinetics of rigid bodies
2.4 Energy and balance of energy

3 Vibrations
3.1 Classification of Vibrations
3.2 Free undamped vibration
3.3 Free damped vibration
3.4 Forced vibration

4. Impact problems

5 Kinetics of gyroscopes
5.1 Free gyroscopic motion
5.2 Forced gyroscopic motion

Literature K. Magnus, H.H. Müller-Slany: Grundlagen der Technischen Mechanik. 7. Auflage, Teubner (2009).
D. Gross, W. Hauger, J. Schröder, W. Wall: Technische Mechanik 3 und 4. 11. Auflage, Springer (2011).
Course L1136: Engineering Mechanics III (Dynamics)
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Robert Seifried
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L1135: Engineering Mechanics III (Dynamics)
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Robert Seifried
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1713: Green Technologies III

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Study Work Green Technologies (L2766) Project Seminar 2 4
Scientific Work and Writing (L2765) Seminar 2 2
Module Responsible Dozenten des Studiengangs
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge keine
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students, based on a literature survey, learn to study in detail a subject theme from the disciplines of green technologies and deliver afterwards a summary presentation to a specialised audience. Environmental issues and their multidisciplinary linkages are preferred, when selecting the thematic area of these studies. Through their own written contribution the students communicate an overview over the subject and practice technical writing. With the discussion the students practice scientific debating on a specialised subject matter.


The students can, when working on a technical topic not familiar to them:

  • conduct a literature survey
  • choose the relevant information for their presentation
  • prepare a written summary
  • present results in front of peers and staff
  • correctly cite and reference sources.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students practice a critical assessment of the literature in a predefined specialised theme and learn to give presentations on their own technical sub-topic tailored to their public and discuss with the audience. When attending technical presentations, the students can formulate questions to other speakers and participate in the ensuing discussion.

The fulfilment of the tasks combines independent work with group and teamwork.


The students can, guided by instructors, critically reflect on their learning and work status, and write a scientific report.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Study work
Examination duration and scale -
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Water and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Water Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Systems / Renewable Energies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Course L2766: Study Work Green Technologies
Typ Project Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dozenten des Studiengangs
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Students carry out a research project in a scientific field under the guidance of an academic staff member. For this purpose, the student can approach the staff of the respective institute and discuss a topic. The topic is then worked on within 4 weeks and regular consultations are held with the supervisor. The student research project should be the size of a scientific article and must be presented to the lecturer after completion as part of a presentation (approx. 15 minutes).

Course L2765: Scientific Work and Writing
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dozenten des Studiengangs, Dr. Detlev Bieler, Florian Hagen
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

The seminar offers an introduction into the diverse aspects of academic research and writing: Finding the topic, finding specialized information, knowledge organisation, writing, presenting and publishing. Suggestions for reflecting own processes of learning, informing and writing - in addition to practical recommendations and tips - facilitate the start and the creation of bachelor and master theses, works, which bring thoroughly self-fulfillment and make fun.

Topics of the seminar will be in particular

  • Scientific scholarship and academic research methods:
  • Introduction, organization, attributes of science:
    How is scientific knowledge created?
    Work scheduling, finding topics, time management, specialities of academic research in engineering
  • Finding specialized information: Full texts and library resources, databases
  • Reference management:
    Knowledge organisation and creating publications with Citavi
  • Citing correctly and avoiding plagiarism
  • Preparing and doing presentations
  1. Semesterapparat "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" in der TU-Bibliothek:
  2. Weblog Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten der TU-Bibliothek:
  3. Online-Tutorial VISION der TU-Bibliothek zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten: (funktioniert nur mit installiertem Flash)
  4. Andreas Hirsch-Weber, Stefan Scherer: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Abschlussarbeit in Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften : Grundlagen, Praxisbeispiele, Übungen. Stuttgart: Ulmer, 2016.
  5. Werner Sesink: Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten : inklusive E-Learning, Web-Recherche, digitale Präsentation u.a. 9., aktualisierte Aufl. München : Oldenbourg, 2012.
  6. Judith Theuerkauf: Schreiben im Ingenieurstudium : effektiv und effizient zur Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorarbeit. Paderborn : Schöningh, 2012.
  7. Wolfsberger, Judith: Frei geschrieben : Mut, Freiheit & Strategie für wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeiten. Wien: Böhlau, 2010
  8. Biedermann, Wieland u.a.: Forschungsmethodik in den Ingenieurwissenschaften : Skript vom Lehrstuhl für Produktentwicklung, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann, Technische Universität München (TUM), 2012.
  9. Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten - HOOU Angebot der HCU Hamburg:
  1. Course Reserves Collection "Scholarly Research Methods" in the TUHH library:
  2. Scholarly research methods via TUHH library Website:
  3. VISION - Online-Tutorial on research methods by the TUHH library: (Flash has to be installed)
  4. Scientific papers and presentations / Martha Davis. 3. ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier / Academic Press, 2013. 
  5. Writing for science and engineering : papers, presentations and reports / Heather Silyn-Roberts. 2nd ed. Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2013.
  6. How to research / Loraine Blaxter, Christina Hughes and Malcolm Tight. Maidenhead : Open Univ. Press, 2010.
  7. Managing information for research : practical help in researching, writing and designing dissertations / Elizabeth Orna and Graham Stevens. Maidenhead : Open University Press McGraw-Hill, 2009.
  8. Writing scientific research articles : strategy and steps / Margaret Cargill and Patrick O’Connor. Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

Module M0610: Electrical Machines and Actuators

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Electrical Machines and Actuators (L0293) Lecture 3 4
Electrical Machines and Actuators (L0294) Recitation Section (large) 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Thorsten Kern
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basics of mathematics, in particular complexe numbers, integrals, differentials

Basics of electrical engineering and mechanical engineering

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students can to draw and explain the basic principles of electric and magnetic fields. 

They can describe the function of the standard types of electric machines and present the corresponding equations and characteristic curves. For typically used drives they can explain the major parameters of the energy efficiency of the whole system from the power grid to the driven engine.


