Information regarding the lectures are available in the TUHH modul manuals as well as in the course catalogue.

Course Work
Re­com. Term Module Name (German / English) Language Module­Responsability Institute C/EC (1) CM/
OM (2)
CP (4) Grade Exami­nation Form(3)
Compulsory Course Work Type Bonus (in %)
Core Qualification   Compulsory Courses: 42 LP    Optional Courses: 18 LP   
1 Abfallbehandlungstechnologien / Waste Treatment Technologies DE / EN Prof. Kuchta V-9 C CM
6 Y RE
1 Nachhaltiges Wassermanagement und Mikrobiologie der Wasseraufbereitung / Sustainable Water Management and Microbiology of Water Systems EN Prof. Ernst B-11 C CM
6 Y KL
Y RE 20
1 Strömungsmechanik, Hydraulik und Geoinformationssysteme im Wasserbau / Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics and Geo-information-systems in Water Management DE / EN Prof. Fröhle B-10 C CM
6 Y KL
1 Umweltanalytik und wassertechnisches Praktikum / Environmental Analysis and water technology practice EN Dr. Rechtenbach B-2 C CM
6 Y KL
1 Umweltschutz und -management / Environmental Protection and Management EN Prof. Otterpohl B-2 C CM
6 Y KL
2 Hydrologische Systeme / Hydrological Systems DE / EN Prof. Fröhle B-10 EC CM
6 Y KL
2 Ingenieurgeochemie / Geochemical Engineering EN Dr. Ritzkowski SD-B EC CM
6 Y KL
2 Management von Oberflächenwasser / Management of Surface Water DE / EN Prof. Fröhle B-10 EC CM
6 Y KL
2 Nexus Engineering - Wasser, Boden, Nahrung und Energie / Nexus Engineering - Water, Soil, Food and Energy EN Prof. Otterpohl B-2 EC CM
2 Städtisches Umweltmanagement / Urban Environmental Management EN Dr. Rechtenbach B-2 EC CM
6 Y SA
2 Technische Mikrobiologie / Technical Microbiology EN Prof. Gescher V-7 EC CM
6 Y KL
2-3 Ausgewählte Themen des Umweltingenieurwesens / Selected Topics in Environmental Engineering DE / EN Prof. Ernst B-11 EC OM
6 Selection out of Catalogue below
1-3 Nichttechnische Angebote im Master / Non-technical Courses for Master DE / EN Richter 0-TUHH C OM
6 Selection out of seperatly published Catalogue
1-3 Betrieb & Management / Business & Management DE / EN Prof. Meyer W-1 C OM
6 Selection out of seperatly published Catalogue
Specialisation Waste and Energy   Compulsory Courses: 12 LP    Optional Courses: 18 LP   
2 Abfall und Energie / Waste and Energy EN Prof. Kuchta V-9 EC CM
6 Y RE
Y SA 20
2 Smart Monitoring / Smart Monitoring EN Prof. Smarsly B-1 EC CM
6 Y SA
3 Studienarbeit Abfall und Energie / Study Work Waste and Energy Dozenten des SD B V-9 C CM
12 Y STA
3 Abwasserreinigung und Luftreinhaltung / Wastewater Treatment and Air Pollution Abatement DE / EN Dr. Pietsch-Braune V-3 EC CM
6 Y KL
3 Bioressourcen und Bioraffinerien / Bioresources and Biorefineries EN Dr. Körner B-2 EC CM
6 Y KL
3 Emerging Trends in Environmental Engineering / Emerging Trends in Environmental Engineering EN Prof. Shokri B-9 EC CM
6 N SA
3 Spezielle Aspekte des Abfallressourcenmanagements / Special Aspects of Waste Resource Management EN Prof. Kuchta V-9 EC CM
6 Y RE
Y SA 20
Specialisation Biotechnology   Compulsory Courses: 12 LP    Optional Courses: 18 LP   
2 Bioprozess- und Biosystemtechnik / Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering EN Prof. Zeng V-1 EC CM
6 Y KL
Y RE 20
2 Smart Monitoring / Smart Monitoring EN Prof. Smarsly B-1 EC CM
6 Y SA
3 Studienarbeit Biotechnologie / Study Work Biotechnology Dozenten des SD B V-1 C CM
12 Y STA
3 Biokatalyse / Biocatalysis EN Prof. Liese V-6 EC CM
6 Y KL
3 Bioressourcen und Bioraffinerien / Bioresources and Biorefineries EN Dr. Körner B-2 EC CM
6 Y KL
3 Emerging Trends in Environmental Engineering / Emerging Trends in Environmental Engineering EN Prof. Shokri B-9 EC CM
6 N SA
Specialisation Water   Compulsory Courses: 12 LP    Optional Courses: 18 LP   
2 Abwassersysteme / Wastewater Systems EN Prof. Otterpohl B-2 EC CM
6 Y KL
2 Advanced Vadose Zone Hydrology / Advanced Vadose Zone Hydrology EN Prof. Shokri B-9 EC CM
6 Y KL
2 Multiphase Flow in Porous Media / Multiphase Flow in Porous Media EN Prof. Shokri B-9 EC CM
6 Y KL
2 Smart Monitoring / Smart Monitoring EN Prof. Smarsly B-1 EC CM
6 Y SA
2 Water and Environment: Theory and Application / Water and Environment: Theory and Application EN Prof. Shokri B-9 EC CM
6 Y SA
3 Studienarbeit Wasser / Study Work Water Dozenten des SD B B-11 C CM
12 Y STA
3 Emerging Trends in Environmental Engineering / Emerging Trends in Environmental Engineering EN Prof. Shokri B-9 EC CM
6 N SA
3 Gewässerschutz / Water Protection EN Prof. Otterpohl B-2 EC CM
6 Y RE
3 Ländliche Entwicklung und Ressourcen Orientierte Sanitärsysteme für verschiedene Klimate / Rural Development and Resources Oriented Sanitation for different Climate Zones EN Prof. Otterpohl B-2 EC CM
3 Membran Technologie / Membrane Technology EN Prof. Ernst B-11 EC CM
6 Y KL
3 Modellierung von Prozessen in der Wassertechnologie / Process Modeling in Water Technology DE / EN Dr. Johannsen B-11 EC CM
6 Y MP
Thesis   Compulsory Courses: 30 LP    Optional Courses: 0 LP   
4 Masterarbeit / Master Thesis Professoren der TUHH 0-TUHH C CM
30 Y AB

