Program description


Environmental engineering has never been more relevant than it is today. In the past 20 years, the field has moved from purely focusing on the technical and logistical side of waste disposal to encompass material recovery and circular economy. Innovative materials, integrated material and process flow analysis, as well as the involvement of energy sector issues, have brought environmental technology - once a niche sector perceived to be partly driven by ideology - into mainstream areas of the international economy. Germany is a global market leader in many areas of environmental engineering expertise. This status requires ongoing success at different levels: innovative and integrated technology, favourable legal and economic standards and, not least, high-quality German university education in environmental sciences.

With this in mind, the International Master Program in Environmental Engineering at the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) focuses on current developments in environmental technology, while also providing a solid grounding in the subject’s scientific and economic foundations. Students can specialise in one of three areas: (i) Water, (ii) Waste & Energy or (iii) Biotechnology. Interdisciplinary considerations are essential to all subject areas. How can environmental pollution be reduced and valuable resources recovered at the same time? How does one measure the sustainability of a product or service? Which innovative technologies assure minimum energy use in production processes? Which environmental law constraints favour sustainable development? All these questions are relevant in the Environmental Engineering program.

Graduates of the Environmental Engineering program have a detailed understanding of key areas of environmental sciences. At the start of the Master’s program, all students take compulsory courses in environmental management, waste and wastewater treatment, fluid dynamics and hydrology, and environmental analytics. In the second semester, students can choose from a number of potential core areas. These include courses in geochemical engineering, technical microbiology and water and wastewater technology. From the third semester, students develop a specialisation in one of the areas mentioned above (Water, Waste and Energy, or Biotechnology). In addition to course-specific modules, students also take non-technical classes in subjects such as business economics or foreign languages.

Career prospects

Graduates of the International Master Program in Environmental Engineering are sought after in a broad range of different fields and have excellent prospects in terms of career development. Graduates may work, for example, for environmental authorities, water and wastewater companies, energy and waste management companies, engineering firms or in the biotechnology industry. Owing to the breadth and diversity of the course, Environmental Engineering graduates are able to quickly familiarise themselves with new information, which is highly beneficial when working in interdisciplinary teams, as will often be the case. Worldwide, the environmental technology sector is growing strongly. Inadequate environmental management can have a significantly negative impact on the economic development of a region or country. In light of the above, Environmental Engineering graduates are international in their outlook and employed around the world. In addition to preparing students for demanding careers in industry, the Master’s in Environmental Engineering also equips students with the necessary academic skills for pursuing their possible further specialisation at PhD level.

Learning target

Environmental Engineering graduates should have certain core skills and knowledge. These are listed below in the following categories: knowledge, skills, social skills and independence.


  1. Graduates are able to describe the fundamentals of environmental management and outline environmental standards, environmental economic instruments, the content of ISO 14001 and environmental performance evaluation.
  2. They are able to explain the procedural fundamentals of important water and wastewater treatment techniques, biotechnological processes, biological waste treatment (aerobic and anaerobic) and relevant environmental chemicals and their analytical determination, particularly in water and wastewater analysis.
  3. They can discuss hydrological and fluid mechanical models and the technical boundary conditions for sustainable water protection.
  4. They are able to define the key principles of circular economy (water/waste) and outline the fundamentals of business economics.
  5. Depending on the specialisation they choose, graduates can demonstrate their broader understanding in the areas of water, waste and energy or biotechnology.


  1. Graduates are able to complete practical laboratory work in the area of municipal water engineering taking into consideration the procedure selection for water and wastewater treatment processes.
  2. They are able to conduct specialist scientific research and geographical data processing and apply hydrological models.
  3. They are able to argue and write scientifically.
  4. Graduates are able to produce incisive individual presentations and coordinated team presentations, as practised in classes involving problem-based learning (PBL).
  5. They are able to apply fundamental business economics methods.
  6. Depending on their chosen specialisation, they have further skills in the areas of water, energy and waste, or biotechnology. For example, they are able to design membrane separation processes, conduct modelling in water technology, select technical and regional planning solutions for tasks in a biorefinery or analyse and evaluate integrated waste management solutions.

Social skills:

  1. The degree program Environmental Engineering attracts students from all over the world. From the beginning of the course, students work in diverse teams, in which they are able to use their different skill sets and values productively when working on technical problems.
  2. On completion of their studies, students are able to develop technical proposals, comprehensively review results and, where relevant, confirm them through peer discussion.
  3. They can present technical solutions as a team.
  4. They can also give constructive feedback to fellow students and integrate feedback on their own performance appropriately into their own work.


  1. Graduates of the Environmental Engineering program are able to conduct independent research using scientific literature; read test reports; gain knowledge from these reports and transfer it to the project at hand.
  2. In consultation with teaching staff, they are able to evaluate their own learning in concrete terms and define subsequent steps for ongoing progress.
  3. They can independently define research and development tasks for theoretical and experimental investigation of environmental issues and plan and carry out projects in this regard.

Program structure

The Master’s program in Environmental Engineering is composed primarily of modules with six credit points (CPs). One CP equates to a student workload of 30 hours (classroom contact hours and study undertaken at home, including examination preparation). Master’s students must complete 120 CPs in four semesters over a two-year period.

The modules are divided into: (i) core qualification, (ii) specialisation and (iii) thesis. For the core qualification, all students initially attend compulsory courses amounting to 42 CPs. These are primarily completed in the first and second semesters. Based on their individual interests, students take a further 18 CPs from a possible 30 CPs of elective courses. These modules are primarily completed in the second and third semesters. It is obligatory for students to take one business economics module and a module with non-technical courses (foreign language, art or cultural courses). Specialisation encompasses 12 CPs of obligatory courses (project work) and 18 CPs elective courses, to be selected from the study options in the specialisations Water, Waste and Energy, or Biotechnology. These modules are primarily completed in the third semester. In the fourth semester, students complete their thesis (30 CPs). This is preferably completed in the student’s specialisation, though this is not obligatory. The third or fourth semester is most suited to students wishing to spend time abroad or on an industry placement as project and thesis work can be completed independent of lecture periods and in direct agreement with the supervising Professor.

Core Qualification

Module M0523: Business & Management

Module Responsible Prof. Matthias Meyer
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge None
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
  • Students are able to find their way around selected special areas of management within the scope of business management.
  • Students are able to explain basic theories, categories, and models in selected special areas of business management.
  • Students are able to interrelate technical and management knowledge.

  • Students are able to apply basic methods in selected areas of business management.
  • Students are able to explain and give reasons for decision proposals on practical issues in areas of business management.

Personal Competence
Social Competence
  • Students are able to communicate in small interdisciplinary groups and to jointly develop solutions for complex problems

  • Students are capable of acquiring necessary knowledge independently by means of research and preparation of material.

Workload in Hours Depends on choice of courses
Credit points 6
Information regarding lectures and courses can be found in the corresponding module handbook published separately.

Module M0524: Non-technical Courses for Master

Module Responsible Dagmar Richter
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge None
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The Nontechnical Academic Programms (NTA)

imparts skills that, in view of the TUHH’s training profile, professional engineering studies require but are not able to cover fully. Self-reliance, self-management, collaboration and professional and personnel management competences. The department implements these training objectives in its teaching architecture, in its teaching and learning arrangements, in teaching areas and by means of teaching offerings in which students can qualify by opting for specific competences and a competence level at the Bachelor’s or Master’s level. The teaching offerings are pooled in two different catalogues for nontechnical complementary courses.

The Learning Architecture

consists of a cross-disciplinarily study offering. The centrally designed teaching offering ensures that courses in the nontechnical academic programms follow the specific profiling of TUHH degree courses.

The learning architecture demands and trains independent educational planning as regards the individual development of competences. It also provides orientation knowledge in the form of “profiles”.

The subjects that can be studied in parallel throughout the student’s entire study program - if need be, it can be studied in one to two semesters. In view of the adaptation problems that individuals commonly face in their first semesters after making the transition from school to university and in order to encourage individually planned semesters abroad, there is no obligation to study these subjects in one or two specific semesters during the course of studies.

Teaching and Learning Arrangements

provide for students, separated into B.Sc. and M.Sc., to learn with and from each other across semesters. The challenge of dealing with interdisciplinarity and a variety of stages of learning in courses are part of the learning architecture and are deliberately encouraged in specific courses.

Fields of Teaching

are based on research findings from the academic disciplines cultural studies, social studies, arts, historical studies, communication studies, migration studies and sustainability research, and from engineering didactics. In addition, from the winter semester 2014/15 students on all Bachelor’s courses will have the opportunity to learn about business management and start-ups in a goal-oriented way.

The fields of teaching are augmented by soft skills offers and a foreign language offer. Here, the focus is on encouraging goal-oriented communication skills, e.g. the skills required by outgoing engineers in international and intercultural situations.

The Competence Level

of the courses offered in this area is different as regards the basic training objective in the Bachelor’s and Master’s fields. These differences are reflected in the practical examples used, in content topics that refer to different professional application contexts, and in the higher scientific and theoretical level of abstraction in the B.Sc.

This is also reflected in the different quality of soft skills, which relate to the different team positions and different group leadership functions of Bachelor’s and Master’s graduates in their future working life.

Specialized Competence (Knowledge)

Students can

  • explain specialized areas in context of the relevant non-technical disciplines,
  • outline basic theories, categories, terminology, models, concepts or artistic techniques in the disciplines represented in the learning area,
  • different specialist disciplines relate to their own discipline and differentiate it as well as make connections, 
  • sketch the basic outlines of how scientific disciplines, paradigms, models, instruments, methods and forms of representation in the specialized sciences are subject to individual and socio-cultural interpretation and historicity,
  • Can communicate in a foreign language in a manner appropriate to the subject.

Professional Competence (Skills)

In selected sub-areas students can

  • apply basic and specific methods of the said scientific disciplines,
  • aquestion a specific technical phenomena, models, theories from the viewpoint of another, aforementioned specialist discipline,
  • to handle simple and advanced questions in aforementioned scientific disciplines in a sucsessful manner,
  • justify their decisions on forms of organization and application in practical questions in contexts that go beyond the technical relationship to the subject.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Personal Competences (Social Skills)

Students will be able

  • to learn to collaborate in different manner,
  • to present and analyze problems in the abovementioned fields in a partner or group situation in a manner appropriate to the addressees,
  • to express themselves competently, in a culturally appropriate and gender-sensitive manner in the language of the country (as far as this study-focus would be chosen), 
  • to explain nontechnical items to auditorium with technical background knowledge.


Personal Competences (Self-reliance)

Students are able in selected areas

  • to reflect on their own profession and professionalism in the context of real-life fields of application
  • to organize themselves and their own learning processes      
  • to reflect and decide questions in front of a broad education background
  • to communicate a nontechnical item in a competent way in writen form or verbaly
  • to organize themselves as an entrepreneurial subject country (as far as this study-focus would be chosen)     

Workload in Hours Depends on choice of courses
Credit points 6
Information regarding lectures and courses can be found in the corresponding module handbook published separately.

Module M0619: Waste Treatment Technologies

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Waste and Environmental Chemistry (L0328) Practical Course 2 2
Biological Waste Treatment (L0318) Project-/problem-based Learning 3 4
Module Responsible Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge chemical and biological basics
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The module aims possess knowledge concerning the planning of biological waste treatment plants. Students are able to explain the design and layout of anaerobic and aerobic waste treatment plants in detail, describe different techniques for waste gas treatment plants for biological waste treatment plants and explain different methods for waste analytics.


The students are able to discuss the compilation of design and layout of plants. They can critically evaluate techniques and quality control measurements. The students can recherché and evaluate literature and date connected to the tasks given in der module and plan additional tests. They are capable of reflecting and evaluating findings in the group.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students can participate in subject-specific and interdisciplinary discussions, develop cooperated solutions and defend their own work results in front of others and promote the scientific development in front of colleagues. Furthermore, they can give and accept professional constructive criticism.


Students can independently tap knowledge from literature, business or test reports and transform it to the course projects. They are capable, in consultation with supervisors as well as in the interim presentation, to assess their learning level and define further steps on this basis. Furthermore, they can define targets for new application-or research-oriented duties in accordance with the potential social, economic and cultural impact.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes None Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination Presentation
Examination duration and scale Elaboration and Presentation (15-25 minutes in groups)
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Structural Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Geotechnical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Coastal Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Energy and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Specialisation Energy: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Course L0328: Waste and Environmental Chemistry
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe

The participants are divided into groups. Each group prepares a transcript on the experiment performed, which is then used as basis for discussing the results and to evaluate the performance of the group and the individual student.

In some experiments the test procedure and the results are presented in seminar form, accompanied by discussion and results evaluation.

Experiments ar e.g.

Screening  and particle size determination



Chalorific value

Literature Scripte
Course L0318: Biological Waste Treatment
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 3
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 78, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
  1. Introduction
  2. biological basics
  3. determination process specific material characterization
  4. aerobic degradation ( Composting, stabilization)
  5. anaerobic degradation (Biogas production, fermentation)
  6. Technical layout and process design
  7. Flue gas treatment
  8. Plant design practical phase

Module M0830: Environmental Protection and Management

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Integrated Pollution Control (L0502) Lecture 2 2
Health, Safety and Environmental Management (L0387) Lecture 2 3
Health, Safety and Environmental Management (L0388) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Good knowledge in Technologies for Environmental Protection (end-of-pipe, integrated solutions)
  • Good knowledge of the relevant Environmental Legislation
  • Basic knowledge of instruments for Environmental Assessment
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students are able to describe the basics of regulations, economic instruments, voluntary initiatives, fundamentals of HSE legislation ISO 14001, EMAS and Responsible Care ISO 14001 requirements. They can analyse and discuss industrial processes, substance cycles and approaches from end-of-pipe technology to eco-efficiency and eco-effectiveness, showing their sound knowledge of complex industry related problems. They are able to judge environmental issues and to widely consider, apply or carry out innovative technical solutions, remediation measures and further interventions as well as conceptual problem solving approaches in the full range of problems in different industrial sectors.


Students are able to assess current problems and situations in the field of environmental protection. They can consider the best available techniques and to plan and suggest concrete actions in a company- or branch-specific context. By this means they can solve problems on a technical, administrative and legislative level.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students can work together in international groups.