Students are able to calculate two-dimensional electric and magnetic fields in particular ferromagnetic circuits with air gap. For this they apply the usual methods of the design auf electric machines.

They can calulate the operational performance of electric machines from their given characteristic data and selected quantities and characteristic curves. They apply the usual equivalent circuits and graphical methods.

Personal Competence
Social Competence none

Students are able independently to calculate electric and magnatic fields for applications. They are able to analyse independently the operational performance of electric machines from the charactersitic data and theycan calculate thereof selected quantities and characteristic curves.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale Design of four machines and actuators, review of design files
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Energy Systems: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Electrical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Mechanical Engineering, Focus Mechatronics: Elective Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Electrical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Specialisation II. Mathematics & Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Traffic Planning and Systems: Elective Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation Production Management and Processes: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Naval Engineering: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Robot- and Machine-Systems: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Electrical Systems: Elective Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation III. Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Information Technology: Elective Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Traffic Planning and Systems: Elective Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Production Management and Processes: Elective Compulsory
Course L0293: Electrical Machines and Actuators
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 78, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Thorsten Kern, Dennis Kähler
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

Electric field: Coulomb´s law, flux (field) line, work, potential, capacitor, energy, force, capacitive actuators

Magnetic field: force, flux line, Ampere´s law, field at bounderies, flux, magnetic circuit, hysteresis, induction, self-induction, mutual inductance, transformer, electromagnetic actuators

Synchronous machines, construction and layout, equivalent single line diagrams, no-load and short-cuircuit characteristics, vector diagrams, motor and generator operation, stepper motors

DC-Machines: Construction and layout, torque generation mechanismen, torque vs speed characteristics, commutation,

Asynchronous Machines. Magnetic field, construction and layout, equivalent single line diagram, complex stator current diagram (Heylands´diagram), torque vs. speed characteristics, rotor layout (squirrel-cage vs. sliprings),

Drives with variable speed, inverter fed operation, special drives


Hermann Linse, Roland Fischer: "Elektrotechnik für Maschinenbauer", Vieweg-Verlag; Signatur der Bibliothek der TUHH: ETB 313

Ralf Kories, Heinz Schmitt-Walter: "Taschenbuch der Elektrotechnik"; Verlag Harri Deutsch; Signatur der Bibliothek der TUHH: ETB 122

"Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik" - anderer Autoren

Fachbücher "Elektrische Maschinen"

Course L0294: Electrical Machines and Actuators
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Thorsten Kern, Dennis Kähler
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0594: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Design

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Design (L0258) Lecture 2 3
Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Design (L0259) Recitation Section (large) 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Dieter Krause
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Basic knowledge about mechanics and production engineering
  • Internship (Stage I Practical)
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After passing the module, students are able to:

  • explain basic working principles and functions of machine elements,
  • explain requirements, selection criteria, application scenarios and practical examples of basic machine elements, indicate the background of dimensioning calculations.

After passing the module, students are able to:

  • accomplish dimensioning calculations of covered machine elements,
  • transfer knowledge learned in the module to new requirements and tasks (problem solving skills),
  • recognize the content of technical drawings and schematic sketches,
  • technically evaluate basic designs.
Personal Competence
Social Competence
  • Students are able to discuss technical information in the lecture supported by activating methods.
  • Students are able to independently deepen their acquired knowledge in exercises.
  • Students are able to acquire additional knowledge and to recapitulate poorly understood content e.g. by using the video recordings of the lectures.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Biomedical Engineering: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Technomathematics: Specialisation III. Engineering Science: Elective Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Information Technology: Elective Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Specialisation II. Production Management and Processes: Elective Compulsory
Course L0258: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Design
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Dieter Krause, Prof. Nikola Bursac, Prof. Sören Ehlers
Language DE
Cycle SoSe


  • Introduction to design
  • Introduction to the following machine elements
    • Screws
    • Shaft-hub joints
    • Rolling contact bearings
    • Welding / adhesive / solder joints
    • Springs
    • Axes & shafts

  • Presentation of technical objects (technical drawing)


  • Calculation methods for dimensioning the following machine elements:
    • Screws
    • Shaft-hub joints
    • Rolling contact bearings
    • Welding / adhesive / solder joints
    • Springs
    • Axis & shafts 
  • Dubbel, Taschenbuch für den Maschinenbau; Grote, K.-H., Feldhusen, J.(Hrsg.); Springer-Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  • Maschinenelemente, Band I-III; Niemann, G., Springer-Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  •  Maschinen- und Konstruktionselemente; Steinhilper, W., Röper, R., Springer Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  •  Einführung in die DIN-Normen; Klein, M., Teubner-Verlag.
  •  Konstruktionslehre, Pahl, G.; Beitz, W., Springer-Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  •  Maschinenelemente 1-2; Schlecht, B., Pearson Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  •  Maschinenelemente - Gestaltung, Berechnung, Anwendung; Haberhauer, H., Bodenstein, F., Springer-Verlag, aktuelle Auflage.
  • Roloff/Matek Maschinenelemente; Wittel, H., Muhs, D., Jannasch, D., Voßiek, J., Springer Vieweg, aktuelle Auflage.
  • Sowie weitere Bücher zu speziellen Themen
Course L0259: Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering Design
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Dieter Krause, Prof. Nikola Bursac, Prof. Sören Ehlers
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0829: Foundations of Management

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Management Tutorial (L0882) Recitation Section (small) 2 3
Introduction to Management (L0880) Lecture 3 3
Module Responsible Prof. Christian Lüthje
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Basic Knowledge of Mathematics and Business
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After taking this module, students know the important basics of many different areas in Business and Management, from Planning and Organisation to Marketing and Innovation, and also to Investment and Controlling. In particular they are able to

  • explain the differences between Economics and Management and the sub-disciplines in Management and to name important definitions from the field of Management
  • explain the most important aspects of and goals in Management and name the most important aspects of entreprneurial projects 
  • describe and explain basic business functions as production, procurement and sourcing, supply chain management, organization and human ressource management, information management, innovation management and marketing 
  • explain the relevance of planning and decision making in Business, esp. in situations under multiple objectives and uncertainty, and explain some basic methods from mathematical Finance 
  • state basics from accounting and costing and selected controlling methods.