Selected Topics in Environmental Engineering

Course Name (German / English) Course Form
Language (6) SWS (7) Sem.
CP (4) Grade Exami­nation Form(3) Additional information
Aquatische Umweltchemie / Environmental Aquatic Chemistry VL EN 2 SoSe
3 Y KL
Exzellenz im Internationalen Projektgeschäft / Excellence in International Project Delivery IV EN 2 SoSe
2 N lt. FSPO
Exzellenz im Internationalen Projektgeschäft / Excellence in International Project Delivery IV EN 2 SoSe
2 Y KL Replaces "Excellence in International Project Delivery (IV)" from SoSe23
Feststoffverfahrenstechnik für Biomassen / Solid Matter Process Technology for Biomass VL DE 2 SoSe
3 Y KL
Nachhaltige Deponietechnik, Planung und Betrieb / Sustainable landfill design and operation IV EN 3 SoSe
3 Y KL
Schlammbehandlung / Sludge Treatment VL EN 2 SoSe
3 Y KL
Spezielle Themen des Umweltingenieurwesen 1 LP / Special topics of the Environmental engineering 1CP DE/EN 1 WiSe/SoSe
Spezielle Themen des Umweltingenieurwesen 2LP / Special topics of the Environmental engineering 2CP DE/EN 2 WiSe/SoSe
Spezielle Themen des Umweltingenieurwesen 3LP / Special topics of the Environmental engineering 3CP DE/EN 3 WiSe/SoSe
Thermische Biomassenutzung / Thermal Biomass Utilization VL DE 2 WiSe
2 Y KL
Thermische Biomassenutzung / Thermal Biomass Utilization DE 1 WiSe
1 Y KL
Thermische Biomassenutzung / Thermal Biomass Utilization PR DE 1 WiSe
1 N SA
Thermische Biomassenutzung / Thermal Biomass Utilization PR DE 1 WiSe
1 Y SA Replaces "Thermal Biomass Utilization (PR)" from WiSe23/24

1C=Compulsory, EC=Elective Compulsory

2CM=Compulsory Defined Module, OM=Optional Defined Module

3KL=Written exam, SA=Written elaboration, FFA=Subject theoretical and practical work, FFST=Subject theoretical and practical work, MP=Oral exam, RE=Presentation, STA=Study work, AB=Thesis, SA lt. FPrO=Written elaboration (accord. to Internship Regulations), lt. FSPO=according to Subject Specific Regulations

4CP=Credit Points

5VL=Lecture, SE=Seminar, GÜ=Recitation Section (small), PBL=Project-/problem-based Learning, PR=Practical Course, PS=Project Seminar, HÜ=Recitation Section (large), IV=Integrated Lecture

6DE=German, EN=English, DE/EN=German and English

7SWS=Contact hours