Students are able to organize their work flow to prepare themselves for presentations and contributions to the discussions. They can acquire appropriate knowledge by making enquiries independently.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation C - Bioeconomic Process Engineering, Focus Management and Controlling: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Specialisation Energy: Elective Compulsory
Product Development, Materials and Production: Specialisation Product Development: Elective Compulsory
Product Development, Materials and Production: Specialisation Production: Elective Compulsory
Product Development, Materials and Production: Specialisation Materials: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Compulsory
Course L0502: Integrated Pollution Control
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

The lecture focusses on:

  • The Regulatory Framework
  • Pollution & Impacts, Characteristics of Pollutants
  • Approaches of Integrated Pollution Control
  • Sevilla Process, Best Available Technologies & BREF Documents
  • Case Studies: paper industry, cement industry, automotive industry
  • Field Trip

Förstner, Ulrich (1998): Integrated Pollution Control, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-642-80313-0

Shen, Thomas T. (1999): Industrial Pollution Prevention, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-540-65208-3

Course L0387: Health, Safety and Environmental Management
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Hans-Joachim Nau
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
  • Objectives of and benefit from HSE management
  • From dilution and end-of-pipe technology to eco-efficiency and eco-effectiveness Behaviour control: regulations, economic instruments and voluntary initiatives
  • Fundamentals of HSE legislation ISO 14001, EMAS and Responsible Care ISO 14001 requirements Environmental performance evaluation Risk management: hazard, risk and safety Health and safety at the workplace
  • Crisis management

C. Stephan: Industrial Health, Safety and Environmental Management, MV-Verlag, Münster, 2007/2012 (can be found in the library under GTG 315)

Exercises can be downloaded from StudIP

Course L0388: Health, Safety and Environmental Management
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Hans-Joachim Nau
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1311: Sustainable Water Management and Microbiology of Water Systems

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Microbiology of water systems (L1782) Lecture 2 3
Sustainable Water Management (L0406) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Mathias Ernst
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Basic knowledge in water chemistry, Knowledge of main water treatment processes
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students will be able to explain the relevance of local and national water cycles on basis of water recycling targets. They will be able to separate into conventional and advanced treatment processes for both, drinking and wastewater treatment. Students are capable to name basic differences between water chemical parameters in drinking and wastewater analysis and define their significance for a sustainable water management.

Students will be able to differentiate between natural and hygienically relevant bacteria in drinking water and will know modern microbiological methods for routine and scientific analyses of drinking water. They are familiar with the diverse microbiological processes in drinking water treatment and supply. The students know the legal regulations of the microbiological drinking water quality.


On basis of water use targets students will be able to prepare combinations of naturally based as well as technical water treatment processes. They will be able to calculate key parameters of treatment pathways for a water recycling study. Students will be able to deputise their conceptual design study by argumentation.

Students will be capable to assess risks for the hygienic state of drinking water. Based on knowledge of methods they are able to evaluate results of routine analyses and research. Based on knowledge of processes, students will be able to suggest solutions to problems in drinking water supply.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students will be able to work in diverse teams on problems in the field of sustainable water management. They will be able to coordinate complex tasks within their group and hand out duties accordingly. 


Students will be in a position to work out presentations in the field of sustainable water management. They will be capable of finding creative solutions for water recycling concepts.

Students will know how to use their technical knowledge for solving problems.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes 20 % Presentation
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min exam
Assignment for the Following Curricula Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L1782: Microbiology of water systems
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Johannes Gescher, Prof. Mathias Ernst
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
  • Natural and hygienically relevant microorganisms in drinking water
  • Quantification of bacteria in drinking water
  • Identification of bacteria
  • Bacterial population analyses
  • Growth of bacteria and VBNC-state
  • Activity of bacteria in the environment
  • Biofilms in drinking water systems
  • Disinfection of drinking water and drinking water systems
  • Microbiological processes in drinking water treatment
  • Technical realization for optimized use of microbiological processes for drinking water production
  • Impact factors on microbiological drinking water quality during distribution and compliance with legal requirements on hygiene at the consumer’s tap
  • Allgemeine Mikrobiologie. 2007. Fuchs, G. (Hrsg.), 8. Aufl., Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart.
  • Brock Biology of Microorganisms. 2015. Madigan, M. T., Martinko, J. M., Bender, K. S., Buckley, D. H., and Stahl, D. A. (eds.), 14. edition, Pearson Education Ltd, Harlow, UK.
  • Microbial growth in drinking- water supplies: Problems, causes control and research needs. 2014. Van der Kooij, D. and Van der Wielen, P. W. J. J. (eds.) IWA Publishing, London.
Course L0406: Sustainable Water Management
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Mathias Ernst
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

The course provides knowledge on the sustainable treatment and management of the resource water. Used water is an alternative resource and can be recycled in any field of the urban water cycle after adequate treatment. The resulting water quality is the decisive issue. In the course the central quality parameters of drinking- as well as wastewater assessment will be presented and discussed. Moreover the legal frame for water reuse in the EU and examples from all over the world will be communicated. The students receive the task to develop a conceptual design study of an indirect potable reuse facility in given boundary conditions. To fulfill this task, the students will work in small groups representing a consulting firm. Later in the course the firms will present their concepts. In preparation to the team presentation further knowledge on alternative water resources and sustainable management will be provided. International case studies will be presented and discussed. Next to the communication of technical details, planning tools for the implementation of alternative water management will be given also Option for an effective public perception program of later water users. 

  • Milestones in Water Reuse, V. Lazarova, T. Asano, A. Bahri, J. Anderson, IWA Publishing 2013
  • Current UN World Water Development Reports
  • Water Security for Better Lives, OECD Studie 2013
  • PPT’s provided during the course 

Module M1313: Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics and Geo-information-systems in Water Management

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Geo-Information-Systems in Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering (L0963) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 2
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics (L1246) Lecture 2 2
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics (L1656) Recitation Section (small) 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Peter Fröhle
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Mathematics (calculus) and physics; Knowledge of statics and thermodynmaik would be beneficial. 
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Knowledge After finishing the module the students will lern the properties of fluid, hydrostatics, Fluid kinematics, conservation equations (mass, energy and momentum), flow in pipes, boundary layer theory , viscous flow (skin friction and drag forces), flow in pipes, hydraulics of open channel, flow in compound and natural channels, energy head losses.
Skills The students will be capable to calculate and analyse the forces in the fluids as well as flow in pipes and channels.
Personal Competence
Social Competence The students learn to deploy their knowledge in applied problems such as calculation of water level and the rate of water rise in flood events. Furthermore, they will be able to work in team with engineers of other disciplines, for instance by designing of gates.
Autonomy The students will be able to independently extend their knowledge and applyit to new problems.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 minutes including definition and descriptions as well as calculations
Assignment for the Following Curricula Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0963: Geo-Information-Systems in Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Peter Fröhle
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe

Theoretical basics of Geo-Information-Systems

  • Data models, geographical coordinates, geo-referencing, map-views
  • Data mining and – analyses of geo-data 
  • Analysis techniques

Literature None
Course L1246: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Mohammad Hassan Nasermoaddeli
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Properties of fluid, hydrostatics, Fluid kinematics, conservation equations (mass, energy and momentum), flow in pipes, boundary layer theory of laminar and turbulent flow, viscous flow (skin friction and drag forces), open channel hydraulics, flow in compound and natural channels, local energy head losses


R.L. Street, G.Z. Watters, J.K. Vennard: Elementary Fluid Mechanics, 7th edition, 1996

Chow, V.T., Open Channel hydraulics, Ven Te Chow, 1988

Course L1656: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Mohammad Hassan Nasermoaddeli
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1312: Environmental Analysis and water technology practice

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Practical Course in Water and Wastewater Technology I (L0503) Practical Course 2 3
Environmental Analysis (L0354) Lecture 2 3
Module Responsible Dr. Dorothea Rechtenbach
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Basic knowledge in chemistry and physics (knowledge required at school)
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Knowledge The students know basic analytical procedures for evaluating the quality of different environmental compartments. 
Skills The students are able to understand and to practically apply methodologies for environmental analysis as well as descriptions of experiments and experimental setups in wasterwater analysis.
Personal Competence
Social Competence The students are able to organize working processes within a team in a targeted way and based on the divison of labour.
Autonomy The students are able to independently exploit sources and conduct experiments following written procedures without external assistance.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 minutes written exam including written report for the practical
Assignment for the Following Curricula Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L0503: Practical Course in Water and Wastewater Technology I
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Dorothea Rechtenbach
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

- Impact of pretreatment of wastewater samples on analytical results

- Analysis of nutrients in wastewater samples (different methods for nitrate analysis)

- Alkalinity


- microscopic analysis of microorganisms relevant in wastewater treatment

Literature Skript auf StudIP
Course L0354: Environmental Analysis
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Dorothea Rechtenbach, Dr. Henning Mangels
Language EN
Cycle WiSe


Sampling in different environmental compartments, sample transportation, sample storage

Sample preparation


Wastewater analysis

Introduction into chromatography

Gas chromatography


Mass spectrometry

Optical emission spectrometry

Atom absorption spectrometry

Quality assurance in environmental analysis

Roger Reeve, Introduction to Environmental Analysis, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2002 (TUB: USD-728)

Pradyot Patnaik, Handbook of environmental analysis: chemical pollutants in air, water, soil, and solid wastes, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2010 (TUB: USD-716)

Chunlong Zhang, Fundamentals of Environmental Sampling and Analysis,  John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2007 (TUB: USD-741)

Miroslav Radojević, Vladimir N. Bashkin, Practical Environmental Analysis
RSC Publ., Cambridge, 2006 (TUB: USD-720)

Werner Funk, Vera Dammann, Gerhild Donnevert, Sarah Iannelli (Translator), Eric Iannelli (Translator), Quality Assurance in Analytical Chemistry: Applications in Environmental, Food and Materials Analysis, Biotechnology, and Medical Engineering, 2nd Edition, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,Weinheim, 2007 (TUB: CHF-350)

STANDARD METHODS FOR THE EXAMINATION OF WATER AND WASTEWATER, 21st Edition, Andrew D. Eaton, Leonore S. Clesceri, Eugene W. Rice, and Arnold E. Greenberg, editors, 2005 (TUB:CHF-428)

K. Robards, P. R. Haddad, P. E. Jackson, Principles and Practice of
Modern Chromatographic Methods, Academic Press

G. Schwedt, Chromatographische Trennmethoden, Thieme Verlag

H. M. McNair, J. M. Miller, Basic Gas Chromatography, Wiley

W. Gottwald, GC für Anwender, VCH

B. A. Bidlingmeyer, Practical HPLC Methodology and Applications, Wiley

K. K. Unger, Handbuch der HPLC, GIT Verlag

G. Aced, H. J. Möckel, Liquidchromatographie, VCH

Charles B. Boss and Kenneth J. Fredeen, Concepts, Instrumentation and Techniques in Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry
Perkin-Elmer Corporation 1997, On-line available at:

Atomic absorption spectrometry: theory, design and applications, ed. by S. J. Haswell 1991 (TUB: 2727-5614)

Royal Society of Chemistry, Atomic absorption spectometry (

Module M1123: Selected Topics in Environmental Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Environmental Aquatic Chemistry (L1444) Lecture 2 3
Excellence in International Project Delivery (L2387) Integrated Lecture 2 2
Sludge Treatment (L0520) Lecture 2 3
Thermal Biomass Utilization (L1767) Lecture 2 2
Thermal Biomass Utilization (L1768) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Mathias Ernst
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Personal Competence
Social Competence
Workload in Hours Depends on choice of courses
Credit points 6
Assignment for the Following Curricula Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Course L1444: Environmental Aquatic Chemistry
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Examination Form Klausur
Examination duration and scale 60 min
Lecturer Dr. Klaus Johannsen
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • Concentration and activity
  • Gas-water partitioning
  • Acid/base equilibria
  • Alkalinity and acidity
  • Precipitation/dissolution equilibria
  • Redox equilibria
  • Complex formation
  • Sorption


Worch, E.: Hydrochemistry. Basic Concepts and Exercises. De Gruyter, Berlin, 2015

Course L2387: Excellence in International Project Delivery
Typ Integrated Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Examination Form laut FSPO
Examination duration and scale wird zu Beginn der Lehrveranstaltung festgelegt
Lecturer Dr. Jens Huckfeldt
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Course L0520: Sludge Treatment
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Examination Form Klausur
Examination duration and scale 60 min
Lecturer Dr. Joachim Behrendt
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Sedimentation characteristic and thickening,
Aerobic sludge stabilisation,
Sludge Digestion,
Sludge Disintegration,
Sludge Dewatering,
Natural Processes for Sludge Treatment,
Nutrient Recovery from Sludge,
Thermal Processes and Incineration. 


Tchobanoglous, George (Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., ;)
Wastewater engineering : treatment and reuse
ISBN: 0070418780 (alk. paper) ISBN: 0071122508 (ISE (*pbk))
Boston [u.a.] : McGraw-Hill, 2003
Cleverson Vitorio Andreoli, Marcos von Sperling, Fernando Fernandes
Sludge Treatment and Disposal
ISBN 9781843391661
IWA Publishing, 2007

Course L1767: Thermal Biomass Utilization
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Examination Form Klausur
Examination duration and scale 60 min
Lecturer Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt
Language DE
Cycle WiSe

Goal of this course is it to discuss the physical, chemical, and biological as well as the technical, economic, and environmental basics of all options to provide energy from biomass from a German and international point of view. Additionally different system approaches to use biomass for energy, aspects to integrate bioenergy within the energy system, technical and economic development potentials, and the current and expected future use within the energy system are presented.