Students are able to analyse business units with respect to different criteria (organization, objectives, strategies etc.) and to carry out an Entrepreneurship project in a team. In particular, they are able to

  • analyse Management goals and structure them appropriately
  • analyse organisational and staff structures of companies
  • apply methods for decision making under multiple objectives, under uncertainty and under risk
  • analyse production and procurement systems and Business information systems
  • analyse and apply basic methods of marketing
  • select and apply basic methods from mathematical finance to predefined problems
  • apply basic methods from accounting, costing and controlling to predefined problems

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to

  • work successfully in a team of students
  • to apply their knowledge from the lecture to an entrepreneurship project and write a coherent report on the project
  • to communicate appropriately and
  • to cooperate respectfully with their fellow students. 

Students are able to

  • work in a team and to organize the team themselves
  • to write a report on their project.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale several written exams during the semester plus final test (90 minutes)
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Core Qualification: Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Civil Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water and Environment: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Traffic and Mobility: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bio Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Data Science: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Systems / Renewable Energies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Water Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Biomechanics: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Materials in Engineering Sciences: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Product Development and Production: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Aircraft Systems Engineering: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Mechatronics: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Electrical Systems: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Dynamic Systems and AI: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Medical Engineering: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Robot- and Machine-Systems: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Naval Engineering: Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Technomathematics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0882: Management Tutorial
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Christian Lüthje
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

In the management tutorial, the contents of the lecture will be deepened by practical examples and the application of the discussed tools.

If there is adequate demand, a problem-oriented tutorial will be offered in parallel, which students can choose alternatively. Here, students work in groups on self-selected projects that focus on the elaboration of an innovative business idea from the point of view of an established company or a startup. Again, the business knowledge from the lecture should come to practical use. The group projects are guided by a mentor.

Literature Relevante Literatur aus der korrespondierenden Vorlesung.
Course L0880: Introduction to Management
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Matthias Meyer, Prof. Christian Lüthje, Prof. Christian Ringle, Prof. Christian Thies, Prof. Christoph Ihl, Prof. Kathrin Fischer, Prof. Moritz Göldner, Prof. Thomas Wrona, Prof. Thorsten Blecker, Prof. Tim Schweisfurth, Prof. Wolfgang Kersten
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe
  • Introduction to Business and Management, Business versus Economics, relevant areas in Business and Management
  • Important definitions from Management, 
  • Developing Objectives for Business, and their relation to important Business functions
  • Business Functions: Functions of the Value Chain, e.g. Production and Procurement, Supply Chain Management, Innovation Management, Marketing and Sales
    Cross-sectional Functions, e.g. Organisation, Human Ressource Management, Supply Chain Management, Information Management
  • Definitions as information, information systems, aspects of data security and strategic information systems
  • Definition and Relevance of innovations, e.g. innovation opporunities, risks etc.
  • Relevance of marketing, B2B vs. B2C-Marketing
  • different techniques from the field of marketing (e.g. scenario technique), pricing strategies
  • important organizational structures
  • basics of human ressource management
  • Introduction to Business Planning and the steps of a planning process
  • Decision Analysis: Elements of decision problems and methods for solving decision problems
  • Selected Planning Tasks, e.g. Investment and Financial Decisions
  • Introduction to Accounting: Accounting, Balance-Sheets, Costing
  • Relevance of Controlling and selected Controlling methods
  • Important aspects of Entrepreneurship projects


Bamberg, G., Coenenberg, A.: Betriebswirtschaftliche Entscheidungslehre, 14. Aufl., München 2008

Eisenführ, F., Weber, M.: Rationales Entscheiden, 4. Aufl., Berlin et al. 2003

Heinhold, M.: Buchführung in Fallbeispielen, 10. Aufl., Stuttgart 2006.

Kruschwitz, L.: Finanzmathematik. 3. Auflage, München 2001.

Pellens, B., Fülbier, R. U., Gassen, J., Sellhorn, T.: Internationale Rechnungslegung, 7. Aufl., Stuttgart 2008.

Schweitzer, M.: Planung und Steuerung, in: Bea/Friedl/Schweitzer: Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Bd. 2: Führung, 9. Aufl., Stuttgart 2005.

Weber, J., Schäffer, U. : Einführung in das Controlling, 12. Auflage, Stuttgart 2008.

Weber, J./Weißenberger, B.: Einführung in das Rechnungswesen, 7. Auflage, Stuttgart 2006. 

Specialization Water Technologies

In the specialisation "Water", process engineering, construction and environmental science contents and competences are combined in a comprehensive water-specific subject area. Students gain a deeper understanding of the interactions and interfaces between urban water management and ecosystems as well as water and energy management. 

Module M1727: Hydrology and Geoinformation Systems

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Introduction to Geoinformation Science (L2465) Project-/problem-based Learning 3 3
Hydrology (L0909) Lecture 1 1
Hydrology (L0956) Project-/problem-based Learning 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Peter Fröhle
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Mathematics I, II and III

Mechanics I and II

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to define the basic terms of hydrology, groundwater hydrology and water management. They are able to describe and quantify the basic equations and the relevant processes of the water cycle. In addition, they can describe the essential aspects of precipitation-runoff modeling and can explain, for example, the derivation of common storage models or a unit hydrograph by theoretical means.

Students will be able to define the tasks and terms from the application area of geo-information systems. They can describe the fundamentals, basic approaches and methods of geo-information systems and are able to transfer these to practical issues.


Students are able to apply the approaches and methods commonly used in hydrology. They can theoretically derive and apply common storage models or a unit hydrograph as basis for precipitation-runoff modelling. In addition, students are able to explain basic concepts of measurements of hydrological and hydrodynamic variables in nature and are able to carry out, statistically evaluate and assess corresponding measurements.

