Re­com. TermModule Name (German)Modul Name (English)InstituteC/EC (1)CM/
OM (2)
GradeExami­nation Form(3)CP (4)Course Name (German)Course Name (English)Course Form
Language (6)SWS (7)Sem.
Core qualification     Compulsory Courses: 168 LP    Optional Courses: 0 LP        
1 Baustoffgrundlagen und Bauphysik Principles of Building Materials and Building Physics B-3 C CM Yes Kl 6
Bauphysik Building Physics VL DE 2 1
Bauphysik Building Physics UE DE 1 1
Bauphysik Building Physics DE 1 1
Grundlagen der Baustoffe Principles of Building Materials VL DE 2 1
1 Chemie Chemistry SD-B C CM Yes Kl 6
Chemie I Chemistry I VL DE 2 1
Chemie I Chemistry I DE 1 1
Chemie II Chemistry II VL DE 2 1
Chemie II Chemistry II DE 1 1
1 Mathematik I Mathematics I E-10 C CM Yes Kl 8
Analysis I Analysis I VL DE 2 1
Analysis I Analysis I UE DE 1 1
Analysis I Analysis I DE 1 1
Lineare Algebra I Linear Algebra I VL DE 2 1
Lineare Algebra I Linear Algebra I UE DE 1 1
Lineare Algebra I Linear Algebra I DE 1 1
1 Mechanik I (Stereostatik) Mechanics I (Statics) M-13 C CM Yes Kl 6
Mechanik I (Stereostatik) Mechanics I (Statics) VL DE 2 1
Mechanik I (Stereostatik) Mechanics I (Statics) UE DE 2 1
Mechanik I (Stereostatik) Mechanics I (Statics) DE 1 1
2 Abfall und Boden Waste and Soil V-9 C CM Yes Kl 6
Abfall, Biologie und Boden Waste, Biology and Soil VL EN 2 2
Abfallressourcenwirtschaft Waste Ressources Management VL EN 2 2
Abfallressourcenwirtschaft Waste Resource Management EN 1 2
2 Baukonstruktion Structural Design B-3 C CM Yes Kl 6
Grundlagen der Baukonstruktion Basics of Structural Design VL DE 2 2
Projektseminar Baukonstruktion Seminar in Structural Design DE 1 2
Projektseminar Baukonstruktion Seminar in Structural Design SE DE 2 2
2 Baustoffe und Bauchemie Building Materials and Building Chemistry B-3 C CM Yes Kl 6
Baustoffe und Bauchemie Building Materials and Building Chemistry VL DE 4 2
Baustoffe und Bauchemie Building Materials and Building Chemistry UE DE 1 2
2 Mathematik II Mathematics II E-10 C CM Yes Kl 8
Analysis II Analysis II VL DE 2 2
Analysis II Analysis II UE DE 1 2
Analysis II Analysis II DE 1 2
Lineare Algebra II Linear Algebra II VL DE 2 2
Lineare Algebra II Linear Algebra II UE DE 1 2
Lineare Algebra II Linear Algebra II DE 1 2
2 Mechanik II: Elastostatik Mechanics II: Mechanics of Materials M-15 C CM Yes Kl 6
Mechanik II Mechanics II VL DE 2 2
Mechanik II Mechanics II UE DE 2 2
Mechanik II Mechanics II DE 2 2
3 Baustatik I Structural Analysis I B-4 C CM Yes Kl 6
Baustatik I Structural Analysis I VL DE 2 3
Baustatik I Structural Analysis I DE 2 3
3 Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre Foundations of Management W-11 C CM Yes Kl 6
Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre Introduction to Management VL DE 3 3
Projekt Entrepreneurship Project Entrepreneurship POL DE 2 3
3 Mathematik III Mathematics III 0-UNIHH C CM Yes Kl 8
Analysis III Analysis III VL DE 2 3
Analysis III Analysis III UE DE 1 3
Analysis III Analysis III DE 1 3
Differentialgleichungen 1 (Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen) Differential Equations 1 (Ordinary Differential Equations) VL DE 2 3
Differentialgleichungen 1 (Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen) Differential Equations 1 (Ordinary Differential Equations) UE DE 1 3
Differentialgleichungen 1 (Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen) Differential Equations 1 (Ordinary Differential Equations) DE 1 3
3 Wasserbau I Hydraulic Engineering I B-10 C CM Yes Kl 6
Hydrologie Hydrology VL DE 1 3
Hydrologie Hydrology POL DE 1 3
Hydromechanik Hydromechanics VL DE 2 3
Hydromechanik Hydromechanics DE 1 3
3-4 Anwendungen im Bau- und Umweltingenieurwesen Applications in Civil and Environmental Engineering B-11 C OM 6
No SA 3 Angewandte numerische Methoden Applied Numerical Methods SE DE 3 3
No MdlP 2 Anwendungen der Baudynamik Applied Structural Dynamics VL DE 2 3
No Kl 3 AutoCAD AutoCAD UE DE 2 3,4
No Kl 4 Computerbasierte Tragwerksberechnungen Computational Analysis of Structures VL DE 1 3