The course is structured as follows:

  • Biomass as an energy carrier within the energy system; use of biomass in Germany and world-wide, overview on the content of the course
  • Photosynthesis, composition of organic matter, plant production, energy crops, residues, organic waste
  • Biomass provision chains for woody and herbaceous biomass, harvesting and provision, transport, storage, drying
  • Thermo-chemical conversion of solid biofuels
    • Basics of thermo-chemical conversion
    • Direct thermo-chemical conversion through combustion: combustion technologies for small and large scale units, electricity generation technologies, flue gas treatment technologies, ashes and their use
    • Gasification: Gasification technologies, producer gas cleaning technologies, options to use the cleaned producer gas for the provision of heat, electricity and/or fuels
    • Fast and slow pyrolysis: Technologies for the provision of bio-oil and/or for the provision of charcoal, oil cleaning technologies, options to use the pyrolysis oil and charcoal as an energy carrier as well as a raw material
  • Physical-chemical conversion of biomass containing oils and/or fats: Basics, oil seeds and oil fruits, vegetable oil production, production of a biofuel with standardized characteristics (trans-esterification, hydrogenation, co-processing in existing refineries), options to use this fuel, options to use the residues (i.e. meal, glycerine)
  • Bio-chemical conversion of biomass
    • Basics of bio-chemical conversion
    • Biogas: Process technologies for plants using agricultural feedstock, sewage sludge (sewage gas), organic waste fraction (landfill gas), technologies for the provision of bio methane, use of the digested slurry
    • Ethanol production: Process technologies for feedstock containing sugar, starch or celluloses, use of ethanol as a fuel, use of the stillage

Kaltschmitt, M.; Hartmann, H. (Hrsg.): Energie aus Biomasse; Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009, 2. Auflage

Course L1768: Thermal Biomass Utilization
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Examination Form Klausur
Examination duration and scale 60 min
Lecturer Prof. Martin Kaltschmitt
Language DE
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0857: Geochemical Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Contaminated Sites and Landfilling (L0906) Lecture 2 2
Contaminated Sites and Landfilling (L0907) Recitation Section (large) 1 2
Geochemical Engineering (L0904) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Dr. Marco Ritzkowski
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Module: General and Inorganic Chemistry,

Module:Organic Chemistry,

Biology (Basic Knowledge)

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

With the completion of this module students acquire profound knowledge of biogeochemical processes, the fate of pollutants in soil and groundwater, and techniques to deposit contaminated waste material. They are able to describe in principle the behaviour of chemicals in the environment. Students can explain and report the approach to remediate contaminated sites.


With the completion of this module students can apply the acquired theoretical knowledge to model cases of site pollution and critically assess the situation technically and conceptually. They are able to draw comparisons on different remediation strategies and techniques. Model projects can be devised and treated.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

 Students can discuss technical and scientific tasks within a seminar subject specific and interdisciplinary .


Students can independently exploit sources , acquire the particular knowledge of the subject and apply it to new problems.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 2 hours
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Course L0906: Contaminated Sites and Landfilling
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Marco Ritzkowski, Dr. Joachim Gerth
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

The part Contaminated Sites gives an introduction into different scales of pollution and identifies key pollutants.  Geochemical attenuation  mechanisms and the role of organisms are highlighted affecting the fate of pollutants in leachate and groundwater. Techniques for site characterization and remediation are discussed including economical aspects.

The part Landfilling is introduced by discussing fundamental aspects and the worldwide situation of waste management. The lecture highlights transformation processes in landfill bodies, emissions of gases and leachate, and the long-term behaviour of landfill sites with measures of aftercare.


1) Waste Management. Bernd Bilitewski; Georg Härdtle; Klaus Marek (Eds.), ISBN: 9783540592105 , Springer Verlag
Lehrbuchsammlung der TUB, Signatur     USH-305

2) Solid Waste Technology and Management. Thomas Christensen (Ed.), ISBN: 978-1-4051-7517-3 , Wiley Verlag
Lesesaal 2: US - Umweltschutz, Signatur     USH-332 

3) Natural attenuation of fuels and chlorinated solvents in the subsurface. Todd H. Wiedemeier(Ed.), ISBN: 0471197491  

Lesesaal 2: US - Umweltschutz, Signatur USH-844

Course L0907: Contaminated Sites and Landfilling
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Marco Ritzkowski, Dr. Joachim Gerth
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0904: Geochemical Engineering
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Joachim Gerth
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

As an introduction cases are presented in which geochemical engineering was used to solve environmental problems. Environmentally important minerals are discussed and methods for their detection. It is demonstrated how solution equilibria can be modified to eliminate elevated concentrations of unwanted species in solution and how carbon dioxide concentration affects pH and the dissolution of carbonate minerals. Modifications of redox conditions, pH, and electrolyte concentration are shown to be effective tools for controlling the mobility and fate of hazardous species in the environment.


Geochemistry, groundwater and pollution. C. A. J. Appelo; D. Postma

Leiden [u.a.] Balkema 2005

Lehrbuchsammlung der TUB, Signatur GWC-515

Module M0870: Management of Surface Water

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Modelling of Flow in Rivers and Estuaries (L0810) Lecture 3 4
Nature-Oriented Hydraulic Engineering / Integrated Flood Protection (L0961) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Peter Fröhle
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Fundamentals of Hydromechanics, Hydraulics, Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering; Hydraulic Engineering I and Hydraulic Engineering II
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to define in detail the basic processes that are related to the modelling of flows in hydraulic engineering. Besides, they can describe the basic aspects of numerical modelling and actual numerical models for the simulation of flows and waves. They can also depict the concepts of nature oriented hydraulic engineering.


Students are able to apply hydrodynamic-numerical models to practical hydraulic engineering tasks. Furthermore, the students are able to set up flood-risk management concepts and are able to apply basic concepts of renaturation to practical problems.

Personal Competence
Social Competence The students are able to deploy their gained knowledge in applied problems of the practical nature-based hydraulic engineering. Additionaly, they will be able to work in team with engineers of other disciplines.

The students will be able to independently extend their knowledge and apply it to new problems.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale The duration of the examination is 150 min. The examination includes tasks with respect to the general understanding of the lecture contents and calculations tasks.
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Course L0810: Modelling of Flow in Rivers and Estuaries
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 78, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Edgar Nehlsen, Prof. Peter Fröhle
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Content Introduction to numerical flow modelling
  • Processes affecting tht flow
  • Examples and applications of numerical models
  • Procedure of numerical modelling
  • Model concept
Basic equations of hydrodynamics
  • Saint-Venant equations
  • Euler Equations
  • Navier-Stokes equations
  • Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations
  • Shallow water equations

Solving schemes
  • Numerical discretization
  • Solution algorithms
  • Convergence




Bund der Ingenieure für Wasserwirtschaft, Abfallwirtschaft und Kulturbau (1997): Hydraulische Berechnung von naturnahen Fließgewässern. Düsseldorf: BWK (BWK-Merkblatt).

Chow, Ven-te (1959): Open-channel Hydraulics. New York usw.: McGraw-Hill (McGraw-Hill Civil Engineering Series).

Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V. (DWA); DWA-Arbeitsgruppe WW-3.2 Mehrdimensionale numerische Modelle, DWA-Arbeitsgruppe WW-3.2 Mehrdimensionale numerische (2019a): Merkblatt DWA-M 543-2 Geodaten in der Fließgewässermodellierung Teil 1: Geodaten in der Fließgewässermodellierung. Februar 2019. Hennef: Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall (DWA-Regelwerk, 543-1).

Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V. (DWA); DWA-Arbeitsgruppe WW-3.2 Mehrdimensionale numerische Modelle, DWA-Arbeitsgruppe WW-3.2 Mehrdimensionale numerische (2019b): Merkblatt DWA-M 543-2 Geodaten in der Fließgewässermodellierung Teil 2: Bedarfsgerechte Datenerfassung und -aufbereitung. Februar 2019. Hennef: Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall (DWA-Regelwerk, 543-2).

Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V. (DWA); DWA-Arbeitsgruppe WW-3.2 Mehrdimensionale numerische Modelle, DWA-Arbeitsgruppe WW-3.2 Mehrdimensionale numerische (2019c): Merkblatt DWA-M 543-3 Geodaten in der Fließgewässermodellierung - Teil 3: Aspekte der Strömungsmodellierung und Fallbeispiele. Februar 2019. Hennef: Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall (DWA-Regelwerk, 543-3).

Hervouet, Jean-Michel (2007): Hydrodynamics of free surface flows. Modelling with the finite element method. Chichester: Wiley. Online verfügbar unter

IAHR (2015): Professional Specifications for Physical and Numerical Studies in Environmental Hydraulics. In: Hydrolink (3/2015), S. 90-92.

Olsen, Nils Reidar B. (2012): Numerical Modelling and Hydraulics. 3. Aufl. Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Szymkiewicz, Romuald (2010): Numerical modeling in open channel hydraulics. Dordrecht: Springer (Water science and technology library, 83).

van Waveren, Harold (1999-): Good modelling practice handbook. [Utrecht], Lelystad, Den Haag: STOWA; Rijkswaterstaat-RIZA; SDU, afd. SEO/RIZA [etc. distr.] (Nota, nr. 99.036).

Zielke, Werner (Hg.) (1999): Numerische Modelle von Flüssen, Seen und Küstengewässern. Deutscher Verband für Wasserwirtschaft und Kulturbau. Bonn: Wirtschafts- und Verl.-Ges. Gas und Wasser (Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Verbandes für Wasserwirtschaft und Kulturbau, 127).

Course L0961: Nature-Oriented Hydraulic Engineering / Integrated Flood Protection
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Natasa Manojlovic, Prof. Peter Fröhle
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe
  • Regime-Theory and application for the development of environmental guiding priciples of rivers
  • Engineering - biological measures for the stabilization of rivers
  • Risk management in flood protection  
  • Design techniques in technical flood protection 
  • Methods for the assessment of flood caused damages



Module M0871: Hydrological Systems

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Applied Surface Hydrology (L0289) Lecture 2 2
Applied Surface Hydrology (L1412) Project-/problem-based Learning 1 2
Interaction Water - Environment in Fluvial Areas (L0295) Project-/problem-based Learning 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Peter Fröhle
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Fundamentals of Hydromechanics and Hydraulic Engineering: Hydraulic Engineering I and Hydraulic Engineering II
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students are able to define the basic concepts of hydrology and water management. They are able to describe and quantify the relevant processes of the hydrological water cycle. Besides, the students know the main aspects of rainfall-run-off-models and are able to theoretically derive established reservoir / storage models and a unit-hydrograph.


The students are able to use the basic hydrological concepts and approaches and are able to theoretically derive established reservoir / storage models or a unit-hydrograph as the basis for rainfall-run-off-models. The student are able to explain the basic concepts of measurements of hydrological and hydrodynamic values in nature and are able to perform, analyze and statistically assess these measurements. Furthermore, they are able to apply a hydrological model to basic hydrological problems.

Personal Competence
Social Competence The students are able to deploy their gained knowledge in applied problems of the hydrology and water management. Additionaly, they will be able to work in team with engineers of other disciplines.

The students will be able to independently extend their knowledge and apply it to new problems

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale The duration of the examination is 90 min. The examination includes tasks with respect to the general understanding of the lecture contents and calculations tasks.
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Course L0289: Applied Surface Hydrology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Peter Fröhle
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe

Basics of hydrology:

  • Hydrological cycle
  • Data acquisition
  • Data analyses and statistical assessment
  • Statistics of extremes
  • Regionalization methods for hydrological values
  • Rainfall-run-off modelling on the basis of a unit hydrograph conceps
  • Application of rainfall-run-off models on the basis of Kalypso-Hydrology which is an OpenSource Software Tool.


Course L1412: Applied Surface Hydrology
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Peter Fröhle
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0295: Interaction Water - Environment in Fluvial Areas
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Peter Fröhle
Language DE/EN
Cycle SoSe

A problem based learning course. The problem will be solved by the students more or less self-contained. The topics will be introduced and elaborated over the semester.

Literature -

Module M0875: Nexus Engineering - Water, Soil, Food and Energy

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Ecological Town Design - Water, Energy, Soil and Food Nexus (L1229) Seminar 2 2
Water & Wastewater Systems in a Global Context (L0939) Lecture 2 4
Module Responsible Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge of the global situation with rising poverty, soil degradation, migration to cities, lack of water resources and sanitation

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students can describe the facets of the global water situation. Students can judge the enormous potential of the implementation of synergistic systems in Water, Soil, Food and Energy supply.


Students are able to design ecological settlements for different geographic and socio-economic conditions for the main climates around the world.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to develop a specific topic in a team and to work out milestones according to a given plan.


Students are in a position to work on a subject and to organize their work flow independently. They can also present on this subject.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale During the course of the semester, the students work towards mile stones. The work includes presentations and papers. Detailed information can be found at the beginning of the smester in the StudIP course module handbook.
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Course L1229: Ecological Town Design - Water, Energy, Soil and Food Nexus
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • Participants Workshop: Design of the most attractive productive Town
  • Keynote lecture and video
  • The limits of Urbanization / Green Cities
  • The tragedy of the Rural: Soil degradation, agro chemical toxification, migration to cities
  • Global Ecovillage Network: Upsides and Downsides around the World
  • Visit of an Ecovillage
  • Participants Workshop: Resources for thriving rural areas, Short presentations by participants, video competion
  • TUHH Rural Development Toolbox
  • Integrated New Town Development
  • Participants workshop: Design of New Towns: Northern, Arid and Tropical cases
  • Outreach: Participants campaign
  • City with the Rural: Resilience, quality of live and productive biodiversity

  • Ralf Otterpohl 2013: Gründer-Gruppen als Lebensentwurf: "Synergistische Wertschöpfung in erweiterten Kleinstadt- und Dorfstrukturen", in „Regionales Zukunftsmanagement Band 7: Existenzgründung unter regionalökonomischer Perspektive, Pabst Publisher, Lengerich
  • (Miracle Water Village, India, Integrated Rainwater Harvesting, Water Efficiency, Reforestation and Sanitation)
  • TEDx New Town Ralf Otterpohl:
Course L0939: Water & Wastewater Systems in a Global Context
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

  • Keynote lecture and video
  • Water & Soil: Water availability as a consequence of healthy soils
  • Water and it’s utilization, Integrated Urban Water Management
  • Water & Energy, lecture and panel discussion pro and con for a specific big dam project
  • Rainwater Harvesting on Catchment level, Holistic Planned Grazing, Multi-Use-Reforestation
  • Sanitation and Reuse of water, nutrients and soil conditioners, Conventional and Innovative Approaches
  • Why are there excreta in water? Public Health, Awareness Campaigns
  • Rehearsal session, Q&A

  • Montgomery, David R. 2007: Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations, University of California Press
  • Liu, John D.: (Integrated regeneration of the Loess Plateau, China, and sites in Ethiopia and Rwanda)
  • (Miracle Water Village, India, Integrated Rainwater Harvesting, Water Efficiency, Reforestation and Sanitation)

Module M0914: Technical Microbiology

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Applied Molecular Biology (L0877) Lecture 2 3
Technical Microbiology (L0999) Lecture 2 2
Technical Microbiology (L1000) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Johannes Gescher
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Bachelor with basic knowledge in microbiology and genetics

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After successfully finishing this module, students are able

  • to give an overview of genetic processes in the cell
  • to explain the application of industrial relevant biocatalysts
  • to explain and prove genetic differences between pro- and eukaryotes


After successfully finishing this module, students are able

  • to explain and use advanced molecularbiological methods
  • to recognize problems in interdisciplinary fields 

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to

  • write protocols and PBL-summaries in teams
  • to lead and advise members within a PBL-unit in a group
  • develop and distribute work assignments for given problems


Students are able to

  • search information for a given problem by themselves
  • prepare summaries of their search results for the team
  • make themselves familiar with new topics

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 60 min exam
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0877: Applied Molecular Biology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Johannes Gescher
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Lecture and PBL

- Methods in genetics / molecular cloning

- Industrial relevance of microbes and their biocatalysts

- Biotransformation at extreme conditions

- Genomics

- Protein engineering techniques

- Synthetic biology


Relevante Literatur wird im Kurs zur Verfügung gestellt.