Students are able to recognize and process fundamental questions that fall within the scope of geo-information systems. They can use geo-information systems for simple applications and transfer the methods to other issues. 

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to work together in groups in a planned and goal-oriented manner and to communicate the results obtained in the team to other participants of the course using peer learning methods. In addition, students are able to prepare short technical presentations on given topics and present them in an appropriate manner. 


Students can organize individual work processes in the context of experiments and for the presentation of subject specific content. They can give each other feedback on individual and group performance. Students are able to reflect independently on their learning and their learning strategy. 

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale ?
Assignment for the Following Curricula Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Water Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Course L2465: Introduction to Geoinformation Science
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Yohannis Tadesse
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  • Theoretical basics of Geo-Information-Systems
  • Data models, geographical coordinates, geo-referencing, map-views
  • Data mining and -analyses of geo-data 
  • Analysis techniques
Course L0909: Hydrology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Peter Fröhle
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Introduction to basics of hydrology and groundwater hydrology:

  • Hydrological cycle
  • Data acquisition in hydrology
  • Data analyses and statistical assessment
  • Statistics of extremes
  • Regionalization methods for hydrological values
  • rainfall-run-off modelling on the basis of a unit hydrograph concept


Maniak, U. (2017). Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft: Eine Einführung für Ingenieure. Springer Vieweg.

Skript "Hydrologie und Gewässerkunde"

Course L0956: Hydrology
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Peter Fröhle
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Introduction to basics of Hydrology:

  • Hydrological cycle
  • Data acquisition
  • Data analyses and statistical assessment
  • Statistics of extremes
  • Regionalization methods for hydrological values
Rainfall-run-off modelling on the basis of a unit hydrograph conceps


Maniak, Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft, Eine Einführung für Ingenieure, Springer

Skript Hydrologie und Gewässerkunde

Module M1627: Water and Environment

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Project on Water, Environment, Traffic (L2462) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 3
Water in the Environment (L2461) Lecture 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Mathias Ernst
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Basic knowledge of chemistry
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Knowledge Students can define generic material interactions between the environmental media. The can demonstrate their knowledge about natural as well as anthropogenic materials. They are capable of explaining the natural condition of waters and other environmental media.

Students are able to research environment-specific aspects of civil engineering independent. They can present their findings using accredited academic media (e.g. posters) and can give a short summary including scientific references.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students can fulfil a complex environment-related assignment in the field of civil engineering by working in a team.

Autonomy Individual students prepare aspects of the given group work independently.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Presentation Team-Projektarbeit mit Präsentation
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 60 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Water and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Water Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Course L2462: Project on Water, Environment, Traffic
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dozenten des SD B
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

Lecturers of Civicl Engineering provide duties on environmentally relevant fields of civil engineering for smal student groups (max. 4 students).


aufgabenspeziifisch / according to corresponding tasks

Course L2461: Water in the Environment
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Mathias Ernst, Dozenten des SD B
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  • Basics of global/regional Water Cycle
  • quality of water
  • natural/anthropogenic water ingredients
  • Basics water science
  • water legislation (EU/D)

Schwoerbel, J. 2005: Einführung in die Limnologie. Heidelberg: Elsevier

Grohmann, A. u. a. 2011: Wasser. Berlin: de Gruyter

Kluth, W. & Schmeddinck, U. 2013: Umweltrecht: Ein Lehrbuch. Wiesbaden: Springer

Module M1722: New Trends in Water and Environmental Research

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Introduction to Microplastics in Environment (L2755) Integrated Lecture 2 2
Research Methods (L2756) Lecture 1 2
Research Trends (L2757) Seminar 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Nima Shokri
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge in water and environmental-related research

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students will be introduced to current research topics relevant to water and environment with a particular focus on the effects of microplastics in environment (introductory level). Data analysis, curation and presentation will be other skills discussed in this module.


Students' research and academics skills will be improved in this module. How to prepare and deliver an effective research presentation, how to write an abstract, research paper and proposal will be explained in this module. 

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Developing teamwork and problem solving skills through Research-Based Teaching approaches will be at the core of this module.


The students will be involved in writing individual project reports and giving research presentation. This will contribute to the students’ ability and willingness to work independently and responsibly.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale Report and Presentation
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Water and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water and Environment: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Water Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Course L2755: Introduction to Microplastics in Environment
Typ Integrated Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Nima Shokri
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Introduction - course objectives, expectations and format;

Source of microplastics in environment;

Microplastics sampling; Characterization of microplastics;

Fate and distribution of microplastics in terrestrial environments;

Effects of microplastics on terrestrial environments;

Health risks of microplastics in environments


1-  Characterization and Analysis of Microplastics, Volume 75 1st Edition

 Series Volume Editors: Teresa Rocha-Santos Armando Duarte

Elsevier, published in 2017

2- Microplastic Pollutants 1st Edition

 Authors: Christopher Blair Crawford, Brian Quinn

Elsevier Science, published in 2016

3- Microplastics in Terrestrial Environments

Authors: Defu He and Yongming Luo

Springer, published in 2020,  DOI

Course L2756: Research Methods
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Nima Shokri
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Introduction - course objectives, expectations and format

Analyzing the Audience, purpose and occasion

Constructing and delivering effective technical presentations

How to write an abstract

How to create a scientific poster

How to write a scientific paper

Individual project on water and environmental research

Presentation on water and environmental research

  • The Craft of Scientific Writing Fourth edition

    Author:  Michael Alley

    Springer-Verlag New York, Copyright 2018, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-8288-9

  • Supplemental materials and web links which will be available to registered students.
Course L2757: Research Trends
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Salome Shokri-Kuehni
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Introduction - course objectives, expectations and format

Analyzing the Audience, purpose and occasion

Constructing and delivering effective technical presentations

How to write an abstract

How to write a scientific paper

Developing competitive and persuasive research proposals

Databases and resources available for water and environmental research

Individual proposal on water and environmental research

Individual project on water and environmental research

Group projects and presentation on water and environmental research

  • The Craft of Scientific Writing Fourth edition

    Author:  Michael Alley

    Springer-Verlag New York, Copyright 2018, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-8288-9

  • Supplemental materials and web links which will be available to registered students.