Computerbasierte Tragwerksberechnungen Computational Analysis of Structures DE 1 3
No Kl 2 Einführung in die Statistik mit R Introduction in Statitics with R VL DE 1 3
Einführung in die Statistik mit R Introduction in Statitics with R DE 1 3
No HA 2 Praktikum Trinkwasserchemie Practical Course in Drinking Water Chemistry PR DE 1 3
No SA 3 Building Information Modeling Building Information Modeling VL DE 1 4
Building Information Modeling Building Information Modeling DE 2 4
No SA 4 Grundlagen der Geomatik Principles of Geomatics VL DE 2 4
Grundlagen der Geomatik Principles of Geomatics UE DE 2 4
No PA 2 Numerik und Matlab Numeric and Matlab PR DE 2 4
No Re 2 Projekte II Projects II PS DE 2 4
No MdlP 2 Vorbeugender und abwehrender Brandschutz Fire Protection and Prevention VL DE 2 4
4 Bau- und Umweltmanagement Civil- and Enviromental Management B-5 C CM Yes Kl 6
Bauprojektmanagement Construction Management VL DE 2 4
Bauprojektmanagement Construction Management DE 1 4
Bauvertragsrecht Law of Building Contracts VL DE 1 4
Umweltrecht Environmental Law VL DE 1 4
4 Baustatik II Structural Analysis II B-4 C CM Yes Kl 6
Baustatik II Structural Analysis II VL DE 2 4
Baustatik II Structural Analysis II DE 2 4
4 Geotechnik I Geotechnics I B-5 C CM Yes Kl 6
Bodenmechanik Soil Mechanics VL DE 2 4
Bodenmechanik Soil Mechanics UE DE 2 4
Bodenmechanik Soil Mechanics DE 2 4
4 Massivbau I Reinforced Concrete I B-7 C CM Yes Kl 6
Projektseminar Massivbau I Project Seminar Concrete I SE DE 1 4
Stahlbetonbau I Reinforced Concrete Design I VL DE 2 4
Stahlbetonbau I Reinforced Concrete Design I DE 2 4
4 Wasserbau II Hydraulic Engineering II B-10 C CM Yes Kl 6
Hydraulik Hydraulics VL DE 1 4
Hydraulik Hydraulics DE 1 4
Wasserbau Hydraulic Engineering VL DE 2 4
Wasserbau Hydraulic Engineering DE 1 4
5 Geotechnik II Geotechnics II B-5 C CM Yes Kl 6
Grundbau Foundation Engineering VL DE 2 5
Grundbau Foundation Engineering UE DE 2 5
Grundbau Foundation Engineering DE 2 5
5 Massivbau II Concrete Structures II B-7 C CM Yes Kl 6
Projektseminar Stahlbetonbau II Project Concrete Structures II PS DE 1 5
Stahlbetonbau II Concrete Structures II VL DE 3 5
Stahlbetonbau II Concrete Structures II DE 1 5
5 Stahlbau I Steel Structures I B-4 C CM Yes Kl 6
Stahlbau I Steel Structures I VL DE 2 5
Stahlbau I Steel Structures I DE 2 5
5 Verkehrsplanung und Verkehrstechnik Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering W-8 C CM Yes PA 6
Verkehrsplanung und Verkehrstechnik Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering POL DE 4 5
5 Wasserwirtschaft Water Management B-11 C CM Yes Kl 6
Grundwasserhydrologie Groundwater Hydrology VL DE 1 5
Grundwasserhydrologie Groundwater Hydrology DE 1 5
Wasserwirtschaft und Gewässergüte Water Management and Water Quality VL DE 2 5
6 Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Sanitary Engineering B-2 C CM Yes Kl 6
Abwasserentsorgung Wastewater Disposal VL DE 2 6
Abwasserentsorgung Wastewater Disposal DE 1 6
Trinkwasserversorgung Drinking Water Supply VL DE 2 6
Trinkwasserversorgung Drinking Water Supply DE 1 6
6 Stahlbau II Steel Structures II B-4 C CM Yes Kl 6
Stahlbau II Steel Structures II VL DE 2 6
Stahlbau II Steel Structures II DE 2 6
1-6 Nichttechnische Ergänzungskurse im Bachelor Nontechnical Complementary Courses for Bachelors 0-TUHH C OM 6 Selection out of Catalogue
Thesis     Compulsory Courses: 12 LP    Optional Courses: 0 LP        
6 Bachelorarbeit Bachelor Thesis not defined C CM Yes lt. FSPO 12

1C=Compulsory, EC=Elective Compulsory

2CM=Compulsory Defined Module, OM=Optional Defined Module

3Re=Presentation, Kl=Written exam, SA=Written elaboration, HA=Homework, Kl=Written exam, MdlP=Oral exam, PA=Project, PA=Project, lt. FSPO=according to Subject Specific Regulations

4CP=Credit Points

5VL=Lecture, SE=Seminar, UE=Recitation Section (small), POL=Problem-based Learning, PR=Laboratory Course, PS=Project Seminar, HÜ=Recitation Section (large)

6DE=German, EN=English, DE/EN=German and English

7SWS=Contact hours