Grundwissen in Molekularbiologie, Genetik, Mikrobiologie und Biotechnologie erforderlich.

Lehrbuch: Brock - Mikrobiologie / Microbiology (Madigan et al.)

Course L0999: Technical Microbiology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Johannes Gescher
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • History of microbiology and biotechnology
  • Enzymes
  • Molecular biology
  • Fermentation
  • Downstream Processing
  • Industrial microbiological processes
  • Technical enzyme application
  • Biological Waste Water treatment 

Microbiology,  2013, Madigan, M., Martinko, J. M., Stahl, D. A., Clark, D. P. (eds.), formerly „Brock“, Pearson

Industrielle Mikrobiologie, 2012, Sahm, H., Antranikian, G., Stahmann, K.-P., Takors, R. (eds.) Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo. 

Angewandte Mikrobiologie, 2005, Antranikian, G. (ed.), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo.

Course L1000: Technical Microbiology
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Johannes Gescher
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0828: Urban Environmental Management

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Noise Protection (L1109) Lecture 2 2
Urban Infrastructures (L0874) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 4
Module Responsible Dr. Dorothea Rechtenbach
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Knowledge on Urban planning
  • Knowledge on measures for climate protection
  • General knowledge of scientific writing/working
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Knowledge Students can describe urban development corridors as well as current and future urban environmental problems. They are able to explain the causes of environmental problems (like noise).

Students can specify applications for various technical innovations and explain why these contribute to the improvement of urban life. They can, for example, derive and discuss measures for effective noise abatement.

Skills Students are able to develop specific solutions for correcting existing or future environment-related problems of urban development. They can define a range of conceptual and technical solutions for environmental problems for different development paths. To solve specific urban environmental problems they can select technical innovations and integrate them into the urban context.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students can work together in international groups.


Students are able to organize their work flow to prepare themselves for presentations and contributions to the discussions. They can acquire appropriate knowledge by making enquiries independently.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written elaboration
Examination duration and scale Written Report plus oral Presentation
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Structural Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Geotechnical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Coastal Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Core Qualification: Elective Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Logistics, Infrastructure and Mobility: Specialisation Infrastructure and Mobility: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Compulsory
Course L1109: Noise Protection
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Martin Jäschke
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

1) Müller & Möser (2013): Handbook of Engineering Acoustics (also available in German)
2) WHO (1999): Guidelines for Community Noise
3) Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EG
4) ISO 9613-2 (1996): Acoustics, Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors, Part 2: General method of calculation 

Course L0874: Urban Infrastructures
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Dorothea Rechtenbach
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Problem Based Learning

Main topics are:

  • Central vs. Decentral Wastewater Treatment.
  • Compaction of Cities.
  • Car Free Cities.
  • Multifunctional Places in Cities.
  • The Sustainability of Freight Transport in Cities.

Literature Depends on chosen topic.

Specialization Waste and Energy

Graduates of the Waste & Energy specialization learn to use their knowledge in management for the planning of waste disposal processes and projects. Furthermore they have extended knowledge in special topics, such as bio-treatment of waste, energy conversion and international waste management. Graduates are able to evaluate the necessary technological key figures and to make decisions based on these. They are able to put their theoretical knowledge into practice and to analyze complex questions in waste management and technology. They learn diverse methods and techniques of waste and energy process technology and are able to use them successful for different tasks.

Module M0518: Waste and Energy

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Waste Recycling Technologies (L0047) Lecture 2 2
Waste Recycling Technologies (L0048) Recitation Section (small) 1 2
Waste to Energy (L0049) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge Basics of process engineering
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to describe and explain in detail techniques, processes and concepts for treatment and energy recovery from wastes.


The students are able to select suitable processes for the treatment and energy recovery of wastes. They can evaluate the efforts and costs for processes and select economically feasible treatment Concepts. Students are able to evaluate alternatives even with incomplete information. Students are able to prepare systematic documentation of work results in form of reports, presentations and are able to defend their findings in a group.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students can participate in subject-specific and interdisciplinary discussions, develop cooperated solutions and defend their own work results in front of others and promote the scientific development of collegues. Furthermore, they can give and accept professional constructive criticism.


Students can independently tap knowledge of the subject area and transform it to new questions. They are capable, in consultation with supervisors, to assess their learning level and define further steps on this basis. Furthermore, they can define targets for new application-or research-oriented duties in accordance with the potential social, economic and cultural impact.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes 20 % Written elaboration
Examination Presentation
Examination duration and scale PowerPoint presentation (10-15 minutes)
Assignment for the Following Curricula Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Waste and Energy: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Renewable Energy: Elective Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Bioenergy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L0047: Waste Recycling Technologies
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • Fundamentals on primary and secondary production of  raw materials (steel, aluminum, phosphorous, copper, precious metals, rare metals)
  • Use and demand of metals and minerals in industry and society
  • collection systems and concepts
  • quota and efficiency
  • Advanced sorting technologies
  • mechanical pretreatment
  • advanced treatment
  • Chemical analysis of Critical Materials in post-consumer products
  • Analytical tools in Resource Management (Material Flow Analysis, Recycling Performance Indicators, Criticality Assessment, statistical analysis of uncertainties)
Course L0048: Waste Recycling Technologies
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • Fundamentals on primary and secondary production of  raw materials (steel, aluminum, phosphorous, copper, precious metals, rare metals)
  • Use and demand of metals and minerals in industry and society
  • collection systems and concepts
  • quota and efficiency
  • Advanced sorting technologies
  • mechanical pretreatment
  • advanced treatment
  • Chemical analysis of Critical Materials in post-consumer products
  • Analytical tools in Resource Management (Material Flow Analysis, Recycling Performance Indicators, Criticality Assessment, statistical analysis of uncertainties)
Course L0049: Waste to Energy
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Rüdiger Siechau
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
  • Project-based lecture
  • Introduction into the " Waste to Energy " consisting of:
    • Thermal Process ( incinerator , RDF combustion )
    • Biological processes ( Wet-/Dryfermentation )
    • technology , energy , emissions, approval , etc.
  • Group work
    • design of systems/plants for energy recovery from waste
    • The following points are to be processed :
      • Input: waste ( fraction collection and transportation, current quantity , material flows , possible amount of development )
      • Plant (design, process diagram , technology, energy production )
      • Output ( energy quantity / type , by-products )
      • Costs and revenues
      • Climate and resource protection ( CO2 balance , substitution of primary raw materials / fossil fuels )
      • Location and approval (infrastructure , expiration authorization procedure)
      • Focus at the whole concept ( advantages, disadvantages , risks and opportunities , discussion )
  • Grading: No Exam , but presentation of the results of the working group



Einführung in die Abfallwirtschaft; Martin Kranert, Klaus Cord-Landwehr (Hrsg.); Vieweg + Teubner Verlag; 2010

Powerpoint-Folien in Stud IP

Introduction to Waste Management; Kranert Martin , Klaus Cord - Landwehr (Ed. ), Vieweg + Teubner Verlag , 2010

PowerPoint slides in Stud IP

Module M1724: Smart Monitoring

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Smart Monitoring (L2762) Integrated Lecture 2 2
Smart Monitoring (L2763) Recitation Section (small) 2 4
Module Responsible Prof. Kay Smarsly
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge or interest in object-oriented modeling, programming, and sensor technologies are helpful. Interest in modern research and teaching areas, such as Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 and cyber-physical systems, as well as the will to deepen skills of scientific working, are required. Basic knowledge in scientific writing and good English skills.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students will become familiar with the principles and practices of smart monitoring. The students will be able to design decentralized smart systems to be applied for continuous (remote) monitoring of systems in the built and in the natural environment. In addition, the students will learn to design and to implement intelligent sensor systems using state-of-the-art data analysis techniques, modern software design concepts, and embedded computing methodologies. Besides lectures, project work is also part of this module. In small groups, the students will design smart monitoring systems that integrate a number of “intelligent” sensors to be implemented by the students. Specific focus will be put on the application of machine learning techniques. The smart monitoring systems will be mounted on real-world (built or natural) systems, such as bridges or slopes, or on scaled lab structures for validation purposes. The outcome of every group will be documented in a paper. All students of this module will “automatically” participate with their smart monitoring system in the annual "Smart Monitoring" competition. The written papers and oral examinations form the final grades. The module will be taught in English. Limited enrollment.

Personal Competence
Social Competence
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written elaboration
Examination duration and scale 10 pages of work with 15-minute oral presentation
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Geotechnical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Coastal Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Structural Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Coastal Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Geotechnical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Structural Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Waste and Energy: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Waste and Energy: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Course L2762: Smart Monitoring
Typ Integrated Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Kay Smarsly
Language EN
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

In this course, principles of smart monitoring will be taught, focusing on modern concepts of data acquisition, data storage, and data analysis. Also, fundamentals of intelligent sensors and embedded computing will be illuminated. Autonomous software and decentralized data processing are further crucial parts of the course, including concepts of the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 and cyber-physical systems. Furthermore, measuring principles, data acquisition systems, data management and data analysis algorithms will be discussed. Besides the theoretical background, numerous practical examples will be shown to demonstrate how smart monitoring may advantageously be used for assessing the condition of systems in the built or natural environment.

Course L2763: Smart Monitoring
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Kay Smarsly
Language EN
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

The contents of the exercises are based on the lecture contents. In addition to the exercises, project work will be conducted, which will consume the majority of the workload. As part of the project work, students will design smart monitoring systems that will be tested in the laboratory or in the field. As mentioned in the module description, the students will participate in the “Smart Monitoring” competition, hosted annually by the Institute of Digital and Autonomous Construction. Students are encouraged to contribute their own ideas. The tools required to implement the smart monitoring systems will be taught in the group exercises as well as through external sources, such as video tutorials and literature.


Module M0620: Special Aspects of Waste Resource Management

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Advanced Topics in Waste Resource Management (L1055) Project-/problem-based Learning 3 3
International Waste Management (L0317) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge basics in waste treatment technologies
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students are able to describe waste as a resource as well as advanced technologies for recycling and recovery of resources from waste in detail. This covers collection, transport, treatment and disposal in national and international contexts.


Students are able to select suitable processes for the treatment with respect to the national or cultural and developmental context. They can evaluate the ecological impact and the technical effort of different technologies and management systems.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students can work together as a team of 2-5 persons, participate in subject-specific and interdisciplinary discussions, develop cooperated solutions and defend their own work results in front of others and promote the scientific development of colleagues. Furthermore, they can give and accept professional constructive criticisms.


Students can independently gain additional knowledge of the subject area and apply it in solving the given course tasks and projects. 

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes 20 % Written elaboration
Examination Presentation
Examination duration and scale PowerPoint presentation (10-15 minutes)
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Waste and Energy: Elective Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Specialisation Energy: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Course L1055: Advanced Topics in Waste Resource Management
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Rüdiger Siechau
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Focus of the course "Advanced topics of waste resource management" lies on the organisational structures in waste management - such as planning, financing and logistics. One excursion will be offered to take part in (incineration plant, vehicle fleet and waste collection systems).

The course is split into two parts:
1. part: “Conventional” lecture (development of waste management, legislation, collection, transportation and organisation of waste management, costs, fees and revenues).

2. part: Project base learning: You will get a project to work out in groups of 4 to 6 students; all tools and data you need to work out the project were given before during the conventional lecture. Course documents are published in StudIP and communication during project work takes place via StudIP.

The results of the project work are presented at the end of the semester. The final mark for the course consists of the grade for the presentation.


Einführung in die Abfallwirtschaft; Martin Kranert, Klaus Cord-Landwehr (Hrsg.); Vieweg + Teubner Verlag; 2010 

PowerPoint slides in Stud IP

Course L0317: International Waste Management
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Kerstin Kuchta
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Waste avoidance and recycling are the focus of this lecture. Additionally, waste logistics ( Collection, transport, export, fees and taxes) as well as international waste shipment solutions are presented.

Other specific wastes, e.g. industrial waste, treatment concepts will be presented and developed by students themselves

Waste composition and production on international level, wast eulogistic, collection and treatment in emerging and developing countries.