Module M0869: Hydraulic Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Hydraulics (L0957) Lecture 1 1
Hydraulics (L0958) Project-/problem-based Learning 1 1
Hydraulic Engineering (L0959) Lecture 2 2
Hydraulic Engineering (L0960) Project-/problem-based Learning 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Peter Fröhle
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Hydraulic Mechanics and Hydrology
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to define the basic terms of hydraulic engineering and hydraulics. They are able to explain the application of basic hydrodynamic formulations (conservation laws) to practical hydraulic engineering problems. Besides this, the students can illustrate important tasks of hydraulic engineering and give an overview over river engineering, flood protection, hydraulic power engineering and waterways engineering.


The students are able to apply hydraulic engineering methods and approaches to basic practical problems and design respective hydraulic engineering systems. Besides this, they are able to use and apply established approaches of hydraulics and determine water surfaces of channel flows, influences of constructions (weirs, etc.) on channel flows as well as flow conditions of pipe system. Furthermore, they are able to run, explain and document basic hydraulic experiments.

Personal Competence
Social Competence The students are able to deploy their gained knowledge in applied problems. Additionaly, they will be able to work in team with engineers of other disciplines in a goal-orientated, structured manner. They can explain their results by use of peer learning approaches.
Autonomy The students will be able to independently extend their knowledge and apply it to new problems. Furthermore, they are capable of organising their individual work flow to contribute to the conduct of experiments and to present discipline-specific knowledge.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Subject theoretical and practical work Durchführung, Dokumentation und Präsentation zu einem Versuchs Hydromechanik oder Hydraulik
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale The duration of the examination is 2.5 hours. The examination includes tasks with respect to the general understanding of the lecture contents and calculations tasks.
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Water and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Water Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Course L0957: Hydraulics
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Peter Fröhle
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

Flow of incompressible fluids in pipes and open channels

  • Pumps in hydraulic systems 

  • Open channel flow
  • Regulative construction in open channel flow
    • Weirs
    • Sliding panels
    • Cross-section reduction by constructions

Zanke, Ulrich C. , Hydraulik für den WasserbauUrsprünglich erschienen unter: Schröder/Zanke "Technische Hydraulik", Springer-Verlag, 2003

Naudascher, E.:  Hydraulik der Gerinne und Gerinnebauwerke, Springer, 1992

Course L0958: Hydraulics
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Peter Fröhle
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0959: Hydraulic Engineering
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Peter Fröhle
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

Fundamentals of hydraulic engineering

  • Introduction and hydrological cycle
  • River engineering
    • Regime theory of natural rivers
    • Sediment transport
    • Regulation of rivers
    • Bank protection / protection of river bed
    • Tidal rivers
  • Flood protection
    • Dikes
    • Flood contraol basins
  • Hydraulic power
  • Inland waterways engineering
    • waterways
    • Locks and ship lifts
    • Fish passages
  • Nature-oriented hydraulic engineering


Strobl, T. & Zunic, F: Wasserbau, Springer 2006

Patt, H. & Gonsowski, P: Wasserbau, Springer 2011

Course L0960: Hydraulic Engineering
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Peter Fröhle
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1713: Green Technologies III

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Study Work Green Technologies (L2766) Project Seminar 2 4
Scientific Work and Writing (L2765) Seminar 2 2
Module Responsible Dozenten des Studiengangs
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge keine
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students, based on a literature survey, learn to study in detail a subject theme from the disciplines of green technologies and deliver afterwards a summary presentation to a specialised audience. Environmental issues and their multidisciplinary linkages are preferred, when selecting the thematic area of these studies. Through their own written contribution the students communicate an overview over the subject and practice technical writing. With the discussion the students practice scientific debating on a specialised subject matter.


The students can, when working on a technical topic not familiar to them:

  • conduct a literature survey
  • choose the relevant information for their presentation
  • prepare a written summary
  • present results in front of peers and staff
  • correctly cite and reference sources.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students practice a critical assessment of the literature in a predefined specialised theme and learn to give presentations on their own technical sub-topic tailored to their public and discuss with the audience. When attending technical presentations, the students can formulate questions to other speakers and participate in the ensuing discussion.

The fulfilment of the tasks combines independent work with group and teamwork.


The students can, guided by instructors, critically reflect on their learning and work status, and write a scientific report.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Study work
Examination duration and scale -
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Water and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Water Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Systems / Renewable Energies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Course L2766: Study Work Green Technologies
Typ Project Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dozenten des Studiengangs
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Students carry out a research project in a scientific field under the guidance of an academic staff member. For this purpose, the student can approach the staff of the respective institute and discuss a topic. The topic is then worked on within 4 weeks and regular consultations are held with the supervisor. The student research project should be the size of a scientific article and must be presented to the lecturer after completion as part of a presentation (approx. 15 minutes).

Course L2765: Scientific Work and Writing
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dozenten des Studiengangs, Dr. Detlev Bieler, Florian Hagen
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

The seminar offers an introduction into the diverse aspects of academic research and writing: Finding the topic, finding specialized information, knowledge organisation, writing, presenting and publishing. Suggestions for reflecting own processes of learning, informing and writing - in addition to practical recommendations and tips - facilitate the start and the creation of bachelor and master theses, works, which bring thoroughly self-fulfillment and make fun.