Single national projects and studies will be prepared and presented by students


Basel convention

Module M0902: Wastewater Treatment and Air Pollution Abatement

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Biological Wastewater Treatment (L0517) Lecture 2 3
Air Pollution Abatement (L0203) Lecture 2 3
Module Responsible Dr. Swantje Pietsch-Braune
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge of biology and chemistry

Basic knowledge of solids process engineering and separation technology

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After successful completion of the module students are able to

  • name and explain biological processes for waste water treatment,
  • characterize waste water and sewage sludge,
  • discuss legal regulations in the area of emissions and air quality
  • explain the effects of air pollutants on the environment,
  • name and explan off gas tretament processes and to define their area of application

Students are able to

  • choose and design processs steps for the biological waste water treatment
  • combine processes for cleaning of off-gases depending on the pollutants contained in the gases
Personal Competence
Social Competence
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Waste and Energy: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Bioenergy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Compulsory
Course L0517: Biological Wastewater Treatment
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Joachim Behrendt
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe

Charaterisation of Wastewater
Metobolism of Microorganisms
Kinetic of mirobiotic processes
Calculation of bioreactor for wastewater treatment
Concepts of Wastewater treatment
Design of WWTP
Excursion to a WWTP
Biofim Reactors
Anaerobic Wastewater and sldge treatment
resources oriented sanitation technology
Future challenges of wastewater treatment


Gujer, Willi
Siedlungswasserwirtschaft : mit 84 Tabellen
ISBN: 3540343296 (Gb.) URL: URL:
Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2007
Henze, Mogens
Wastewater treatment : biological and chemical processes
ISBN: 3540422285 (Pp.)
Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2002
Imhoff, Karl (Imhoff, Klaus R.;)
Taschenbuch der Stadtentwässerung : mit 10 Tafeln
ISBN: 3486263331 ((Gb.))
München [u.a.] : Oldenbourg, 1999
Lange, Jörg (Otterpohl, Ralf; Steger-Hartmann, Thomas;)
Abwasser : Handbuch zu einer zukunftsfähigen Wasserwirtschaft
ISBN: 3980350215 (kart.) URL:
Donaueschingen-Pfohren : Mall-Beton-Verl., 2000
Mudrack, Klaus (Kunst, Sabine;)
Biologie der Abwasserreinigung : 18 Tabellen
ISBN: 382741427X URL:
Heidelberg [u.a.] : Spektrum, Akad. Verl., 2003
Tchobanoglous, George (Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., ;)
Wastewater engineering : treatment and reuse
ISBN: 0070418780 (alk. paper) ISBN: 0071122508 (ISE (*pbk))
Boston [u.a.] : McGraw-Hill, 2003
Henze, Mogens
Activated sludge models ASM1, ASM2, ASM2d and ASM3
ISBN: 1900222248
London : IWA Publ., 2002
Kunz, Peter
Vieweg, 1992
Bauhaus-Universität., Arbeitsgruppe Weiterbildendes Studium Wasser und Umwelt (Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall, ;)
Abwasserbehandlung : Gewässerbelastung, Bemessungsgrundlagen, Mechanische Verfahren, Biologische Verfahren, Reststoffe aus der Abwasserbehandlung, Kleinkläranlagen
ISBN: 3860682725 URL: URL:
Weimar : Universitätsverl, 2006
Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall
Hennef : DWA, 2004
Wiesmann, Udo (Choi, In Su; Dombrowski, Eva-Maria;)
Fundamentals of biological wastewater treatment
ISBN: 3527312196 (Gb.) URL:
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH, 2007

Course L0203: Air Pollution Abatement
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Swantje Pietsch-Braune, Christian Eichler
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

In the lecture methods for the reduction of emissions from industrial plants are treated. At the beginning a short survey of the different forms of air pollutants is given. In the second part physical principals for the removal of particulate and gaseous pollutants form flue gases are treated. Industrial applications of these principles are demonstrated with examples showing the removal of specific compounds, e.g. sulfur or mercury from flue gases of incinerators.


Handbook of air pollution prevention and control, Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Butterworth-Heinemann, 2002
Atmospheric pollution : history, science, and regulation, Mark Zachary Jacobson. - Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002
Air pollution control technology handbook, Karl B. Schnelle. - Boca Raton [u.a.] : CRC Press, c 2002
Air pollution, Jeremy Colls. - 2. ed. - London [u.a.] : Spon, 2002

Module M1125: Bioresources and Biorefineries

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Biorefinery Technology (L0895) Lecture 2 2
Biorefinery Technologie (L0974) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Bioresource Management (L0892) Lecture 2 2
Bioresource Management (L0893) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Module Responsible Dr. Ina Körner
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basics on engineering;
Basics of waste and energy management

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students can give on overview on principles and theories in the field’s bioresource management and biorefinery technology and can explain specialized terms and technologies.


Students are capable of applying knowledge and know-how in the field’s bioresource management and biorefinery technology
in order to perform technical and regional-planning tasks.  They are also able to discuss the links to waste management, energy management and biotechnology.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students can work goal-oriented with others and communicate and document their interests and knowledge in acceptable way.


Students are able to solve independently, with the aid of pointers, practice-related tasks bearing in mind possible societal consequences.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Waste and Energy: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Specialisation Energy: Elective Compulsory
Course L0895: Biorefinery Technology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Ina Körner
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

The Europe 2020 strategy calls for bioeconomy as the key for smart and green growth of today. Biorefineries are the fundamental part on the way to convert the use of fossil-based society to bio-based society. For this reason, agriculture and forestry sectors are increasingly deliver bioresources. It is not only for their traditional applications in the food and feed sectors such as pulp or paper and construction material productions, but also to produce bioenergy and bio-based products such as bio-plastics. However although bioresources are renewable, they are considered as limited resources as well. The bioeconomy’s limitation factor is the availability land on our world. In the context of the development of the bioeconomy, the sustainable and reliable supply of noon-food biomass feedstock is a critical success factor for the long-term perspective of bioenergy and other bio-based products production. Biorefineries are complex of technologies and process cascades using the available primary, secondary and tertiary bioresources to produce a multitude of products - a product mix from material and energy products.

The lecture gives an overview on biorefinery technology and shall contribute to promotion of international biorefinery developments.


  • What is a biorefinery: Overview on basic organic substrates and processes which lead to material and energy products
  • The way from a fossil based to a biobased economy in the 21st century
  • The worlds most advanced biorefinery
  • Presentation of various biorefinery systems and their products (e.g. lignocellulose biorefinery, green biorefinery, whole plant biorefinery, civilization biorefinery)
  • Example projects (e.g. combination of anaerobic digestion and composting in practice; demonstration project in Hamburgs city quarter Jenfelder Au)

The lectures will be accompanied by technical tours. Optional it is also possible to visit more biorefinery lectures in the University of Hamburg (lectures in German only).

In the exercise students have the possibility to work in groups on a biorefinery project or to work on a student-specific task.


Biorefineries - Industrial Process and Products - Status Qua and Future directions by Kamm, Gruber and Kamm (2010); Wiley VCH, available on-line in TUHH-library

Powerpoint-Präsentations / selected Publications / further recommendations depending on the actual developments

Industrial Biorefineries and White Biorefinery, by Pandey, Höfer, Larroche, Taherzadeh, Nampoothiri (Eds.); (2014 book development in progress)

Course L0974: Biorefinery Technologie
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Ina Körner
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

1. ) Selection of a topic within the thematic area  "Biorefinery Technologie" from a given list or self-selected.

2.) Self-dependent recherches to the topic.

3.) Preparation of a written elaboration.

4.) Presentation of the results in the group.

Vom Thema abhängig. Eigene Recherchen nötig.

Depending on the topic. Own recheches necassary.

Course L0892: Bioresource Management
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Ina Körner
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

In the context of limited fossil resources, climate change mitigation and increasing population growth, Bioresources has a special role. They have to feed the population and in the same time they are important for material production such as pulp and paper or construction materials. Moreover they become more and more important in chemical industry and in energy provision as fossil substitution. Although Bioresources are renewable, they are also considered as limited resources.   The availability of land on our planet is the main limitation factor. The sustainable and reliable supply of non-food biomass feedstock is a critical for successful and long term perspective on production of bioenergy and other bio-based products. As the consequence, the increasing competition and shortages continue to happen at the traditional sectors.  On the other side, huge unused but potentials residue on waste and wastewater sector exist.  Nowadays, a lot of activities to develop better processes, to create new bio-based products in order to become more efficient, the inclusion of secondary and tertiary bio-resources in the valorisation chain are going on.

The lecture deals with the current state-of-the-art of bioresource management. It shows deficits and potentials for improvement especially in the sector of utilization of organic residues for material and energy generation:

Lectures on:

  • Bioresource generation and utilization including lost potentials today
  • Basic biological, mechanical, physico-chemical and logistical processes
  • The conflict of material vs. energy generation from wood / waste wood
  • The basics of pulp & paper production including waste paper recycling
  • The Pros and Cons from biogas and compost production

Special lectures by invited guests from research and practice:

  • Pathways of waste organics on the example of Hamburg`s City Cleaning Company
  • Utilization options of landscaping materials on the example of grass
  • Increase of process efficiency of anaerobic digestions
  • Decision support tools on the example of an municipality in Indonesia

Optional: Technical visits


Power-Point presentations in STUD-IP

Course L0893: Bioresource Management
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Ina Körner
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1127: Study Work Waste and Energy

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Module Responsible Dozenten des SD B
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Personal Competence
Social Competence
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 360, Study Time in Lecture 0
Credit points 12
Course achievement None
Examination Study work
Examination duration and scale depending on task
Assignment for the Following Curricula Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Waste and Energy: Compulsory

Module M1720: Emerging Trends in Environmental Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Environmental Research Trends (L2752) Seminar 2 2
Microplastics in Environment (L2750) Lecture 2 2
Scientific Communication and Methods (L2751) Lecture 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Nima Shokri
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge on water, soil and environmental research.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students will be exposed to up-to-date research topics focused on soil, water and climate related challenges with a particular focus on the effects of microplastics in environment. Data analysis, data measurement, curation and presentation will be other skills that the students will develop in this module.



Students' research skills will be improved in this module. How to prepare and deliver an effective presentation, how to write an abstract, research paper and proposal will be discussed in this module. Moreover, through Research-Based Learning approaches, the students will be exposed to current research trends in environmental engineering.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Developing teamwork and problem solving skills through Research-Based Teaching approaches will be at the core of this module.


The students will be involved in writing individual reports and presentation. This will contribute to the students’ ability and willingness to work independently and responsibly.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written elaboration
Examination duration and scale Report and Presentation
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Waste and Energy: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Course L2752: Environmental Research Trends
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Salome Shokri-Kuehni
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Introduction - course objectives, expectations and format

Analyzing the Audience, purpose and occasion

Constructing and delivering effective technical presentations

How to write an abstract

How to write a scientific paper

Developing competitive and persuasive research proposals

Databases and resources available for water and environmental research

Individual proposal on water and environmental research

Individual project on water and environmental research

Presentation on water and environmental research

  • The Craft of Scientific Writing Fourth edition 
    Author:  Michael Alley 
    Springer-Verlag New York, Copyright 2018, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-8288-9

  • Supplemental materials and web links which will be available to registered students.
Course L2750: Microplastics in Environment
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Nima Shokri
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

- Introduction, objectives, expectations, format, importance

- Sources of microplastics in environment

- Microplastics sampling; Characterization of microplastics

- Distribution of microplastics in terrestrial environments

- Fate of microplastics in terrestrial environments

- Project discussion

- Effects of microplastics on terrestrial environments

- Health risks of microplastics in environments

- Project presentations by all students 


- Microplastics in Terrestrial Environments (2021), Edited by Defu He and Yongming Luo

- Particulate Plastics in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments (2020), Edited by Nanthi S. Bolan et al.

- Microplastic Pollutants (2017), by Christopher B. Crawford and Brian Quinn

Course L2751: Scientific Communication and Methods
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Nima Shokri
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Introduction - course objectives, expectations and format

Analyzing the Audience, purpose and occasion

Constructing and delivering effective technical presentations

How to write an abstract

How to create a scientific poster

How to write a scientific paper

Developing competitive and persuasive research proposals

Individual project (report and presentation) related to soil, water and environmental research

  • The Craft of Scientific Writing Fourth edition 
    Author:  Michael Alley 
    Springer-Verlag New York, Copyright 2018, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-8288-9

  • Supplemental materials and web links which will be available to registered students.

Specialization Biotechnology

Graduates of the Biotechnology specialization learn to use their knowledge in management for the planning of biotechnological processes and projects. Furthermore they have extended knowledge in special topics, such as bio resources, bio catalysis and bio-system-technology. Graduates are able to evaluate the necessary technological key figures and to make decisions based on these. They are able to put their theoretical knowledge into practice and to analyze complex questions in biotechnological management. They learn diverse methods and techniques of bio-process technology and are able to use them successful for different tasks.

Module M0896: Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Bioreactor Design and Operation (L1034) Lecture 2 2
Bioreactors and Biosystems Engineering (L1037) Project-/problem-based Learning 1 2
Biosystems Engineering (L1036) Lecture 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. An-Ping Zeng
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Knowledge of bioprocess engineering and process engineering at bachelor level

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After completion of this module, participants will be able to:

  • differentiate between different kinds of bioreactors and describe their key features
  • identify and characterize the peripheral and control systems of bioreactors
  • depict integrated biosystems (bioprocesses including up- and downstream processing)
  • name different sterilization methods and evaluate those in terms of different applications
  • recall and define the advanced methods of modern systems-biological approaches
  • connect the multiple "omics"-methods and evaluate their application for biological questions
  • recall the fundamentals of modeling and simulation of biological networks and biotechnological processes and to discuss their methods
  • assess and apply methods and theories of genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics in order to quantify and optimize biological processes at molecular and process levels.


After completion of this module, participants will be able to:

  • describe different process control strategies for bioreactors and chose them after analysis of characteristics of a given bioprocess
  • plan and construct a bioreactor system including peripherals from lab to pilot plant scale
  • adapt a present bioreactor system to a new process and optimize it
  • develop concepts for integration of bioreactors into bioproduction processes
  • combine the different modeling methods into an overall modeling approach, to apply these methods to specific problems and to evaluate the achieved results critically
  • connect all process components of biotechnological processes for a holistic system view.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

After completion of this module, participants will be able to debate technical questions in small teams to enhance the ability to take position to their own opinions and increase their capacity for teamwork. 

The students can reflect their specific knowledge orally and discuss it with other students and teachers.


After completion of this module, participants will be able to solve a technical problem in teams of approx. 8-12 persons independently including a presentation of the results.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement
Compulsory Bonus Form Description
Yes 20 % Presentation
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Specialisation Bioenergy Systems: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Course L1034: Bioreactor Design and Operation
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. An-Ping Zeng, Dr. Johannes Möller
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Design of bioreactors and peripheries:

  • reactor types and geometry
  • materials and surface treatment
  • agitation system design
  • insertion of stirrer
  • sealings
  • fittings and valves
  • peripherals
  • materials
  • standardization
  • demonstration in laboratory and pilot plant

Sterile operation:

  • theory of sterilisation processes
  • different sterilisation methods
  • sterilisation of reactor and probes
  • industrial sterile test, automated sterilisation
  • introduction of biological material
  • autoclaves
  • continuous sterilisation of fluids
  • deep bed filters, tangential flow filters
  • demonstration and practice in pilot plant

Instrumentation and control:

  • temperature control and heat exchange 
  • dissolved oxygen control and mass transfer 
  • aeration and mixing 
  • used gassing units and gassing strategies
  • control of agitation and power input 
  • pH and reactor volume, foaming, membrane gassing

Bioreactor selection and scale-up:

  • selection criteria
  • scale-up and scale-down
  • reactors for mammalian cell culture

Integrated biosystem:

  • interactions and integration of microorganisms, bioreactor and downstream processing
  • Miniplant technologies 

Team work with presentation:

  • Operation mode of selected bioprocesses (e.g. fundamentals of batch, fed-batch and continuous cultivation)

  • Storhas, Winfried, Bioreaktoren und periphere Einrichtungen, Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1994
  • Chmiel, Horst, Bioprozeßtechnik; Springer 2011
  • Krahe, Martin, Biochemical Engineering, Ullmann‘s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry
  • Pauline M. Doran, Bioprocess Engineering Principles, Second Edition, Academic Press, 2013
  • Other lecture materials to be distributed  
Course L1037: Bioreactors and Biosystems Engineering
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. An-Ping Zeng, Dr. Johannes Möller
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Introduction to Biosystems Engineering (Exercise)

Experimental basis and methods for biosystems analysis

  • Introduction to genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics
  • More detailed treatment of metabolomics
  • Determination of in-vivo kinetics
  • Techniques for rapid sampling
  • Quenching and extraction
  • Analytical methods for determination of metabolite concentrations

Analysis, modelling and simulation of biological networks

  • Metabolic flux analysis
  • Introduction
  • Isotope labelling
  • Elementary flux modes
  • Mechanistic and structural network models
  • Regulatory networks
  • Systems analysis
  • Structural network analysis
  • Linear and non-linear dynamic systems
  • Sensitivity analysis (metabolic control analysis)

Modelling and simulation for bioprocess engineering

  • Modelling of bioreactors
  • Dynamic behaviour of bioprocesses 

Selected projects for biosystems engineering

  • Miniaturisation of bioreaction systems
  • Miniplant technology for the integration of biosynthesis and downstream processin
  • Technical and economic overall assessment of bioproduction processes

E. Klipp et al. Systems Biology in Practice, Wiley-VCH, 2006

R. Dohrn: Miniplant-Technik, Wiley-VCH, 2006

G.N. Stephanopoulos et. al.: Metabolic Engineering, Academic Press, 1998

I.J. Dunn et. al.: Biological Reaction Engineering, Wiley-VCH, 2003

Lecture materials to be distributed

Course L1036: Biosystems Engineering
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. An-Ping Zeng
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Introduction to Biosystems Engineering

Experimental basis and methods for biosystems analysis

  • Introduction to genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics
  • More detailed treatment of metabolomics
  • Determination of in-vivo kinetics
  • Techniques for rapid sampling
  • Quenching and extraction
  • Analytical methods for determination of metabolite concentrations

Analysis, modelling and simulation of biological networks

  • Metabolic flux analysis
  • Introduction
  • Isotope labelling
  • Elementary flux modes
  • Mechanistic and structural network models
  • Regulatory networks
  • Systems analysis
  • Structural network analysis
  • Linear and non-linear dynamic systems
  • Sensitivity analysis (metabolic control analysis)

Modelling and simulation for bioprocess engineering

  • Modelling of bioreactors
  • Dynamic behaviour of bioprocesses 

Selected projects for biosystems engineering

  • Miniaturisation of bioreaction systems
  • Miniplant technology for the integration of biosynthesis and downstream processin
  • Technical and economic overall assessment of bioproduction processes


E. Klipp et al. Systems Biology in Practice, Wiley-VCH, 2006

R. Dohrn: Miniplant-Technik, Wiley-VCH, 2006

G.N. Stephanopoulos et. al.: Metabolic Engineering, Academic Press, 1998

I.J. Dunn et. al.: Biological Reaction Engineering, Wiley-VCH, 2003

Lecture materials to be distributed

Module M1724: Smart Monitoring

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Smart Monitoring (L2762) Integrated Lecture 2 2
Smart Monitoring (L2763) Recitation Section (small) 2 4
Module Responsible Prof. Kay Smarsly
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge or interest in object-oriented modeling, programming, and sensor technologies are helpful. Interest in modern research and teaching areas, such as Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 and cyber-physical systems, as well as the will to deepen skills of scientific working, are required. Basic knowledge in scientific writing and good English skills.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students will become familiar with the principles and practices of smart monitoring. The students will be able to design decentralized smart systems to be applied for continuous (remote) monitoring of systems in the built and in the natural environment. In addition, the students will learn to design and to implement intelligent sensor systems using state-of-the-art data analysis techniques, modern software design concepts, and embedded computing methodologies. Besides lectures, project work is also part of this module. In small groups, the students will design smart monitoring systems that integrate a number of “intelligent” sensors to be implemented by the students. Specific focus will be put on the application of machine learning techniques. The smart monitoring systems will be mounted on real-world (built or natural) systems, such as bridges or slopes, or on scaled lab structures for validation purposes. The outcome of every group will be documented in a paper. All students of this module will “automatically” participate with their smart monitoring system in the annual "Smart Monitoring" competition. The written papers and oral examinations form the final grades. The module will be taught in English. Limited enrollment.

Personal Competence
Social Competence
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written elaboration
Examination duration and scale 10 pages of work with 15-minute oral presentation
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Geotechnical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Coastal Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Structural Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Coastal Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Geotechnical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Structural Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Waste and Energy: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Waste and Energy: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Course L2762: Smart Monitoring
Typ Integrated Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Kay Smarsly
Language EN
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

In this course, principles of smart monitoring will be taught, focusing on modern concepts of data acquisition, data storage, and data analysis. Also, fundamentals of intelligent sensors and embedded computing will be illuminated. Autonomous software and decentralized data processing are further crucial parts of the course, including concepts of the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 and cyber-physical systems. Furthermore, measuring principles, data acquisition systems, data management and data analysis algorithms will be discussed. Besides the theoretical background, numerous practical examples will be shown to demonstrate how smart monitoring may advantageously be used for assessing the condition of systems in the built or natural environment.

Course L2763: Smart Monitoring
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Kay Smarsly
Language EN
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

The contents of the exercises are based on the lecture contents. In addition to the exercises, project work will be conducted, which will consume the majority of the workload. As part of the project work, students will design smart monitoring systems that will be tested in the laboratory or in the field. As mentioned in the module description, the students will participate in the “Smart Monitoring” competition, hosted annually by the Institute of Digital and Autonomous Construction. Students are encouraged to contribute their own ideas. The tools required to implement the smart monitoring systems will be taught in the group exercises as well as through external sources, such as video tutorials and literature.


Module M0973: Biocatalysis

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology (L1158) Lecture 2 3
Technical Biocatalysis (L1157) Lecture 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Andreas Liese
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Knowledge of bioprocess engineering and process engineering at bachelor level

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

After successful completion of this course, students will be able to

  • reflect a broad knowledge about enzymes and their applications in academia and industry
  • have an overview of relevant biotransformations und name the general definitions

After successful completion of this course, students will be able to

  • understand the fundamentals of biocatalysis and enzyme processes and transfer this to new tasks
  • know the several enzyme reactors and the important parameters of enzyme processes
  • use their gained knowledge about the realisation of processes. Transfer this to new tasks
  • analyse and discuss special tasks of processes in plenum and give solutions
  • communicate and discuss in English
Personal Competence
Social Competence

After completion of this module, participants will be able to debate technical and biocatalytical questions in small teams to enhance the ability to take position to their own opinions and increase their capacity for teamwork. 


After completion of this module, participants will be able to solve a technical problem independently including a presentation of the results.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Core Qualification: Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Course L1158: Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Andreas Liese
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

1. Introduction: Impact and potential of enzyme-catalysed processes in biotechnology.

2. History of microbial and enzymatic biotransformations.

3. Chirality - definition & measurement

4. Basic biochemical reactions, structure and function of enzymes.

5. Biocatalytic retrosynthesis of asymmetric molecules

6. Enzyme kinetics: mechanisms, calculations, multisubstrate reactions.

7. Reactors for biotransformations.

  • K. Faber: Biotransformations in Organic Chemistry, Springer, 5th Ed., 2004
  • A. Liese, K. Seelbach, C. Wandrey: Industrial Biotransformations, Wiley-VCH, 2006
  • R. B. Silverman: The Organic Chemistry of Enzyme-Catalysed Reactions, Academic Press, 2000
  • K. Buchholz, V. Kasche, U. Bornscheuer: Biocatalysts and Enzyme Technology. VCH, 2005.
  • R. D. Schmidt: Pocket Guide to Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Woley-VCH, 2003
Course L1157: Technical Biocatalysis
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Andreas Liese
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

1. Introduction

2. Production and Down Stream Processing of Biocatalysts

3. Analytics (offline/online)

4. Reaction Engineering & Process Control

  • Definitions
  • Reactors
  • Membrane Processes
  • Immobilization

5. Process Optimization

  • Simplex / DOE / GA

6. Examples of Industrial Processes

  • food / feed
  • fine chemicals

7. Non-Aqueous Solvents as Reaction Media

  • ionic liquids
  • scCO2
  • solvent free
  •  A. Liese, K. Seelbach, C. Wandrey: Industrial Biotransformations, Wiley-VCH, 2006
  •  H. Chmiel: Bioprozeßtechnik, Elsevier, 2005
  •  K. Buchholz, V. Kasche, U. Bornscheuer: Biocatalysts and Enzyme Technology, VCH, 2005
  •  R. D. Schmidt: Pocket Guide to Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Woley-VCH, 2003

Module M1125: Bioresources and Biorefineries

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Biorefinery Technology (L0895) Lecture 2 2
Biorefinery Technologie (L0974) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Bioresource Management (L0892) Lecture 2 2
Bioresource Management (L0893) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Module Responsible Dr. Ina Körner
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basics on engineering;
Basics of waste and energy management

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students can give on overview on principles and theories in the field’s bioresource management and biorefinery technology and can explain specialized terms and technologies.


Students are capable of applying knowledge and know-how in the field’s bioresource management and biorefinery technology
in order to perform technical and regional-planning tasks.  They are also able to discuss the links to waste management, energy management and biotechnology.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students can work goal-oriented with others and communicate and document their interests and knowledge in acceptable way.


Students are able to solve independently, with the aid of pointers, practice-related tasks bearing in mind possible societal consequences.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Waste and Energy: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Specialisation Energy: Elective Compulsory
Course L0895: Biorefinery Technology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Ina Körner
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

The Europe 2020 strategy calls for bioeconomy as the key for smart and green growth of today. Biorefineries are the fundamental part on the way to convert the use of fossil-based society to bio-based society. For this reason, agriculture and forestry sectors are increasingly deliver bioresources. It is not only for their traditional applications in the food and feed sectors such as pulp or paper and construction material productions, but also to produce bioenergy and bio-based products such as bio-plastics. However although bioresources are renewable, they are considered as limited resources as well. The bioeconomy’s limitation factor is the availability land on our world. In the context of the development of the bioeconomy, the sustainable and reliable supply of noon-food biomass feedstock is a critical success factor for the long-term perspective of bioenergy and other bio-based products production. Biorefineries are complex of technologies and process cascades using the available primary, secondary and tertiary bioresources to produce a multitude of products - a product mix from material and energy products.

The lecture gives an overview on biorefinery technology and shall contribute to promotion of international biorefinery developments.


  • What is a biorefinery: Overview on basic organic substrates and processes which lead to material and energy products
  • The way from a fossil based to a biobased economy in the 21st century
  • The worlds most advanced biorefinery
  • Presentation of various biorefinery systems and their products (e.g. lignocellulose biorefinery, green biorefinery, whole plant biorefinery, civilization biorefinery)
  • Example projects (e.g. combination of anaerobic digestion and composting in practice; demonstration project in Hamburgs city quarter Jenfelder Au)

The lectures will be accompanied by technical tours. Optional it is also possible to visit more biorefinery lectures in the University of Hamburg (lectures in German only).

In the exercise students have the possibility to work in groups on a biorefinery project or to work on a student-specific task.


Biorefineries - Industrial Process and Products - Status Qua and Future directions by Kamm, Gruber and Kamm (2010); Wiley VCH, available on-line in TUHH-library

Powerpoint-Präsentations / selected Publications / further recommendations depending on the actual developments

Industrial Biorefineries and White Biorefinery, by Pandey, Höfer, Larroche, Taherzadeh, Nampoothiri (Eds.); (2014 book development in progress)

Course L0974: Biorefinery Technologie
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Ina Körner
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

1. ) Selection of a topic within the thematic area  "Biorefinery Technologie" from a given list or self-selected.

2.) Self-dependent recherches to the topic.

3.) Preparation of a written elaboration.

4.) Presentation of the results in the group.

Vom Thema abhängig. Eigene Recherchen nötig.

Depending on the topic. Own recheches necassary.

Course L0892: Bioresource Management
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Ina Körner
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

In the context of limited fossil resources, climate change mitigation and increasing population growth, Bioresources has a special role. They have to feed the population and in the same time they are important for material production such as pulp and paper or construction materials. Moreover they become more and more important in chemical industry and in energy provision as fossil substitution. Although Bioresources are renewable, they are also considered as limited resources.   The availability of land on our planet is the main limitation factor. The sustainable and reliable supply of non-food biomass feedstock is a critical for successful and long term perspective on production of bioenergy and other bio-based products. As the consequence, the increasing competition and shortages continue to happen at the traditional sectors.  On the other side, huge unused but potentials residue on waste and wastewater sector exist.  Nowadays, a lot of activities to develop better processes, to create new bio-based products in order to become more efficient, the inclusion of secondary and tertiary bio-resources in the valorisation chain are going on.

The lecture deals with the current state-of-the-art of bioresource management. It shows deficits and potentials for improvement especially in the sector of utilization of organic residues for material and energy generation:

Lectures on:

  • Bioresource generation and utilization including lost potentials today
  • Basic biological, mechanical, physico-chemical and logistical processes
  • The conflict of material vs. energy generation from wood / waste wood
  • The basics of pulp & paper production including waste paper recycling
  • The Pros and Cons from biogas and compost production

Special lectures by invited guests from research and practice:

  • Pathways of waste organics on the example of Hamburg`s City Cleaning Company
  • Utilization options of landscaping materials on the example of grass
  • Increase of process efficiency of anaerobic digestions
  • Decision support tools on the example of an municipality in Indonesia

Optional: Technical visits


Power-Point presentations in STUD-IP

Course L0893: Bioresource Management
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Ina Körner
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1128: Study Work Biotechnology

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Module Responsible Dozenten des SD B
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Personal Competence
Social Competence
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 360, Study Time in Lecture 0
Credit points 12
Course achievement None
Examination Study work
Examination duration and scale depending on task
Assignment for the Following Curricula Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Biotechnology: Compulsory

Module M1720: Emerging Trends in Environmental Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Environmental Research Trends (L2752) Seminar 2 2
Microplastics in Environment (L2750) Lecture 2 2
Scientific Communication and Methods (L2751) Lecture 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Nima Shokri
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge on water, soil and environmental research.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students will be exposed to up-to-date research topics focused on soil, water and climate related challenges with a particular focus on the effects of microplastics in environment. Data analysis, data measurement, curation and presentation will be other skills that the students will develop in this module.