Topics of the seminar will be in particular

  • Scientific scholarship and academic research methods:
  • Introduction, organization, attributes of science:
    How is scientific knowledge created?
    Work scheduling, finding topics, time management, specialities of academic research in engineering
  • Finding specialized information: Full texts and library resources, databases
  • Reference management:
    Knowledge organisation and creating publications with Citavi
  • Citing correctly and avoiding plagiarism
  • Preparing and doing presentations
  1. Semesterapparat "Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten" in der TU-Bibliothek:
  2. Weblog Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten der TU-Bibliothek:
  3. Online-Tutorial VISION der TU-Bibliothek zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten: (funktioniert nur mit installiertem Flash)
  4. Andreas Hirsch-Weber, Stefan Scherer: Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Abschlussarbeit in Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften : Grundlagen, Praxisbeispiele, Übungen. Stuttgart: Ulmer, 2016.
  5. Werner Sesink: Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten : inklusive E-Learning, Web-Recherche, digitale Präsentation u.a. 9., aktualisierte Aufl. München : Oldenbourg, 2012.
  6. Judith Theuerkauf: Schreiben im Ingenieurstudium : effektiv und effizient zur Bachelor-, Master- und Doktorarbeit. Paderborn : Schöningh, 2012.
  7. Wolfsberger, Judith: Frei geschrieben : Mut, Freiheit & Strategie für wissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeiten. Wien: Böhlau, 2010
  8. Biedermann, Wieland u.a.: Forschungsmethodik in den Ingenieurwissenschaften : Skript vom Lehrstuhl für Produktentwicklung, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann, Technische Universität München (TUM), 2012.
  9. Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten - HOOU Angebot der HCU Hamburg:
  1. Course Reserves Collection "Scholarly Research Methods" in the TUHH library:
  2. Scholarly research methods via TUHH library Website:
  3. VISION - Online-Tutorial on research methods by the TUHH library: (Flash has to be installed)
  4. Scientific papers and presentations / Martha Davis. 3. ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier / Academic Press, 2013. 
  5. Writing for science and engineering : papers, presentations and reports / Heather Silyn-Roberts. 2nd ed. Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2013.
  6. How to research / Loraine Blaxter, Christina Hughes and Malcolm Tight. Maidenhead : Open Univ. Press, 2010.
  7. Managing information for research : practical help in researching, writing and designing dissertations / Elizabeth Orna and Graham Stevens. Maidenhead : Open University Press McGraw-Hill, 2009.
  8. Writing scientific research articles : strategy and steps / Margaret Cargill and Patrick O’Connor. Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.

Module M0670: Particle Technology and Solids Process Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Particle Technology I (L0434) Lecture 2 3
Particle Technology I (L0435) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Particle Technology I (L0440) Practical Course 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Stefan Heinrich
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge keine
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After successful completion of the module students are able to

  • name and explain  processes and unit-operations of solids process engineering,
  • characterize particles, particle distributions and to discuss their bulk properties


Students are able to

  • choose and design apparatuses and processes for solids processing according to the desired solids properties of the product
  • asses solids with respect to their behavior in solids processing steps
  • document their work scientifically.
Personal Competence
Social Competence The students are able to discuss scientific topics orally with other students or scientific personal and to develop solutions for technical-scientific issues in a group.

Students are able to analyze and solve questions regarding solid particles independently.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Written elaboration sechs Berichte (pro Versuch ein Bericht) à 5-10 Seiten
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 minutes
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Water and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Chemical and Bioengineering: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Specialisation Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Water Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0434: Particle Technology I
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Heinrich
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
  • Description of particles and particle distributions
  • Description of a separation process
  • Description of a particle mixture
  • Particle size reduction
  • Agglomeration, particle size enlargement
  • Storage and flow of bulk solids
  • Basics of fluid/particle flows
  • classifying processes
  • Separation of particles from fluids
  • Basic fluid mechanics of fluidized beds
  • Pneumatic and hydraulic transport


Schubert, H.; Heidenreich, E.; Liepe, F.; Neeße, T.: Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik. Deutscher Verlag für die Grundstoffindustrie, Leipzig, 1990.

Stieß, M.: Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik I und II. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1992.

Course L0435: Particle Technology I
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Heinrich
Language DE
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0440: Particle Technology I
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Stefan Heinrich
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe
  • Sieving
  • Bulk properties
  • Size reduction
  • Mixing
  • Gas cyclone
  • Blaine-test, filtration
  • Sedimentation


Schubert, H.; Heidenreich, E.; Liepe, F.; Neeße, T.: Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik. Deutscher Verlag für die Grundstoffindustrie, Leipzig, 1990.

Stieß, M.: Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik I und II. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1992.

Module M1632: Applied Water Management

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Modelling of soil water dynamics (L2471) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 2
Modelling of soil water dynamics (L2470) Lecture 2 2
Nature-oriented Hydraulic Engineering (L2472) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Peter Fröhle
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Basic knowledge of analysis and differential equations
  • hydromechanical and hydraulic engineering principles
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to define the basic tasks and terms of nature-oriented hydraulic engineering und groundwater hydrology. They cam describe the basics concepts, the basic approaches and methods of nature-oriented hydraulic engineering, groundwater hydrology and groundwater modelling and are able to apply these to practical problems.


The students are able to apply the methods and approaches of nature-oriented hydraulic engineering and of groundwater hydrology to practical problems. They can demonstrate to transfer and apply these to simple hydraulic engineering systems. In addition, they are able to apply the approaches commonly used in groundwater hydrology. They can exemplarily explain and reason how to apply them as a basis for geo-hydrological questions. In addition, students can apply basic groundwater modelling methods to simple problems of groundwater movement and groundwater recharge.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to help each other solving case studies. The students are able to deploy their gained knowledge in applied problems of the practical nature-based hydraulic engineering. Additionaly, they will be able to demonstrate to work cooperatively in teams consisting of engineers from different subject areas.


The students will be able to independently extend their knowledge and apply it to new problems.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale Written-theoretical part and modeling
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Water and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Civil Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Traffic and Mobility: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water and Environment: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Water Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Course L2471: Modelling of soil water dynamics
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Hannes Nevermann
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L2470: Modelling of soil water dynamics
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Mohammad Aziz Zarif
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • Students will learn about soil physical characteristics, soil water potential, saturated and unsaturated flows in soil, basics of solute transport in soil, and numerical methods/tools to simulate water flow and solute transport in soil.