Students' research skills will be improved in this module. How to prepare and deliver an effective presentation, how to write an abstract, research paper and proposal will be discussed in this module. Moreover, through Research-Based Learning approaches, the students will be exposed to current research trends in environmental engineering.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Developing teamwork and problem solving skills through Research-Based Teaching approaches will be at the core of this module.


The students will be involved in writing individual reports and presentation. This will contribute to the students’ ability and willingness to work independently and responsibly.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written elaboration
Examination duration and scale Report and Presentation
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Waste and Energy: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Course L2752: Environmental Research Trends
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Salome Shokri-Kuehni
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Introduction - course objectives, expectations and format

Analyzing the Audience, purpose and occasion

Constructing and delivering effective technical presentations

How to write an abstract

How to write a scientific paper

Developing competitive and persuasive research proposals

Databases and resources available for water and environmental research

Individual proposal on water and environmental research

Individual project on water and environmental research

Presentation on water and environmental research

  • The Craft of Scientific Writing Fourth edition 
    Author:  Michael Alley 
    Springer-Verlag New York, Copyright 2018, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-8288-9

  • Supplemental materials and web links which will be available to registered students.
Course L2750: Microplastics in Environment
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Nima Shokri
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

- Introduction, objectives, expectations, format, importance

- Sources of microplastics in environment

- Microplastics sampling; Characterization of microplastics

- Distribution of microplastics in terrestrial environments

- Fate of microplastics in terrestrial environments

- Project discussion

- Effects of microplastics on terrestrial environments

- Health risks of microplastics in environments

- Project presentations by all students 


- Microplastics in Terrestrial Environments (2021), Edited by Defu He and Yongming Luo

- Particulate Plastics in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments (2020), Edited by Nanthi S. Bolan et al.

- Microplastic Pollutants (2017), by Christopher B. Crawford and Brian Quinn

Course L2751: Scientific Communication and Methods
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Nima Shokri
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Introduction - course objectives, expectations and format

Analyzing the Audience, purpose and occasion

Constructing and delivering effective technical presentations

How to write an abstract

How to create a scientific poster

How to write a scientific paper

Developing competitive and persuasive research proposals

Individual project (report and presentation) related to soil, water and environmental research

  • The Craft of Scientific Writing Fourth edition 
    Author:  Michael Alley 
    Springer-Verlag New York, Copyright 2018, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-8288-9

  • Supplemental materials and web links which will be available to registered students.

Specialization Water

Graduates of the Water specialization learn to use their knowledge in management for the planning of water technology processes and projects. Furthermore they have extended knowledge in special topics, such as aquatic chemistry, groundwater engineering, modelling or membrane technology. Graduates are able to evaluate the necessary technological key figures and to make decisions based on these. They are able to put their theoretical knowledge into practice and to analyze complex questions in water management. They learn diverse methods in techniques of water engineering and are able to use them successful for different tasks.

Module M0874: Wastewater Systems

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Wastewater Systems - Collection, Treatment and Reuse (L0934) Lecture 2 2
Wastewater Systems - Collection, Treatment and Reuse (L0943) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Advanced Wastewater Treatment (L0357) Lecture 2 2
Advanced Wastewater Treatment (L0358) Recitation Section (large) 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Knowledge of wastewater management and the key processes involved in wastewater treatment.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to outline key areas of the full range of treatment systems in waste water management, as well as their mutual dependence for sustainable water protection. They can describe relevant economic, environmental and social factors.


Students are able to pre-design and explain the available wastewater treatment processes and the scope of their application in municipal and for some industrial treatment plants.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Social skills are not targeted in this module.


Students are in a position to work on a subject and to organize their work flow independently. They can also present on this subject.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 120 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Structural Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Geotechnical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Coastal Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Process Engineering and Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Compulsory
Course L0934: Wastewater Systems - Collection, Treatment and Reuse
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Content •Understanding the global situation with water and wastewater

•Regional planning and decentralised systems

•Overview on innovative approaches

•In depth knowledge on advanced wastewater treatment options for different situations, for end-of-pipe and reuse

•Mathematical Modelling of Nitrogen Removal

•Exercises with calculations and design


Henze, Mogens:
Wastewater Treatment: Biological and Chemical Processes, Springer 2002, 430 pages

George Tchobanoglous, Franklin L. Burton, H. David Stensel:
Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, Metcalf & Eddy
McGraw-Hill, 2004 - 1819 pages

Course L0943: Wastewater Systems - Collection, Treatment and Reuse
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0357: Advanced Wastewater Treatment
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Joachim Behrendt
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Survey on advanced wastewater treatment

reuse of reclaimed municipal wastewater



Depth filtration

Membrane Processes

Activated carbon adsorption


"Advanced Oxidation Processes"



Metcalf & Eddy, Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, McGraw-Hill, Boston 2003

Wassertechnologie, H.H. Hahn, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1987

Membranverfahren: Grundlagen der Modul- und Anlagenauslegung, T. Melin und R. Rautenbach, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2007

Trinkwasserdesinfektion: Grundlagen, Verfahren, Anlagen, Geräte, Mikrobiologie, Chlorung, Ozonung, UV-Bestrahlung, Membranfiltration, Qualitätssicherung, W. Roeske, Oldenbourg-Verlag, München 2006

Organische Problemstoffe in Abwässern, H. Gulyas, GFEU, Hamburg 2003
Course L0358: Advanced Wastewater Treatment
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Dr. Joachim Behrendt
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Aggregate organic compounds (sum parameters)

Industrial wastewater

Processes for industrial wastewater treatment



Activated carbon adsorption

Recalcitrant organic compounds


Metcalf & Eddy, Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, McGraw-Hill, Boston 2003

Wassertechnologie, H.H. Hahn, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1987

Membranverfahren: Grundlagen der Modul- und Anlagenauslegung, T. Melin und R. Rautenbach, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2007

Trinkwasserdesinfektion: Grundlagen, Verfahren, Anlagen, Geräte, Mikrobiologie, Chlorung, Ozonung, UV-Bestrahlung, Membranfiltration, Qualitätssicherung, W. Roeske, Oldenbourg-Verlag, München 2006

Organische Problemstoffe in Abwässern, H. Gulyas, GFEU, Hamburg 2003

Module M1718: Multiphase Flow in Porous Media

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Advanced Modeling Techniques for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media (L2738) Recitation Section (small) 2 2
Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow in Porous Media (L2736) Lecture 2 2
Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow in Porous Media (L2737) Recitation Section (large) 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Nima Shokri
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Personal Competence
Social Competence
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Geotechnical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Geotechnical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Course L2738: Advanced Modeling Techniques for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Nima Shokri
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Course L2736: Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Nima Shokri
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Course L2737: Fundamentals of Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Hannes Nevermann
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1717: Advanced Vadose Zone Hydrology

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Modeling Processes in Vadose Zone (L2734) Lecture 1 1
Modeling Processes in Vadose Zone (L2735) Recitation Section (small) 1 1
Vadose Zone Hydrology (L2732) Lecture 2 2
Vadose Zone Hydrology (L2733) Recitation Section (large) 2 2
Module Responsible Prof. Nima Shokri
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Personal Competence
Social Competence
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Course L2734: Modeling Processes in Vadose Zone
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Hannes Nevermann, Prof. Nima Shokri
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Course L2735: Modeling Processes in Vadose Zone
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Hannes Nevermann
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L2732: Vadose Zone Hydrology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Nima Shokri
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Course L2733: Vadose Zone Hydrology
Typ Recitation Section (large)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Nima Shokri
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M1721: Water and Environment: Theory and Application

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Water and Environment: Application and Field Work (L2754) Project-/problem-based Learning 3 4
Water and Environment: Theory (L2753) Lecture 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Nima Shokri
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Personal Competence
Social Competence
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written elaboration
Examination duration and scale Report (about 5-10 pages) and Presentation (about 15 min)
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Coastal Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Coastal Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Course L2754: Water and Environment: Application and Field Work
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 3
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 78, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Anna Luisa Hemshorn de Sánchez, Dr. Salome Shokri-Kuehni
Language EN
Cycle SoSe
Course L2753: Water and Environment: Theory
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Nima Shokri
Language EN
Cycle SoSe

Module M1724: Smart Monitoring

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Smart Monitoring (L2762) Integrated Lecture 2 2
Smart Monitoring (L2763) Recitation Section (small) 2 4
Module Responsible Prof. Kay Smarsly
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge or interest in object-oriented modeling, programming, and sensor technologies are helpful. Interest in modern research and teaching areas, such as Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 and cyber-physical systems, as well as the will to deepen skills of scientific working, are required. Basic knowledge in scientific writing and good English skills.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students will become familiar with the principles and practices of smart monitoring. The students will be able to design decentralized smart systems to be applied for continuous (remote) monitoring of systems in the built and in the natural environment. In addition, the students will learn to design and to implement intelligent sensor systems using state-of-the-art data analysis techniques, modern software design concepts, and embedded computing methodologies. Besides lectures, project work is also part of this module. In small groups, the students will design smart monitoring systems that integrate a number of “intelligent” sensors to be implemented by the students. Specific focus will be put on the application of machine learning techniques. The smart monitoring systems will be mounted on real-world (built or natural) systems, such as bridges or slopes, or on scaled lab structures for validation purposes. The outcome of every group will be documented in a paper. All students of this module will “automatically” participate with their smart monitoring system in the annual "Smart Monitoring" competition. The written papers and oral examinations form the final grades. The module will be taught in English. Limited enrollment.

Personal Competence
Social Competence
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written elaboration
Examination duration and scale 10 pages of work with 15-minute oral presentation
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Geotechnical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Coastal Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Structural Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Coastal Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Geotechnical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Structural Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Waste and Energy: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Waste and Energy: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Course L2762: Smart Monitoring
Typ Integrated Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Kay Smarsly
Language EN
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

In this course, principles of smart monitoring will be taught, focusing on modern concepts of data acquisition, data storage, and data analysis. Also, fundamentals of intelligent sensors and embedded computing will be illuminated. Autonomous software and decentralized data processing are further crucial parts of the course, including concepts of the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 and cyber-physical systems. Furthermore, measuring principles, data acquisition systems, data management and data analysis algorithms will be discussed. Besides the theoretical background, numerous practical examples will be shown to demonstrate how smart monitoring may advantageously be used for assessing the condition of systems in the built or natural environment.

Course L2763: Smart Monitoring
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 2
CP 4
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 92, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Kay Smarsly
Language EN
Cycle WiSe/SoSe

The contents of the exercises are based on the lecture contents. In addition to the exercises, project work will be conducted, which will consume the majority of the workload. As part of the project work, students will design smart monitoring systems that will be tested in the laboratory or in the field. As mentioned in the module description, the students will participate in the “Smart Monitoring” competition, hosted annually by the Institute of Digital and Autonomous Construction. Students are encouraged to contribute their own ideas. The tools required to implement the smart monitoring systems will be taught in the group exercises as well as through external sources, such as video tutorials and literature.


Module M1126: Study Work Water

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Module Responsible Dozenten des SD B
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
Personal Competence
Social Competence
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 360, Study Time in Lecture 0
Credit points 12
Course achievement None
Examination Study work
Examination duration and scale see FSPO
Assignment for the Following Curricula Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Compulsory

Module M0822: Process Modeling in Water Technology

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Process Modelling of Wastewater Treatment (L0522) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 3
Process Modeling in Drinking Water Treatment (L0314) Project-/problem-based Learning 2 3
Module Responsible Dr. Klaus Johannsen
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Knowledge of the most important processes in drinking water and waste water treatment. 

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students are able to explain selected processes of drinking water and waste water treatment in detail. They are able to explain basics as well as possibilities and limitations of dynamic modeling.


Students are able to use the most important features Modelica offers. They are able to transpose selected processes in drinking water and waste water treatment into a mathematical model in Modelica with respect to equilibrium, kinetics and mass balances. They are able to set up and apply models and assess their possibilities and limitations.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students are able to solve problems and document solutions in a group with members of different technical background. They are able to give appropriate feedback and can work constructively with feedback concerning their work.


Students are able to define a problem, gain the required knowledge and set up a model.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Oral exam
Examination duration and scale 30 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Course L0522: Process Modelling of Wastewater Treatment
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Joachim Behrendt
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe

Mass and energy balances

Tracer modelling

Activated Sludge Model

Wastewater Treatment Plant Modelling (continously and SBR)

Sludge Treatment (ADM, aerobic autothermal)

Biofilm Modelling


Henze, Mogens (Seminar on Activated Sludge Modelling, ; Kollekolle Seminar on Activated Sludge Modelling, ;)
Activated sludge modelling : processes in theory and practice ; selected proceedings of the 5th Kollekolle Seminar on Activated Sludge Modelling, held in Kollekolle, Denmark, 10 - 12 September 2001
ISBN: 1843394146
[London] : IWA Publ., 2002
Henze, Mogens
Activated sludge models ASM1, ASM2, ASM2d and ASM3
ISBN: 1900222248
London : IWA Publ., 2002
Henze, Mogens
Wastewater treatment : biological and chemical processes
ISBN: 3540422285 (Pp.)
Berlin [u.a.] : Springer, 2002
Wiesmann, Udo (Choi, In Su; Dombrowski, Eva-Maria;)
Fundamentals of biological wastewater treatment
ISBN: 3527312196 (Gb.) URL:
Weinheim : WILEY-VCH, 2007

Course L0314: Process Modeling in Drinking Water Treatment
Typ Project-/problem-based Learning
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Klaus Johannsen
Language DE/EN
Cycle WiSe

In this course selected drinking water treatment processes (e.g. aeration or activated carbon adsorption) are modeled dynamically using the programming language Modelica,  that is increasingly used in industry.  In this course OpenModelica is used, an free access frontend of the programming language Modelica.

In the beginning of the course  the use of OpenModelica is explainded by means of simple examples. Together required elements and structure of the model are developed. The implementation in OpenModelica and the application of the model is done individually or in groups respectively. Students get feedback and can gain extra points for the exam. 



OpenModelica - Modelica Tutorial:

OpenModelica - Users Guide:

Peter Fritzson: Principles of Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation with Modelica 2.1,Wiley-IEEE Press, ISBN 0-471-471631.

MHW (rev. by Crittenden, J. et al.): Water treatment principles and design. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, 2005.

Stumm, W., Morgan, J.J.: Aquatic chemistry. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996.

DVGW (Hrsg.): Wasseraufbereitung - Grundlagen und Verfahren. Oldenbourg Industrie Verlag, München, 2004.