Course L2472: Nature-oriented Hydraulic Engineering
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Peter Fröhle
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

Nature oriented hydraulic engineering

  • Regime-theory and application for the development of environmental guiding priciples of rivers
  • Engineering-biological measures for the stabilization of rivers
  • design techniques for water engineering
  • hydraulic dimensioning of river bed and bank protection
  • design principles and design techniques for fish passages (fish ladder, ramps etc.)

Patt, Heinz (2018): Naturnaher Wasserbau. Entwicklung und Gestaltung von Fließgewässern. With assistance of Peter Jürging, Werner Kraus. 5. Auflage. Wiesbaden: Springer Vieweg.

Module M1630: Sanitary Engineering II

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Management of Wastewater Infrastructure (L2467) Seminar 2 3
Drinking Water Treatment (L2466) Seminar 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Mathias Ernst
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge in the field of drinking water supply and waste water disposal.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students can examplify their expert knowledge on drinking water, waste water treatment and the associated infrastructure systems. They are capable of reproducing the relevant empiricals assumptions and scientific simplifcations in detail. The students can model some processes mathematically. They can also assess existing problems in the field of sanitary engineering, such as removal of nitrate, and place them in a socio-political context. Furthermore, they know how to draft the features and effectiveness of important  technologies of the future such as high- and low-pressure membrane filtration systems and techniques.


The students are able to apply the relevant standards and guidelines for the design and operation of urban water infrastructures independently. Their expertise comprises expert skills to design drinking water supply and urban drainage systems as well as the associated treatment facilities. Besides the acquirement of technical skills the students are able to address and solve biochemical problems in the filed of drinking water and wastewater treatment. The students are also able to develop ideas of their own to improve the existing water related infrastructures, systems and concepts.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to develop a specific topic in a team and to work out milestones according to a given plan.


Students are in a position to work on a subject and to organize their work flow independently. They can also present on this subject.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale Written-theoretical part and modelling
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Specialisation Green Technologies, Focus Water and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water and Environment: Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Civil Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Traffic and Mobility: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Water Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Course L2467: Management of Wastewater Infrastructure
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

The seminar ""Infrastructure Management Wastewater"" develops the understanding of infrastructure systems in relation to wastewater systems, but also addresses other infrastructure systems. 

Initially, an overview of the entire system is given, including water catchment areas, water distribution, the origin of wastewater in households and industry, stormwater runoff management, and the treatment and reuse of water (constituents ). Thereby the design tools especially of digital modelling are understood by practical application. Energetic considerations as well as planning and restoration of pipeline systems are covered.  

For wastewater treatment, the basis developed in Sanitary Engineering I will be deepened and significantly expanded, especially the resource recovery of nutrients and water. Sanitary solutions for different socio-economic and climatic conditions are understood and calculated.


Gujer, W. (2007): Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Springer, Berlin Heidelberg

Metcalf and Eddy (2003): Wastewater Engineering : Treatment and Reuse, Boston, McGraw-Hill

Henze, M. (1997): Wastewater Treatment : Biological and Chemical Processes, Berlin, Springer

Stein D., Stein R. (2014): Instandhaltung von Kanalisationen, Verlag Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stein & Partner GmbH

Wossog, G. (2016): Handbuch für den Rohrleitungsbau Band 1 und 2

Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall (2009): Abwasserableitung : Bemessungsgrundlagen, Regenwasserbewirtschaftung, Fremdwasser, Netzsanierung, Grundstücksentwässerung, Weimar, Univ.-Verl.

DWA Arbeitsblätter

Course L2466: Drinking Water Treatment
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Mathias Ernst, Dr. Klaus Johannsen
Language DE
Cycle SoSe

The seminar deepens and expands the knowledge of the processes of drinking water treatment. The seminar deals with ion exchange, oxidation, disinfection, gas exchange and hybrid treatment processes. Further topics include pH adjustment and energy efficiency in water supply. Within the scope of the course, the students work out a seminar performance (presentation, design, modelling) on the basis of a task.


Worch, E. (2019): Drinking Water Treatment, De Gruyter-Verlag 

Worch, E. (2015): Hydrochemistry, De Gruyter-Verlag

Jekel, M., Czekalla, C. (2016): Wasseraufbereitung - Grundlagen und Verfahren (DVGW Lehr- und Handbuch Wasserversorgung, Band 6), DIV Deutscher Industrieverlag

Module M0829: Foundations of Management

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Management Tutorial (L0882) Recitation Section (small) 2 3
Introduction to Management (L0880) Lecture 3 3
Module Responsible Prof. Christian Lüthje
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Basic Knowledge of Mathematics and Business
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After taking this module, students know the important basics of many different areas in Business and Management, from Planning and Organisation to Marketing and Innovation, and also to Investment and Controlling. In particular they are able to

  • explain the differences between Economics and Management and the sub-disciplines in Management and to name important definitions from the field of Management
  • explain the most important aspects of and goals in Management and name the most important aspects of entreprneurial projects 
  • describe and explain basic business functions as production, procurement and sourcing, supply chain management, organization and human ressource management, information management, innovation management and marketing 
  • explain the relevance of planning and decision making in Business, esp. in situations under multiple objectives and uncertainty, and explain some basic methods from mathematical Finance 
  • state basics from accounting and costing and selected controlling methods.

Students are able to analyse business units with respect to different criteria (organization, objectives, strategies etc.) and to carry out an Entrepreneurship project in a team. In particular, they are able to

  • analyse Management goals and structure them appropriately
  • analyse organisational and staff structures of companies
  • apply methods for decision making under multiple objectives, under uncertainty and under risk
  • analyse production and procurement systems and Business information systems
  • analyse and apply basic methods of marketing
  • select and apply basic methods from mathematical finance to predefined problems
  • apply basic methods from accounting, costing and controlling to predefined problems

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to

  • work successfully in a team of students
  • to apply their knowledge from the lecture to an entrepreneurship project and write a coherent report on the project
  • to communicate appropriately and
  • to cooperate respectfully with their fellow students. 

Students are able to

  • work in a team and to organize the team themselves
  • to write a report on their project.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale several written exams during the semester plus final test (90 minutes)
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Core Qualification: Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Civil Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water and Environment: Elective Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Traffic and Mobility: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bio Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Data Science: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Biotechnologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Systems / Renewable Energies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Energy Technology: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Maritime Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Specialisation Water Technologies: Elective Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Biomechanics: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Energy Systems: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Materials in Engineering Sciences: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Product Development and Production: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Aircraft Systems Engineering: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Specialisation Mechatronics: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Electrical Systems: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Dynamic Systems and AI: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Medical Engineering: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Robot- and Machine-Systems: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Specialisation Naval Engineering: Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Orientation Studies: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Technomathematics: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0882: Management Tutorial
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Christian Lüthje
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

In the management tutorial, the contents of the lecture will be deepened by practical examples and the application of the discussed tools.

If there is adequate demand, a problem-oriented tutorial will be offered in parallel, which students can choose alternatively. Here, students work in groups on self-selected projects that focus on the elaboration of an innovative business idea from the point of view of an established company or a startup. Again, the business knowledge from the lecture should come to practical use. The group projects are guided by a mentor.

Literature Relevante Literatur aus der korrespondierenden Vorlesung.
Course L0880: Introduction to Management
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Matthias Meyer, Prof. Christian Lüthje, Prof. Christian Ringle, Prof. Christian Thies, Prof. Christoph Ihl, Prof. Kathrin Fischer, Prof. Moritz Göldner, Prof. Thomas Wrona, Prof. Thorsten Blecker, Prof. Tim Schweisfurth, Prof. Wolfgang Kersten
Language DE
Cycle WiSe/SoSe
  • Introduction to Business and Management, Business versus Economics, relevant areas in Business and Management
  • Important definitions from Management, 
  • Developing Objectives for Business, and their relation to important Business functions
  • Business Functions: Functions of the Value Chain, e.g. Production and Procurement, Supply Chain Management, Innovation Management, Marketing and Sales
    Cross-sectional Functions, e.g. Organisation, Human Ressource Management, Supply Chain Management, Information Management
  • Definitions as information, information systems, aspects of data security and strategic information systems
  • Definition and Relevance of innovations, e.g. innovation opporunities, risks etc.
  • Relevance of marketing, B2B vs. B2C-Marketing
  • different techniques from the field of marketing (e.g. scenario technique), pricing strategies
  • important organizational structures
  • basics of human ressource management
  • Introduction to Business Planning and the steps of a planning process
  • Decision Analysis: Elements of decision problems and methods for solving decision problems
  • Selected Planning Tasks, e.g. Investment and Financial Decisions
  • Introduction to Accounting: Accounting, Balance-Sheets, Costing
  • Relevance of Controlling and selected Controlling methods
  • Important aspects of Entrepreneurship projects


Bamberg, G., Coenenberg, A.: Betriebswirtschaftliche Entscheidungslehre, 14. Aufl., München 2008

Eisenführ, F., Weber, M.: Rationales Entscheiden, 4. Aufl., Berlin et al. 2003

Heinhold, M.: Buchführung in Fallbeispielen, 10. Aufl., Stuttgart 2006.

Kruschwitz, L.: Finanzmathematik. 3. Auflage, München 2001.

Pellens, B., Fülbier, R. U., Gassen, J., Sellhorn, T.: Internationale Rechnungslegung, 7. Aufl., Stuttgart 2008.

Schweitzer, M.: Planung und Steuerung, in: Bea/Friedl/Schweitzer: Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Bd. 2: Führung, 9. Aufl., Stuttgart 2005.

Weber, J., Schäffer, U. : Einführung in das Controlling, 12. Auflage, Stuttgart 2008.

Weber, J./Weißenberger, B.: Einführung in das Rechnungswesen, 7. Auflage, Stuttgart 2006. 


Module M-001: Bachelor Thesis

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Module Responsible Professoren der TUHH
Admission Requirements
  • According to General Regulations §21 (1):

    At least 126 ECTS credit points have to be achieved in study programme. The examinations board decides on exceptions.

Recommended Previous Knowledge
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
  • The students can select, outline and, if need be, critically discuss the most important scientific fundamentals of their course of study (facts, theories, and methods).
  • On the basis of their fundamental knowledge of their subject the students are capable in relation to a specific issue of opening up and establishing links with extended specialized expertise.
  • The students are able to outline the state of research on a selected issue in their subject area.
  • The students can make targeted use of the basic knowledge of their subject that they have acquired in their studies to solve subject-related problems.
  • With the aid of the methods they have learnt during their studies the students can analyze problems, make decisions on technical issues, and develop solutions.
  • The students can take up a critical position on the findings of their own research work from a specialized perspective.

Personal Competence
Social Competence
  • Both in writing and orally the students can outline a scientific issue for an expert audience accurately, understandably and in a structured way.
  • The students can deal with issues in an expert discussion and answer them in a manner that is appropriate to the addressees. In doing so they can uphold their own assessments and viewpoints convincingly.

  • The students are capable of structuring an extensive work process in terms of time and of dealing with an issue within a specified time frame.
  • The students are able to identify, open up, and connect knowledge and material necessary for working on a scientific problem.
  • The students can apply the essential techniques of scientific work to research of their own.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 360, Study Time in Lecture 0
Credit points 12
Course achievement None
Examination Thesis
Examination duration and scale According to General Regulations
Assignment for the Following Curricula General Engineering Science (German program): Thesis: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (German program, 7 semester): Thesis: Compulsory
Civil- and Environmental Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Computer Science: Thesis: Compulsory
Data Science: Thesis: Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Engineering Science: Thesis: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (English program): Thesis: Compulsory
General Engineering Science (English program, 7 semester): Thesis: Compulsory
Green Technologies: Energy, Water, Climate: Thesis: Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Logistics and Mobility: Thesis: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Thesis: Compulsory
Naval Architecture: Thesis: Compulsory
Technomathematics: Thesis: Compulsory
Teilstudiengang Lehramt Metalltechnik: Thesis: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Engineering and Management - Major in Logistics and Mobility: Thesis: Compulsory