Module M0802: Membrane Technology

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Membrane Technology (L0399) Lecture 2 3
Membrane Technology (L0400) Recitation Section (small) 1 2
Membrane Technology (L0401) Practical Course 1 1
Module Responsible Prof. Mathias Ernst
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge of water chemistry. Knowledge of the core processes involved in water, gas and steam treatment

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students will be able to rank the technical applications of industrially important membrane processes. They will be able to explain the different driving forces behind existing membrane separation processes. Students will be able to name materials used in membrane filtration and their advantages and disadvantages. Students will be able to explain the key differences in the use of membranes in water, other liquid media, gases and in liquid/gas mixtures.


Students will be able to prepare mathematical equations for material transport in porous and solution-diffusion membranes and calculate key parameters in the membrane separation process. They will be able to handle technical membrane processes using available boundary data and provide recommendations for the sequence of different treatment processes. Through their own experiments, students will be able to classify the separation efficiency, filtration characteristics and application of different membrane materials. Students will be able to characterise the formation of the fouling layer in different waters and apply technical measures to control this. 

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students will be able to work in diverse teams on tasks in the field of membrane technology. They will be able to make decisions within their group on laboratory experiments to be undertaken jointly and present these to others. 


Students will be in a position to solve homework on the topic of membrane technology independently. They will be capable of finding creative solutions to technical questions.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written exam
Examination duration and scale 90 min
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation B - Industrial Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation Chemical Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Course L0399: Membrane Technology
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Mathias Ernst
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

The lecture on membrane technology supply provides students with a broad understanding of existing membrane treatment processes, encompassing pressure driven membrane processes, membrane application in electrodialyis, pervaporation as well as membrane distillation. The lectures main focus is the industrial production of drinking water like particle separation or desalination; however gas separation processes as well as specific wastewater oriented applications such as membrane bioreactor systems will be discussed as well.

Initially, basics in low pressure and high pressure membrane applications are presented (microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis). Students learn about essential water quality parameter, transport equations and key parameter for pore membrane as well as solution diffusion membrane systems. The lecture sets a specific focus on fouling and scaling issues and provides knowledge on methods how to tackle with these phenomena in real water treatment application. A further part of the lecture deals with the character and manufacturing of different membrane materials and the characterization of membrane material by simple methods and advanced analysis.

The functions, advantages and drawbacks of different membrane housings and modules are explained. Students learn how an industrial membrane application is designed in the succession of treatment steps like pre-treatment, water conditioning, membrane integration and post-treatment of water. Besides theory, the students will be provided with knowledge on membrane demo-site examples and insights in industrial practice. 

  • T. Melin, R. Rautenbach: Membranverfahren: Grundlagen der Modul- und Anlagenauslegung (2., erweiterte Auflage), Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2004.
  • Marcel Mulder, Basic Principles of Membrane Technology, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands
  • Richard W. Baker, Membrane Technology and Applications, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2004
Course L0400: Membrane Technology
Typ Recitation Section (small)
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Mathias Ernst
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course
Course L0401: Membrane Technology
Typ Practical Course
Hrs/wk 1
CP 1
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 16, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Mathias Ernst
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
Content See interlocking course
Literature See interlocking course

Module M0949: Rural Development and Resources Oriented Sanitation for different Climate Zones

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Rural Development and Resources Oriented Sanitation for different Climate Zones (L0942) Seminar 2 3
Rural Development and Resources Oriented Sanitation for different Climate Zones (L0941) Lecture 2 3
Module Responsible Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge of the global situation with rising poverty, soil degradation, lack of water resources and sanitation

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

Students can describe resources oriented wastewater systems mainly based on source control in detail. They can comment on techniques designed for reuse of water, nutrients and soil conditioners.

Students are able to discuss a wide range of proven approaches in Rural Development from and for many regions of the world.


Students are able to design low-tech/low-cost sanitation, rural water supply, rainwater harvesting systems, measures for the rehabilitation of top soil quality combined with food and water security. Students can consult on the basics of soil building through “Holisitc Planned Grazing” as developed by Allan Savory.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students are able to develop a specific topic in a team and to work out milestones according to a given plan.


Students are in a position to work on a subject and to organize their work flow independently. They can also present on this subject.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 124, Study Time in Lecture 56
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Subject theoretical and practical work
Examination duration and scale During the course of the semester, the students work towards mile stones. The work includes presentations and papers. Detailed information will be provided at the beginning of the smester.
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation A - General Bioprocess Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Specialisation General Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Energy and Environmental Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Environmental Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Process Engineering: Specialisation Process Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Course L0942: Rural Development and Resources Oriented Sanitation for different Climate Zones
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

  • Central part of this module is a group work on a subtopic of the lectures. The focus of these projects will be based on an interview with a target audience, practitioners or scientists.
  • The group work is divided into several Milestones and Assignments. The outcome will be presented in a final presentation at the end of the semester.

  • J. Lange, R. Otterpohl 2000: Abwasser - Handbuch zu einer zukunftsfähigen Abwasserwirtschaft. Mallbeton Verlag (TUHH Bibliothek)
  • Winblad, Uno and Simpson-Hébert, Mayling 2004: Ecological Sanitation, EcoSanRes, Sweden (free download)
  • Schober, Sabine: WTO/TUHH Award winning Terra Preta Toilet Design:
Course L0941: Rural Development and Resources Oriented Sanitation for different Climate Zones
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 62, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Language EN
Cycle WiSe
  • Living Soil - THE key element of Rural Development
  • Participatory Approaches
  • Rainwater Harvesting
  • Ecological Sanitation Principles and practical examples
  • Permaculture Principles of Rural Development
  • Performance and Resilience of Organic Small Farms
  • Going Further: The TUHH Toolbox for Rural Development
  • EMAS Technologies, Low cost drinking water supply

  • Miracle Water Village, India, Integrated Rainwater Harvesting, Water Efficiency, Reforestation and Sanitation:
  • Montgomery, David R. 2007: Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations, University of California Press

Module M0581: Water Protection

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Water Protection and Wastewater Management (L0226) Lecture 3 3
Water Protection and Wastewater Management (L2008) Project Seminar 3 3
Module Responsible Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge
  • Basic knowledge in water management;
  • Good knowledge in urban drainage;
  • Good knowledge of wastewater treatment techniques;
  • Good knowledge of pollutants (e.g. COD, BOD, TS, N, P) and their properties;
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students can describe the basic principles of the regulatory framework related to the international and European water sector. They can explain limnological processes, substance cycles and water morphology in detail. They are able to assess complex problems related to water protection, such as ecosystem service and wastewater treatment with a special focus on innovative solutions, remediation measures as well as conceptual approaches.


Students can accurately assess current problems and situations in a country-specific or local context. They can suggest concrete actions to contribute to the planning of tomorrow's urban water cycle. Furthermore, they can suggest appropriate technical, administrative and legislative solutions to solve these problems.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

The students can work together in international groups.


Students are able to organize their work flow to prepare presentations and discussions. They can acquire appropriate knowledge by making enquiries independently.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 96, Study Time in Lecture 84
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Presentation
Examination duration and scale Term paper plus presentation
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Structural Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Geotechnical Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Coastal Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Specialisation II. Civil Engineering: Elective Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Compulsory
Course L0226: Water Protection and Wastewater Management
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

The lecture focusses on:

  • Regulatory Framework (e.g. WFD)
  • Main instruments for the water management and protection
  • In depth knowledge of relevant measures of water pollution control
  • Urban drainage, treatment options in different regions on the world
  • Rainwater management, improved management of heavy rainfalls, downpours, rainwater harvesting, rainwater infiltration
  • Case Studies and Field Trips

The literature listed below is available in the library of the TUHH.

  • Water and wastewater technology Hammer, M. J. 1., & . (2012). (7. ed., internat. ed.). Boston [u.a.]: Pearson Education International.
  • Water and wastewater engineering : design principles and practice: Davis, M. L. 1. (2011). . New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Biological wastewater treatment: (2011). C. P. Leslie Grady, Jr.  (3. ed.). London, Boca Raton,  Fla. [u.a.]: IWA Publ. 
Course L2008: Water Protection and Wastewater Management
Typ Project Seminar
Hrs/wk 3
CP 3
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 48, Study Time in Lecture 42
Lecturer Prof. Ralf Otterpohl
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Module M1720: Emerging Trends in Environmental Engineering

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Environmental Research Trends (L2752) Seminar 2 2
Microplastics in Environment (L2750) Lecture 2 2
Scientific Communication and Methods (L2751) Lecture 1 2
Module Responsible Prof. Nima Shokri
Admission Requirements None
Recommended Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge on water, soil and environmental research.

Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence

The students will be exposed to up-to-date research topics focused on soil, water and climate related challenges with a particular focus on the effects of microplastics in environment. Data analysis, data measurement, curation and presentation will be other skills that the students will develop in this module.



Students' research skills will be improved in this module. How to prepare and deliver an effective presentation, how to write an abstract, research paper and proposal will be discussed in this module. Moreover, through Research-Based Learning approaches, the students will be exposed to current research trends in environmental engineering.

Personal Competence
Social Competence

Developing teamwork and problem solving skills through Research-Based Teaching approaches will be at the core of this module.


The students will be involved in writing individual reports and presentation. This will contribute to the students’ ability and willingness to work independently and responsibly.

Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 110, Study Time in Lecture 70
Credit points 6
Course achievement None
Examination Written elaboration
Examination duration and scale Report and Presentation
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Specialisation Water and Traffic: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Waste and Energy: Elective Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Biotechnology: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Cities: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Environment: Elective Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Specialisation Water: Elective Compulsory
Course L2752: Environmental Research Trends
Typ Seminar
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Dr. Salome Shokri-Kuehni
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Introduction - course objectives, expectations and format

Analyzing the Audience, purpose and occasion

Constructing and delivering effective technical presentations

How to write an abstract

How to write a scientific paper

Developing competitive and persuasive research proposals

Databases and resources available for water and environmental research

Individual proposal on water and environmental research

Individual project on water and environmental research

Presentation on water and environmental research

  • The Craft of Scientific Writing Fourth edition 
    Author:  Michael Alley 
    Springer-Verlag New York, Copyright 2018, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-8288-9

  • Supplemental materials and web links which will be available to registered students.
Course L2750: Microplastics in Environment
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 2
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 32, Study Time in Lecture 28
Lecturer Prof. Nima Shokri
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

- Introduction, objectives, expectations, format, importance

- Sources of microplastics in environment

- Microplastics sampling; Characterization of microplastics

- Distribution of microplastics in terrestrial environments

- Fate of microplastics in terrestrial environments

- Project discussion

- Effects of microplastics on terrestrial environments

- Health risks of microplastics in environments

- Project presentations by all students 


- Microplastics in Terrestrial Environments (2021), Edited by Defu He and Yongming Luo

- Particulate Plastics in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments (2020), Edited by Nanthi S. Bolan et al.

- Microplastic Pollutants (2017), by Christopher B. Crawford and Brian Quinn

Course L2751: Scientific Communication and Methods
Typ Lecture
Hrs/wk 1
CP 2
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 46, Study Time in Lecture 14
Lecturer Prof. Nima Shokri
Language EN
Cycle WiSe

Introduction - course objectives, expectations and format

Analyzing the Audience, purpose and occasion

Constructing and delivering effective technical presentations

How to write an abstract

How to create a scientific poster

How to write a scientific paper

Developing competitive and persuasive research proposals

Individual project (report and presentation) related to soil, water and environmental research

  • The Craft of Scientific Writing Fourth edition 
    Author:  Michael Alley 
    Springer-Verlag New York, Copyright 2018, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-8288-9

  • Supplemental materials and web links which will be available to registered students.


Module M-002: Master Thesis

Title Typ Hrs/wk CP
Module Responsible Professoren der TUHH
Admission Requirements
  • According to General Regulations §21 (1):

    At least 60 credit points have to be achieved in study programme. The examinations board decides on exceptions.

Recommended Previous Knowledge
Educational Objectives After taking part successfully, students have reached the following learning results
Professional Competence
  • The students can use specialized knowledge (facts, theories, and methods) of their subject competently on specialized issues.
  • The students can explain in depth the relevant approaches and terminologies in one or more areas of their subject, describing current developments and taking up a critical position on them.
  • The students can place a research task in their subject area in its context and describe and critically assess the state of research.


The students are able:

  • To select, apply and, if necessary, develop further methods that are suitable for solving the specialized problem in question.
  • To apply knowledge they have acquired and methods they have learnt in the course of their studies to complex and/or incompletely defined problems in a solution-oriented way.
  • To develop new scientific findings in their subject area and subject them to a critical assessment.
Personal Competence
Social Competence

Students can

  • Both in writing and orally outline a scientific issue for an expert audience accurately, understandably and in a structured way.
  • Deal with issues competently in an expert discussion and answer them in a manner that is appropriate to the addressees while upholding their own assessments and viewpoints convincingly.


Students are able:

  • To structure a project of their own in work packages and to work them off accordingly.
  • To work their way in depth into a largely unknown subject and to access the information required for them to do so.
  • To apply the techniques of scientific work comprehensively in research of their own.
Workload in Hours Independent Study Time 900, Study Time in Lecture 0
Credit points 30
Course achievement None
Examination Thesis
Examination duration and scale According to General Regulations
Assignment for the Following Curricula Civil Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Bioprocess Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Computer Science: Thesis: Compulsory
Electrical Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Energy Systems: Thesis: Compulsory
Environmental Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Aircraft Systems Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Global Innovation Management: Thesis: Compulsory
Computer Science in Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Information and Communication Systems: Thesis: Compulsory
Interdisciplinary Mathematics: Thesis: Compulsory
International Production Management: Thesis: Compulsory
International Management and Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Joint European Master in Environmental Studies - Cities and Sustainability: Thesis: Compulsory
Logistics, Infrastructure and Mobility: Thesis: Compulsory
Materials Science: Thesis: Compulsory
Mechanical Engineering and Management: Thesis: Compulsory
Mechatronics: Thesis: Compulsory
Biomedical Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Microelectronics and Microsystems: Thesis: Compulsory
Product Development, Materials and Production: Thesis: Compulsory
Renewable Energies: Thesis: Compulsory
Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Ship and Offshore Technology: Thesis: Compulsory
Teilstudiengang Lehramt Metalltechnik: Thesis: Compulsory
Theoretical Mechanical Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Process Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Water and Environmental Engineering: Thesis: Compulsory
Certification in Engineering & Advisory in Aviation: Thesis: Compulsory